3,540 research outputs found

    Free radicals and antioxidant supplementation: A review of their role in age-related macular degeneration

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    Age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) is a major cause of blindness in the elderly. Unfortunately, no proven form of treatment is currently available for the dry, atrophic form of ARMD seen in more than 90% of patients with this condition. A recent theory suggests that ARMD is associated with damage to the retina caused by free radicals. If this is correct, it is possible that the damage could be prevented or moderated by supplementing the diet with specific antioxidant vitamins and minerals that enhance the body\u27s natural defenses against free radicals. This paper reviews the literature regarding the pathogenesis of ARMD and presents a rationale for its management or prevention by the use of supplemental vitamins and minerals

    Фактори, які кондиціонують поліваріантність ефектів бальнеотерапевтичного комплексу курорту Трускавець на інтракардіальну та центральну гемодинаміку

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    Показано что, разнообразие эффектов курса бальнеотерапии на курорте Трускавець на гемодинамику может быть сведено методом кластерного анализа к четырем вариантам. Методом дискриминантного анализа выявлены 15 исходных параметров гемодинамики, вегетативной регуляции и обмена электролитов и липидов, закономерно обуславливающих тот или иной вариант бальнеоэффекта.The method of an echocardiography studies reactings intracardial and central hemodynamics of the man on a course balneotherapy on a spa Truskavets'. Outgoing from shifts of main parameters: an index of contractility (IC), frequency of a rhythm (FR), middledynamic pressure (Pm), general peripheral resistance of vessels (GPRV), expulsion time (ET), enddyastolic (EDV), shock (SV) volumes of heart and cardiac output (CО) - is selected 4 types of reacting. Hypotensive bradycardiо-antikinetic reacting registered for 34,8% of persons, is characterized reduce of Pm, rhythm, ET and CО associated with absence of changes SV, EDV, GPRV and IC. For antiresistive tachycardiо-prokinetic type (30,3% of cases) is characteristic combination of increase of a FR, ET and CО with a considerable decrease GPRV. At proresistive antiinotropic tachycardiо-antikinetic type (19,7% of faces) is essentially increased GPRV and FR, reduced IC, ET, EDV, SV and CО. For 15,2% of faces is established antiresistive proinotropic prokinetic type described by a increase of IC, EDV, SV, FR and CО and decrease of GPRV. The type of effects are conditionized by constellation of 15 initial parameters of haemodynamic, vegetative regulation and exchange of lipides and electrolytes and are prognozed by method of disccriminant analysis (correctly 83,3%)

    Pregnancy in women with congenital heart disease

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    Due to the enormous improvements in the treatment of children with congenital heart disease, an increasing number of patients reach adulthood nowadays. To achieve the aim of excellent care concerning pregnancy in this patient population, a pro-active discussion of pregnancy with all women inthis patient population is essential. Several risk stratifi cation models have been developed in order to identify high risk pregnancies and better inform patients about these risks. Counselling and dedicated care are needed to optimise both maternal and fetal outcomes. Better access to health caresystems contributes to further improvements in mortality and morbidity. Furthermore a well-developed, multidisciplinary plan for each individual patient concerning pregnancy, delivery and follow-up is essential

    A moderate thermal dose is sufficient for effective free and TSL based thermochemotherapy

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    Hyperthermia, i.e. heating the tumor to a temperature of 40–43 °C is considered by many a valuable treatment to sensitize tumor cells to radiotherapy and chemotherapy. In recent randomized trials the great potential of adding hyperthermia to chemotherapy was demonstrated for treatment of high risk soft tissue sarcoma: +11.4% 5 yrs. overall survival (OS) and for ovarian cancer with peritoneal involvement nearly +12 months OS gain. As a result interest in combining chemotherapy with hyperthermia, i.e. thermochemotherapy, is growing. Extensive biological research has revealed that hyperthermia causes multiple effects, from direct cell kill to improved oxygenation, whereby each effect has a specific temperature range. Thermal sensitization of the tumor cell for chemotherapy occurs for many drugs at temperatures ranging from 40 to 42 °C with little additional increase of sensitization at higher temperatures. Increasing perfusion/oxygenation and increased extravasation are two other important hyperthermia induced mechanisms. The combination of free drug and hyperthermia has not been found to increase tumor drug concentration. Hence, enhanced effectiveness of free drug will de

    Evaluation of bifurcation stenting techniques at Catharina Hospital, Eindhoven in 2013

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    AimsPercutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) of bifurcation lesions can be performed using various techniques. The aim of this study was to analyse the outcome of various techniques of bifurcation stenting in all patients undergoing bifurcation stenting at one large intervention centre in 2013, taking into account that more complex lesions might more often warrant a two-stent technique.Methods and resultsThis retrospective study included 260 consecutive patients who underwent non-primary PCI of a bifurcation lesion at the Catharina Hospital, Eindhoven, in 2013. Patients were classified into two groups: one-stent technique (provisional stenting), and two-stent techniques (culotte, crush and T‑stenting). The primary endpoint was the rate of restenosis at 1 year. The secondary endpoints were procedural complications (side branch occlusion, periprocedural infarction, and death) and major adverse cardiac events (MACE) at 1 year. Periprocedural complications occurred in 15 patients (5.8 %) with no difference between the groups (p = 0.27). After 1 year, restenosis occurred in 3.2 % of the patients in the one-stent technique group and 7.3 % in the two-stent technique group (p = 0.20). MACE at 1 year did not differ between the groups at 11.9 % and 12.2 % respectively (p = 1.00).ConclusionsThis study shows that there is no significant difference between restenosis rate, or any other outcome parameter, with the different techniques of bifurcation stenting. Since provisional stenting is the simplest, most straightforward and cheapest approach, if technically feasible this technique has our preference as the initial approach, and an upgrade can be considered if the result is insufficient.KeywordsPercutaneous coronary interventionBifurcationStentingCulotteCrushProvisional stentingT-stentin

    Electrostatics of Vortices in Type II Superconductors

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    In a type II superconductor the gap variation in the core of a vortex line induces a local charge modulation. Accounting for metallic screening, we determine the line charge of individual vortices and calculate the electric field distribution in the half space above a field penetrated superconductor. The resulting field is that of an atomic size dipole deaBz^{\bf d} \sim e a_{{\rm B}} {\bf {\hat z}}, aB=2/me2a_{{\rm B}} = \hbar^2/m e^2 is the Bohr radius, acting on a force microscope in the pico to femto Newton range.Comment: 9 pages, late

    Are residential and nursing homes adequately screening overseas healthcare workers?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There has been significant growth in the number of healthcare workers born outside the UK or recruited to the UK from countries with a high prevalence of TB, Hepatitis and other blood borne infections. Government policy recognises the need for occupational health procedures to facilitate treatment for these individuals and to reduce the risk of transmission of disease to patients.</p> <p>The aim of this study was to undertake a survey of nursing and residential homes in South East England, to assess whether homes had occupational health screening policies for healthcare workers who have originated from overseas, and what level of occupational health screening had been undertaken on these employees.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>An anonymous survey was sent to all 500 homes in West Sussex assessing occupational health practices for "overseas health care workers", defined as health care workers who had been born outside the UK.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Only one employer (0.8%) reported they had an occupational health screening policy specific for healthcare workers who originate from overseas. Over 80% of homes who had recruited directly had no evidence of screening results for HIV, TB, Hepatitis B and C. The commonest countries of origin for staff were the UK, Philippines, Poland, South Africa, Zimbabwe, and India.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study suggests that screening of overseas healthcare workers is not routine practice for residential or nursing care homes and requires further input from Primary Care Trust's, Health Care Commission, Commission for Social Care Inspection, and Professional bodies.</p