419 research outputs found

    St. Elizabeth of Hungary as a Role Model for Women in the 16th-18th Century Polish Hagiography

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    The paper aims at the presentation of St. Elizabeth of Hungary (1207-1231) as a role model for the 16th-18th century literary audience in Poland, especially women. The period hagiographical sources (lives of saints, sermon examples) tend to promote the saint as an exemplary representative of three states of life as a maid, wife and widow. The three mentioned dimensions of Elizabeth’s sainthood make the heroine a universal, multipurpose patroness, fully acceptable as a source of Christian perfection for the Polish post-Trent laity.717919

    The Role Model of a Priest-Martyr of The 16th and 17th Centuries in Piotr Skarga ’s “The Lives of Saints”

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    The aim of the article is to present the main components of the role model of a priest-martyr of the 16th and the 17th centuries. The research has been based on the 1615 edition of The Supplement to the lives of saints collection by Piotr Skarga. The heroes presented in this part of the book were the victims of anti‑Catholic persecutions in England, France, Brasil, India and other countries. Although not canonized, they were included in the then hagiography as brave advocates of their faith, demonstrating extreme heroism during torture sessions, disputations and executions.Uniwersytet w Białymstoku910711

    Physicochemical properties and agglomeration parameters of biogas digestate with addition of calcium carbonate

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    ArticleThe aim of the work was to determine the physical properties of digestate from biogas production - either with or without the addition of calcium carbonate and to determine the parameters of its compaction. The material for research was obtained from an agricultural biogas plant specialized in processing cattle manure, vegetable pomace, chicken manure and maize silage. The parameters of compaction of digestate were experimentally determined and its net calorific value was calculated based on the gross calorific value. Physical properties were determined according to standards. The moisture content of liquid digestate was 96%. Mechanical separation allowed to decrease the water content by 19% and addition of 20% of calcium carbonate by 30%. It was found that digestate with addition of calcium carbonate is not suitable to use for energy purposes, because of its low net calorific value (5.2–5.9 MJ kg-1), however it can be used for fertilizer purposes in relation to its chemical composition. Without additives, the net calorific value was 14.9 MJ kg-1 , but due to the high moisture content of the raw material it is unprofitable to dry it and burn. On the other hand, it was proved that it is possible to obtain pellets of appropriate density out of the digestate using 40 mm of the die height and 0.3 g of single portion of the material

    Multi-component gap solitons in spinor Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We model the nonlinear behaviour of spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) with repulsive spin-independent interactions and either ferromagnetic or anti-ferromagnetic (polar) spin-dependent interactions, loaded into a one-dimensional optical lattice potential. We show that both types of BECs exhibit dynamical instabilities and may form spatially localized multi-component structures. The localized states of the spinor matter waves take the form of vector gap solitons and self-trapped waves that exist only within gaps of the linear Bloch-wave band-gap spectrum. Of special interest are the nonlinear localized states that do not exhibit a common spatial density profile shared by all condensate components, and consequently cannot be described by the single mode approximation (SMA), frequently employed within the framework of the mean-field treatment. We show that the non-SMA states can exhibits Josephson-like internal oscillations and self-magnetisation, i.e. intrinsic precession of the local spin. Finally, we demonstrate that non-stationary states of a spinor BEC in a lattice exhibit coherent undamped spin-mixing dynamics, and that their controlled conversion into a stationary state can be achieved by the application of an external magnetic field.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figure

    Venture Capital and Business Angels and the Creation of Innovative Firms in Poland

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    The article also points out that conditions fostering further development of the described types of entrepreneurship and innovation financing and a dynamic environment generating innovative capacity should be created.W artykule zasygnalizowano również potrzebę kreowania uwarunkowań sprzyjających rozwojowi opisanych form finansowania przedsiębiorczości, innowacyjności i dynamicznego otoczenia generującego zdolności innowacyjne

    St. Elizabeth of Hungary as a Wife and Mother in the Light of Secular Franciscans’ Formation Programme for 2007-2008

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    The aim of the article is to analyse St. Elizabeth of Hungary, traditionally recognized as a member of the Third Order of St. Francis of Assisi, as a role model for secular Franciscans of the 21th century. The research has been based on the Order formation documents issued during the jubilee of 800th anniversary of the birth of St. Elizabeth (2007-2008). The patron saint of the Order is seen here as a model for contemporary wives and mothers, the pattern of faithfulness in marriage and exemplary parent instructing her children not by words but by example of life dedicated to prayer and good deeds.816717

    The utility of oesophageal pH monitoring in diagnosing gastroesophageal reflux disease-related chronic cough

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    Wstęp: Przewlekły kaszel jest częstą dolegliwością, która może pogarszać jakość życia chorych oraz wywoływać liczne powikłania. J edną z częstych jego przyczyn jest choroba refluksowa przełyku (GERD). Do metod diagnostycznych stosowanych w celu potwierdzenia diagnozy kaszlu związanego z GERD należy pH-metria przełyku. Celem badania była ocena przydatności pH-metrii przełyku oraz określenie, który z parametrów mierzonych w czasie jej wykonywania jest najczulszy w diagnostyce kaszlu związanego z GERD.Materiał i metody: U 204 chorych z przewlekłym kaszlem wykonano 24-godzinną pH-metrię przełyku. Kobiety stanowiły 65% pacjentów, a mediana wieku wyniosła 59 lat. Epizod kwaśnego refluksu rozpoznawano, gdy nagły spadek pH poniżej 4 trwał co najmniej 12 sekund. Rozpoznanie GERD opierało się na całkowitym czasie pH poniżej 4, czasie pH poniżej 4 w pozycji stojącej lub leżącej oraz wskaźniku DeMeester. Kaszel związany z GERD diagnozowano, jeżeli epizody kaszlu odnotowane przez pacjentów pojawiały się nie później niż 2 minuty po epizodzie refluksu. Z wiązek pomiędzy epizodem refluksu i wystąpieniem kaszlu oceniono za pomocą następujących parametrów: symptom index (SI ≥ 50%) lub symptom association probability (SAP ≥ 95%).Wyniki: Na podstawie wyników pH-metrii przełyku u 135 chorych (135/204, 66%) wysunięto podejrzenie GERD. U większości z nich (117/135, 87%) diagnozę postawiono na podstawie wskaźnika DeMeester. Wśród pacjentów z GERD 61 osób (61/135, 45%) spełniło kryteria kaszlu związanego z GERD, co stanowiło 30% wszystkich pacjentów. U 36 pacjentów (36/61, 59%) kaszel związany z GERD zdiagnozowano na podstawie parametru SAP, u 12 chorych (20%) na podstawie parametru SI, natomiast u 13 (21%) na podstawie obu parametrów. Współczynnik korelacji Spearmana dla SAP ≥ 95% i SI ≥ 50% wyniósł 0,46 (p < 0,05).Wnioski: Na podstawie wyników pH-metrii GERD został zdiagnozowany 2-krotnie częściej niż kaszel związany z GERD. Parametr SAP jest bardziej czuły niż SI w diagnozowaniu kaszlu związanego z GERD. Introduction: Chronic cough is a common medical complaint, which may deteriorate patients’ quality of life and cause many complications. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is one of the frequent reasons for chronic cough. Oesophageal pH monitoring is one of the diagnostic methods performed to confirm diagnosis of GERD-related cough. The aim of the study was to analyse the utility of oesophageal pH monitoring in diagnosing GERD-related cough and to identify the most sensitive pH monitoring parameters for diagnosing GERD-related cough.Material and methods: 24-hour oesophageal pH monitoring was performed in 204 patients suffering from chronic cough. The group consisted of 65% females and the median age was 59 years. An acid reflux episode was defined as a rapid drop in pH to a value below 4 for at least 12 seconds. The diagnosis of GERD was based on total fraction time of pH < 4, upright or supine fraction time of pH < 4, or DeMeester score. The diagnosis of GERD-related cough was made if cough episodes, marked by the patients, appeared within 2 minutes after the reflux. The association between reflux episode and appearance of cough was analysed using two parameters: symptom index (SI ≥ 50%) and/or symptom association probability (SAP ≥ 95%).Results: Based on results of pH monitoring, 135 patients (135/204, 66%) were diagnosed with GERD. Among them, 117 patients (117/135, 87%) were diagnosed based on DeMeester score. Among patients with GERD, 61 patients met the criteria of GERD-related cough (61/135, 45%), i.e. 30% of the group as a whole. Thirty-six patients (36/61, 59%) were diagnosed based on SAP, 12 patients (20%) based on SI, and 13 (21%) based on both parameters. Spearman rank correlation coefficient for SAP ≥ 95% and SI ≥ 50% was 0.46 (p < 0.05).Conclusions: Based on pH monitoring results, GERD was diagnosed twice as often as GERD-related cough. SAP index is more sensitive than SI for the diagnosis of GERD-related cough


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    Speech therapy — a non-pharmacological method to manage difficult-to-treat chronic cough

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      Cough is the most common symptom of respiratory diseases. The results of management of chronic cough in adults are still unsatisfactory. Unexplained and difficult-to-treat chronic cough causes significant impairment in patients‘ quality of life. The results of recent studies suggest that speech therapy (speech language intervention) is one of the few methods which are usefull in management of persistent chronic cough. We present a case of a patient with chronic cough due to chronic nonallergic rhinitis and gastroesophageal reflux disease, who had been unsuccessfully treated for 18 years. In the patient speech therapy resulted in a significant decrease of cough severity and improvement of quality of life.