733 research outputs found

    Effects of a multi-component exercise program and calcium–vitamin-D3-fortified milk on bone mineral density in older men : a randomised controlled trial

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    Summary We examined the independent and combined effects of a multi-component exercise program and calcium&ndash;vitamin-D3-fortified milk on bone mineral density (BMD) in older men. Exercise resulted in a 1.8% net gain in femoral neck BMD, but additional calcium&ndash;vitamin D3 did not enhance the response in this group of older well-nourished men.Introduction This 12-month randomised controlled trial assessed whether calcium&ndash;vitamin-D3-fortified milk could enhance the effects of a multi-component exercise program on BMD in older men.Methods Men (n&thinsp; =&thinsp;180) aged 50&ndash;79 years were randomised into: (1) exercise + fortified milk; (2) exercise; (3) fortified milk; or (4) controls. Exercise consisted of high intensity progressive resistance training with weight-bearing impact exercise. Men assigned to fortified milk consumed 400 mL/day of low fat milk providing an additional 1,000 mg/day calcium and 800 IU/day vitamin D3. Femoral neck (FN), total hip, lumbar spine and trochanter BMD and body composition (DXA), muscle strength 25-hydroxyvitamin D and parathyroid hormone (PTH) were assessed.Results There were no exercise-by-fortified milk interactions at any skeletal site. Exercise resulted in a 1.8% net gain in FN BMD relative to no-exercise (p&thinsp;&lt;&thinsp;0.001); lean mass (0.6 kg, p&thinsp;&lt;&thinsp;0.05) and muscle strength (20&ndash;52%, p&thinsp;&lt;&thinsp;0.001) also increased in response to exercise. For lumbar spine BMD, there was a net 1.4&ndash;1.5% increase in all treatment groups relative to controls (all p&thinsp;&lt;&thinsp;0.01). There were no main effects of fortified milk at any skeletal site.Conclusion A multi-component community-based exercise program was effective for increasing FN BMD in older men, but additional calcium&ndash;vitamin D3 did not enhance the osteogenic response.<br /

    Composição centesimal, teores de isoflavonas e inibidor de tripsina em cultivares de soja especiais para a alimentação humana.

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    A soja é considerada uma das principais culturas mundiais por apresentar ampla variabilidade genética e morfológica, que resulta em plantas distintas em relação à composição dos grãos, a à produtividade, à resistência a doenças e pragas e ao cultivo em diferentes regiões. A fim de salientar as características nutricionais desse grão, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo a caracterização físico-química e a quantificação dos teores de isoflavonas e inibidores de tripsina das cultivares de soja especiais para a alimentação humana: Embrapa 48, BRS 213, BRS 216, BRS 257, BRS 258, BRS 267 e BRS 282; e da cultivar convencional BRS 232, todas desenvolvidas pela Embrapa Soja e cultivadas na safra 2009/10. Foram realizadas as seguintes análises: composição centesimal (umidade, proteínas, lipídios, cinzas, carboidratos), teores de isoflavonas totais e de inibidor de tripsina. A cultivar BRS 258 se destacou pelo alto teor de proteína, Embrapa 48 pelo alto teor de lipídios; BRS 213 pelo alto teor de isoflavona e a cultivar BRS 232, pelo baixo teor de inibidor de tripsina. Assim sendo, é possível a indicação de uma cultivar para fins industriais específicos, resultando em maior viabilidade econômica e qualidade dos produtos obtidos

    A Comparison of the Ovulation Method With the CUE Ovulation Predictor in Determining the Fertile Period

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    The purpose of this study was to compare the CUE Ovulation Predictor with the ovulation method in determining the fertile period. Eleven regularly ovulating women measured their salivary and vaginal electrical resistance (ER) with the CUE, observed their cervical-vaginal mucus, and measured their urine for a luteinizing hormone (LH) surge on a daily basis. Data from 21 menstrual cycles showed no statistical difference (T= 0.33, p= 0.63) between the CUE fertile period, which ranged from 5 to 10 days (mean = 6.7 days, SD = 1.6), and the fertile period of the ovulation method, which ranged from 4 to 9 days (mean = 6.5 days, SD = 2.0). The CUE has potential as an adjunctive device in the learning and use of natural family planning methods

    A new attraction-detachment model for explaining flow sliding in clay-rich tephras

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    Altered pyroclastic (tephra) deposits are highly susceptible to landsliding, leading to fatalities and property damage every year. Halloysite, a low-activity clay mineral, is commonly associated with landslide-prone layers within altered tephra successions, especially in deposits with high sensitivity, which describes the post-failure strength loss. However, the precise role of halloysite in the development of sensitivity, and thus in sudden and unpredictable landsliding, is unknown. Here we show that an abundance of mushroom cap–shaped (MCS) spheroidal halloysite governs the development of sensitivity, and hence proneness to landsliding, in altered rhyolitic tephras, North Island, New Zealand. We found that a highly sensitive layer, which was involved in a flow slide, has a remarkably high content of aggregated MCS spheroids with substantial openings on one side. We suggest that short-range electrostatic and van der Waals interactions enabled the MCS spheroids to form interconnected aggregates by attraction between the edges of numerous paired silanol and aluminol sheets that are exposed in the openings and the convex silanol faces on the exterior surfaces of adjacent MCS spheroids. If these weak attractions are overcome during slope failure, multiple, weakly attracted MCS spheroids can be separated from one another, and the prevailing repulsion between exterior MCS surfaces results in a low remolded shear strength, a high sensitivity, and a high propensity for flow sliding. The evidence indicates that the attraction-detachment model explains the high sensitivity and contributes to an improved understanding of the mechanisms of flow sliding in sensitive, altered tephras rich in spheroidal halloysite

    Uridine and pyruvate protect T cells’ proliferative capacity from mitochondrial toxic antibiotics: a clinical pilot study

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    Antibiotics that inhibit bacterial protein or nucleic acid synthesis and function can exert an off-target action on mitochondria (mitotoxic antibiotics), making actively dividing mammalian cells dependent on uridine and pyruvate supplementation. Based on this rationale, we carried out, for the first time, a randomized pilot study in 55 patients with asymptomatic bacteriuria or positive sperm culture, each treated with a single mitotoxic antibiotic with or without oral supplementation of uridine + pyruvate (Uripyr, Mitobiotix, Italy). The in vivo and ex vivo data show a a 3.4-fold higher value in the differential (before and after the antibiotic treatment) lymphocytes count and a 3.7-fold increase in the percentage of dividing T cells, respectively, in the Uripyr vs the control group. Our findings lay the groundwork to enhance the synergy between antibiotics and the immune system in order to optimize the administration protocols and widen the application potentials of antibiotic therapies as well as to re-evaluate old “forgotten” molecules to fight bacterial infections in the antibiotics resistance era

    Direct Neutron Capture for Magic-Shell Nuclei

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    In neutron capture for magic--shell nuclei the direct reaction mechanism can be important and may even dominate. As an example we investigated the reaction 48^{48}Ca(n,γ)49\gamma)^{49}Ca for projectile energies below 250\,keV in a direct capture model using the folding procedure for optical and bound state potentials. The obtained theoretical cross sections are in agreement with the experimental data showing the dominance of the direct reaction mechanism in this case. The above method was also used to calculate the cross section for 50^{50}Ca(n,γ)51\gamma)^{51}Ca.Comment: REVTeX, 7 pages plus 3 uuencoded figures, the complete uuencoded postscript file is available at ftp://is1.kph.tuwien.ac.at/pub/ohu/calcium.u