1,163 research outputs found
Spacetime metric from linear electrodynamics
The Maxwell equations are formulated on an arbitrary (1+3)-dimensional
manifold. Then, imposing a (constrained) linear constitutive relation between
electromagnetic field and excitation , we derive
the metric of spacetime therefrom.Comment: 4 pages' latex-scrip
Elastic Scattering of Neutrinos off Polarized Electrons
We calculate the cross sections for elastic nu_l + e -> nu_l + e and antinu_l
+ e -> antinu_l + e scattering (l=e, mu or tau) in the Born approximation and
with exactly fixed polarization states of target and final-state electrons,
discussing their sensitivity to the incident (anti)neutrino flavor. We suggest
investigation of the flavor composition of a (anti)neutrino beam by a
flux-independent analysis of the scattering of its constituents off polarized
electrons.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure
Il controllo in cassazione sulla violazione della regola dell'onere della prova
La natura \uabcomplessa\ubb della regola dell\u2019onere della prova (art. 2697 c.c.), a un tempo sostanziale e processuale, ha importanti risvolti pratici sul regime degli errori commessi dal giudice di merito nella sua applicazione. L\u2019erronea ripartizione degli oneri dimostrativi \ue8 censurabile in cassazione attraverso l\u2019art. 360, comma 1\ub0, n. 3), c.p.c.; e lo stesso dovrebbe dirsi per l\u2019erronea delimitazione dell\u2019oggetto della prova c.d. \uabliberatoria\ubb. La mancata applicazione della regola di giudizio ricavata dal medesimo principio, che si risolve nella emanazione di una pronuncia di c.d. \uabnon liquet\ubb, \ue8 invece censurabile con l\u2019art. 360, comma 1\ub0, n. 4), c.p.c
Appunti e spunti su onere della prova e "comune sentire"
Con specifico riferimento al processo civile (per quello penale il discorso \ue8 in parte diverso) l\u2019art. 2697 c.c. rappresenta un \uabmonumento\ubb alla \uabragione\ubb dell\u2019onere della prova ereditato dal Code Napol\ue9on del 1804. Ci\uf2 tuttavia non significa che l\u2019\uabemozione\ubb (intesa come formante dell\u2019esperienza) sia estranea al principio in esame.
La nascita stessa dell\u2019onere della prova (I secolo a.C.) \ue8 frutto di un sentimento di sfiducia verso il giuramento di \uabpurgazione\ubb dell\u2019accusato-convenuto diffuso in tutto il continente europeo. Scemata la seriet\ue0 dei giuramenti, e divenuta pratica sempre pi\uf9 comune spergiurare pur di vincere, si mostrava necessario attribuire al giudice il potere di stabilire chi dovesse provare cosa.
Dopodich\ue9 la storia dell\u2019onere della prova \ue8 sempre stata influenzata dall\u2019emozione. Presso i romani, in tema di cessione di credito, la ripartizione dell\u2019onere della prova del retratto litigioso sottendeva un contrasto tra l\u2019aequitas bizantina e quella classica. In Inghilterra i cambiamenti culturali e sociali alla base della Rivoluzione industriale hanno determinato una radicale inversione nella ripartizione dell\u2019onere della prova nelle azioni di \uabnuisance\ubb, e lo stesso si potrebbe dire a proposito dell\u2019impatto dell\u2019ideologia del regime fascista sulla ripartizione dell\u2019onere della prova della causa del contratto.
Anche oggi l\u2019emozione influisce sulla ragione dell\u2019onere della prova, come dimostra la diffusione del criterio della \uabvicinanza alla prova\ubb. Esso \ue8 infatti espressione di una pi\uf9 generale tendenza che riconosce alla prova una funzione epistemica (o dimostrativa) anzich\ue9 persuasiva, e ritiene possibile accertare nel processo (meccanismo ontologicamente imperfetto) la verit\ue0 \uabmateriale\ubb in luogo della (pi\uf9 modesta) verit\ue0 \uabprocessuale\ubb
In the first chapter (\uabLa natura dell\u2019onere della prova\ubb) it is carried out a preliminary survey on the most important theoretical principles of the allocation of the burden of proof in the common law systems. After an introduction on the material facts, in the second section (\uabLa bipartizione dell\u2019onere della prova in burden of persuasion e burden of production\ubb) it is pointed out that the burden of proof concept is divided into two separate burdens: the burden of persuasion and the burden of production. In the third and in the fourth chapter it is carried out an in depth analysis of both the persuasion burden and the production burden. The second chapter (\uabLa ripartizione dell\u2019onere della prova\ubb) focus on the analysis of the tests that American judges use to allocate the burden of proof between the plaintiff and the defendant. It is pointed out that there is not a single test that can solve in every case the question of the allocation of the burden of proof. Thus, it appears really important the power of the judge to instruct the jurors on the content of the verdict in the eventuality that the judgement on the facts will be in a state of semiplena probatio. In the last section of this chapter it is studied the matter of presumptions, and how it is influenced by the presence of two burdens of proof. The third chapter (\uabAnalisi casistica della giurisprudenza\ubb) is an analysis of the most important American cases on the allocation of the burden proof. It is divided into three different sections. The first section is on the family law, and concern with will contests and matrimonial legitimacy contest in the well-known bigamy issues. The second section is on the contract law, and refers specifically to the breach of contract cases in judgements founded on bailment contracts and insurance contracts. The third section is on the tort law, and focus on the most important cases where the negligence of the defendant must be presumed. Eventually, the last paragraph of this section will concern with the question of the allocation of the burden of proof of the contributory negligence of the plaintiff
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What’s in a name? Investors’ reactions to non-GAAP labels
Many firms report non-GAAP measures, and there is considerable variation in how firms label these measures. I conduct a survey and two experiments to investigate how non-professional investors perceive non-GAAP labels used in practice, how two commonly-used non-GAAP labels affect non-professional investors’ judgments, and the moderating effects of awareness of managerial discretion in non-GAAP reporting. I find that when awareness of discretion in non-GAAP reporting is low, investors are more willing to invest in a firm that reports higher non-GAAP earnings with a more diagnostic label, specifically a label that implies persistent performance (“core”), compared to when the firm uses a less diagnostic non-GAAP label (“adjusted”), even though the non-GAAP earnings are not more persistent than GAAP earnings. Results further suggest that when awareness of discretion is low, investors rely primarily on the diagnosticity of the non-GAAP label in valuing the firm, causing them to overlook additional non-GAAP information. However, the opposite is true when awareness of discretion in non-GAAP reporting is high: investors are less willing to invest in a firm that reports higher non-GAAP earnings with a label that implies persistent performance because they perceive non-GAAP reporting to be less transparent, and therefore management to be less credible, when using a label that does not match the underlying calculation (i.e., using a label that implies persistence when non-GAAP earnings are not persistent). Additional results suggest non-professional investors value increased transparency in non-GAAP reporting, be it via the non-GAAP label or other features of the non-GAAP disclosure such as the placement of the non-GAAP reconciliation.Accountin
bullous wells syndrome associated with non hodgkin s lymphocytic lymphoma
3/µl; eosinophils 14.3% neutrophils 48%, lymphocytes 31.2%, monocytes 6.5%, basophils 0.2%), total immunoglobulin E (IgE) = 751 IU/ml, C-reactive protein (CRP) 1.25 mg/dl, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) in the first hour 60 mm; viral markers (Epstein Barr virus, cytomegalovirus, hepatitis A, B and C virus), cryoglobulin, ANCA, LAC, ANA, ENA and anti-DNA antibodies were all negative. Histopathological examination of the lesion on the left leg showed an epidermis characterized by multiple, sometimes confluent vesicles containing serum and eosinophil granulocytes. The underlying papillary dermis was markedly oedematous, with focal and minimal erythrocytic extravasations and an interstitial eosinophil granulocytic infiltrate. The reticular dermis was infiltrated by a large number of prevalently perivascular lymphocytic elements and numerous perivascular and interstitial eosinophil granulocytes, which also extended along the interlobular hypodermal septa and, to a lesser extent, the hypodermic lobules. The reticular dermis also showed some small and isolated flame figures (Fig. 2). The diagnosis of Wells' syndrome was made on the basis of the clinical picture and the histological findings, together with a negative direct immunofluorescence test (5). Having excluded pharmacological, infective, vasculitic and inflammatory causes, the subsequent instrumental and laboratory investigations were aimed at identifying a possible relapse of the patient's previous neoplastic disease. Complete abdominal ultrasonography, chest radiography and colonoscopy were negative, as was a search for tumour markers. The physical examination findings of numerous swollen inguinal and axillary lymph nodes therefore drew our attention to a possible underlying lymphoproliferative disease, and a subsequent lymph node biopsy revealed a picture compatible with a diffuse, small-cell non-Hodgkin's B lymphoma/ B-cell CLL, which was confirmed by a bone marrow biopsy
L’état des forêts méditerranéennes en 2013
Les écosystèmes forestiers et autres espaces boisés méditerranéens contribuent de façon significative au développement rural, à la réduction de la pauvreté et à la sécurité alimentaire des populations des territoires méditerranéens. Ils sont à la fois sources de bois, de liège, d’énergie, de nourriture, de revenus et de multiples autres biens et services environnementaux souvent cruciaux pour de nombreux secteurs économiques de la région. Les changements qui affectent fortement le pourtour de la Méditerranée hypothèquent l’avenir des écosystèmes forestiers et autres espaces boisés, et remettent en cause la fourniture durable des multiples biens et services en faveur des populations. Il devenait donc urgent de se doter d’un outil d’information et de suivi capable de mesurer régulièrement ces changements et de communiquer avec les différents acteurs impliqués dans la gestion des écosystèmes forestiers méditerranéens
Wavelet entropy and fractional Brownian motion time series
We study the functional link between the Hurst parameter and the Normalized
Total Wavelet Entropy when analyzing fractional Brownian motion (fBm) time
series--these series are synthetically generated. Both quantifiers are mainly
used to identify fractional Brownian motion processes (Fractals 12 (2004) 223).
The aim of this work is understand the differences in the information obtained
from them, if any.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Physica A for considering its
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