1,952 research outputs found

    A Cretaceous foraminiferal assemblage from West of Kerman area (Iran)

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    Triggered qutrits for Quantum Communication protocols

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    A general protocol in Quantum Information and Communication relies in the ability of producing, transmitting and reconstructing, in general, qunits. In this letter we show for the first time the experimental implementation of these three basic steps on a pure state in a three dimensional space, by means of the orbital angular momentum of the photons. The reconstruction of the qutrit is performed with tomographic techniques and a Maximum-Likelihood estimation method. In this way we also demonstrate that we can perform any transformation in the three dimensional space

    Electromechanical Piezoresistive Sensing in Suspended Graphene Membranes

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    Monolayer graphene exhibits exceptional electronic and mechanical properties, making it a very promising material for nanoelectromechanical (NEMS) devices. Here, we conclusively demonstrate the piezoresistive effect in graphene in a nano-electromechanical membrane configuration that provides direct electrical readout of pressure to strain transduction. This makes it highly relevant for an important class of nano-electromechanical system (NEMS) transducers. This demonstration is consistent with our simulations and previously reported gauge factors and simulation values. The membrane in our experiment acts as a strain gauge independent of crystallographic orientation and allows for aggressive size scalability. When compared with conventional pressure sensors, the sensors have orders of magnitude higher sensitivity per unit area.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure

    Experimental Quantum Coin Tossing

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    In this letter we present the first implementation of a quantum coin tossing protocol. This protocol belongs to a class of ``two-party'' cryptographic problems, where the communication partners distrust each other. As with a number of such two-party protocols, the best implementation of the quantum coin tossing requires qutrits. In this way, we have also performed the first complete quantum communication protocol with qutrits. In our experiment the two partners succeeded to remotely toss a row of coins using photons entangled in the orbital angular momentum. We also show the experimental bounds of a possible cheater and the ways of detecting him

    Facies analysis and paleoenvironmental reconstruction of Upper Cretaceous sequences in the eastern Para-Tethys Basin, NW Iran

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    Upper Cretaceous mixed carbonate-siliciclastic sequences are among the most important targets for hydrocarbon exploration in the Moghan area, located in the eastern Para-Tethys Basin. Despite of their significance, little is known about their facies characteristics and depositional environments. Detailed facies analysis and paleoenvironmental reconstruction of these sequences have been carried out in eight surface sections. Accordingly, four siliciclastic facies, eight carbonate facies and one volcanic facies have been recognized. Detailed facies descriptions and interpretations, together with the results of facies frequency analysis, standard facies models and Upper Cretaceous depositional models of Para-Tethys Basin, have been integrated and a non-rimmed carbonate platform is presented. This platform was affected by siliciclastic influx, in the form of coastal fan delta and submarine fans in the shallow- to deep-marine parts, respectively. This model is interpreted to be shallower in the central and northeastern parts of the Moghan area. Toward the southeast and southwest, this shallow platform turns into deep marine settings along steep slopes without remarkable marginal barriers

    Persistence of a pinch in a pipe

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    The response of low-dimensional solid objects combines geometry and physics in unusual ways, exemplified in structures of great utility such as a thin-walled tube that is ubiquitous in nature and technology. Here we provide a particularly surprising consequence of this confluence of geometry and physics in tubular structures: the anomalously large persistence of a localized pinch in an elastic pipe whose effect decays very slowly as an oscillatory exponential with a persistence length that diverges as the thickness of the tube vanishes, which we confirm experimentally. The result is more a consequence of geometry than material properties, and is thus equally applicable to carbon nanotubes as it is to oil pipelines.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Optical vernier technique for in-situ measurement of the length of long Fabry-Perot cavities

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    We propose a method for in-situ measurement of the length of kilometer size Fabry-Perot cavities in laser gravitational wave detectors. The method is based on the vernier, which occurs naturally when the laser incident on the cavity has a sideband. By changing the length of the cavity over several wavelengths we obtain a set of carrier resonances alternating with sideband resonances. From the measurement of the separation between the carrier and a sideband resonance we determine the length of the cavity. We apply the technique to the measurement of the length of a Fabry-Perot cavity in the Caltech 40m Interferometer and discuss the accuracy of the technique.Comment: LaTeX 2e, 12 pages, 4 figure

    Probing quantum coherence in qubit arrays

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    We discuss how the observation of population localization effects in periodically driven systems can be used to quantify the presence of quantum coherence in interacting qubit arrays. Essential for our proposal is the fact that these localization effects persist beyond tight-binding Hamiltonian models. This result is of special practical relevance in those situations where direct system probing using tomographic schemes becomes infeasible beyond a very small number of qubits. As a proof of principle, we study analytically a Hamiltonian system consisting of a chain of superconducting flux qubits under the effect of a periodic driving. We provide extensive numerical support of our results in the simple case of a two-qubits chain. For this system we also study the robustness of the scheme against different types of noise and disorder. We show that localization effects underpinned by quantum coherent interactions should be observable within realistic parameter regimes in chains with a larger number o

    Large Scale Integration of Graphene Transistors for Potential Applications in the Back End of the Line

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    A chip to wafer scale, CMOS compatible method of graphene device fabrication has been established, which can be integrated into the back end of the line (BEOL) of conventional semiconductor process flows. In this paper, we present experimental results of graphene field effect transistors (GFETs) which were fabricated using this wafer scalable method. The carrier mobilities in these transistors reach up to several hundred cm2^2V1^{-1}s1^{-1}. Further, these devices exhibit current saturation regions similar to graphene devices fabricated using mechanical exfoliation. The overall performance of the GFETs can not yet compete with record values reported for devices based on mechanically exfoliated material. Nevertheless, this large scale approach is an important step towards reliability and variability studies as well as optimization of device aspects such as electrical contacts and dielectric interfaces with statistically relevant numbers of devices. It is also an important milestone towards introducing graphene into wafer scale process lines