54 research outputs found


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    The Ortheziidae (Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha: Coccomorpha) are considered one of the most ancient families of Coccoidea. In this study, the antennal structures of species belonging to the Ortheziidae are examined and combined with data from a previous phylogenetic study as well as habitat preference data. Illustrations of the antennal structures (with a focus on the distribution of setae and specialized sensilla) for the type species of all genera in the Ortheziidae are provided. The three main ortheziid lineages can be recognized by their sensilla: (i) the Ortheziinae all possess coeloconic sensilla; (ii) the Newsteadiinae, which only includes Newsteadia, is characterized by a different type of coeloconic sensilla, here named Newsteadia-type coeloconic sensilla, and (iii) a clade that includes the Mixortheziinii, Nipponortheziini and Ortheziolini, all possess only basiconic sensilla

    Türkiye'den Fonscolombia Lichtenstein cinsine ait yeni bir türün tanıtımı (Hemiptera: Coccoidea: Pseudococcidae)

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    Çalışmada Iğdır'dan Stipa sp. ve Festuca sp. (Poaceae) üzerinden toplanan yeni tür Foncolombia ulusoyi sp. n. ergin dişi özelliklerine göre tanımlanmıştır.A new mealybug species, Foncolombia ulusoyi sp. n. (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae), is described and illustrated based on the adult female. The new species was collected off Stipa sp. and Festuca sp. (Poaceae) at Iğdır in Turkey

    Investigations on biological characteristics of Pseudococcus comstocki (Kuwana) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) on different two mulberry species and different temperatures

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    WOS: 000338003600008Asiatic originated Pseudococcus comstocki (Kuwana), the Comstock mealybug (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) is polyphagous cosmopolite species. Nowadays it is spreading through to Europe and becoming wide distribution. In this study, the developmental time, survival and fecundity of P. comstocki on two mulberry species (Morus alba and M. nigra) (Moraceae) were studied at four different temperatures (18 +/- 1, 23 +/- 1, 28 +/- 1 and 20-32 degrees C) and thermal constant was calculated. According to results, it appears that performance of P. comstocki and, consequently, its population increase were affected by feeding with different mulberry species and at different temperatures, and M. nigra seems to be more likely susceptible to the mealybug than M. alba in each temperatures because it displayed the highest performance on this host plant. The results showed that the population on M. nigra (r(m) = 0.123 female/female/day; R-0 = 108.933 female/female; T-0= 38.160 day; DT= 5.639 day) developed better than that on M. alba (r(m)= 0.115 female/female/day; R-0= 84.281 female/female; T-0= 38.600 day; DT= 6.032 day) at 28 degrees C. It was found that there was an inverse relationship between the growth period of the population and the temperature, development of the mealybug becoming fully grown was the fastest on both Morus species at 28 degrees C. The threshold for development (t) and the thermal constant (ThC) of the mealybug on M. nigra was determined as 7.87 degrees C, K = 513 degree-days respectively; while on M. a/ba, these parameters were found to be 7.76 degrees C and K = 518 degree-days respectively

    Investigations on biological characteristics of Pseudococcus comstocki (Kuwana) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) on different two mulberry species and different temperatures

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    Asya kökenli unlubit Pseudococcus comstocki (Kuwana) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) polifag kozmopolit bir türdür. Son yıllarda Avrupa ülkelerinde hızla yayılan bu tür daha geniş bir dağılıma sahip olmaktadır. Bu çalışmada P. comstocki’nin farklı sıcaklık koşullarında (18, 23, 28 ve 20-32°C) ve iki farklı dut türü (Morus alba ve M. nigra) (Moraceae) üzerinde gelişme dönemlerinin süresi, ölüm oranları, üreme kapasitesi, dişi-erkek oranları, termal konstantı ve gelişme eşiğinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda M. nigra üzerinde beslenen popülasyonun (rm= 0.123 dişi/dişi/gün; R0= 108.933 dişi/dişi; T0= 38.160 gün; DT= 5.639 gün) M.alba üzerinde beslenen popülasyondan (rm= 0.115 dişi/dişi/gün; R0= 84.281 dişi/dişi; T0= 38.600 gün; DT= 6.032 gün) daha iyi geliştiği tespit edilmiştir. P. comstocki’nin sıcaklığa bağlı olarak gelişimi incelendiğinde türün en hızlı 28°C’de ergin olduğu belirlenmiştir. Zararlının M. nigra’da gelişme eşiğinin (t) 7.87°C, termal konstantının (ThC) K= 513 gün-derece; M. alba’da gelişme eşiğinin (t) 7.76°C, termal konstantının (ThC) K= 518 gün-derece olduğu saptanmıştır.Asiatic originated Pseudococcus comstocki (Kuwana), the Comstock mealybug (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) is polyphagous cosmopolite species. Nowadays it is spreading through to Europe and becoming wide distribution. In this study, the developmental time, survival and fecundity of P. comstocki on two mulberry species (Morus alba and M. nigra) (Moraceae) were studied at four different temperatures (18±1, 23±1, 28±1 and 20-32°C) and thermal constant was calculated. According to results, it appears that performance of P. comstocki and, consequently, its population increase were affected by feeding with different mulberry species and at different temperatures, and M. nigra seems to be more likely susceptible to the mealybug than M. alba in each temperatures because it displayed the highest performance on this host plant. The results showed that the population on M. nigra (rm = 0.123 female/female/day; R0 = 108.933 female/female; T0= 38.160 day; DT= 5.639 day) developed better than that on M. alba (rm= 0.115 female/female/day; R0 = 84.281 female/female; T0= 38.600 day; DT= 6.032 day) at 28°C. It was found that there was an inverse relationship between the growth period of the population and the temperature, development of the mealybug becoming fully grown was the fastest on both Morus species at 28 °C. The threshold for development (t) and the thermal constant (ThC) of the mealybug on M. nigra was determined as 7.87 °C, K = 513 degree-days respectively; while on M. alba, these parameters were found to be 7.76 °C and K = 518 degree-days respectively

    Molecular phylogeny and species recognition in the mealybug genus Ferrisia Fullaway (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae)

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    Previous allozyme and DNA nucleotide sequence studies of the mealybug genus Ferrisia Fullaway (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae), although limited, have suggested greater species diversity than is recognized by the current morphology-based taxonomy. Here we analyse nucleotide sequence data from one mitochondrial (cytochrome oxidase I) and two nuclear (EF-1α and 28S D2D3) genes and recover ten well-supported groups that allow us to reassess the taxonomic utility of morphological characters used for species recognition. We report on previously used morphological characters for which states are highly variable within genetic groups and identify new characters (of the wax-exuding cuticular ducts and pores) with taxonomically informative states. The widespread pest species F. virgata (Cockerell), commonly called the striped mealybug, should be diagnosed more narrowly. From samples identified as F. virgata, we recover six clades that we equate with species and that can be distinguished with the newly identified morphological characters. We determine that five of the 'electrophoretic species' identified informally by the late Uzi Nur based on electrophoretic mobility of 20 enzymes correlate with four of our genetic groups. This matching of Nur's putative species with ours was possible only because some of Nur's slide-mounted voucher specimens were deposited in a museum and thus available for morphological study. Species confused with F. virgata are either new to science or were placed erroneously in synonymy with F. virgata by earlier authors: they will be described elsewhere. The most important characters of the adult female for distinguishing these species from F. virgata are the positions and characteristics of minute discoidal pore(s) associated both with the ventral oral-collar tubular ducts and with the sclerotized area surrounding each dorsal enlarged tubular duct, and the number of sizes of the ventral oral-collar tubular ducts. In addition, we determine that adult females of F. gilli Gullan from different populations on different host plants vary substantially in the number and size of clusters of small ventral oral-collar ducts on the body margins - features previously suspected to indicate distinct species. © 2010 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2010 The Royal Entomological Society

    Two new species of Coccidohystrix Lindinger (Hemiptera: Coccomorpha: Pseudococcidae) with notes on the related genus. Artemicoccus Balachowsky

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    WOS: 000371196700004Scale insect (Hemiptera: Coccomorpha: Pseudococcidae) samples were collected in Turkey (Hakkari-Yuksekova) and Bulgaria (Kresna Gorge) between 2007 and 2012. Two new Coccidohystrix Lindinger species, are described and illustrated. An identification key including the new species is also provided. Additionaly, the type material of C. zangherii was studied and the species is transferred into the genus Artemicoccus Balachowsky. A new identification key for species in the genus Artemicoccus is also provided

    Investigations on some Biological Characters of Pseudococcus cryptus (Hempel) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) on Four Citrus species

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    The developmental time, longevity, fecundity, sex ratio, duration of preoviposition, oviposition and postoviposition, number of nymphs and life table parameters of Pseudococcus cryptus (Hempel) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) were studied on four citrus (Rutaceae) species (Citrus paradisi, C. limon, C. unshiu, C. sinensis), in an acclimatized room at 25 +/- 2 degrees C, 60-70% relative humidity and 14:10h (1:d) photoperiod. The results suggest that some of the parameters for P cryptus populations were affected by the species of citrus, and that C. limon was the preferred host plant. The population parameters on C. limon were determined as r(m) = 0.1526 d(-1); R-0= 65.8 offspring/individual and T-0 = 27.4 days