31 research outputs found

    The Status of Horava Gravity

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    Horava gravity is a proposal for a UV completion of gravitation obtained by endowing the space-time manifold with a preferred foliation in space-like hypersurfaces. This allows for a power-counting renormalizable theory free of ghosts, at the cost of breaking local Lorentz invariance and diffeomorphism invariance down to foliation preserving transformations. In this updated review, we report the main successes and challenges of the proposal, discussing the main features of the projectable and non-projectable versions of Ho\v rava gravity. We focus in three main aspects: (i) the UV regime, discussing the renormalizability and renormalization group flow of the projectable theory, as well as the obstacles towards similar results in the non-projectable case; (ii) the low energy phenomenology of both models, including the PN regime, the most updated constraints in the parameter space of the theory, the structure of black holes at low energies, and the possibility of dark matter emerging from gravitational dynamics in the projectable model; and (iii) the specific phenomena induced by higher derivatives, such as the possibility of regularizing singularities, the dynamical behavior of solutions to dispersive equations, and the emission of Hawking radiation by universal horizons.Comment: Invited review for the EPJP special issue on Higher Derivatives in Quantum Gravity. 49 pages, 2 figures. Comments are welcom

    Renormalization of Horava Gravity

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    We prove perturbative renormalizability of projectable Horava gravity. The key element of the argument is the choice of a gauge which ensures the correct anisotropic scaling of the propagators and their uniform falloff at large frequencies and momenta. This guarantees that the counterterms required to absorb the loop divergences are local and marginal or relevant with respect to the anisotropic scaling. Gauge invariance of the counterterms is achieved by making use of the background-covariant formalism. We also comment on the difficulties of this approach when addressing the renormalizability of the non-projectable model.Comment: 35 pages, no figures; references discussing gauge invariance of counterterms have been added, typos correcte

    UV graviton scattering and positivity bounds from IR dispersion relations

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    Scattering amplitudes mediated by graviton exchange display IR singularities in the forward limit. This obstructs standard application of positivity bounds based on twice subtracted dispersion relations. Such divergences can be cancelled only if the UV limit of the scattering amplitude behaves in a specific way, which implies a very non-trivial connection between the UV and IR behaviors of the amplitude. We show that this relation can be expressed in terms of an integral transform, obtaining analytic results when tlogs0t \log{s}\rightarrow 0. Carefully applying this limit to dispersion relations, we find that infinite arc integrals, which are usually taken to vanish, can give a non-trivial contribution in the presence of gravity, unlike in the case of finite negative tt. This implies that gravitational positivity bounds cannot be trusted unless the size of this contribution is estimated in some way, which implies assumptions on the UV completion of gravitational interactions. We discuss the relevance of these findings in the particular case of QED coupled to gravity.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figure

    Hawking Radiation from Universal Horizons

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    The persistence of a suitable notion of black hole thermodynamics in Lorentz breaking theories of gravity is not only a non-trivial consistency test for such theories, it is also an interesting investigation {\em per se}, as it might help us identifying the crucial features at the root of these surprising laws governing such purely gravitational objects. In past investigations, controversial findings were presented in this sense. With the aim of settling this issue, we present here two complementary derivations of Hawking radiation in geometries endowed with universal horizons: a novel feature of back holes in Lorentz breaking theories of gravity which reproduces several properties normally characterizing Killing horizons. We find that both the derivations agree on the fact that the Hawking temperature associated to these geometries is set by the generalized universal horizon peeling surface gravity, as required for consistency with extant derivations of the first law of thermodynamics for these black holes. We shall also comment on the compatibility of our results with previous alternative derivations and on their significance for the survival of the generalized second law of black hole thermodynamics in Lorentz breaking theories of gravity

    Renormalization of gauge theories in the background-field approach

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    Using the background-field method we demonstrate the Becchi-Rouet-Stora-Tyutin (BRST) structure of counterterms in a broad class of gauge theories. Put simply, we show that gauge invariance is preserved by renormalization in local gauge field theories whenever they admit a sensible background-field formulation and anomaly-free path integral measure. This class encompasses Yang-Mills theories (with possibly Abelian subgroups) and relativistic gravity, including both renormalizable and non-renormalizable (effective) theories. Our results also hold for non-relativistic models such as Yang-Mills theories with anisotropic scaling or Horava gravity. They strengthen and generalize the existing results in the literature concerning the renormalization of gauge systems. Locality of the BRST construction is emphasized throughout the derivation. We illustrate our general approach with several explicit examples.Comment: 45 pages, no figures; references added, changes in the Introduction and Conclusion

    Ho\v{r}ava gravity is asymptotically free (in 2+1 dimensions)

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    We compute the β\beta-functions of marginal couplings in projectable Ho\v{r}ava gravity in 2+12+1 spacetime dimensions. We show that the renormalization group flow has an asymptotically-free fixed point in the ultraviolet (UV), establishing the theory as a UV-complete model with dynamical gravitational degrees of freedom. Therefore, this theory may serve as a toy-model to study fundamental aspects of quantum gravity. Our results represent a step forward towards understanding the UV properties of realistic versions of Ho\v{r}ava gravity.Comment: Updated references, minor revisions. Matches journal versio

    Hawking Radiation in Lorentz Violating Gravity: A Tale of Two Horizons

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    Since their proposal, Lorentz violating theories of gravity have posed a potential threat to black hole thermodynamics, as superluminal signals appeared to be incompatible with the very black hole notion. Remarkably, it was soon realized that in such theories causally disconnected regions of space-time can still exist thanks to the presence of universal horizons: causal barriers for signals of arbitrary high speed. Several investigations, sometimes with contrasting results, have been performed so to determine if these horizons can be associated with healthy thermodynamic properties similar to those associated with Killing horizons in General Relativity. In this work we offer what we deem to be the final picture emerging from this and previous studies. In summary we show that: 1) there is a thermal, and most of all species-independent, emission associated to universal horizons, determined by their surface gravity; 2) due to the modified dispersion relation of the matter fields, the low energy part of the emitted spectrum is affected by the presence of the Killing horizon, in a way similar to an effective refractive index, leading at low energies (w.r.t. the Lorentz breaking scale) to an emission that mimics a standard Hawking spectrum (i.e. one determined by the Killing horizon surface gravity); 3) the whole picture is compatible with a globally well defined vacuum state i.e. an Unruh state associated with preferred observers, which however at very low energies it is basically indistinguishable from the standard Unruh vacuum associated to metric free-falling observers. One can then conclude that Hawking radiation is remarkably resilient even within the context of gravitational theories entailing the breakdown of local Lorentz invariance.Comment: 37 pages, 10 figure

    Time orientability and particle production from universal horizons

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    We discuss particle production in spacetimes endowed with a universal horizon in Einstein-aether and Hořava gravity. We argue that continuity and differentiability of the lapse function require the orientation of the foliation in the interior of the horizon to be reversed with respect to the exterior one. Unless this is allowed, interaction of gravitating scalar fields with the universal horizon leads to unitarity violations in the quantum theory. This property is responsible for particle production by the universal horizon, as we show by computing explicitly its Hawking temperature for all stationary and spherically symmetric spacetimes. We particularize our result to known analytic solutions, including those compatible with observational constraints

    Gravitational Tunneling in Lorentz Violating Gravity

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    Black holes in Lorentz violating gravity, such as Einstein--Aether or Horava--Lifshitz Gravity, are drastically different from their general relativistic siblings. Although they allow for superluminal motion in their vicinity, they still exhibit an absolute causal boundary in the form of a universal horizon. By working in the tunneling picture for a gravitating scalar field, we show that universal horizons emit Hawking radiation in a manner akin to standard results in General Relativity, with a temperature controlled by the high-energy behavior of the dispersion relation of the gravitating field, and in agreement with alternative derivations in the literature. Our results substantiate the link between the universal horizon and thermodynamics in Lorentz violating theories.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures, references updated, typos fixe

    Well-posed evolution of field theories with anisotropic scaling: the Lifshitz scalar field in a black hole space-time

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    Partial differential equations exhibiting an anisotropic scaling between space and time -- such as those of Horava-Lifshitz gravity -- have a dispersive nature. They contain higher-order spatial derivatives, but remain second order in time. This is inconvenient for performing long-time numerical evolutions, as standard explicit schemes fail to maintain convergence unless the time step is chosen to be very small. In this work, we develop an implicit evolution scheme that does not suffer from this drawback, and which is stable and second-order accurate. As a proof of concept, we study the numerical evolution of a Lifshitz scalar field on top of a spherically symmetric black hole space-time. We explore the evolution of a static pulse and an (approximately) ingoing wave-packet for different strengths of the Lorentz-breaking terms, accounting also for the effect of the angular momentum eigenvalue and the resulting effective centrifugal barrier. Our results indicate that the dispersive terms produce a cascade of modes that accumulate in the region in between the Killing and universal horizons, indicating a possible instability of the latter.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures, 1 table, comments are welcome