252 research outputs found

    Conductance anomalies in quantum wires

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    We study the conductance threshold of clean nearly straight quantum wires in the magnetic field. As a quantitative example we solve exactly the scattering problem for two-electrons in a wire with planar geometry and a weak bulge. From the scattering matrix we determine conductance via the Landauer-Buettiker formalism. The conductance anomalies found near 0.25(2e^2/h) and 0.75(2e^2/h) are related to a singlet resonance and a triplet resonance, respectively, and survive to temperatures of a few degrees. With increasing in-plane magnetic field the conductance exhibits a plateau at e^2/h, consistent with recent experiments.Comment: Quantum wire with planar geometry; in-plane magnetic fiel

    A photovoltaic catenary-tent array for the Martian surface

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    To provide electrical power during an exploration mission to Mars, a deployable tent-shaped structure with a flexible photovoltaic (PV) blanket is proposed. The array is designed with a self-deploying mechanism utilizing pressurized gas expansion. The structural design for the array uses a combination of cables, beams, and columns to support and deploy the PV blanket. Under the force of gravity a cable carrying a uniform load will take the shape of a catenary curve. A catenary-tent collector is self shadowing which must be taken into account in the solar radiation calculation. The shape and the area of the shadow on the array was calculated and used in the determination of the global radiation on the array. The PV blanket shape and structure dimension were optimized to achieve a configuration which maximizes the specific power (W/kg). The optimization was performed for four types of PV blankets (Si, GaAs/Ge, GaAs CLEFT, and amorphous Si) and four types of structure materials (Carbon composite, Aramid Fiber composite, Aluminum, and Magnesium). The results show that the catenary shape of the PV blanket, which produces the highest specific power, corresponds to zero end angle at the base with respect to the horizontal. The tent angle is determined by the combined effect of the array structure specific mass and the PV blanket output power. The combination of carbon composite structural material and GaAs CLEFT solar cells produce the highest specific power. The study was carried out for two sites on Mars corresponding to the Viking Lander locations. The designs were also compared for summer, winter, and yearly operation

    Assessment of Natural Resources Use for Sustainable Development - DPSIR Framework for Case Studies in Portsmouth and Thames Gateway, U.K.

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    This chapter reports on the uses of the DPSIR framework to assess the sustainability of the intertidal environments within the two UK case study areas, Portsmouth and Thames Gateway. It focuses on statutory conservation areas dominated by intertidal habitats. Two are located in Portsmouth (Portsmouth and Langstone Harbours) and four in the Thames Gateway (Benfleet Marshes, South Thames Estuary, Medway Estuary and the Swale in the Thames Gateway). Based on the reduction of a number of pressures and impacts observed in recent decades and the improvement of overall environmental quality, all six SSSIs are considered to be sustainable in the short and medium term. In the future, it is possible that the impacts of climate change, especially sea-level rise, might result in further reduction in the area and/or quality of intertidal habitats. Further integration between conservation and planning objectives (both for urban development and management of flood risk) at local level is needed to support the long-term sustainability of intertidal habitats

    Solid State Aircraft Concept Overview

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    Due to recent advances in polymers, photovoltaics, and batteries a unique type of aircraft may be feasible. This is a solid-state aircraft, with no conventional mechanical moving parts. Airfoil, propulsion, energy production, energy storage and control are combined in an integrated structure. The key material of this concept is an ionic polymeric-metal composite (IPMC) that provides source of control and propulsion. This material has the unique capability of deforming in an electric field and returning to its original shape when the field is removed. Combining the IPMC with thin-film batteries and thin-film photovoltaics provides both energy source and storage in the same structure. The characteristics of the materials enables flapping motion of the wing to be utilized to generate the main propulsive force. Analysis shows that a number of design configurations can be produced to enable flight over a range of latitudes on Earth, Venus and possibly Mars

    A paper-based device for glyphosate electrochemical detection in human urine: A case study to demonstrate how the properties of the paper can solve analytical issues

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    In the ever-growing demand for agricultural production, the use of pesticides and the consequential health risks is an issue that remains in the spotlight. The biomonitoring of pesticides in biological matrices is a mandatory task to point out the adverse effects on those people that are particularly exposed (i.e., occupational exposure) and to customize the use of pesticides for safer and more aware agricultural practices (i.e., precision agriculture). To overcome the bottleneck of costs and long sample treatments, we conceived a paper-based analytical device for the fast and smart detection of glyphosate in human urines, which is still the most widespread pesticide. Importantly, we demonstrate how to face the analytical interference given by uric acid to develop an electrochemical sensor for glyphosate detection using paper as a multifunctional material. To this purpose, a sample treatment was pointed out and integrated into a paper strip to decrease the level of uric acid in urines, finally delivering a ready-to-use device that combines lateral and vertical flow. The effective decrease of uric acid after the paper-integrated treatment is verified by direct oxidation in differential pulse voltammetry, whereas glyphosate detection can be carried out by enzyme inhibition assay in chronoamperometry. The system showed a limit of detection for glyphosate of 75 μg/L and a linear range of 100 - 700 μg/L. Additionally, the sustainability of the paper device was assessed and compared with reference chromatographic methods. Overall, this work provides an example of how to design green sensing solutions for addressing analytical challenges in line with the White Analytical Chemistry principle

    Production of Aruana Guinea Grass Submitted to Cutting Severities and Nitrogen Fertilization

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    Aruana Guineagrass (Panicum maximum Jacques cv. Aruana) is widely used as pasture for sheep, which are extremely susceptible to infestation by larvae of gastrointestinal parasites in tropical pasture-based systems (Zanini et al. 2012) A way to mitigate this problem, and consequently reduce the need for use of anthelmintics, is by managing pastures with post-grazing height low enough to favor the incidence of sunlight at the base of tussocks that will kill and control larval development, without jeopardizing canopy regrowth and persistence. The pre-grazing sward height recommended for Aruana Guineagrass is 30 cm, when the canopy intercepts 95% of the incident light, and a 15 cm post-grazing height (Zanini et al. 2012). As cutting severity and nitrogen (N) fertilization cause morphological and physiological adaptations in individual plants - altering the production of forage grasses - the objective of this study was to evaluate the accumulation of morphological components of Aruana Guineagrass subjected to cutting severities and N fertilization

    Physical and Quality Seed Traits Observed in New Pigeon Pea (\u3cem\u3eCajanus Cajan\u3c/em\u3e) Hybrids

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    Pigeon pea seed production may be affected by factors such as % of pure seeds, mean seed weight, incidence of pests and diseases and environmental stresses. Harvested seeds from different cultivars may also vary in germination %, hardseededness and germination speed. Hardseededness (seed coat impermeability to water) commonly occurs in forage legume species (Hopkinson, 1993). There is considerable variation among different entries for seed characters but this is not considered within genetic materials. This research analysed harvested seeds of selected individuals of two segregating F2 pigeon pea populations for the above cited traits and assessed the range of variation for them resulting from the hybridisation process