2,644 research outputs found

    Quantum correlations in nanostructured two-impurity Kondo systems

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    We study the ground-state entanglement properties of nanostructured Kondo systems consisting of a pair of impurity spins coupled to a background of confined electrons. The competition between the RKKY-like coupling and the Kondo effect determines the development of quantum correlations between the different parts of the system. A key element is the electronic filling due to confinement. An even electronic filling leads to results similar to those found previously for extended systems, where the properties of the reduced impurity-spin subsystem are uniquely determined by the spin correlation function defining a one-dimensional phase space. An odd filling, instead, breaks spin-rotation symmetry unfolding a two-dimensional phase space showing rich entanglement characteristics as, e.g., the requirement of a larger amount of entanglement for the development of non-local correlations between impurity spins. We check these results by numerical simulations of elliptic quantum corrals with magnetic impurities at the foci as a case study.Comment: Submitted for publication. 8 pages, 4 figures. Revised versio

    Spin filters with Fano dots

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    We compute the zero bias conductance of electrons through a single ballistic channel weakly coupled to a side quantum dot with Coulomb interaction. In contrast to the standard setup which is designed to measure the transport through the dot, the channel conductance reveals Coulomb blockade dips rather then peaks due to the Fano-like backscattering. At zero temperature the Kondo effect leads to the formation of broad valleys of small conductance corresponding to an odd number of electrons on the dot. By applying a magnetic field in the dot region we find two dips corresponding to a total suppression in the conductance of spins up and down separated by an energy of the order of the Coulomb interaction. This provides a possibility of a perfect spin filter.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to be published in European Physical Journal

    Mott transition in the Hubbard model away from particle-hole symmetry

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    We solve the Dynamical Mean Field Theory equations for the Hubbard model away from the particle-hole symmetric case using the Density Matrix Renormalization Group method. We focus our study on the region of strong interactions and finite doping where two solutions coexist. We obtain precise predictions for the boundaries of the coexistence region. In addition, we demonstrate the capabilities of this precise method by obtaining the frequency dependent optical conductivity spectra.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; updated versio

    Mitochondrial heat-shock protein hsp60 is essential for assembly of proteins imported into yeast mitochondria

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    A nuclear encoded mitochondrial heat-shock protein hsp60 is required for the assembly into oligomeric complexes of proteins imported into the mitochondrial matrix. hsp60 is a member of the 'chaperonin' class of protein factors, which include the Escherichia coli groEL protein and the Rubisco subunit-binding protein of chloroplast

    Dynamical Mean Field Theory with the Density Matrix Renormalization Group

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    A new numerical method for the solution of the Dynamical Mean Field Theory's self-consistent equations is introduced. The method uses the Density Matrix Renormalization Group technique to solve the associated impurity problem. The new algorithm makes no a priori approximations and is only limited by the number of sites that can be considered. We obtain accurate estimates of the critical values of the metal-insulator transitions and provide evidence of substructure in the Hubbard bands of the correlated metal. With this algorithm, more complex models having a larger number of degrees of freedom can be considered and finite-size effects can be minimized.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Targeted Excited State Algorithms

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    To overcome the limitations of the traditional state-averaging approaches in excited state calculations, where one solves for and represents all states between the ground state and excited state of interest, we have investigated a number of new excited state algorithms. Building on the work of van der Vorst and Sleijpen (SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., 17, 401 (1996)), we have implemented Harmonic Davidson and State-Averaged Harmonic Davidson algorithms within the context of the Density Matrix Renormalization Group (DMRG). We have assessed their accuracy and stability of convergence in complete active space DMRG calculations on the low-lying excited states in the acenes ranging from naphthalene to pentacene. We find that both algorithms offer increased accuracy over the traditional State-Averaged Davidson approach, and in particular, the State-Averaged Harmonic Davidson algorithm offers an optimal combination of accuracy and stability in convergence

    Spin order in the one-dimensional Kondo and Hund lattices

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    We study numerically the one-dimensional Kondo and Hund lattices consisting of localized spins interacting antiferro or ferromagnetically with the itinerant electrons, respectively. Using the Density Matrix Renormalization Group we find, for both models and in the small coupling regime, the existence of new magnetic phases where the local spins order forming ferromagnetic islands coupled antiferromagnetically. Furthermore, by increasing the interaction parameter J|J| we find that this order evolves toward the ferromagnetic regime through a spiral-like phase with longer characteristic wave lengths. These results shed new light on the zero temperature magnetic phase diagram for these models.Comment: PRL, to appea

    Uniqueness and Non-uniqueness in the Einstein Constraints

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    The conformal thin sandwich (CTS) equations are a set of four of the Einstein equations, which generalize the Laplace-Poisson equation of Newton's theory. We examine numerically solutions of the CTS equations describing perturbed Minkowski space, and find only one solution. However, we find {\em two} distinct solutions, one even containing a black hole, when the lapse is determined by a fifth elliptic equation through specification of the mean curvature. While the relationship of the two systems and their solutions is a fundamental property of general relativity, this fairly simple example of an elliptic system with non-unique solutions is also of broader interest.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; abstract and introduction rewritte