1 research outputs found

    Entropy, Dynamics and Instantaneous Normal Modes in a Random Energy Model

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    It is shown that the fraction f of imaginary frequency instantaneous normal modes (INM) may be defined and calculated in a random energy model(REM) of liquids. The configurational entropy S and the averaged hopping rate among the states R are also obtained and related to f, with the results R~f and S=a+b*ln(f). The proportionality between R and f is the basis of existing INM theories of diffusion, so the REM further confirms their validity. A link to S opens new avenues for introducing INM into dynamical theories. Liquid 'states' are usually defined by assigning a configuration to the minimum to which it will drain, but the REM naturally treats saddle-barriers on the same footing as minima, which may be a better mapping of the continuum of configurations to discrete states. Requirements of a detailed REM description of liquids are discussed