1,762 research outputs found

    Aktualisasi Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan Islam pada Surat Al-Alaq Ayat 1-5 dalam Pembelajaran Agama Islam

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    This study aims to examine the surah al-Alaq verses 1-5 about the virtues of reading, writing, investigating, examining, and including all work for the sake of Allah. In addition, this research will also look for the values ​​of Islamic education contained therein and how to actualize them in learning. This type of research is library research with the data analysis technique used is content analysis. The collection of library materials and the object of discussion under study were made coherently and then re-examined with one another with a predetermined framework. In this study, it was found that Surah al-Alaq verses 1-5 contain three values ​​of Islamic education. These values ​​are Aqidah Education to strengthen belief and faith, Shari'a Education as a guide to facilitate carrying out Allah's commands, and Moral Education as the actualization of carrying out His commands. This first revelation can be used as a guide when the learning process is in accordance with the existing stages

    Gerakan Mengajar yang Membahagiakan melalui Safari Inspirasi di SDN Patuk 2 Gunungkidul

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    Permasalahan pendidikan di Indonesia amat kompleks. Salah satunya adalah kurangnya literasi dan pembelajaran yang kurang membahagiakan. Untuk menghadapi permasalahan tersebut, perlu bantuan semua kalangan. Termasuk akademisi atau mahasiswa yang merupakan kaum intelektual. Mahasiswa UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, jurusan PAI Angkatan 2015 berinisiasi membuat sebuah gerakan yang bertujuan memberikan dampak pada pendidikan. Kegiatan ini dinamai Safari Inspirasi, yakni gerakan sehari memberi inspirasi kepada anak setingkat sekolah dasar dan berfokus pada pembelajaran yang menyenangkan, pemberian motivasi, penguatan literasi dan pentingnya mempunyai cita-cita. Metode yang digunakan adalah PLA (Participatory Learning and Action). Kegiatan ini dilakukan di SDN Patuk 2, Gunungkidul. Gerakan ini hampir sama dengan Merdeka Belajar yang punya tujuan agar mahasiswa mendapat kesempatan untuk mengasah kemampuan interpersonal sekaligus mendapatkan pengalaman mengajar

    Nurses Role in the Community

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    Gender injustice and inequality often arise in patriarchal family relationships that dichotomize the roles of men (husbands) and women (wives) within the household. This study aims to analyze Aminah Wadud's perspective on the imbalance of power relations in the household based on her interpretation of the Quran. This research uses the library research method, focusing on various relevant sources and references about Aminah Wadud's views on gender studies in the Quran and their application in the context of household relationships. The theoretical framework underlying this research is Islamic feminism, which is used to understand how Quranic interpretation can shape or challenge patriarchal structures within the family. The results show that Aminah Wadud emphasizes the importance of an egalitarian and inclusive interpretation, highlighting justice and gender equality within the household. Wadud's views provide new insights into the role of the Quran in forming fairer and more equal gender relations in society, offering a framework to reassess traditional interpretations that are often gender-biased. This study also reveals that more progressive and contextual interpretations of sacred texts can contribute to forming more just and equal social norms. The findings of this research are expected to serve as an important reference for academics and practitioners in developing strategies to reduce gender inequality in the context of both household and broader society.   Keyword: Power Imbalance; Gender Study; Aminah Wadud.   Ketidakadilan dan ketidaksetaraan gender sering muncul dalam pola relasi keluarga patriarkis yang mendikotomikan peran antara laki-laki (suami) dan perempuan (istri) dalam rumah tangga. Studi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pandangan Aminah Wadud terhadap ketimpangan relasi kuasa dalam rumah tangga berdasarkan penafsirannya terhadap Alquran. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode library research dengan fokus pada penelusuran berbagai sumber dan referensi yang relevan tentang pandangan Aminah Wadud terkait kajian gender dalam Alquran dan aplikasinya dalam konteks relasi rumah tangga. Teori yang mendasari penelitian ini adalah teori feminisme Islam, yang digunakan untuk memahami bagaimana interpretasi Alquran dapat membentuk atau menantang struktur patriarki dalam keluarga. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Aminah Wadud menekankan pentingnya tafsir yang egaliter dan inklusif, yang menekankan keadilan dan kesetaraan gender dalam rumah tangga. Pandangan Wadud memberikan wawasan baru mengenai peran Alquran dalam membentuk relasi gender yang lebih adil dan setara dalam masyarakat, sekaligus menawarkan kerangka kerja untuk mengkaji ulang interpretasi tradisional yang sering kali bias gender. Studi ini juga mengungkapkan bahwa penafsiran yang lebih progresif dan kontekstual terhadap teks-teks suci dapat berkontribusi pada pembentukan norma-norma sosial yang lebih adil dan setara. Temuan penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi referensi penting bagi akademisi dan praktisi dalam mengembangkan strategi untuk mengurangi ketimpangan gender dalam konteks rumah tangga dan masyarakat luas. Kata kunci: Ketimpangan Kuasa; Kajian Gender; Aminah Wadud

    Bahasa Inggris Sebagai Pendidikan Karakter pada Full Day School di Madrasah Aliyah

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    This study aims to describe the implementation of full day school in English lessons as character education in Madrasah Aliyah. A qualitative descriptive method was used in this study and carried out at Madrasah Aliyah 2 Wanasaba. Data were taken from principals of madrasah, teachers and staff, class XII students, alumni, and guardians of students. Collecting data using interview, observation, and documentation methods. From the results of research and analysis, it was found that Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Wanasaba implemented full day school from 06.30-17-00 WIB. Full day school is an attempt to implement character education through a merger between the curriculum of the Ministry of National Education and the Ministry of Religion. In conclusion, full day school is a method that is applied to train and familiarize students to become a generation that has independent, religious characters, and has the skills to hone the potential of highly competitive students. are independent, creative, action-oriented, result-oriented, leadership, and hard work.   Keywords: Full day school, Character education, Englis

    Effects of Acupressure on Pain and Vital Signs of Patients After Small Abdominal Surgeries: A Clinical Trial

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    Background: Several studies have investigated the effect of acupressure on pain and vital signs however the results are inconsistent. Either no study has been conducted on the effect of acupressure on vital signs of post-surgical patients, or it is not available. Objectives: The present study was conducted to assess the effects of P6 acupressure on pain and vital signs of patients following small abdominal surgeries. Patients and Methods: A double-blind randomized controlled trial has been conducted during the first three months in 2012 on patients after small abdominal surgeries in Al-Zahra hospital of Isfahan. Patients who were candidates for small abdominal surgeries and met the inclusion criteria were entered the study and were randomly allocated to the intervention and placebo groups (40 patients in each group). In the intervention group, acupressure was applied to P6 acupoint on both hands. An acuband without a push button was also placed around the patients’ wrist in the placebo (control) group. Acubands were worn for seven hours. Pain and vital signs were assessed prior starting acupressure and once every hour in the first seven hours after regaining consciousness. Data analysis has been conducted with SPSS version 11.5. T test was applied to compare the severity of pain and the mean of vital signs in the two groups. Results: The mean score of pain severity was higher in P6 group at the first and fourth hours following surgery but this score was lower in this group at other times. However, the differences between the mean of pain severity of the two groups were not statistically significant. In total, no significant differences were observed between the vital signs parameters in the two groups at seven hours. Conclusions: This study showed that P6 acupressure had no statistically significant effect on post-operative pain, and vital signs of patients who underwent small abdominal surgeries. Further investigations with larger sampling are suggested

    Ekstrak Buah Pepaya (Carica Papaya L.) Meningkatkan Kadar Catalase dan Glutathione Hati Tikus yang Terpaparlead Acetate

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    Pollution is an entry or inclusion living things, subtances, energy, and or other components into environment and or change of environment compositions because of human activity or natural process with the result that decrease of quality to certain level that causes doesn't work environment. Pollution can be caused many subtances that is heavy metal, i.e. lead acetate (Pb). Lead acetate affect physiological aberration, biochemical, and behavior. Heavy metal induction induce ROS production act as destructive oxidants. Body capability to oxidant neutralize serviced by superoxyde dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), catalase (CAT), glutathione (GSH), vitamin C, vitamin E, and other antioxidants in the cell. Antioxidants synthesized by plants, which is papaya (Carica papaya L.). Papaya (Carica papaya L.) effect on CAT and GSH levels was performed on male mice wistar strain. Mice induced by lead acetate 20 gr / Kg weight dose for 6 weeks, given papaya extract 100, 200, and 400 mg/Kg weight dose for 6 weeks. Further glutathione and catalase levels are measured on mice liver. This study proves, papaya extract increase catalase levels (p = 0,000) and glutathione levels (p = 0,000) on mice liver induced lead acetate. Papaya extract 400 mg/Kg/day most effective dose to increase catalase and glutathione levels on mice liver induced lead acetate
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