1,438 research outputs found

    Polarization-dependence of anomalous scattering in brominated DNA and RNA molecules, and importance of crystal orientation in single- and multiple-wavelength anomalous diffraction phasing

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    In this paper the anisotropy of anomalous scattering at the Br K-absorption edge in brominated nucleotides is investigated, and it is shown that this effect can give rise to a marked directional dependence of the anomalous signal strength in X-ray diffraction data. This implies that choosing the correct orientation for crystals of such molecules can be a crucial determinant of success or failure when using single- and multiple-wavelength anomalous diffraction (SAD or MAD) methods to solve their structure. In particular, polarized absorption spectra on an oriented crystal of a brominated DNA molecule were measured, and were used to determine the orientation that yields a maximum anomalous signal in the diffraction data. Out of several SAD data sets, only those collected at or near that optimal orientation allowed interpretable electron density maps to be obtained. The findings of this study have implications for instrumental choices in experimental stations at synchrotron beamlines, as well as for the development of data collection strategy programs

    Three-dimensional carrier-dynamics simulation of terahertz emission from photoconductive switches

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    A semi-classical Monte Carlo model for studying three-dimensional carrier dynamics in photoconductive switches is presented. The model was used to simulate the process of photoexcitation in GaAs-based photoconductive antennas illuminated with pulses typical of mode-locked Ti:Sapphire lasers. We analyzed the power and frequency bandwidth of THz radiation emitted from these devices as a function of bias voltage, pump pulse duration and pump pulse location. We show that the mechanisms limiting the THz power emitted from photoconductive switches fall into two regimes: when illuminated with short duration (<40 fs) laser pulses the energy distribution of the Gaussian pulses constrains the emitted power, while for long (>40 fs) pulses, screening is the primary power-limiting mechanism. A discussion of the dynamics of bias field screening in the gap region is presented. The emitted terahertz power was found to be enhanced when the exciting laser pulse was in close proximity to the anode of the photoconductive emitter, in agreement with experimental results. We show that this enhancement arises from the electric field distribution within the emitter combined with a difference in the mobilities of electrons and holes.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Spectral fluctuations of Schr\"odinger operators generated by critical points of the potential

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    Starting from the spectrum of Schr\"odinger operators on Rn\mathbb{R}^n, we propose a method to detect critical points of the potential. We argue semi-classically on the basis of a mathematically rigorous version of Gutzwiller's trace formula which expresses spectral statistics in term of classical orbits. A critical point of the potential with zero momentum is an equilibrium of the flow and generates certain singularities in the spectrum. Via sharp spectral estimates, this fluctuation indicates the presence of a critical point and allows to reconstruct partially the local shape of the potential. Some generalizations of this approach are also proposed.\medskip keywords : Semi-classical analysis; Schr\"odinger operators; Equilibriums in classical mechanics.Comment: 18 pages, Final versio

    Influence of surface passivation on ultrafast carrier dynamics and terahertz radiation generation in GaAs

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    The carrier dynamics of photoexcited electrons in the vicinity of the surface of (NH4)2S-passivated GaAs were studied via terahertz (THz) emission spectroscopy and optical-pump THz-probe spectroscopy. THz emission spectroscopy measurements, coupled with Monte Carlo simulations of THz emission, revealed that the surface electric field of GaAs reverses after passivation. The conductivity of photoexcited electrons was determined via optical-pump THz-probe spectroscopy, and was found to double after passivation. These experiments demonstrate that passivation significantly reduces the surface state density and surface recombination velocity of GaAs. Finally, we have demonstrated that passivation leads to an enhancement in the power radiated by photoconductive switch THz emitters, thereby showing the important influence of surface chemistry on the performance of ultrafast THz photonic devices.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Applied Physics Letter

    Charting the New Frontier of the Cosmic Microwave Background Polarization

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    The anisotropies of the cosmic microwave background are a gold mine for cosmology and fundamental physics. ESA's Planck satellite should soon extract all information from the temperature vein but will be limited concerning the measurement of the degree of polarization of the anisotropies. This polarization information allows new independent tests of the standard cosmological paradigm, improves knowledge of cosmological parameters and last but not least is the best window available for constraining the physics of the very early universe, particularly the expected background of primordial gravitational waves. But exploiting this vein will be a challenge, since the sensitivity required is {\em at least} 10 times better than what Planck might achieve at best, with the necessary matching level of control of all systematics effects, both instrumental and astrophysical (foregrounds). We here recall the cosmological context and the case for CMB polarization studies. We also briefly introduce the SAMPAN project, a design study at CNES that aims at detecting the primoridal gravitational wave background for a tensor to scalar ratio T/S as small as 0.001.Comment: 4 pages, to appear in SF2A 2005 proceeding

    The Diabolo photometer and the future of ground-based millimetric bolometer devices

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    The millimetric atmospheric windows at 1 and 2 mm are interesting targets for cosmological studies. Two broad areas appear leading this field: 1) the search for high redshift star-forming galaxies and 2) the measurement of Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect in clusters of galaxies at all redshifts. The Diabolo photometer is a dual-channel photometer working at 1.2 and 2.1 mm and dedicated to high angular resolution measurements of the Sunyaev--Zel'dovich effect towards distant clusters. It uses 2 by 3 bolometers cooled down to 0.1 K with a compact open dilution cryostat. The high resolution is provided by the IRAM 30 m telescope. The result of several Winter campaigns are reported here, including the first millimetric map of the SZ effect that was obtained by Pointecouteau et al. (2001) on RXJ1347-1145, the non-detection of a millimetric counterpart to the radio decrement towards PC1643+4631 and 2 mm number count upper limits. We discuss limitations in ground-based single-dish millimetre observations, namely sky noise and the number of detectors. We advocate the use of fully sampled arrays of (100 to 1000) bolometers as a big step forward in the millimetre continuum science. Efforts in France are briefly mentionned.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, to appear in the Proceedings of the 2K1BC ``Experimental Astronomy at millimeter wavelengths'', Breuil-Cervinia (AO) Italy - July 9 - 13, 2001, Eds. M. De Petris et a

    Evolution of dopant-induced helium nanoplasmas

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    Two-component nanoplasmas generated by strong-field ionization of doped helium nanodroplets are studied in a pump-probe experiment using few-cycle laser pulses in combination with molecular dynamics simulations. High yields of helium ions and a pronounced, droplet size-dependent resonance structure in the pump-probe transients reveal the evolution of the dopant-induced helium nanoplasma. The pump-probe dynamics is interpreted in terms of strong inner ionization by the pump pulse and resonant heating by the probe pulse which controls the final charge states detected via the frustration of electron-ion recombination

    Comparing [CII], HI, and CO dynamics of nearby galaxies

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    The HI and CO components of the interstellar medium (ISM) are usually used to derive the dynamical mass M_dyn of nearby galaxies. Both components become too faint to be used as a tracer in observations of high-redshift galaxies. In those cases, the 158 μ\mum line of atomic carbon [CII] may be the only way to derive M_dyn. As the distribution and kinematics of the ISM tracer affects the determination of M_dyn, it is important to quantify the relative distributions of HI, CO and [CII]. HI and CO are well-characterised observationally, however, for [CII] only very few measurements exist. Here we compare observations of CO, HI, and [CII] emission of a sample of nearby galaxies, drawn from the HERACLES, THINGS and KINGFISH surveys. We find that within R_25, the average [CII] exponential radial profile is slightly shallower than that of the CO, but much steeper than the HI distribution. This is also reflected in the integrated spectrum ("global profile"), where the [CII] spectrum looks more like that of the CO than that of the HI. For one galaxy, a spectrally resolved comparison of integrated spectra was possible; other comparisons were limited by the intrinsic line-widths of the galaxies and the coarse velocity resolution of the [CII] data. Using high-spectral-resolution SOFIA [CII] data of a number of star forming regions in two nearby galaxies, we find that their [CII] linewidths agree better with those of the CO than the HI. As the radial extent of a given ISM tracer is a key input in deriving M_dyn from spatially unresolved data, we conclude that the relevant length-scale to use in determining M_dyn based on [CII] data, is that of the well-characterised CO distribution. This length scale is similar to that of the optical disk.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    The Ionized Gas in Nearby Galaxies as Traced by the [NII] 122 and 205 \mu m Transitions

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    The [NII] 122 and 205 \mu m transitions are powerful tracers of the ionized gas in the interstellar medium. By combining data from 21 galaxies selected from the Herschel KINGFISH and Beyond the Peak surveys, we have compiled 141 spatially resolved regions with a typical size of ~1 kiloparsec, with observations of both [NII] far-infrared lines. We measure [NII] 122/205 line ratios in the ~0.6-6 range, which corresponds to electron gas densities nen_e~1-300 cm3^{-3}, with a median value of nen_e=30 cm3^{-3}. Variations in the electron density within individual galaxies can be as a high as a factor of ~50, frequently with strong radial gradients. We find that nen_e increases as a function of infrared color, dust-weighted mean starlight intensity, and star formation rate surface density (ΣSFR\Sigma_{SFR}). As the intensity of the [NII] transitions is related to the ionizing photon flux, we investigate their reliability as tracers of the star formation rate (SFR). We derive relations between the [NII] emission and SFR in the low-density limit and in the case of a log-normal distribution of densities. The scatter in the correlation between [NII] surface brightness and ΣSFR\Sigma_{SFR} can be understood as a property of the nen_e distribution. For regions with nen_e close to or higher than the [NII] line critical densities, the low-density limit [NII]-based SFR calibration systematically underestimates the SFR since [NII] emission is collisionally quenched. Finally, we investigate the relation between [NII] emission, SFR, and nen_e by comparing our observations to predictions from the MAPPINGS-III code.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa