140 research outputs found

    The Effect of Endozym β-split, a Commercial Enzyme Preparation Used for Aroma Release, on Tannat Wine Glycosides

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    Commercial preparations with glycosidase activities are used to enhance wine aroma, but they arenot extensively characterized. The aim of this work was to study the effect of three enzymes on aromaimprovement in Tannat red wine. After the selection of the most appropriate enzyme for further testing,its effectiveness on the hydrolysis of the total glycosides present in Tannat wine was measured. The threepreparations showed high β-glucosidase and α-arabinosidase activities (in the range of 10 to 174 U/mL orU/g), but very low levels of α-rhamnosidase (less than 1 U/mL). The β-glucosidases studied remained activein the presence of Tannat wine. The selected enzyme, Endozym β-split, supplemented with α-rhamnosidase,resulted in almost 30% hydrolysis of the glycosides in Tannat wine, when added at a concentration higherthan that recommended by the manufacturers. A sensory evaluation showed that the enzyme-treated wineswere significantly different from the controls, suggesting that at least a part of the hydrolyzed glycosidesin the Tannat wine were aroma precursors. However, it cannot be assumed that all commercial enzymeswould be effective in hydrolyzing aroma precursors just because they show glycosidase activities. Higherconcentrations of Endozym β-split than that recommended by the manufacturer are necessary to reachan appreciable level of glycoside hydrolysis. Supplementation of Endozym β-split with α-rhamnosidase isrecommended in this enzyme – wine system for the greater release of the aroma from the glycosidicallyboundprecursors

    La actividad peroxidasa en caña de azúcar (Saccharum spp): evolución temporal de la reacción y su posible rol en la resistencia a la roya marrón (Puccinia melanocephala, H&P

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    La roya marrón de la caña de azúcar, causada por Puccinia melanocephala, es una enfermedad foliar de preocupación en casi todos los países donde se cultiva la caña de azúcar. Los programas de mejoramiento del cultivo se encuentran en la búsqueda de fuentes de resistencia de la planta al patógeno


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    ABSTRAK Tujuan program pengabdian kepada masyarakat Universitas Andalas Skim Membantu Nagari Membangun ini adalah meningkatkan kapasitas BUMNag Sungai Kamuyang dalam mengembangkan usahanya untuk menunjang capaian nagari mandiri. Program ini didesain sebagai program terintegrasi dari proses pelatihan dan pendampingan bisnis. Diawali pemetaan permasalahan bisnis BUMNag Sungai Kamuyang, kajian kebutuhan pelatihan dan pendampingan bisnis berdasarkan kondisi bisnis eksisting BUMNag. Pemetaan dimaksud mencakup aspek bisnis seperti aspek manajemen, pemasaran, proses produksi, aspek lingkungan dan pembiayaan. Hasil pemetaan dijadikan acuan utama program penguatan kapasitas yang akan dilaksanakan selama masa program diimplementasikan. Program ini telah dilaksanakan dari tanggal 11 Oktober sampai akhir November 2021. Hasil yang telah dicapai ada enam kegiatan utama yang satu dengan lainnya terpaut untuk mencapai tujuan program ini telah selesai dilaksanakan. Keenam kegiatan tersebut adalah: 1) review aspek legalitas BUMNag, 2) review unit usaha potensial, 3) business training bagi tim manajemen, 4) business mentoring and consultation, 5) mendampingi tim manajemen menyusun draft revisi anggaran dasar dan anggaran rumah tangga, dan 6) mendampingi tim manajemen BUMNag menyusun business plan/rencana bisnis. Jumlah peserta yang terlibat dalam kegiatan ini sekitar 28 orang, yang terdiri dari Wali Nagari Sungai Kamuyang dan perangkatnya, tim manajemen BUMNag, dan tokoh masyarakat. Kata kunci: BumNag, pemetaan bisnis, pelatihan, pendampingan, berkelanjutan ABSTRACT The purpose of this community service program for the Skim Helping Nagari Build is to increase the capacity of the Sungai Kamuyang BUMNag in developing its business to support the achievement of independent nagari. This program is designed as an integrated program of the training and business mentoring process. Starting with mapping the business problems, assessing the training needs and business assistance based on the BUMNag's existing business conditions. The mapping includes business aspects such as management, marketing, production processes, environmental and financing aspects. The results of the mapping are used as the main reference for the capacity building program that will be implemented during the program's implementation period. This program has been implemented from October 11 to the end of November 2021. The results that have been achieved there are six main activities that are adrift to achieve the objectives of this program have been completed. The six activities are: 1) reviewing the legality aspects of BUMNag, 2) reviewing potential business units, 3) business training for the management team, 4) business mentoring and consultation, 5) assisting the management team in drafting the revised articles of association and by-laws, and 6) assisting the BUMNag management team in preparing a business plan/business plan. The number of participants involved in this activity is about 28 people, consisting of the Wali Nagari Sungai Kamuyang and his apparatus, the BUMNag management team, and community leaders. Keywords: BumNag, business mapping, training, mentoring   &nbsp

    Avances en la investigación de la relación patogeno-hospedante y de la resistencia genética a enfermedades de la caña de azúcar en Argentina

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    Esta contribución presenta avances en la investigación de la variabilidad y resistencia genética con relación a “Roya marrón” y “Estría roja” de la caña de azúcar en Argentina. Resultados experimentales de la inoculación con roya en condiciones controladas permitieron postular que tanto la actividad peroxidasa basal como la tasa de su crecimiento con posterioridad a la infección serían mecanismos complementarios que favorecen la expresión de la resistencia a la enfermedad. También se investigó la diversidad molecular en poblaciones de roya con base en 538 marcadores AFLP a partir de muestreos en diferentes variedades y en una amplia faja de distribución de la enfermedad en el NOA. No se detectaron estructuras genéticas diferenciadas según orígenes, comportándose las diferentes poblaciones como una única gran población indiferenciada de uredosporos con alto grado de variabilidad genética intrínseca. Con relación a Estría roja se logró optimizar una técnica efectiva para el aislamiento, identificación y caracterización genética del agente responsable de la enfermedad. Los resultados obtenidos permitieron confirmar que Acidovorax avenae es el agente responsable de estría roja de la caña de azúcar en Argentina, siendo ésta la primera caracterización realizada en la región cañera para esta patología. Por otra parte el análisis de perfiles de REP-PCR y RAPD confirmó la presencia de al menos cuatro biotipos de la enfermedad en aislados de Salta y Tucumán. La existencia de diversidad genética entre aislamientos permite diseñar estrategias de control mediante el uso de variedades resistentes.The paper presents recent progress in the investigation of variability and genetic resistance in relation to Rust and Red stripe diseases of sugar cane in Argentina. Experimental results for rust innoculation under controlled conditions served to postulate that both basal peroxidase activity and its rate of increase after innoculation with the disease could be complementary mechanisms in the expression of resistance in different cultivars. Molecular diversity of rust populations collected in the field in North West Argentina were also investigated based on 538 AFLP markers. Samples collected in different varieties and sites indicated that rust uredospores populations correspond with a single mixed undifferentiated population with a high degree of intrinsic genetic variability. In regard to Red stripe it was possible to optimize an effective procedure for the isolation, identification and genetic characterization of the disease agent. Results permitted for the first time the identification of Acidovorax avenae as the agent responsible for the disease in Argentina. The profile analysis for REP-PC and RAPD indicated the presence of at least four different biotypes of the disease in Salta and Tucumán. The occurrence of genetic diversity among isolates permits the design of strategies for the control of the disease by means of resistant varieties.Fil: Mariotti, Jorge Alberto. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Machado Assefh, Cristina Renata. Universidad Nacional de Salta. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Salta; ArgentinaFil: Rech, G.. Universidad Nacional de Salta. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Fontana, P. D.. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; ArgentinaFil: Collavino, N. G.. Universidad Nacional de Salta. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Pocoví, M. I.. Universidad Nacional de Salta. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Rago, A. M.. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; ArgentinaFil: Daz, Mirta Elizabeth. Universidad Nacional de Salta. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Salta; Argentin

    La actividad peroxidasa en caña de azúcar (Saccharum spp): evolución temporal de la reacción y su posible rol en la resistencia a la roya marrón (Puccinia melanocephala, H & P Sydow)

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    La roya marrón de la caña de azúcar, causada por Puccinia melanocephala, es una enfermedad foliar de preocupación en casi todos los países donde se cultiva la caña de azúcar. Los programas de mejoramiento del cultivo se encuentran en la búsqueda de fuentes de resistencia de la planta al patógeno. Debido a que se demostró que las peroxidasas vegetales participan en la defensa contra los fitopatógenos, el objetivo de este trabajo fue comparar la actividad peroxidasa basal de dos cultivares con respuestas contrastantes a la roya, la evolución de la actividad peroxidasa en el tiempo después de la inoculación con el patógeno y su posible relación con la resistencia o la susceptibilidad de los cultivares de caña de azúcar a la roya. La actividad de la peroxidasa se midió a 24, 48, 72 y 120 horas después de la inoculación. Dos cultivares de caña de azúcar fueron utilizados, R570 (muy resistente) y NA86-2280 (altamente susceptible). La actividad de la peroxidasa aumentó después de la inoculación en ambos cultivares pero aumentó, con mayor velocidad, en R570 hasta alcanzar un máximo a las 48 hs después de la inoculación. La actividad más alta se detectó en R570 durante todo el experimento. Las diferencias en la actividad de la peroxidasa se encontraron entre cultivares y también entre plantas inoculadas y plantas control. Se postula que tanto la actividad basal de la peroxidasa como su incremento después de la inoculación, podrían ser mecanismos complementarios que favorecen la resistencia a la roya en la caña de azúcar.Sugarcane brown rust, caused by Puccinia melanocephala, is a foliar disease of concern in almost all countries where sugarcane is grown. The sugarcane breeding programs are in the search for sources of plant resistance to this pathogen. Since it has been shown that plant peroxidases are involved in defence against phytopathogens, the objective of this study was to compare basal peroxidase activity of two cultivars with contrasting responses to rust, the time course of the peroxidase activity after inoculation with the pathogen and its possible relation to resistance or susceptibility of sugarcane cultivars to rust. Peroxidase activity was measured at 24, 48, 72 and 120 hours after inoculation. Two sugarcane cultivars were used, R570 (highly resistant) and NA86-2280 (highly susceptible). The peroxidase activity increased after inoculation in both cultivars, but increased more rapidly in R570 reaching a maximum at 48 hours after inoculation. A higher activity was detected in R570 throughout the experiment. The differences in the peroxidase activity were found between cultivars and also between inoculated plants and control plants. It is postulated that both basal peroxidase activity and the rate of growth after inoculation, may be complementary mechanisms that promote resistance to rust in sugarcane.EEA FamailláFil: Machado Assefh, C.R. Universidad Nacional de Salta. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales. Laboratorio de Marcadores Moleculares; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Collavino, Norma Graciela. Universidad Nacional de Salta. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales. Laboratorio de Marcadores Moleculares; ArgentinaFil: Daz, M. Universidad Nacional de Salta. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Laboratorio de Biocatálisi ArgentinaFil: Pocovi, Mariana Ines. Universidad Nacional de Salta. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales. Laboratorio de Marcadores Moleculares; ArgentinaFil: Mariotti Martinez, Jorge Alberto. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Famaillá; Argentin


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    International audienceA mathematical model of the dynamics of a single nephron function relating glomerulo-tubular balance, tubule-glomerular feedback, and peritubular blood viscosity is developed. Based upon experimental data, the model shows that complex behaviors of the nephron can be modulated by changes in the efferent arteriole blood viscosity. The main hypothesis is that the reabsorbed mass flow is modulated by the hematocrit of the efferent arteriole, in addition to the Starling forces. From a mathematical perspective, these behaviors can be explained by a bifurcation diagram analysis where the efferent blood viscosity is taken as the bifurcation parameter. This analytical description allows to predict changes in proximal convoluted tubule reabsorption, following changes in peritubular capillary viscosity generated by periodic changes in the glomerular filtration rate. Thus, the model links the tubule-glomerular feedback with the glomerular tubular balance

    The PEP survey: clustering of infrared-selected galaxies and structure formation at z~2 in the GOODS South

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    ABRIDGED-This paper presents the first direct estimate of the 3D clustering properties of far-infrared sources up to z~3. This has been possible thanks to the Pacs Evolutionary Probe (PEP) survey of the GOODS South field performed with the PACS instrument onboard the Herschel Satellite. An analysis of the two-point correlation function over the whole redshift range spanned by the data reports for the correlation length, r_0~6.3 Mpc and r_0~6.7 Mpc, respectively at 100um and 160um, corresponding to dark matter halo masses M>~10^{12.4} M_sun. Objects at z~2 instead seem to be more strongly clustered, with r_0~19 Mpc and r_0~17 Mpc in the two considered PACS channels. This dramatic increase of the correlation length between z~1 and z~2 is connected with the presence of a wide, M>~10^{14} M_sun, filamentary structure which includes more than 50% of the sources detected at z~2. An investigation of the properties of such sources indicates the possibility for boosted star-forming activity in those which reside within the overdense environment with respect of more isolated galaxies found in the same redshift range. Lastly, we also present our results on the evolution of the relationship between luminous and dark matter in star-forming galaxies between z~1 and z~2. We find that the increase of (average) stellar mass in galaxies between z~1 and z~2 is about a factor 10 lower than that of the dark matter haloes hosting such objects ([z~1]/[z~2] ~ 0.4 vs M_{halo}[z~1]/M_{halo}[z~2] ~ 0.04). Our findings agree with the evolutionary picture of downsizing whereby massive galaxies at z~2 were more actively forming stars than their z~1 counterparts, while at the same time contained a lower fraction of their mass in the form of luminous matter.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, MNRAS accepte

    Native vs photoinduced chemiluminescence in dimethoate determination

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    The determination of dimethoate using either its native chemiluminescent (CL) properties or its photoinduced chemiluminescence obtained by irradiation with a 15W low-pressure mercury lamp was studied. Thereby, two flow injection systems (FIA) with and without irradiation were exhaustively optimized and their analytical characteristics studied. Better sensitivity and selectivity was found in absence of irradiation, due to the enhancing effect of hexadecylpyridinium chloride (HPC), which acted as a sensitizer. In the developed FIA-CL system, the alkaline hydrolysis of dimethoate with NaOH was performed on-line in presence of HPC. The oxidation of the product of hydrolysis with Ce(IV) in hydrochloric medium induced chemiluminescence. The method provided a limit of detection of only 0.05ngmL -1 without any pre-treatment. However, the combination with solid phase extraction allowed the removal of some potential interferents as well as the preconcentration of the pesticide. Finally, the developed method was successfully applied to natural waters with recoveries between 95 and 108%. © 2011 Elsevier B.V.This work was supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Spain (Project CTM2006-11991) and FEDER funds.Catalá Icardo, M.; López Paz, JL.; Choves Barón, C.; Pena Badena, A. (2012). Native vs photoinduced chemiluminescence in dimethoate determination. ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA. 710:81-87. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aca.2011.10.043S818771

    Genomic Expression Libraries for the Identification of Cross-Reactive Orthopoxvirus Antigens

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    Increasing numbers of human cowpox virus infections that are being observed and that particularly affect young non-vaccinated persons have renewed interest in this zoonotic disease. Usually causing a self-limiting local infection, human cowpox can in fact be fatal for immunocompromised individuals. Conventional smallpox vaccination presumably protects an individual from infections with other Orthopoxviruses, including cowpox virus. However, available live vaccines are causing severe adverse reactions especially in individuals with impaired immunity. Because of a decrease in protective immunity against Orthopoxviruses and a coincident increase in the proportion of immunodeficient individuals in today's population, safer vaccines need to be developed. Recombinant subunit vaccines containing cross-reactive antigens are promising candidates, which avoid the application of infectious virus. However, subunit vaccines should contain carefully selected antigens to confer a solid cross-protection against different Orthopoxvirus species. Little is known about the cross-reactivity of antibodies elicited to cowpox virus proteins. Here, we first identified 21 immunogenic proteins of cowpox and vaccinia virus by serological screenings of genomic Orthopoxvirus expression libraries. Screenings were performed using sera from vaccinated humans and animals as well as clinical sera from patients and animals with a naturally acquired cowpox virus infection. We further analyzed the cross-reactivity of the identified immunogenic proteins. Out of 21 identified proteins 16 were found to be cross-reactive between cowpox and vaccinia virus. The presented findings provide important indications for the design of new-generation recombinant subunit vaccines

    A dusty star-forming galaxy at <i>z</i> = 6 revealed by strong gravitational lensing

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    Since their discovery, submillimetre-selected galaxies have revolutionized the field of galaxy formation and evolution. From the hundreds of square degrees mapped at submillimetre wavelengths, only a handful of sources have been confirmed to lie at z > 5 and only two at z ≥ 6. All of these submillimetre galaxies are rare examples of extreme starburst galaxies with star formation rates of ≳1,000 M⊙ yr−1 and therefore are not representative of the general population of dusty star-forming galaxies. Consequently, our understanding of the nature of these sources, at the earliest epochs, is still incomplete. Here, we report the spectroscopic identification of a gravitationally amplified (μ = 9.3 ± 1.0) dusty star-forming galaxy at z = 6.027. After correcting for gravitational lensing, we derive an intrinsic less-extreme star formation rate of 380 ± 50 M⊙ yr−1 for this source and find that its gas and dust properties are similar to those measured for local ultra luminous infrared galaxies, extending the local trends to a poorly explored territory in the early Universe. The star-formation efficiency of this galaxy is similar to those measured in its local analogues, despite a ~12 Gyr difference in cosmic time