74 research outputs found

    Tradisi Ritual Bulan Suro pada Masyarakat Jawa di Desa Sambirejo Timur Percut Sei Tuan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui mengapa ritual bulan suro begitu memiliki makna dan filosopi yang penting pada Suku Jawa dengan mengambil daerah penelitian di Desa Sambirejo Timur Kecamatan Percut Sei Tuan. Jenis Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriftif kualitatif. Penelitian ini memaknai subjek dan objek penelitian sebagai pengganti dari sampel dan populasi. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah wawancara dan studi pustaka.Teori yang digunakan Peneliti dalam penelitian ini adalah Teori Religi dan Kebudayaan. Hasil penelitian ini adalah bahwa tradisi ritual bulan suro pada masyarakat jawa  merupakan suatu upacara adat yang diwariskan secara turun temurun pada masyarakat jawa. Ritual bulan suro ini bertujuan untuk menghindari kesialan, bencana, musibah, malapetaka serta untuk mendekatkan diri kepada Tuhan agar mendapatkan keselamatan , rahmat dan meminta ampun atas segala kesalahan yang dilakukan. Pelaksanaan tradisi ritual ini tidak terlepas dari berbagai kegiatan yang dilaksanakan setiap bulan suro. Proses ritual bulan suro dimulai pada pagi hari yaitu kegiatan kenduri dan mengadakan pengajian oleh warga masyarakat Desa Sambirejo Timur, kegiatan malam di isi dengan permainan atau pergelaran wayang semalam suntuk. Dalam pergelaran wayang kulit, semua warga masyarakat yang ada di Desa Sambirejo Timur ikut berpartisipasi dalam acara tersebut

    Aktualisasi Teologi al Ma'un Dalam Kegiatn Ekstrakurikuler Palang Merah Remaja Di SMP Negeri 1 Surakarta Tahun 2015-2016

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    The worship activities is very closely related to social activities. Al ma'un is one of letter that explaine about the ritual of worshiping in social activities. This study aims to describe the theology of Al ma'un as well as describe the actualization ofAl ma'un’stheology that executedofextracurricular PMR activities of Public’s Junior High School number 1of Surakarta. The research method used to get the data usesofthe qualitative method with data collection techniques in the form of interviews that are validated by observation, and documentation. The research results that obtained from this study are Al ma'un’stheology is the of applyingtheology that do not merely memorized, read and understood.Basic assumptions of the al 'un’stheology is a worship activity that requires the concrete action that related to social problems. PMR of Public’s Junior High School number 1of Surakartatries to actualize Al ma'un’s theology with a capacity of its own capabilities. Activities that conducted by PMR of of Public’s Junior High School number 1of Surakartainform of capabilities within to execute the fundamental social activities. Capabilities that possessed just limited as training and conditioningsite. In addition also need the guidance and mentoring. Actualizing Al ma'un’s theology that conducted by members of the PMR ofPublic’s Junior High School number 1there are several servicesdomain.Service from of schooling (education) domain is done with training activities about social material of the Red Crossing. The charity service conducted with activities of humanity wallet with objective the poor and displaced person. The activities of Character building camp is a service from of healing and feeding because it teaches the students to attempt to have socialize as well as provide care for others that need it

    Makna Jihad Dalam Al-Qur'an (Studi Komparatif Tafsir al-Maraghi dan Tafsir al-Munir)

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    The meaning of Jihad is often debated and misunderstood by some people to the point of the emergence of bad stigma in view of Islamic law triggered by the emergence of the issue of terrorist acts that occur in the community. Regarding the meaning of Jihad itself, mufassir have different dynamics of interpretation. The purpose of this research is to find out the similarities and differences interpretations of the meaning of jihad and it’s scope according to Al-Maraghi and Wahbah al-Zuhaili thought. This research is library research using descriptive-separated comparative method by identifies and discribe the interpatasion of jihad’s verses from the main source tafseer Al-Maraghi and tafseer Al-Munir in separate way, and anilizing the substantial and methodological side. The result of this research are : first the similarities in substance: (1) Jihad derived from the word al-juhdu which means masyaqqah, hardship, and in terms of jihad is not only identical with qital/war, but more comprehensive than just a fight against or being in the battle to defending and protecting the religion, Jihad also means all the efforts and hard work borne by the believers in the form of trials in life such as subjugating lust, patience in upholding the truth and fighting falsehood, for the sake of welfare and cleansing the earth from destruction. (2) Jihad is the typical identity of a believer who truly loves Allah and His Messenger. (3) divide jihad in three kind: jihad againt the anemy (who againt Islam), jihad againt syaitan, jihad againt lust (al-hawa’). Second, the two tafseers have a bit relative differences in interpretation regarding to the attitude and the implementation of these three divisions of jihad, which is Al-Maraghi's interpratation in Tafsir Al Maraghi is more offensive in side of strategic character, and the opposite, Wahbah Az-Zuhaili's interpratation in his Tafsir Al Munir is in more defensive side. Keywords: Tafseer, Al-Qur’an, Jihad

    Processing of ultrafine-size particulate metal matrix composites by advanced shear technology

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    Copyright @ 2009 ASM International. This paper was published in Metallurgical & Materials Transactions A 40A(3) and is made available as an electronic reprint with the permission of ASM International. One print or electronic copy may be made for personal use only. Systematic or multiple reproduction, distribution to multiple locations via electronic or other means, duplications of any material in this paper for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modification of the content of this paper are prohibited.Lack of efficient mixing technology to achieve a uniform distribution of fine-size reinforcement within the matrix and the high cost of producing components have hindered the widespread adaptation of particulate metal matrix composites (PMMCs) for engineering applications. A new rheo-processing method, the melt-conditioning high-pressure die-cast (MC-HPDC) process, has been developed for manufacturing near-net-shape components of high integrity. The MC-HPDC process adapts the well-established high shear dispersive mixing action of a twin-screw mechanism to the task of overcoming the cohesive force of the agglomerates under a high shear rate and high intensity of turbulence. This is followed by direct shaping of the slurry into near-net-shape components using an existing cold-chamber die-casting process. The results indicate that the MC-HPDC samples have a uniform distribution of ultrafine-sized SiC particles throughout the entire sample in the as-cast condition. Compared to those produced by conventional high-pressure die casting (HPDC), MC-HPDC samples have a much improved tensile strength and ductility.EP-SR

    Value-Chain Wide Food Waste Management: A Systematic Literature Review

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    © 2019, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. The agriculture value chain, from farm to fork, has received enormous attention because of its key role in achieving United Nations Global Challenges Goals. Food waste occurs in many different forms and at all stages of the food value chain, it has become a worldwide issue that requires urgent actions. However, the management of food waste has been traditionally segmented and in an isolated manner. This paper reviews existing work that has been done on food waste management in literature by taking a holistic approach, in order to identify the causes of food waste, food waste prevention strategies, and elicit recommendations for future work. A five step systematic literature review has been adopted for a thorough examination of the existing research on the topic and new insights have been obtained. The findings suggest that the main sources of food waste include food overproduction and surplus, food waste caused by processing, logistical inconsistencies, and households. Main food waste prevention strategies have been revealed in this paper include policy solutions, packaging solutions, date-labelling solutions, logistics solutions, changing consumers’ behaviours, and reuse and redistribution solutions. Future research directions such as using value chain models to reduce food waste and forecasting food waste have been identified in this paper. This study makes a contribution to the extant literature in the field of food waste management by discovering main causes of food waste in the value chain and eliciting prevention strategies that can be used to reduce/eliminate relevant food waste
