32 research outputs found

    Colposcopic evaluation and papanicolaou smear in high risk groups and its correlation with histology

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    Background: Cervical cancer is one of the most common gynaecologic neoplasms. PAP smear and colposcopy are used for its early detection. This study aims to find the correlation of colposcopic evaluation with Pap smear in cervical cancer screening and with histology. Methods: All women attending the OPD with unhealthy cervix and abnormal symptoms, who gave written informed consent were included in the study. Pap smear cytological grading, colposcopic findings were recorded. Pap smear and colposcopy findings was compared with histopathology. Results: The study included 73 patients. Pap smear was negative in more than half of the patients (56.2%), followed by atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance in 12 (16.4%), low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion in 17 (23.3%), high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion in 2 (2.7%) and squamous cell carcinoma in 1 patient (1.4%).  The histopathology showed normal findings in 46 patients (63%), followed by CIN 1 in 11 (15.1%), CIN 2 in 6 patients (8.2%), CIN 3 and squamous cell carcinoma in 5 patients each (6.8%). Pap smear’s predictability of cervical malignancy showed that it had a sensitivity of 48.15, it’s specificity for identifying patients without cervical malignancy was 84.78%. Colposcopy’s predictability of cervical malignancy showed that it had a sensitivity of 88.89%, it’s specificity for identifying patients without cervical malignancy was 95.65%. Conclusions: Colposcopy does seem to be better than Pap smear in diagnosing cervical carcinoma and also identifying patients without it

    Evaluation of recombinant Herpesvirus of Turkey Laryngotracheitis (rHVT-LT) Vaccine against Genotype VI Canadian Wild-Type Infectious Laryngotracheitis Virus (ILTV) Infection

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    In Alberta, infectious laryngotracheitis virus (ILTV) infection is endemic in backyard poultry flocks; however, outbreaks are only sporadically observed in commercial flocks. In addition to ILTV vaccine revertant strains, wild-type strains are among the most common causes of infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT). Given the surge in live attenuated vaccine-related outbreaks, the goal of this study was to assess the efficacy of a recombinant herpesvirus of turkey (rHVT-LT) vaccine against a genotype VI Canadian wild-type ILTV infection. One-day-old specific pathogen-free (SPF) White Leghorn chickens were vaccinated with the rHVT-LT vaccine or mock vaccinated. At three weeks of age, half of the vaccinated and the mock-vaccinated animals were challenged. Throughout the experiment, weights were recorded, and feather tips, cloacal and oropharyngeal swabs were collected for ILTV genome quantification. Blood was collected to isolate peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and quantify CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. At 14 dpi, the chickens were euthanized, and respiratory tissues were collected to quantify genome loads and histological examination. Results showed that the vaccine failed to decrease the clinical signs at 6 days post-infection. However, it was able to significantly reduce ILTV shedding through the oropharyngeal route. Overall, rHVT-LT produced a partial protection against genotype VI ILTV infection

    Pathogenic and transmission potential of wildtype and chicken embryo origin (CEO) vaccine revertant infectious laryngotracheitis virus

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    Infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) is an infectious upper respiratory tract disease that impacts the poultry industry worldwide. ILT is caused by an alphaherpesvirus commonly referred to as infectious laryngotracheitis virus (ILTV). Vaccination with live attenuated vaccines is practiced regularly for the control of ILT. However, extensive and improper use of live attenuated vaccines is related to vaccine viruses reverting to virulence. An increase in mortality and pathogenicity has been attributed to these vaccine revertant viruses. Recent studies characterized Canadian ILTV strains originating from ILT outbreaks as related to live attenuated vaccine virus revertants. However, information is scarce on the pathogenicity and transmission potential of these Canadian isolates. Hence, in this study, the pathogenicity and transmission potential of two wildtype ILTVs and a chicken embryo origin (CEO) vaccine revertant ILTV of Canadian origin were evaluated. To this end, 3-week-old specific pathogen-free chickens were experimentally infected with each of the ILTV isolates and compared to uninfected controls. Additionally, naĂŻve chickens were exposed to the experimentally infected chickens to mimic naturally occurring infection. Pathogenicity of each of these ILTV isolates was evaluated by the severity of clinical signs, weight loss, mortality, and lesions observed at the necropsy. The transmission potential was evaluated by quantification of ILTV genome loads in oropharyngeal and cloacal swabs and tissue samples of the experimentally infected and contact-exposed chickens, as well as in the capacity to produce ILT in contact-exposed chickens. We observed that the CEO vaccine revertant ILTV isolate induced severe disease in comparison to the two wildtype ILTV isolates used in this study. According to ILTV genome load data, CEO vaccine revertant ILTV isolate was successfully transmitted to naĂŻve contact-exposed chickens in comparison to the tested wildtype ILTV isolates. Overall, the Canadian origin CEO vaccine revertant ILTV isolate possesses higher virulence, and dissemination potential, when compared to the wildtype ILTV isolates used in this study. These findings have serious implications in ILT control in chickens

    Phase transitions in MgSiO3 post-perovskite in super-Earth mantles

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    The highest pressure form of the major Earth-forming mantle silicate is MgSiO3 post-perovskite (PPv). Understanding the fate of PPv at TPa pressures is the first step for understanding the mineralogy of super-Earths-type exoplanets, arguably the most interesting for their similarities with Earth. Modeling their internal structure requires knowledge of stable mineral phases, their properties under compression, and major element abundances. Several studies of PPv under extreme pressures support the notion that a sequence of pressure induced dissociation transitions produce the elementary oxides SiO2 and MgO as the ultimate aggregation form at ~3 TPa. However, none of these studies have addressed the problem of mantle composition, particularly major element abundances usually expressed in terms of three main variables, the Mg/Si and Fe/Si ratios and the Mg#, as in the Earth. Here we show that the critical compositional parameter, the Mg/Si ratio, whose value in the Earth's mantle is still debated, is a vital ingredient for modeling phase transitions and internal structure of super-Earth mantles. Specifically, we have identified new sequences of phase transformations, including new recombination reactions that depend decisively on this ratio. This is a new level of complexity that has not been previously addressed, but proves essential for modeling the nature and number of internal layers in these rocky mantles.Comment: Submitted to Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 28 pages, 6 figure

    Comparative pathogenicity of infectious bronchitis virus Massachusetts and Delmarva (DMV/1639) genotypes in laying hens

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    Infectious bronchitis (IB) is a highly contagious and acute viral disease of chicken caused by the infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) of the family Coronaviridae. Even with extensive vaccination against IB by the poultry industry, the occurrence of new IBV genotypes is a continuous challenge encountered by the global poultry industry. This experiment was designed to compare the pathogenicity of two IBV strains belonging to Massachusetts (Mass) and Delmarva DMV/1639 genotypes. Specific pathogen-free laying hens were challenged during the peak of production (30 weeks), keeping a mock-infected control group. During 21 days of observation following infection, a significant drop in egg production with miss-shaped and soft shells was observed in the DMV/1639 IBV-infected hens only. The DMV/1639 IBV infected group showed prolonged and higher cloacal viral shedding compared with the Mass IBV-infected group. At the end of the study (21 days post-infection), the viral genome loads in the respiratory, urogenital, and immune tissues were significantly higher in the DMV/1639 IBV-infected group compared with the Mass IBV-infected group. Macroscopic lesions such as distorted ova leading to egg peritonitis were observed only in the DMV/1639 IBV-infected group. Moreover, microscopic lesion scores were significantly higher in the lung, kidney, cecal tonsils, and oviduct of the DMV/1639 IBV-infected group compared with the Mass IBV-infected group. Finally, the apoptosis index in the kidney, ovary, magnum, isthmus, and shell gland was significantly higher in the DMV/1639 IBV-infected group compared with the control and Mass-infected groups. This study examined the pathogenicity of two IBV genotypes that are impacting the layer industry in North America

    Infectious Bronchitis Coronavirus Infection in Chickens: Multiple System Disease with Immune Suppression

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    In the early 1930s, infectious bronchitis (IB) was first characterized as a respiratory disease in young chickens; later, the disease was also described in older chickens. The etiology of IB was confirmed later as being due to a coronavirus: the infectious bronchitis virus (IBV). Being a coronavirus, IBV is subject to constant genome change due to mutation and recombination, with the consequence of changing clinical and pathological manifestations. The potential use of live attenuated vaccines for the control of IBV infection was demonstrated in the early 1950s, but vaccine breaks occurred due to the emergence of new IBV serotypes. Over the years, various IBV genotypes associated with reproductive, renal, gastrointestinal, muscular and immunosuppressive manifestations have emerged. IBV causes considerable economic impacts on global poultry production due to its pathogenesis involving multiple body systems and immune suppression; hence, there is a need to better understand the pathogenesis of infection and the immune response in order to help developing better management strategies. The evolution of new strains of IBV during the last nine decades against vaccine-induced immune response and changing clinical and pathological manifestations emphasize the necessity of the rational development of intervention strategies based on a thorough understanding of IBV interaction with the host

    Penetrative Superplumes in the Mantle of Large Super‐Earth Planets: A Possible Mechanism for Active Tectonics in the Massive Super‐Earths

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    Abstract Recent theoretical studies suggest that the physical and rheological mantle properties in massive rocky planets fall outside conventional behaviors inferred for mantle properties at the Earth's mantle pressures. The vacancy diffusion occurring at low pressures is assumed to be followed by interstitial diffusion above ∌0.1 TPa resulting in viscosity reduction at higher pressures. In addition, the dissociation transition of MgSiO3 post‐perovskite (pPv) into new phases of minerals at 0.9 and 2.1 TPa, both with large negative Clapeyron slopes, has further impact(s) on the style of circulation in the mantle of super‐Earth planets. Further, the electronic contribution of conductivity increases exponentially with temperature at temperatures ∌5000 K and higher. We employ 3D‐controlled volume spherical convection models to explore the style of mantle circulation in large rocky super‐Earth planets with different core temperatures. Our numerical models resembling a GJ 876 d size super‐Earth reveal that due to the buffering influence of the pPv‐dissociation transition at ∌0.9 TPa, for deep mantle viscosities lower than ∌1022 Pa.s a small‐scale convective layer may develop at the top of the core‐mantle boundary (CMB). Penetrative superplumes originating from deep mantle‐layered regions can maintain the heat flux from the CMB required for the planet's geodynamo, and can survive for billions of years reaching shallow depths of the mantle without significant lateral migration. The strength of the focused penetrative superplumes that can potentially sustain surface volcanism and plate tectonics is enhanced with increasing CMB temperature, but diminished by higher rates of internal heating

    Focused Penetrative Plumes: A Possible Consequence of the Dissociation Transition of Post‐Perovskite at ∌0.9 TPa in Massive Rocky Super‐Earths

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    Abstract Based on the standard view of depth‐increasing viscosity in the mantle of rocky planets, convection in the deep mantle of these planets is expected to become less likely as the size of planet increases. However, a recent theoretical study suggests that above 100 GPa pressure, the mantle viscosity can instead decrease with pressure at higher depths. We explore the potential impact of this type of viscosity structure on the nature of mantle convection in a super‐Earth planet of size GJ 876 d with a mass of ∌7.33 M⊕ (M⊕: Earth's mass). The pressures at the bottom of the mantle of GJ 876 d allow MgSiO3 post‐perovskite to dissociate into magnesium oxide (MgO) and relatively highly oxidized magnesium silicate MgSi2O5 at 0.9 TPa with highly negative Clapeyron slope. Our 3D‐spherical numerical model results suggest that for sufficiently low values of viscosity at the transition depth, a vigorous layered mantle convection may develop at the bottom of GJ 876 d‐size super‐Earth. Focused penetrative plumes originating from the deep mantle layered region can survive and stabilize over very long geological timescales and reach to the surface, which may induce unique circumstances of volcanism and tectonic activity