16 research outputs found

    Glutamate Uptake Triggers Transporter-Mediated GABA Release from Astrocytes

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    Background: Glutamate (Glu) and c-aminobutyric acid (GABA) transporters play important roles in regulating neuronal activity. Glu is removed from the extracellular space dominantly by glial transporters. In contrast, GABA is mainly taken up by neurons. However, the glial GABA transporter subtypes share their localization with the Glu transporters and their expression is confined to the same subpopulation of astrocytes, raising the possibility of cooperation between Glu and GABA transport processes. Methodology/Principal Findings: Here we used diverse biological models both in vitro and in vivo to explore the interplay between these processes. We found that removal of Glu by astrocytic transporters triggers an elevation in the extracellular level of GABA. This coupling between excitatory and inhibitory signaling was found to be independent of Glu receptor-mediated depolarization, external presence of Ca2+ and glutamate decarboxylase activity. It was abolished in the presence of non-transportable blockers of glial Glu or GABA transporters, suggesting that the concerted action of these transporters underlies the process. Conclusions/Significance: Our results suggest that activation of Glu transporters results in GABA release through reversal of glial GABA transporters. This transporter-mediated interplay represents a direct link between inhibitory and excitatory neurotransmission and may function as a negative feedback combating intense excitation in pathological conditions such as epilepsy or ischemia

    Transition to seizures in the isolated immature mouse hippocampus: a switch from dominant phasic inhibition to dominant phasic excitation

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    The neural dynamics and mechanisms responsible for the transition from the interictal to the ictal state (seizures) are unresolved questions in epilepsy. It has been suggested that a shift from inhibitory to excitatory GABAergic drive can promote seizure generation. In this study, we utilized an experimental model of temporal lobe epilepsy which produces recurrent seizure-like events in the isolated immature mouse hippocampus (P8–16), perfused with low magnesium ACSF, to investigate the cellular dynamics of seizure transition. Whole-cell and perforated patch recordings from CA1 pyramidal cells and from fast- and non-fast-spiking interneurons in the CA1 stratum oriens hippocampal region showed a change in intracellular signal integration during the transition period, starting with dominant phasic inhibitory synaptic input, followed by dominant phasic excitation prior to a seizure. Efflux of bicarbonate ions through the GABAA receptor did not fully account for this excitation and GABAergic excitation via reversed IPSPs was also excluded as the prime mechanism generating the dominant excitation, since somatic and dendritic GABAA responses to externally applied muscimol remained hyperpolarizing throughout the transition period. In addition, abolishing EPSPs in a single neuron by intracellularly injected QX222, revealed that inhibitory synaptic drive was maintained throughout the entire transition period. We suggest that rather than a major shift from inhibitory to excitatory GABAergic drive prior to seizure onset, there is a change in the interaction between afferent synaptic inhibition, and afferent and intrinsic excitatory processes in pyramidal neurons and interneurons, with maintained inhibition and increasing, entrained ‘overpowering’ excitation during the transition to seizure

    Dynamics of epileptic phenomena determined from statistics of ictal transitions

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    Contains fulltext : 54678.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)In this paper, we investigate the dynamical scenarios of transitions between normal and paroxysmal state in epilepsy. We assume that some epileptic neural network are bistable i.e., they feature two operational states, ictal and interictal that co-exist. The transitions between these two states may occur according to a Poisson process, a random walk process or as a result of deterministic time-dependent mechanisms. We analyze data from animal models of absence epilepsy, human epilepsies and in vitro models. The distributions of durations of ictal and interictal epochs are fitted with a gamma distribution. On the basis of qualitative features of the fits, we identify the dynamical processes that may have generated the underlying data. The analysis showed that the following hold. 1) The dynamics of ictal epochs differ from those of interictal states. 2) Seizure initiation can be accounted for by a random walk process while seizure termination is often mediated by deterministic mechanisms. 3) In certain cases, the transitions between ictal and interictal states can be modeled by a Poisson process operating in a bistable network. These results imply that exact prediction of seizure occurrence is not possible but termination of an ictal state by appropriate counter stimulation might be feasible.9 p