414 research outputs found
Progressive extensification of the cotton production in Spain
Following the decoupling of the cotton subsidies in 2006, the farm production system has become less intensive in the use of agrochemical, water and labour. The consequence is an average yield reduction of 40 per cent. Albeit the farm income has not been reduced, the negative effects of the reform have been borne by the ginning industry (60% less ginned cotton), the agrochemical suppliers (reduction of 35-55% of sales) and the auxiliary sector. In addition to the reduction of the cotton farm labour by 43%, the NCR poses a social problem in some municipalities of Southern Spain since the contribution of the cotton production to the rural economy is high (in some of them, cotton represents 80% of the irrigated arable crops farm employment). In order to guarantee to some extent the cotton production in Spain some policy reform must be introduced targeting the link between the production and harvest of cotton in the fields and the eligibility of the area paymentEl desacoplamiento de las ayudas en el cultivo del algodón ha tenido en la primera campaña con este nuevo sistema de apoyo un claro en la extensificación del cultivo, con una reducción media del rendimiento de aproximadamente el 40 por ciento. Este efecto se verá probablemente ampliado en la segunda campaña, con un mayor número de agricultores que decidan sembrar algodón y reducir al máximo el uso de insumos, incluso llegando al extremo de no recolectar el algodón del campo. Si bien no ha habido una reducción de la renta percibida por el agricultor, es el sector transformador, las empresas proveedoras de agroquímicos y las empresas auxiliares quienes han sufrido el impacto negativo de la reforma. El estudio apunta que el mantenimiento de una producción mínima de algodón en España no depende del nivel de desacoplamiento de la ayuda sino del cumplimiento del requisito de producir una cantidad mínima de algodón por parcela con unas características de calidad determinadas.</p
The design of agri-environmental schemes: Farmers preferences in southern Spain
Agri-environmental schemes (AES) play a key role in promoting the production of environmental public goods by European Union agriculture. Although extensive literature has analyzed AES, some important issues remain understudied. This paper performs an ex-ante assessment of AES in permanent cropping, analyzing several issues that have received little attention from researchers, such as ecological focus areas (EFA) and collective participation. For this purpose, a choice experiment was used to assess farmers’ preferences towards AES in a case study of olive groves in southern Spain. Results show high heterogeneity among farmers, with different classes being identified, from potential participants to non-participants. As regards EFA, almost half of the farmers would be willing to accept it for low monetary incentives (€8-9/ha per additional 1% of the farmland devoted to EFA) while the rest would do it for moderate-to-high monetary incentives (€41-151/ha per additional 1% of EFA). However, for a high share of EFA (e.g., 5-7%) higher incentives would presumably be required due to the intrinsic spatial restrictions of olive groves. With regard to collective participation, we find that it is unlikely that farmers would participate collectively with the incentive of the up-to-30% EU-wide bonus. These results are relevant for policy-making now when new AES are being designed for the next programming period 2014-2020.Los programas medioambientales son un instrumento clave para la provisión de bienes públicos de carácter ambiental. En este trabajo utilizando los experimentos de elección se determina el grado de adopción según el tipo de sistema de olivar. Los resultados indican que casi la mitad de los olivareros estarían dispuestos a dedicar el 2% a Superficie de Interés Ecológico (SIE) por reducidos incentivos monetarios. Para una adopción entre 5-7% se requerirían elevados incentivos.</p
¿Se está llevando a cabo un proceso de diferenciación en el mercado del aceite de oliva virgen extra? Un enfoque hedónico
The differentiation process by quality attributes continues to be an ongoing issue in the Spanish olive oil market. In addition, there is a significant percentage of uninformed consumers with erroneous and confusing ideas concerning this product of daily use. By estimating a hedonic price function using multiple regression analysis, this paper examines the price structure of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) as well as the contribution of its attributes to the consumers’ utility function in comparison with other olive oils. The price and attributes have been collected from the labelling of the products at the main supermarkets in two olive oil-producing cities of southern Spain. The results show that the EVOO price is higher in products whose labels clearly indicate either the acidity or the olive variety, and bear the “Certified Quality” of the Andalusian logo. Nonetheless, several key attributes for a differentiation of quality were no significant such as flavor and PDO. The evaluation of these attributes implies the emergence of an incipient differentiation process. Furthermore, brands have an impact on the price of EVOO but it depends on whether they are private or manufacturer’s brands. This study provides insight into the Andalusian EVOO market as well as guidance for marketing strategies.La diferenciación entre calidades de aceite de oliva es una tarea aún pendiente del sector oleícola, que se enfrenta a una gran cantidad de consumidores desinformados, que tienen ideas confusas y erróneas sobre un alimento de uso cotidiano. A través de la estimación de la función de precios hedónicos, este trabajo analiza la estructura del precio del aceite de oliva virgen extra (AOVE) así como los atributos que le añaden o le restan valor, con el objetivo de identificar en qué medida el mercado está poniendo en valor determinados atributos que diferencian al AOVE de otros aceites de oliva. La información necesaria sobre precios y atributos ha sido obtenida a partir del etiquetado de los productos presentes en las principales cadenas de supermercados de dos ciudades productoras de aceite de oliva de Andalucía. Los principales resultados muestran que el precio de un AOVE será mayor si en su etiqueta aparece la acidez o la variedad de aceituna, y si tiene el sello de “Calidad Certificada” de Andalucía, atributos que en efecto suponen la emergencia de un proceso, aún incipiente, de diferenciación del AOVE. Las marcas comerciales también tienen un importante impacto sobre el AOVE, pero éste depende de si se trata de una marca de distribuidor o de una empresa líder del sector. Esta información es interesante para conocer el mercado andaluz actual y puede servir a los productores para orientar posibles actuaciones dentro del marketing mix
Evaluation of bone marrow and blood cultures for the recovery of mycobacteria in the diagnosis of disseminated mycobacterial infections
AbstractThis study evaluated the validity of bone marrow (BM) and blood specimens for the diagnosis of disseminated mycobacterial infections (DMIs). From 1990 to February 1997, all specimens were processed with the lysis-centrifugation procedure; thereafter (until December 2001), they were processed with the BACTEC Myco/F Lytic system. Twenty-three paired BM-blood specimens with mycobacteria in at least one specimen were studied from 23 patients. The strains isolated were 14 Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) and nine M. tuberculosis complex (MTBC). Blood specimens had a statistically significant greater sensitivity for the isolation of MAC than BM (100% vs. 57.1%, respectively), whereas sensitivity for the isolation of MTBC was equal for the two specimen types (66.7%). Although not statistically significant, the times required to detect mycobacteria from blood specimens were lower than those from BM in the MycoF/Lytic system. Overall, blood cultures represented a more sensitive and less invasive alternative to BM cultures for the diagnosis of disseminated mycobacteriosis caused by MAC, especially when the MycoF/Lytic system was used, but provided no advantage for the diagnosis of DMI caused by MTBC
Análisis de la demanda de bienes y servicios no comerciales procedentes de la actividad agraria: El caso del olivar de montaña andaluz
[EN] Agricultural multifunctionality is the recognition of the joint exercise of economic, environmental and social functions by this sector. In order to make this concept operative for the design of public policies, it is necessary to estimate the social demand for such functions. The main objective of this article is to present an empirical application in this line. For this purpose we have taken the agricultural system of mountain olive groves in Andalusia (Southern Spain) at risk of abandonment after the decoupling of the EU subsidies as a case study. The economic valuation technique used is the Choice Experiment. According to the results, there is a different contribution of each attribute to the improvement of the Society level of utility. Thus, and taking into account its WTP for each attribute, keeping rural population in their villages and fighting soil erosion seem to be the most valued functions by Andalusian citizens. It follows the improvement of the visual quality of the rural landscapes and the reduction of food residuals. Finally, although the results suggest a significant demand for the different functions, this demand is heterogeneous, depending on the socio-economic characteristics of the individuals.[ES] El concepto de multifuncionalidad agraria supone el reconocimiento de la provisión conjunta de bienes y servicios de tipo económico, social y medioambiental. Con el objeto de hacer operativo este concepto para el diseño de políticas públicas es necesario estimar la demanda social de estas funciones. En este contexto, el presente trabajo supone una aplicación empírica de esta idea teniendo como caso de estudio el olivar andaluz de montaña. La valoración económica de las funciones no comerciales más relevantes de este sistema agrario se ha llevado a cabo utilizando los experimentos de elección. Según los resultados obtenidos, existe una contribución al bienestar social de cada uno de los atributos analizados, siendo el mantenimiento de la población en el medio rural y la lucha contra la erosión los dos atributos mejor valorados, seguidos por la provisión de un paisaje de calidad y la seguridad alimentaria. Por último, estos mismos resultados evidencian igualmente cómo esta valoración es heterogénea, dependiendo de las características socioeconómicas de los individuos.Kallas, Z.; Gómez-Limón, J.; Arriaza, M.; Nekhay, O. (2006). Demand for non-commodities outputs from agricultural activities: The case of mountain olive groves. Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales - Agricultural and Resource Economics. 6(11):49-79. doi:10.7201/earn.2006.11.03SWORD497961
Earliest Porotic Hyperostosis on a 1.5-Million-year-old Hominin, olduvai gorge, Tanzania.
Meat-eating was an important factor affecting early hominin brain expansion, social organization and geographic movement. Stone tool butchery marks on ungulate fossils in several African archaeological assemblages demonstrate a significant level of carnivory by Pleistocene hominins, but the discovery at Olduvai Gorge of a child's pathological cranial fragments indicates that some hominins probably experienced scarcity of animal foods during various stages of their life histories. The child's parietal fragments, excavated from 1.5-million-year-old sediments, show porotic hyperostosis, a pathology associated with anemia. Nutritional deficiencies, including anemia, are most common at weaning, when children lose passive immunity received through their mothers' milk. Our results suggest, alternatively, that (1) the developmentally disruptive potential of weaning reached far beyond sedentary Holocene food-producing societies and into the early Pleistocene, or that (2) a hominin mother's meat-deficient diet negatively altered the nutritional content of her breast milk to the extent that her nursing child ultimately died from malnourishment. Either way, this discovery highlights that by at least 1.5 million years ago early human physiology was already adapted to a diet that included the regular consumption of meat
Archaeometric analysis of ceramic production in Tiwanaku state (c.500-1000ce) : An exploratory study
The chemical and mineralogical characterization of seven ceramic fragments produced within Tiwanaku state (c.500-1000 ce) is reported. The instrumental techniques used included X-ray elemental and mineralogical chemical analysis, Raman spectroscopy, and scanning and light microscopy. The results indicate there are several clay types, although they show similarities, such as the use of a plant-based temper. The red colour of the decoration is hematite, and manganese oxides such as jacobsite are present in the black. The white colour is a mixture of gypsum and clay, and the orange is a mixture of hematite and clay. The use of colours, the quality of the clays and the temperatures reached during pottery firing point to expertise in ceramic production and to complex decision-making processes. The multi-elemental archaeometric approach documented here could become an important tool to shed a light on ancient ceramic technology and the internal variance of Tiwanaku pottery.Peer reviewe
Resiliencia en crestas de arrecifes coralinos del este del golfo de Batabanó, Cuba, y factores determinantes probables
Se comparó el grado de resiliencia de seis crestas arrecifales del este del golfo de Batabanó, Cuba. Tres fueron del norte del golfo de Cazones (Tramo Norte) y las restantes, del oeste de Cayo Largo (Tramo Sur). Las del primer tramo fueron las de faro Cazones, Norte de la cresta de cayo Diego Pérez y de faro Diego Pérez. Las otras tres fueron las de cayo Rico, arrecifes Los Ballenatos y arrecifes Hijos de Los Ballenatos. Se emplearon los indicadores biológicos del Protocolo AGRRA. El Tramo Norte presentó las crestas más resilientes, sobre todo la de faro Cazones. Las del Tramo Sur no exhibieron resiliencia. Fueron varios e interrelacionados, los factores aparentemente más determinantes en la resiliencia. Entre estos, cuatro se consideraron como fuerzas motrices: resguardo contra el oleaje, circulación habitual giratoria ciclónica en la ensenada de Cazones, entrada de nutrientes provenientes tanto de la ciénaga de Zapata como de aguas profundas, y abundancia del erizo herbívoro Diadema antillarum. Los demás factores, desencadenados por los anteriores y también interrelacionados, fueron, al parecer la menor afectación por oleaje y sedimentos, estabilización de fragmentos vivos de coral, índices favorables de macroalgas bentónicas, cierta retención de nutrientes y plancton, más alimentación heterotrófica de los corales, mayor auto reclutamiento de corales y del erizo Diadema; mejores condiciones para el asentamiento y viabilidad de los reclutas, y para el recapamiento de corales; mayor crecimiento y recuperación de los corales y mejores condiciones térmicas contra el blanqueamiento de corales
The degree of resilience of six reef crest sites was compared at the east of the Gulf of Batabano, Cuba. Three of them were located north of the Gulf of Cazones (Northern Stretch), while the remaining ones were west of Cayo Largo (Southern Stretch). Those of the Northern Stretch were “Faro Cazones”, north of the crest of cayo Diego Pérez and “Faro Diego Pérez”. The remaining sites were those of the cayo Rico, Los Ballenatos reefs, and Hijos de Los Ballenatos reefs. The AGRRA biological indicators were applied. The Northern Stretch presented the most resilient crests, mainly that of “Faro Cazones”. Those of the Southern Stretch did not reveal signs of resilience. Several interrelated factors were apparently more linked to resilience. Four of them were considered as driving forces: shelter from waves, usual cyclonic revolving water circulation in the Ensenada de Cazones, nutrient input from the Zapata swamp and deep water, and the abundance of the herbivore sea urchin Diadema antillarum. Triggered by these driving forces, the remaining factors apparently were less effect of waves and sediments, stabilization of live coral fragments, favorable benthic macro-algae indices, some retention of nutrient and plankton, increased coral heterotrophic feeding; better conditions for recruit settlement and viability, and for coral re-sheeting; faster coral growth and recuperation and better thermal conditions against coral bleaching
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