526 research outputs found

    Review of Ruegen herring larvae survey project 2011

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    At the request of the Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institut (vTI), IOR Rostock, a return review of the German Rügen herring larval survey (RHLS) project took place on the 24th to 26th January 2011, following on from a similar review in November 2006. Mark Dickey-Collas (Wageningen IMARES) and Richard D.M. Nash (IMR, Norway) lead the review. This report represents the opinions of these two external reviewers. The current aim of the programme is to maintain and develop the time series of ichthyoplankton surveys in the spring and summer in the Greifswalder Bodden and stimulate spin off research. The review was designed to address the role of the survey in the framework of providing both management advice and research outputs. The external reviewers were given documents on the current survey. They also viewed presentations from research students and staff on their work and the proposed direction of the programme. The review included a “brainstorming” session on future research and potential gaps in the project

    Report of the KB-WOT fisheries programme carried out in 2009

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    This report documents the activities of the KB WOT fisheries programme carried out in 2009. It gives the results, products and documents the experience gained by staff through the programme

    The Kennisbasis WOt Fisheries Programme carried out in 2010: Final Report

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    The KBWOT Fisheries programme is core to the maintenance and development of the expertise that underpins the statutory obligations of fisheries monitoring and advice for the Netherlands. As the WOT obligations of the Netherlands change over time, the KBWOT programme remains flexible and responsive to developments and innovations in methods and policy needs. The core principles of the programme are maintaining expertise whilst being forward looking, ensuring value for money and strong collaboration with client ministries. The programme operates through long term projects (multiannual) and annual projects in response to scientific and societal needs. The KBWOT fisheries programme must operate within the context of the reform of the common fisheries policy (CFP), the development of the EU marine strategy framework directive (MSFD) and the EU Maritime Policy

    Kennisbasis WOT Fisheries 2011 - what is in the Programme?

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    The KBWOT Fisheries programme is core to the maintenance and development of the expertise that underpins the statutory obligations of fisheries monitoring and advice for the Netherlands. The structure of the KBWOT Fisheries programme for 2011 changed to reflect the recent discussions on the research direction between IMARES, CVO and EL&I. One of the strengths of the structure of the KBWOT Fisheries programme was the bottom up approach to calls for projects to fulfil the research priorities. This however was seen as giving the programme the potential to miss strategic needs of both the science development within IMARES and the research questions of EL&I, thus the programme now also contains a specific project request on an research subject relevant to IMARES and EL&I needs. The KBWOT Fisheries programme will fund 12 projects in 2011. The projects will investigate competition in exploited fish communities, long term changes in eel populations, the spawning habitat of mackerel, sub-stock structure in fish, trawling impact on benthic communities, quality assurance in fish aging, surveys of shellfish, maturity staging of fish and acoustic methods. Plus a targeted project specifically designed to research needs of IMARES and EL&I will be carried out into the trade-offs in FMSY targets for North Sea flatfish fisheries

    KB - WOT Fisheries Research; programme for 2010

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    LNV programme WOT 5 covers the execution of statutory tasks (WOT) in fisheries carried out by DLO. Part of the KB programme, presented in this report, contains resources earmarked to maintain and develop the expertise needed to carry out the WOT programme. As well as maintaining expertise, innovation is an important part of the programme. The programme is also part of the Wageningen UR Kennisbasis and comes under the theme KB01: “Groene en blauwe ruimte”. This report describes the allocation and utilisation of the Kennisbasis budget in 2010. The available budget in 2010 is €621 000. The structure of the KBWOT programme is similar to that in 2009. The money is spent through projects, each of which is described in this report. The projects are split up into four priority research areas: A) Influence of changes in the environment on marine ecosystems, B) impact of fisheries on ecosystems, C) changing fishery management, D) maintenance and international exchange of key WOT expertise. These priority research areas have been developed with the agreement of LNV. All of these areas fall under the wider WUR kennisbasis themes

    KB-WOT Fisheries Research; programme for 2008

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    LNV programme 406 covers the execution of statutory tasks (WOT) in fisheries carried out by DLO. Part of the KB programme, presented in this report, contains resources earmarked to maintain and develop the expertise needed to carry out the WOT programme. As well as maintaining expertise, innovation is an important part of the programme. The programme is also part of the Wageningen UR Kennisbasis and comes under the theme KB01: “Groene en blauwe ruimte”. This report describes the allocation and utilisation of the Kennisbasis budget in 2008. The available budget in 2008 is €621 000. The money is spent through projects, each of which is described here. The projects are split up into 4 research priority areas: A) Influence of changes in the environment on marine ecosystems, B) impact of fisheries on ecosystems, C) changing fishery management, D) maintenance and international exchange of key WOT expertise. All of these areas fall under the wider WUR "kennisbasis" theme

    Does operational oceanography address the needs of fisheries and applied environmental scientists?

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    Although many oceanographic data products are now considered operational, continued dialogue between data producers and their user communities is still needed. The fisheries and environmental science communities have often been criticized for their lack of multidisciplinarity, and it is not clear whether recent developments in operational oceanographic products are addressing these needs. The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Working Group on Operational Oceanographic products for Fisheries and Environment (WGOOFE) identified a potential mismatch between user requirements and the perception of requirements by the providers. Through a questionnaire (98 respondents), WGOOFE identified some of these issues. Although products of physical variables were in higher demand, several biological parameters scored in the top 10 rankings. Users placed specific focus on historic time series products with monthly or annual resolution and updating on similar time scales. A significant percentage requested access to numerical data rather than graphical output. While the outcomes of this survey challenge our views of operational oceanography, several initiatives are already attempting to close the gap between user requirements and products available

    Review of Ruegen herring larvae survey project

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    The data set held by the German Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries on the survey of the Greifswalder Bodden herring larvae is probably the highest temporal and spatially resolved survey of the hatching of Atlantic herring larvae in the world. A review of the project that collects the German time series of Rügen herring larvae was carried out by members of the project team in Rostock and two external reviewers. This is the report of the external reviewers

    Report of the KB-WOT fisheries programme carried out in 2006

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    LNV programma 406 omvat de wettelijke taken die door DLO uitgevoerd worden en betrekking hebben op de visserij. Binnen dit programma is er een Kennisbasis budget dat bedoeld is voor het ontwikkelen en onderhouden van expertise om dit programma uit te kunnen voeren. Dit rapport beschrijft hoe het budget voor 2006 (€ 621000) gebruikt is voor de diverse onderzoeksprojecten. Van ieder onderzoeksproject wordt een beschrijving gegeven, daarnaast worden de resultaten, de opgedane kennis en een verantwoording van de financiering gegeven. De projecten zijn onderverdeeld in vijf thema’s: 1) invloed van veranderende leefomgeving op mariene ecosystemen, 2) impact van visserij op ecosysteem, 3) visserijbeheer, 4) onderhoud sleutelexpertise en 5) kleine onderzoeksprojecte