1,048 research outputs found

    Komunikasi Interpersonal Penasehat Akademik Terhadap Motivasi Belajar Mahasiswa Di STIKES Mega Rezky Makassar

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    The purpose of this research is to find out (1) The personal communication intensity of the Academic counsellorwith the students at STIKES Mega Rezky Makassar, (2) The student learning motivation at STIKES Mega RezkyMakassar, (3) The effect of personal communication intensity of the Academic Counsellor Toward the studentsLearning Motivation at STIKES Mega Rezky Makassar. This research executed at STIKES Resky Mega Makassaron March to May, 2009. The number of the population 580 students. The number 580 students. The number of thesample 174 students. The techniques of determining sample is the “proportional sampling”, where the techniquetaking sample technique is proportional consideration from number of populations in the class, using NomogramKing Method by assumption that population per unit is not more than 2000 students. The data collecting methods areRating scale questionarre, interview, and observation. The Hypotesis is examinate by using the simple regression.The result of the research shows that the description of interpersonal communication intensity of the academicCounsellor with the students in high category. And the description of the students learning motivation at STIKesMega Rezky Makassar in high category. The factors are caused by the success wish, interesting activity in learningconcerned with the future, the competation wish in the class. There is the significant effect the interpersonalcommunication intensity toward the student learning motivation. Thus, for increasing the students learningmotivation needed interpersonal communication between academic counsellor and students more active and serious


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    This study examines the key determinants of Capital Structure in public-owned companies (BUMN) that listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI). Focuses on the ratio of short term debt and long term debt as the dependent variable. Growth, Liquidity, Profitability, Size, Tangibility, and Risk as an independent variable for the period of 2008-2016. This research use regression method in the form of panel data. The amount of data used in the observation are 144. Contains 16 public-owned companies except financial and banking sector industries during the period of 2018-2016. The result from this research shows that Growth and Risk has a significantly positive influence to the Capital Structure of BUMN. Liquidity, Profitability, and Size variables has a significantly negative influence to the Capital Structure of BUMN. Besides, Tangibility giving unsignificantly negative influence to the Capital Structure of BUMN


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    This study examines the key determinants of Capital Structure in public-owned companies (BUMN) that listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI). Focuses on the ratio of short term debt and long term debt as the dependent variable. Growth, Liquidity, Profitability, Size, Tangibility, and Risk as an independent variable for the period of 2008-2016. This research use regression method in the form of panel data. The amount of data used in the observation are 144. Contains 16 public-owned companies except financial and banking sector industries during the period of 2018-2016. The result from this research shows that Growth and Risk has a significantly positive influence to the Capital Structure of BUMN. Liquidity, Profitability, and Size variables has a significantly negative influence to the Capital Structure of BUMN. Besides, Tangibility giving unsignificantly negative influence to the Capital Structure of BUMN

    Variable Step Closed Loop Power Control with Space Diversity for Low Elevation Angle High Altitude Platforms Communication Channel [Langkah Variabel Kontrol Daya Loop Tertutup Dengan Keragaman Ruang Untuk Sudut Elevasi Rendah Pada Kanal Komunikasi HAPs]

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    This paper proposes variable step closed loop power control algorithm combined with space diversity to improve the performance of High Altitude Platforms (HAPs) communication at low elevation angle using Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA). In this contribution, we first develop HAPs channel model which is derived from experimental measurement. From our experiment, we found HAPs channel characteristic can be modeled as a Ricean distribution because the presence of line of sight path. Different elevation angle resulting different K factor value. This value is then used in Signal to Interference Ratio (SIR) based closed loop power control evaluation. The variable step algorithm is simulated under various elevation angles with different speed of mobile user. The performance is presented in terms of user elevation angle, user speed, step size and space diversity order. We found that the performance of variable step closed-loop power control less effective at low elevation angle. However our simulation shows that space diversity is able to improve the performance of closed loop power control for HAPs channel at low elevation angle.*****Kajian ini mengusulkan suatu algoritma kontrol daya langkah variabel loop tertutup dikombinasikan dengan keragaman ruang untuk meningkatkan kinerja komunikasi High Altitude Platforms(HAPs) pada sudut elevasi rendah menggunakan Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA). Kami berkontribusi untuk mengembangkan model kanal HAPs yang berasal dari pengukuran eksperimental sebelumnya. Dari percobaan tersebut, kami menemukan karakteristik kanal HAPs yang dapat dimodelkan sebagai distribusi Ricean karena kehadiran jalur tanpa penghalang. Eksperimen menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan sudut elevasi menghasilkan perbedaan nilai factor K. Nilai ini kemudian digunakan dalam Signal to Interference Ratio (SIR) berbasiskan evaluasi kontrol daya loop tertutup. Algoritma langkah variabel disimulasikan dibawah sudut elevasi yang berbeda dengan kecepatan yang berbeda dari pengguna vobile. Kinerja tersebut disajikan dalam hal sudut elevasi pengguna, kecepatan pengguna, ukuran langkah dan ketertiban ruang keanekaragaman. Kami menemukan bahwa kinerja langkah variabel kontrol daya loop tertutup kurang efektif pada sudut elevasi rendah. Namun simulasi kami menunjukkan bahwa ruang keragaman mampu meningkatkan kinerja kontrol daya loop tertutup untuk kanal HAPs di sudut elevasi rendah


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    Local wisdom is one of the characteristics national culture that deserves to be explored and developed in the future. Honey production is carried out by maintaining traditional nest making that utilizes natural materials are local wisdom that is still applied. The purpose of this study is to (1) reveal the local wisdom in natural forest honey management, (2) the amount of natural forest honey produced by the community from periau using tikung techniques in the area of Siawan Belida, Nanga Tuan Village, Bunut Hilir Subdistrict, Kapuas Hulu Regency. The method used a survey with interview techniques, the selection of respondents are choosing all Nanga Tuan periau. The results of the study revealing local wisdom in preserving natural honey bees with tikung techniques in the Siawan Belida area, namely; tikung, making tikung, selecting trees for installation of tikung, agreement on division of territory in lakes (suak), sanctions for tree destroyers, sanctions for tikung hives burglars, pre-harvesting ceremonies, conditions of harvesting natural forest honey, harvesting honey bees process, honey treatment after harvesting at home. Tree preservation efforts of tikung honey bee techniques based on local wisdom, including; stipulation of forest lake areas in the management of tikung honey, types of feed for Apis dorsata bees. The amount of natural forest honey is 5- 8 tons / year with planting done twice / year.Keywords : local wisdom, natural honey bees, Siawan Belida, tikung technique

    Pengaruh Besaran Kempa Terhadap Sifat Papan Partikel Serutan Kayu

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    Dalam pengerjaan kayu gmelina dihasilkan banyak limbah serutan. Limbah ini dapat dimanfaat kan sebagai bahan baku produk papan partikel. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan percobaan pembuatan papan partikel dari serutan gmelina dengan variasi tekanan. Perekat yang digunakan adalah urea formaldehida (UF) cair, dengan tekanan kempa bervariasi yaitu 15 kg/cm2, 20 kg/cm2dan 25 kg/cm2. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa papan partikel serutan kayu termasuk papan partikel berkerapatan sedang, yaitu rata-rata 0,67 g/cm3. Sifat fisis mekanis papan partikel serutan kayu yang memenuhi standar Indonesia dan Jepang adalah kerapatan, kadar air, pengembangan tebal dan keteguhan patah. Namun demikian yang memenuhi standar FAO adalah kerapatan dan pengembangan tebal. Terdapat kecenderungan makin tinggi tekanan kempa makin baik sifat papan partikel, meskipun secara statistik tekanan kempa tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap sifat fisis dan mekanis papan partikel serutan kayu

    Pengaruh Kadar Perekat Terhadap Sifat Papan Partikel Ampas Tebu

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    Papan partikel adalah salah satu jenis produk kayu rekonstitusi, pembuatannya masih bertumpu pada bahan kayu konvensional dari hutan alam, yang keberadaanya telah terbatas dan langka. Sebagai akibatnya, penggunaan kayu alternatif atau bahan berserat ligno-selulosa lain patut mendapat pertimbangan, karena potensinya melimpah dan masih belum banyak digunakan, seperti ampas tebu (bagasse) limbah pabrik gula. Penelitan pembuatan papan partikel menggunakan partikel ampas tebu dengan perekat urea-formaldehida (UF) bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kadar perekat terhadap sifat fisis dan mekanis dari papan partikel yang dihasilkan. Ukuran papan partikel yang dibuat adalah 30 cm x 30 cm x 1 cm dengan target kerapatan 0,60 g/cm3. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan kadar UF berpengaruh terhadap pengembangan tebal, penyerapan air, dan meningkatkan modulus patah, modulus elastisitas dan kuat cabut sekrup, tetapi tidak mengakibatkan Perubahan terhadap kerapatan, kadar air dan keteguhan rekat. Kadar air dan modulus patah papan partikel yang memenuhi standar Indonesia, standar Jepang dan standar FAO baik secara parsial atau keseluruhan. Berdasarkan nilai kerapatan, papan partikel hasil percobaan ini lebih cocok untuk digunakan sebagai penyekat ruangan dan daun meja berangka. Papan partikel yang berprospek adalah yang menggunakan perekat UF kadar 8%. Kata kunci : Papan partikel, ampas tebu, perekat UF, sifat fisis dan mekanis, standa


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    Bamboo is a kind of grass plant with cavities and internodes in the stem. This plant is very useful for the economic life of the Indonesian people, so research is needed on identifying the types of bamboo found in the area of Bukit Sehak Forest, Aur Sampuk Village, Sengah Temila District, Landak Regency. The method used in this study uses a sampling technique by making a research path map. Based on the research results obtained 6 types of bamboo from 3 different genus differen that is: Dendrocalamus, Gigantochloa, Schizostachyum with Bamboo species Tareng'k (Gigantochloa Rabusta), Bambu Reed (Gigantochloa Bului), Munti'k Bambu (Schizostachyum Sp), Bamboo Batung'k (Gigantochloa Rabusta), Bamboo Reed (Gigantochloa Bului), Munti'k Bamboo (Schizostachyum Sp), Bamboo Batung'k (Gigantochloa Rabusta), Bamboo Reed (Gigantochloa Bului), Munti'k Bamboo (Schizostachyum Sp), Bamboo Batung'k (Gigantochloa Rabusta) Dendrocalamus Asper), Bamboo Pasa'k (Schizostachyum Silicatum) and Bamboo Anyang (Gigantochloa Pseudoarundinacea).Keywords: Bamboo, Dendrocalamus, Gigantochloa, Schizostachyum, Sehak Hill Forest,AbstrakBambu merupakan tanaman jenis rumput rumputan dengan rongga dab ruas dibatangnya. Tanaman ini sangat bermanfaat bagi kehidupan ekonomi masyarakat Indonesia, sehingga diperlukan penelitian tentang identifikasi jenis bambu yang terdapat di kawasan Hutan Bukit Sehak Desa Aur Sampuk Kecamatan Sengah Temila Kabupaten Landak. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survey dengan cara pembuatan jalur penelitian. Bedasarkan hasil penelitian dilapangan 6 jenis bambu dari 3 genus yang berbeda yaitu Dendrocalamus, Gigantochloa, Schizostachyum dengan spesies bambu tareng (Gigantochloa Robusta), Bambu Buluh (Gigantochola Bului), Bambu Muntik (Schizostachyum Sp), Bambu Batung (Dendrocalamus Asper), Bambu Pasak (Schizostachyum Silacatum) dan Bambu Anyang (Gigantochola Pseudoarundinacea).Kata kunci: Bambu, Dendrocalamus, Gigantochloa, Schizostachyum, Hutan Bukit Sehak


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    North Kayong Regency is a district that has tourism potential, one of that is Paoh water ecotourism which is now developed into Bukit Paoh Villa and Resto. The existence of the development of this new ecotourism has led to different perceptions between individuals in Pangkalan Buton Village, so it is necessary to conduct research of the community around the Paoh water ecotourism development area in Pangkalan Buton Village, Sukadana District, North Kayong Regency. The purpose of this study is to examine people's perceptions of water ecotourism and examine the relationships between perceptions of income, knowledge, and cosmopolitan. This research uses a survey method with purposive sampling technique. The results show the perception of the community around the ecotourism development area in Pangkalan Buton Village, Sukadana Subdistrict, North Kayong Regency which is 52.1% neutral. There is a significant relationship between people's perceptions of the level of income, level of knowledge, and cosmopolitan towards the development of water ecotourism Paoh in Buton Village, Sukadana District, Kayong Utara RegencyKeywords : Development, Ecotourism, suistainable, Community of perceptio
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