72 research outputs found

    Sensing coral reef connectivity pathways from space

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    Coral reefs rely on inter-habitat connectivity to maintain gene flow, biodiversity and ecosystem resilience. Coral reef communities of the Red Sea exhibit remarkable genetic homogeneity across most of the Arabian Peninsula coastline, with a genetic break towards the southern part of the basin. While previous studies have attributed these patterns to environmental heterogeneity, we hypothesize that they may also emerge as a result of dynamic circulation flow; yet, such linkages remain undemonstrated. Here, we integrate satellite-derived biophysical observations, particle dispersion model simulations, genetic population data and ship-borne in situ profiles to assess reef connectivity in the Red Sea. We simulated long-term (>20 yrs.) connectivity patterns driven by remotely-sensed sea surface height and evaluated results against estimates of genetic distance among populations of anemonefish, Amphiprion bicinctus, along the eastern Red Sea coastline. Predicted connectivity was remarkably consistent with genetic population data, demonstrating that circulation features (eddies, surface currents) formulate physical pathways for gene flow. The southern basin has lower physical connectivity than elsewhere, agreeing with known genetic structure of coral reef organisms. The central Red Sea provides key source regions, meriting conservation priority. Our analysis demonstrates a cost-effective tool to estimate biophysical connectivity remotely, supporting coastal management in data-limited regions

    Pharmacological targeting of NF-κB potentiates the effect of the topoisomerase inhibitor CPT-11 on colon cancer cells

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    NF-κB interferes with the effect of most anti-cancer drugs through induction of anti-apoptotic genes. Targeting NF-κB is therefore expected to potentiate conventional treatments in adjuvant strategies. Here we used a pharmacological inhibitor of the IKK2 kinase (AS602868) to block NF-κB activation. In human colon cancer cells, inhibition of NF-κB using 10 μM AS602868 induced a 30–50% growth inhibitory effect and strongly enhanced the action of SN-38, the topoisomerase I inhibitor and CPT-11 active metabolite. AS602868 also potentiated the cytotoxic effect of two other antineoplasic drugs: 5-fluorouracil and etoposide. In xenografts experiments, inhibition of NF-κB potentiated the antitumoural effect of CPT-11 in a dose-dependent manner. Eighty-five and 75% decreases in tumour size were observed when mice were treated with, respectively, 20 or 5 mg kg−1 AS602868 associated with 30 mg kg−1 CPT-11 compared to 47% with CPT-11 alone. Ex vivo tumour analyses as well as in vitro studies showed that AS602868 impaired CPT-11-induced NF-κB activation, and enhanced tumour cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. AS602868 also enhanced the apoptotic potential of TNFα on HT-29 cells. This study is the first demonstration that a pharmacological inhibitor of the IKK2 kinase can potentiate the therapeutic efficiency of antineoplasic drugs on solid tumours

    Organization of the Drosophila melanogaster hsp70 heat shock regulation unit.

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    Expression from the Drosophila melanogaster hsp70 promoter was controlled by a regulatory unit that was composed of two sequence elements that resembled the heat shock consensus sequence. The unit functioned in both orientations and at different distances from downstream promoter sequences. Each element of the unit alone was essentially inactive. Association of two elements resulted in a dramatic increase of transcription from the hsp70 promoter. This synergistic effect was independent of the relative orientation of the elements and, to a large extent, of the distance between them. Duplication of a region containing only one element also yielded a highly active, heat-regulated promoter. Genes with three to five elements were three to four times more active than those with a single regulatory unit

    Transfert du Tendon du Muscle Jambier Postérieur : à propos de 24 patients avec un recul moyen de 42 mois

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    De janvier 1981 à mars 2007, 24 patients souffrants de paralysie irréversible du SPE, ont bénéficié d’une chirurgie de transfert du tendon du muscle jambier postérieur. Les résultats fonctionnels de cette étude rétrospective ont été quantifiiés par la méthode d’évaluation fonctionnelle de STANMORE. Il s’agissait de 14 hommes et 8 femmes, avec un âge moyen de 41,5 ans (18 ans - 65 ans), le délai moyen de prise en charge était de 11 ans (18 mois - 20 ans). Le tendon du muscle jambier postérieur a été fixé : 14 fois sur le 3ème cunéiforme, 6 fois sur le cuboïde, 4 fois sur le 2ème cunéiforme. La fixation du tendon transféré a été assurée par un bouton métallique 17 fois, une vis d’interférence 3 fois, des points trans osseux 3 fois, une agrafe de BLOUNT une fois. Conclusion : le transfert du tendon du muscle jambier postérieur sur le dos du pied est une méthode qui permet de faire retrouver au pied les mouvements perdus suite à la paralysie irréversible du SPE. Ce transfert restaurera la fonction des muscles paralysé

    Organization of the Drosophila melanogaster hsp70 heat shock regulation unit.

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    Neuroprotective effect of interleukin-6 and IL6/IL6R chimera in the quinolinic acid rat model of Huntington's syndrome

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    Ciliary neurotrophic factor prevents behavioural deficits and striatal degeneration in rat and primate models of Huntington's disease. Interleukin- 6, another member of the cytokine family, and the chimeric molecule (IL6/IL6R) in which interleukin-6 and its soluble receptor are fused, have been shown to exert trophic action on various neuronal populations in the central nervous system. Therefore, we investigated the neuroprotective effect of these two molecules in the quinolinic acid model of Huntington's disease. LacZ-, interleukin-6- and IL6/IL6R-expressing lentiviral vectors were stereotaxically injected into the striatum of Wistar rats. Three weeks later the animals were lesioned through the intrastriatal injection of 180 nmol of quinolinic acid. The extent of the striatal damage was significantly diminished in the rats that had been treated with interleukin-6 or IL6/IL6R. The neuroprotective effect was, however, more pronounced with the IL6/IL6R chimera than with interleukin-6 as indicated by the volume of the lesions (38.6 +/- 10% in the IL6/IL6R group, 63.3 +/- 3.6% in the IL-6 group and 84.3 +/-2.9% in the control group). Quantitative analysis of striatal interneurons further demonstrated that the IL6/IL6R chimera is more neuroprotective than IL-6 on ChAT- and NADPH-d-immunoreactive neurons. These results suggest that the IL6/IL6R chimera is a potential treatment for Huntington's disease
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