4,952 research outputs found

    Lectures on Gauged Supergravity and Flux Compactifications

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    The low-energy effective theories describing string compactifications in the presence of fluxes are so-called gauged supergravities: deformations of the standard abelian supergravity theories. The deformation parameters can be identified with the various possible (geometric and non-geometric) flux components. In these lecture notes we review the construction of gauged supergravities in a manifestly duality covariant way and illustrate the construction in several examples.Comment: 48 pages, lectures given at the RTN Winter School on Strings, Supergravity and Gauge Theories, CERN, January 200

    Unified Maxwell-Einstein and Yang-Mills-Einstein Supergravity Theories in Five Dimensions

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    Unified N=2 Maxwell-Einstein supergravity theories (MESGTs) are supergravity theories in which all the vector fields, including the graviphoton, transform in an irreducible representation of a simple global symmetry group of the Lagrangian. As was established long time ago, in five dimensions there exist only four unified Maxwell-Einstein supergravity theories whose target manifolds are symmetric spaces. These theories are defined by the four simple Euclidean Jordan algebras of degree three. In this paper, we show that, in addition to these four unified MESGTs with symmetric target spaces, there exist three infinite families of unified MESGTs as well as another exceptional one. These novel unified MESGTs are defined by non-compact (Minkowskian) Jordan algebras, and their target spaces are in general neither symmetric nor homogeneous. The members of one of these three infinite families can be gauged in such a way as to obtain an infinite family of unified N=2 Yang-Mills-Einstein supergravity theories, in which all vector fields transform in the adjoint representation of a simple gauge group of the type SU(N,1). The corresponding gaugings in the other two infinite families lead to Yang-Mills-Einstein supergravity theories coupled to tensor multiplets.Comment: Latex 2e, 28 pages. v2: reference added, footnote 14 enlarge

    Ground-based follow-up observations of TRAPPIST-1 transits in the near-infrared

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    The TRAPPIST-1 planetary system is a favorable target for the atmospheric characterization of temperate earth-sized exoplanets by means of transmission spectroscopy with the forthcoming James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). A possible obstacle to this technique could come from the photospheric heterogeneity of the host star that could affect planetary signatures in the transit transmission spectra. To constrain further this possibility, we gathered an extensive photometric data set of 25 TRAPPIST-1 transits observed in the near-IR J band (1.2 μ\mum) with the UKIRT and the AAT, and in the NB2090 band (2.1 μ\mum) with the VLT during the period 2015-2018. In our analysis of these data, we used a special strategy aiming to ensure uniformity in our measurements and robustness in our conclusions. We reach a photometric precision of 0.003\sim0.003 (RMS of the residuals), and we detect no significant temporal variations of transit depths of TRAPPIST-1 b, c, e, and g over the period of three years. The few transit depths measured for planets d and f hint towards some level of variability, but more measurements will be required for confirmation. Our depth measurements for planets b and c disagree with the stellar contamination spectra originating from the possible existence of bright spots of temperature 4500 K. We report updated transmission spectra for the six inner planets of the system which are globally flat for planets b and g and some structures are seen for planets c, d, e, and f.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRA

    Supergravity, Supermembrane and M(atrix) model on PP-Waves

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    In the first part of this paper, we study the back-reaction of large-N light cone momentum on the maximally supersymmetric anti-pp-wave background. This gives the type IIA geometry of large-N D0-branes on curved space with fluxes. By taking an appropriate decoupling limit, we conjecture a new duality between string theory on that background and dual field theory on D0-branes which we derive by calculating linear coupling terms. Agreement of decoupling quantities, SO(3) \times SO(6) isometry and Higgs branch on both theories are shown. Also we find whenever dual field theory is weakly coupled, the curvature of the geometry is large. In the second part of this paper, we derive the supermembrane action on a general pp-wave background only through the properties of null Killing vector and through this, derive the Matrix model.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX. v2: corrected interpretation of supergravity solutio

    Symmetry properties of the metric energy-momentum tensor in classical field theories and gravity

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    We derive a generic identity which holds for the metric (i.e. variational) energy-momentum tensor under any field transformation in any generally covariant classical Lagrangian field theory. The identity determines the conditions under which a symmetry of the Lagrangian is also a symmetry of the energy-momentum tensor. It turns out that the stress tensor acquires the symmetry if the Lagrangian has the symmetry in a generic curved spacetime. In this sense a field theory in flat spacetime is not self-contained. When the identity is applied to the gauge invariant spin-two field in Minkowski space, we obtain an alternative and direct derivation of a known no-go theorem: a linear gauge invariant spin-2 field, which is dynamically equivalent to linearized General Relativity, cannot have a gauge invariant metric energy-momentum tensor. This implies that attempts to define the notion of gravitational energy density in terms of the metric energy--momentum tensor in a field-theoretical formulation of gravity must fail.Comment: Revised version to match the published version in Class. Quantum Gra

    Orbifolds and Flows from Gauged Supergravity

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    We examine orbifolds of the IIB string via gauged supergravity. For the gravity duals of the A_{n-1} quiver gauge theories, we extract the massless degrees of freedom and assemble them into multiplets of N=4 gauged supergravity in five dimensions. We examine the embedding of the gauge group into the isometry group of the scalar manifold, as well as the symmetries of the scalar potential. From this we find that there is a large SU(1,n) symmetry group which relates different RG flows in the dual quiver gauge theory. We find that this symmetry implies an extension of the usual duality between ten-dimensional IIB solutions which involves exchanging geometric moduli with background fluxes.Comment: 37 pages, harvma

    Renormalization Group Invariance of Exact Results in Supersymmetric Gauge Theories

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    We clarify the notion of Wilsonian renormalization group (RG) invariance in supersymmetric gauge theories, which states that the low-energy physics can be kept fixed when one changes the ultraviolet cutoff, provided appropriate changes are made to the bare coupling constants in the Lagrangian. We first pose a puzzle on how a quantum modified constraint (such as Pf(Q^i Q^j) = \Lambda^{2(N+1)} in SP(N) theories with N+1 flavors) can be RG invariant, since the bare fields Q^i receive wave function renormalization when one changes the ultraviolet cutoff, while we naively regard the scale \Lambda as RG invariant. The resolution is that \Lambda is not RG invariant if one sticks to canonical normalization for the bare fields as is conventionally done in field theory. We derive a formula for how \Lambda must be changed when one changes the ultraviolet cutoff. We then compare our formula to known exact results and show that their consistency requires the change in \Lambda we have found. Finally, we apply our result to models of supersymmetry breaking due to quantum modified constraints. The RG invariance helps us to determine the effective potential along the classical flat directions found in these theories. In particular, the inverted hierarchy mechanism does not occur in the original version of these models.Comment: LaTeX, 26 page

    Universal contributions to scalar masses from five dimensional supergravity

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    We compute the effective Kahler potential for matter fields in warped compactifications, starting from five dimensional gauged supergravity, as a function of the matter fields localization. We show that truncation to zero modes is inconsistent and the tree-level exchange of the massive gravitational multiplet is needed for consistency of the four-dimensional theory. In addition to the standard Kahler coming from dimensional reduction, we find the quartic correction coming from integrating out the gravity multiplet. We apply our result to the computation of scalar masses, by assuming that the SUSY breaking field is a bulk hypermultiplet. In the limit of extreme opposite localization of the matter and the spurion fields, we find zero scalar masses, consistent with sequestering arguments. Surprisingly enough, for all the other cases the scalar masses are tachyonic. This suggests the holographic interpretation that a CFT sector always generates operators contributing in a tachyonic way to scalar masses. Viability of warped su- persymmetric compactifications necessarily asks then for additional contributions. We discuss the case of additional bulk vector multiplets with mixed boundary conditions, which is a partic- ularly simple and attractive way to generate large positive scalar masses. We show that in this case successful fermion mass matrices implies highly degenerate scalar masses for the first two generations of squarks and sleptons.Comment: 23 pages. v2: References added, new section on effect of additional bulk vector multiplets and phenomenolog

    Local well-posedness for membranes in the light cone gauge

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    In this paper we consider the classical initial value problem for the bosonic membrane in light cone gauge. A Hamiltonian reduction gives a system with one constraint, the area preserving constraint. The Hamiltonian evolution equations corresponding to this system, however, fail to be hyperbolic. Making use of the area preserving constraint, an equivalent system of evolution equations is found, which is hyperbolic and has a well-posed initial value problem. We are thus able to solve the initial value problem for the Hamiltonian evolution equations by means of this equivalent system. We furthermore obtain a blowup criterion for the membrane evolution equations, and show, making use of the constraint, that one may achieve improved regularity estimates.Comment: 29 page

    Matrix Black Holes

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    Four and five dimensional extremal black holes with nonzero entropy have simple presentations in M-theory as gravitational waves bound to configurations of intersecting M-branes. We discuss realizations of these objects in matrix models of M-theory, investigate the properties of zero-brane probes, and propose a measure of their internal density. A scenario for black hole dynamics is presented.Comment: 26 pages, harvmac; a few more references and additional comment