33 research outputs found

    Analytical description of the structure of chaos

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    We consider analytical formulae that describe the chaotic regions around the main periodic orbit (x=y=0)(x=y=0) of the H\'{e}non map. Following our previous paper (Efthymiopoulos, Contopoulos, Katsanikas 20142014) we introduce new variables (Ο,η)(\xi, \eta) in which the product Οη=c\xi\eta=c (constant) gives hyperbolic invariant curves. These hyperbolae are mapped by a canonical transformation Ί\Phi to the plane (x,y)(x,y), giving "Moser invariant curves". We find that the series Ί\Phi are convergent up to a maximum value of c=cmaxc=c_{max}. We give estimates of the errors due to the finite truncation of the series and discuss how these errors affect the applicability of analytical computations. For values of the basic parameter Îș\kappa of the H\'{e}non map smaller than a critical value, there is an island of stability, around a stable periodic orbit SS, containing KAM invariant curves. The Moser curves for c≀0.32c \leq 0.32 are completely outside the last KAM curve around SS, the curves with 0.32<c<0.410.32<c<0.41 intersect the last KAM curve and the curves with 0.41≀c<cmax≃0.490.41\leq c< c_{max} \simeq 0.49 are completely inside the last KAM curve. All orbits in the chaotic region around the periodic orbit (x=y=0)(x=y=0), although they seem random, belong to Moser invariant curves, which, therefore define a "structure of chaos". Orbits starting close and outside the last KAM curve remain close to it for a stickiness time that is estimated analytically using the series Ί\Phi. We finally calculate the periodic orbits that accumulate close to the homoclinic points, i.e. the points of intersection of the asymptotic curves from x=y=0x=y=0, exploiting a method based on the self-intersections of the invariant Moser curves. We find that all the computed periodic orbits are generated from the stable orbit SS for smaller values of the H\'{e}non parameter Îș\kappa, i.e. they are all regular periodic orbits.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figure

    Resonant normal form and asymptotic normal form behavior in magnetic bottle Hamiltonians

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    We consider normal forms in `magnetic bottle' type Hamiltonians of the form H=12(ρρ2+ω12ρ2)+12pz2+hotH=\frac{1}{2}(\rho^2_\rho+\omega^2_1\rho^2) +\frac{1}{2}p^2_z+hot (second frequency ω2\omega_2 equal to zero in the lowest order). Our main results are: i) a novel method to construct the normal form in cases of resonance, and ii) a study of the asymptotic behavior of both the non-resonant and the resonant series. We find that, if we truncate the normal form series at order rr, the series remainder in both constructions decreases with increasing rr down to a minimum, and then it increases with rr. The computed minimum remainder turns to be exponentially small in 1ΔE\frac{1}{\Delta E}, where ΔE\Delta E is the mirror oscillation energy, while the optimal order scales as an inverse power of ΔE\Delta E. We estimate numerically the exponents associated with the optimal order and the remainder's exponential asymptotic behavior. In the resonant case, our novel method allows to compute a `quasi-integral' (i.e. truncated formal integral) valid both for each particular resonance as well as away from all resonances. We applied these results to a specific magnetic bottle Hamiltonian. The non resonant normal form yields theorerical invariant curves on a surface of section which fit well the empirical curves away from resonances. On the other hand the resonant normal form fits very well both the invariant curves inside the islands of a particular resonance as well as the non-resonant invariant curves. Finally, we discuss how normal forms allow to compute a critical threshold for the onset of global chaos in the magnetic bottle.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    Asymptotic Orbits in Barred Spiral Galaxies

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    We study the formation of the spiral structure of barred spiral galaxies, using an NN-body model. The evolution of this NN-body model in the adiabatic approximation maintains a strong spiral pattern for more than 10 bar rotations. We find that this longevity of the spiral arms is mainly due to the phenomenon of stickiness of chaotic orbits close to the unstable asymptotic manifolds originated from the main unstable periodic orbits, both inside and outside corotation. The stickiness along the manifolds corresponding to different energy levels supports parts of the spiral structure. The loci of the disc velocity minima (where the particles spend most of their time, in the configuration space) reveal the density maxima and therefore the main morphological structures of the system. We study the relation of these loci with those of the apocentres and pericentres at different energy levels. The diffusion of the sticky chaotic orbits outwards is slow and depends on the initial conditions and the corresponding Jacobi constant.Comment: 17 pages, 24 figure

    Perturbed precessing ellipses as the building blocks of spiral arms in a barred galaxy with two pattern speeds

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    Observations and simulations of barred spiral galaxies have shown that, in general, the spiral arms rotate at a different pattern speed to that of the bar. The main conclusion from the bibliography is that the bar rotates faster than the spiral arms with a double or even a triple value of angular velocity. The theory that prevails in explaining the formation of the spiral arms in the case of a barred spiral galaxy with two pattern speeds is the manifold theory, where the orbits that support the spiral density wave are chaotic, and are related to the manifolds emanating from the Lagrangian points L_1 and L_2 at the end of the bar. In the present study, we consider an alternative scenario in the case where the bar rotates fast enough in comparison with the spiral arms and the bar potential can be considered as a perturbation of the spiral potential. In this case, the stable elliptical orbits that support the spiral density wave (in the case of grand design galaxies) are transformed into quasiperiodic orbits (or 2D tori) with a certain thickness. The superposition of these perturbed preccesing ellipses for all the energy levels of the Hamiltonian creates a slightly perturbed symmetrical spiral density wave.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Stickiness in Chaos

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    We distinguish two types of stickiness in systems of two degrees of freedom (a) stickiness around an island of stability and (b) stickiness in chaos, along the unstable asymptotic curves of unstable periodic orbits. We studied these effects in the standard map with a rather large nonlinearity K=5, and we emphasized the role of the asymptotic curves U, S from the central orbit O and the asymptotic curves U+U-S+S- from the simplest unstable orbit around the island O1. We calculated the escape times (initial stickiness times) for many initial points outside but close to the island O1. The lines that separate the regions of the fast from the slow escape time follow the shape of the asymptotic curves S+,S-. We explained this phenomenon by noting that lines close to S+ on its inner side (closer to O1) approach a point of the orbit 4/9, say P1, and then follow the oscillations of the asymptotic curve U+, and escape after a rather long time, while the curves outside S+ after their approach to P1 follow the shape of the asymptotic curves U- and escape fast into the chaotic sea. All these curves return near the original arcs of U+,U- and contribute to the overall stickiness close to U+,U-. The isodensity curves follow the shape of the curves U+,U- and the maxima of density are along U+,U-. For a rather long time the stickiness effects along U+,U- are very pronounced. However after much longer times (about 1000 iterations) the overall stickiness effects are reduced and the distribution of points in the chaotic sea outside the islands tends to be uniform.Comment: 28 pages, 12 figure

    Harassment Origin for Kinematic Substructures in Dwarf Elliptical Galaxies?

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    We have run high resolution N-body models simulating the encounter of a dwarf galaxy with a bright elliptical galaxy. The dwarf absorbs orbital angular momentum and shows counter-rotating features in the external regions of the galaxy. To explain the core-envelope kinematic decoupling observed in some dwarf galaxies in high-density environments requires nearly head-on collisions and very little dark matter bound to the dwarf. These kinematic structures appear under rather restrictive conditions. As a consequence, in a cluster like Virgo ~1% of dwarf galaxies may present counter-rotation formed by harassment.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures; Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Periodic Orbits and Escapes in Dynamical Systems

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    We study the periodic orbits and the escapes in two different dynamical systems, namely (1) a classical system of two coupled oscillators, and (2) the Manko-Novikov metric (1992) which is a perturbation of the Kerr metric (a general relativistic system). We find their simple periodic orbits, their characteristics and their stability. Then we find their ordered and chaotic domains. As the energy goes beyond the escape energy, most chaotic orbits escape. In the first case we consider escapes to infinity, while in the second case we emphasize escapes to the central "bumpy" black hole. When the energy reaches its escape value a particular family of periodic orbits reaches an infinite period and then the family disappears (the orbit escapes). As this family approaches termination it undergoes an infinity of equal period and double period bifurcations at transitions from stability to instability and vice versa. The bifurcating families continue to exist beyond the escape energy. We study the forms of the phase space for various energies, and the statistics of the chaotic and escaping orbits. The proportion of these orbits increases abruptly as the energy goes beyond the escape energy.Comment: 28 pages, 23 figures, accepted in "Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy

    Boxy/peanut/X bulges, barlenses and the thick part of galactic bars: What are they and how did they form?

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    Bars have a complex three-dimensional shape. In particular their inner part is vertically much thicker than the parts further out. Viewed edge-on, the thick part of the bar is what is commonly known as a boxy-, peanut- or X- bulge and viewed face-on it is referred to as a barlens. These components are due to disc and bar instabilities and are composed of disc material. I review here their formation, evolution and dynamics, using simulations, orbital structure theory and comparisons to observations.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures, invited review to appear in "Galactic Bulges", E. Laurikainen, R. Peletier, D. Gadotti, (eds.), Springe

    Manifold spirals in barred galaxies with multiple pattern speeds

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    In the manifold theory of spiral structure in barred galaxies, the usual assumption is that the spirals rotate with the same pattern speed as the bar. Here, we generalize the manifold theory under the assumption that the spirals rotate with a different pattern speed than the bar. More generally, we consider the case in which one or more modes, represented by the potentials V2, V3, etc., coexist in the galactic disk in addition to the bar’s mode Vbar, but the modes rotate with pattern speeds, Ω2, Ω3, etc., which are incommensurable between themselves and with Ωbar. Through a perturbative treatment (assuming that V2, V3, etc. are small with respect to Vbar), we then show that the unstable Lagrangian points L1 and L2 of the pure bar model (Vbar, Ωbar) are continued in the full model as periodic orbits, in the case of one extra pattern speed, or as epicyclic “Lissajous-like” unstable orbits, in the case of more than one extra pattern speeds. We use GL1 and GL2 to denote the continued orbits around the points L1 and L2. Furthermore, we show that the orbits GL1 and GL2 are simply unstable. As a result, these orbits admit invariant manifolds, which can be regarded as the generalization of the manifolds of the L1 and L2 points in the single pattern speed case. As an example, we computed the generalized orbits GL1, GL2, and their manifolds in a Milky-Way-like model in which bar and spiral pattern speeds were assumed to be different. We find that the manifolds produce a time-varying morphology consisting of segments of spirals or “pseudorings”. These structures are repeated after a period equal to half the relative period of the imposed spirals with respect to the bar. Along one period, the manifold-induced time-varying structures are found to continuously support at least some part of the imposed spirals, except at short intervals around specific times at which the relative phase of the imposed spirals with respect to the bar is equal to ±π/2. The connection of these effects to the phenomenon of recurrent spirals is discussed