369 research outputs found

    Classical spin systems and the quantum stabilizer formalism: general mappings and applications

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    We present general mappings between classical spin systems and quantum physics. More precisely, we show how to express partition functions and correlation functions of arbitrary classical spin models as inner products between quantum stabilizer states and product states, thereby generalizing mappings for some specific models established in [Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 117207 (2007)]. For Ising- and Potts-type models with and without external magnetic field, we show how the entanglement features of the corresponding stabilizer states are related to the interaction pattern of the classical model, while the choice of product states encodes the details of interaction. These mappings establish a link between the fields of classical statistical mechanics and quantum information theory, which we utilize to transfer techniques and methods developed in one field to gain insight into the other. For example, we use quantum information techniques to recover well known duality relations and local symmetries of classical models in a simple way, and provide new classical simulation methods to simulate certain types of classical spin models. We show that in this way all inhomogeneous models of q-dimensional spins with pairwise interaction pattern specified by a graph of bounded tree-width can be simulated efficiently. Finally, we show relations between classical spin models and measurement-based quantum computation.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figures, minor corrections, version as accepted in JM

    Renormalization algorithm with graph enhancement

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    We introduce a class of variational states to describe quantum many-body systems. This class generalizes matrix product states which underly the density-matrix renormalization group approach by combining them with weighted graph states. States within this class may (i) possess arbitrarily long-ranged two-point correlations, (ii) exhibit an arbitrary degree of block entanglement entropy up to a volume law, (iii) may be taken translationally invariant, while at the same time (iv) local properties and two-point correlations can be computed efficiently. This new variational class of states can be thought of as being prepared from matrix product states, followed by commuting unitaries on arbitrary constituents, hence truly generalizing both matrix product and weighted graph states. We use this class of states to formulate a renormalization algorithm with graph enhancement (RAGE) and present numerical examples demonstrating that improvements over density-matrix renormalization group simulations can be achieved in the simulation of ground states and quantum algorithms. Further generalizations, e.g., to higher spatial dimensions, are outlined.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Spaced training enhances memory and prefrontal ensemble stability in mice

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    It is commonly acknowledged that memory is substantially improved when learning is distributed over time, an effect called the "spacing effect". So far it has not been studied how spaced learning affects the neuronal ensembles presumably underlying memory. In the present study, we investigate whether trial spacing increases the stability or size of neuronal ensembles. Mice were trained in the "everyday memory"task, an appetitive, naturalistic, delayed matching-to-place task. Spacing trials by 60 min produced more robust memories than training with shorter or longer intervals. c-Fos labeling and chemogenetic inactivation established the involvement of the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (dmPFC) in successful memory storage. In vivo calcium imaging of excitatory dmPFC neurons revealed that longer trial spacing increased the similarity of the population activity pattern on subsequent encoding trials and upon retrieval. Conversely, trial spacing did not affect the size of the total neuronal ensemble or the size of subpopulations dedicated to specific task-related behaviors and events. Thus, spaced learning promotes reactivation of prefrontal neuronal ensembles processing episodic-like memories

    Dielectric screening in extended systems using the self-consistent Sternheimer equation and localized basis sets

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    We develop a first-principles computational method for investigating the dielectric screening in extended systems using the self-consistent Sternheimer equation and localized non-orthogonal basis sets. Our approach does not require the explicit calculation of unoccupied electronic states, only uses two-center integrals, and has a theoretical scaling of order O(N^3). We demonstrate this method by comparing our calculations for silicon, germanium, diamond, and LiCl with reference planewaves calculations. We show that accuracy comparable to planewaves calculations can be achieved via a systematic optimization of the basis set.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Pinwheel stabilization by ocular dominance segregation

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    We present an analytical approach for studying the coupled development of ocular dominance and orientation preference columns. Using this approach we demonstrate that ocular dominance segregation can induce the stabilization and even the production of pinwheels by their crystallization in two types of periodic lattices. Pinwheel crystallization depends on the overall dominance of one eye over the other, a condition that is fulfilled during early cortical development. Increasing the strength of inter-map coupling induces a transition from pinwheel-free stripe solutions to intermediate and high pinwheel density states.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Microscopic theory for the light-induced anomalous Hall effect in graphene

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    We employ a quantum Liouville equation with relaxation to model the recently observed anomalous Hall effect in graphene irradiated by an ultrafast pulse of circularly polarized light. In the weak-field regime, we demonstrate that the Hall effect originates from an asymmetric population of photocarriers in the Dirac bands. By contrast, in the strong-field regime, the system is driven into a non-equilibrium steady state that is well-described by topologically non-trivial Floquet-Bloch bands. Here, the anomalous Hall current originates from the combination of a population imbalance in these dressed bands together with a smaller anomalous velocity contribution arising from their Berry curvature. This robust and general finding enables the simulation of electrical transport from light-induced Floquet-Bloch bands in an experimentally relevant parameter regime and creates a pathway to designing ultrafast quantum devices with Floquet-engineered transport properties

    Local renormalization method for random systems

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    In this paper, we introduce a real-space renormalization transformation for random spin systems on 2D lattices. The general method is formulated for random systems and results from merging two well known real space renormalization techniques, namely the strong disorder renormalization technique (SDRT) and the contractor renormalization (CORE). We analyze the performance of the method on the 2D random transverse field Ising model (RTFIM).Comment: 12 pages, 13 figures. Submitted to the Special Issue on "Quantum Information and Many-Body Theory", New Journal of Physics. Editors: M.B. Plenio, J. Eiser

    Common microscopic origin of the phase transitions in Ta<sub>2</sub>NiS<sub>5</sub> and the excitonic insulator candidate Ta<sub>2</sub>NiSe<sub>5</sub>

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    The structural phase transition in Ta2NiSe5 has been envisioned as driven by the formation of an excitonic insulating phase. However, the role of structural and electronic instabilities on crystal symmetry breaking has yet to be disentangled. Meanwhile, the phase transition in its complementary material Ta2NiS5 does not show any experimental hints of an excitonic insulating phase. We present a microscopic investigation of the electronic and phononic effects involved in the structural phase transition in Ta2NiSe5 and Ta2NiS5 using extensive first-principles calculations. In both materials the crystal symmetries are broken by phonon instabilities, which in turn lead to changes in the electronic bandstructure also observed in the experiment. A total energy landscape analysis shows no tendency towards a purely electronic instability and we find that a sizeable lattice distortion is needed to open a bandgap. We conclude that an excitonic instability is not needed to explain the phase transition in both Ta2NiSe5 and Ta2NiS5
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