605 research outputs found

    Implementation of Controlled Robot for Fire Detection and Extinguish to Closed Areas Based on Arduino

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    The wireless control systems are taking a special importance in the recent years, where the wireless control system provide several advantages; including the disposal of the using wire and periodic maintenance of data transmission wires, in the science of robot wireless control unit is the main part of the fire treatment and extinguish robot system. The lives of firefighters exposed to the risk of death and Rima, therefore the use of remote control systems more secure is necessary. In this, paper a fire-extinguish robot used for extinguishing the fire in general and in treatment fires in the closed areas for protecting employees in the field of fire suppression from combustion, exposure or inhalation to the toxic gases. The basic idea of fire detection and treatment robot based on detect the fire by the wireless camera and flame sensor then suppression the fire by send command from mobile phone through Bluetooth connection to make water pump turn "ON", and the fire then extinguished

    Extraction and Determination of Oxymatrine Pesticide in Environmental Sample and in its Formulation using High-Performance Liquid Chromatography

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    The quinolizindine alkaloid compound, oxymatrine pesticide, was analysis in the river water samples collected from different agriculture areas in the Iraqi city of Kerbala and also in its formulation using developed reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography method. Acetonitrile:methanol (60:40 v/v) was chosen as mobile phase at pH (7.0), flow rate 0.5 mL/min, and 20 µL as volume injection. Modified ecological-friendly method, dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction, was used for the extraction of oxymatrine from water samples. Linearity study was constructed from 0.1 to 70 μg/mL at λmax 205 nm. The limit of detection and limit of quantification were 0.025 and 0.082 μg/mL, respectively, and the relative standard deviation (RSD) % was 0.518%. Three spiked levels of concentration (20.0, 40.0, and 70.0 μg/mL) were used for the validation method. The percentage recovery for the three spiked samples was ranged between 98.743 and 99.432 and the RSD% was between 0.051 and 0.202%, the formulation studies of oxymatrine between 99.487 and 99.798, and the RSD% was ranged from 0.045 to 0.057%. The developed method can be used accurately and selectively for the determination of oxymatrine in environmental samples and in the formulation

    Peluang Penguatan Bank Sampah Untuk Mengurangi Timbulan Sampah Perkotaan Studi Kasus: Bank Sampah Malang

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    Banyak faktor yang dapat menyebabkan semakin meningkatnya jumlah timbulan sampah di kota Malang, antara lain meningkatnya jumlah dan aktivitas penduduk serta tidak bertambahnya jumlah dan luasTempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA) sampah. Meskipun terdapat Bank Sampah Malang (BSM), jumlah sampah yang diolah oleh BSM masih rendah apabila dibandingkan dengan volume timbulan sampahyang dihasilkan penduduk kota Malang. Tujuan dari tulisan ini adalah untuk melihat potensi penguatan BSM sebagai salah satu inovasi untuk mengurangi keberadaan sampah di TPA. Metode yang digunakandalam penelitian ini berdasarkan perhitungan menggunakan koefisien Generation Rate dari jumlah penduduk yang berpotensi menghasilkan volume timbulan sampah . Hasil penelitian diperoleh beberapaskenario untuk meningkatkan peran BSM yaitu diversifikasi produk melalui komposting dan ekspansi afiliasi melalui sekolah. Berdasarkan skenario perhitungan diversifikasi produk melalui komposting setiaptahunnya akan mengurangi sampah organik sebesar 337,680 kg/tahun. Sedangkan berdasarkan skenario perhitungan ekspansi afiliasi melalui sekolah dapat mengurangi sampah sebesar 326,040 kg/tahun

    Analysis of the hydraulic interference between the baffles and the composite hydraulic structure

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    The purpose of the present study is to examine the influence of baffles presence at downstream system on weir gate hydraulic response. Two baffles configuration (triangle and angle shapes) are installed in bed flume. Two different spacing are used between the baffles and two different directions for baffles are also adopted. The study tries to investigate the variation in upstream Froude number, downstream Froude number, Reynolds number, actual discharge, discharge coefficient, downstream average water depth and the hydraulic system efficiency which is expressed as function of downstream water depth. It has been shown that the number of baffles has a direct and significant impact on flow hydraulic characteristics of weir-gate structure regardless of the spacing between baffles and the direction of baffles related to flow. Baffles number and spacing have essential impact on the water flow velocity of system and this impact leads to increase the flow resistance. The results clarify that the upstream Froude number, downstream Froude number, Reynolds number, actual discharge and discharge coefficient are decreased with the increase in baffles number except the average downstream water depth which increases with increase in baffles number. The efficiency of hydraulic system gives a good indicator for using baffles with weir-gate structure. At the end this paper shows a fruitful result of efficiency. This experiment run condense on the baffle’s numbers and directions with respect to the water flow direction at the downstream regime. So, the rises in the water level relies on the numbers and directions of the baffles as compare to the case without using baffles at the flume downstream region. The actual discharge and weir-gate discharge coefficient are more sensitive to the increase in the baffles’ numbers and the baffles direction with respect to the water flow directio

    Grasping Force Prediction for Underactuated Multi-Fingered Hand by Using Artificial Neural Network

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    In this paper, the feedforward neural network with Levenberg-Marquardt backpropagation training algorithm is used to predict the grasping forces according to the multisensory signals as training samples for specific design of underactuated multifingered hand to avoid the complexity of calculating the inverse kinematics which is appeared through the dynamic modeling of the robotic hand and preparing this network to be used as part of a control system.Keywords: Grasping force, underactuated, prediction, Neural networ

    An Investigating of the Impact of Bed Flume Discordance on the Weir-Gate Hydraulic Structure

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    Discordance and concordance play a significant role in the hydraulic response for the flume, open channel, hydraulic structure, and flow field measurement. Bed discordance and bed concordance are regarded as common problems in open channels. Discordance is the dominant one, which could have an effect on the hydraulic structure that is constructed inside the channel. This paper deals with the impact of bed flume discordance on hydraulic flow characteristics at the weir-gate downstream hydraulic regime. Four configurations with different lengths and heights of the bed flume discordance are adopted here to investigate the impact of these configurations on the hydraulic characteristics. In addition, one configuration of the bed flume concordance is adopted to compare with the other four configurations. At downstream, the average water depth becomes dimensionless by dividing by upstream water depth, vertical distance between weir and gate, length of downstream, length of concordance, and length of discordance in order to evaluate the inequality in the distribution of Froude number. On one hand, certain results appear strongly between Reynolds number and Froude number at downstream, actual discharge and flow velocity at downstream, flow area past the gate and Froude number at downstream. On the other hand, there was a complex dramatic relation between the weir-gate discharge coefficient and Froude number at downstream. Overall, the study shows that there is a good relationship between specific energy, water depth, and flow speed. Doi: 10.28991/HIJ-2022-03-03-09 Full Text: PD

    The Comparison of Autoclave, Povidone Iodine 10%, and Boiling Toward Radiological Union Rates and Bacterial Culture

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    Introduction.There are some controversies about the appropriate management of contaminated bone graft. The purpose of this study was to determine the which one is the most optimal method of decontaminating bone from which often used. Regarding to radiological union rates and microbiological culture.Materials and methods.Twenty eight samples of femur were discarded from 28 male Sprague dawley rats divided into 4 groups of treatment. The bone samples were uniformly contaminated by broth containing Staphylococcus aureus, except the Saline group. The bone samples in each group underwent four different decontamination procedures: Normal Saline, autoclave, Povidone iodine 10%, and boiling, and reimplanted with Kirchner wire fixation.Results.After 8 weeks reimplantation, Radiological examination showed that povidone iodine had higher radiological union rate and lower infection rate compared autoclave, boiling, and normal saline. There was no statistically significant difference in radiological union rate and bone graft infection rate among autoclave, povidone iodine, and boiling, except between povidone iodine and saline group.Conlusions.Decontamination method should have minimal deleterious effect to cell viability and no infection risk. In this study, we found an easily accessible and clinically relevant method of decontaminating contaminated bone by using povidone iodine 10%. Decontamination of cortical bone sample by povidone iodine 10% offers the best balance between lower infection risk of contaminated bone and better union rate

    Kualitas Semen Dan Produksi Semen Beku Pada Bangsa Sapi Dan Bulan Penampungan Yang Berbeda

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    The purpose of this research was to determine semen quality and frozen semen production of beef cattle at different month collection in Lembang Artificial Insemination Center. Beef cattle strain that used for this research are Aceh, Angus, Brahman, Limousine, Madura, Ongole and Simmental. The research parameter included semen volume, pH, motility of spermatozoa, concentration of spermatozoa, number of spermatozoa, number of spermatozoa motil and number of frozen semen straw. The method of this research using factorial completely Randomized Design and each had 3 replication per treatment. The different of beef cattle have given a significant effect of semen volume (P<0.01), mortility of spermatozoa (P<0.01), concentration of spermatozoa (P<0.01), number of spermatozoa (P<0.01), number of spermatozoa motil (P<0.01) and pH (P>0.05). Different month collection have a significant influence of semen volume (P<0.01), pH (P<0.05), motility of spermatozoa (P<0.01), concentration of spermatozoa (P<0.01), number of spermatozoa (P<0.01), number of spermatozoa motil (P<0.01). Interaction between breed of beef cattle and different month of collection have given a significant influence of semen volume (P<0.01), motility spermatozoa (P<0.01), concentration spermatozoa (P<0.05) and number of spermatozoa motil (P<0.01)

    Identify Connectivity Graph Using a Modified Prüfer's Algorithm Labelling Trees

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    Connectivity of graph easily can be given when we see it with the bare of eyes, but needs an algorithm that can assure the connectivity in computerization. Some graphs require the connectivity in their definitions, such as Hamiltonian graph, Eulerian graph and tree. The connectivity become important in order to solve any of graphs' problems by using computer technology. Most of the algorithm cannot run perfectly, if the graph which is given was not connected. It is happened to Djikstra and Prufer graphs for example. However, this study will provide the solution by modifying Prufer algorithm to show the connectivity in the graph
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