25 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Sistem Ojrs+ (Online Jadwal Rencana Studi Plus) sebagai Media Perencanaan Jadwal Kuliah

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    OJRS at the College of Raharja is an information system that is in the component of the SIS (Student Information System). OJRS present to facilitate students in performing void add class schedules and print the form - the form that is in the menu OJRS. OJRS main function is to facilitate the process of void-added service class schedule resulting in fast and accurate data. Starting from the view class schedules, add and cancel courses, pick up class schedules to generate report output in the form of KSTF (Final Fixed Study Card) for students. This research is a quantitative research design using survey research using questionnaires processing techniques are processed based on validity and reliability test using SPSS software. With research results OJRS system is running is still relatively less than the maximum, and still there are 5 (five) deficiencies or weaknesses in the system. Therefore, in this study will be explained about the system OJRS ongoing at this time to describe the analysis of the system using UML (Unified Modeling Language) diagrams and try to provide input in the form of system design to support and contribute to the development of systems OJRS + that are in SIS + (Student iLearning Services) which can be accessed online outside the campus environment easily and quickly just by using the Internet connectio

    Supracricoid partial laryngectomy as salvage surgery for radiation therapy failure.

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    The main concern in the treatment of laryngeal carcinomas is tumor control with preservation of laryngeal functions. We believe that salvage supracricoid partial laryngectomy (SPL) should be carefully considered in selected cases of radiotherapy failure, because it can offer the possibility of achieving adequate tumor control with preservation of laryngeal functions.A series of 31 patients who underwent an SPL as salvage procedure after radiotherapy failure was reviewed.Locoregional control rate was 75\%, with 60\% 5-year overall survival; no patients were lost to follow-up, and a death-from-disease rate of 19.35\% was recorded. Restoration of laryngeal functions was achieved in 89.29\% of the patients. No statistically significant differences were found in locoregional control regarding anterior commissure involvement, elective neck dissection versus wait-and-see policy, pathologic positive neck disease, and restage I-II versus restage III-IV.The oncologic and functional results indicate the consistency of salvage SPL, proposing this type of operation as a serious alternative to total laryngectomy in carefully selected cases

    Differentiation and displacement: Unpicking the relationship between accounts of illness and social structure

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    This article seeks to unpack the relationship between social structure and accounts of illness. Taking dentine hypersensitivity as an example, this article explores the perspective that accounts of illness are sense-making processes that draw on a readily available pool of meaning. This pool of meaning is composed of a series of distinctions that make available a range of different lines of communication and action about such conditions. Such lines of communication are condensed and preserved over time and are often formed around a concept and its counter concept. The study of such processes is referred to as semantic analysis and involves drawing on the tools and techniques of conceptual history. This article goes on to explore how the semantics of dentine hypersensitivity developed. It illustrates how processes of social differentiation led to the concept being separated from the more dominant concept of dentine sensitivity and how it was medicalised, scientised and economised. In short, this study seeks to present the story of how society has developed a specific language for communicating about sensitivity and hypersensitivity in teeth. In doing so, it proposes that accounts of dentine hypersensitivity draw on lines of communication that society has preserved over time