1,259 research outputs found
Primer relevamiento de marcadores de resistencia a antibióticos en Enterobacteriaceae en Cochabamba, Bolivia
Se llevó a cabo un relevamiento molecular de la resistencia a antibióticos de importancia clínica en aislamientos recuperados en Cochabamba, Bolivia. Se estudiaron los genes codificantes de β-lactamasas de espectro extendido y de resistencia a quinolonas de localización plasmídica (PMQR) en un total de 101 aislamientos de enterobacterias resistentes a oximinocefalosporinas recuperados en distintos centros de salud, durante 4 meses (2012-2013). En todos ellos se detectó la presencia de cefotaximasas, las CTX-M grupo 1 fueron las más prevalentes (88,1%). La presencia de blaOXA-1 se detectó en el 76,4% de estos aislamientos. Se observó una elevada proporción de aislamientos resistentes a quinolonas. El gen aac(6′)-Ib-cr fue el determinante PMQR más frecuentemente identificado (83%). Además, 6 aislamientos resultaron ser portadores de qnrB. Por otro lado, cabe remarcar que 7 Escherichia coli presentaron qepA1 (6) y oqxAB (1); se documenta así por primera vez la presencia de oqxAB en Bolivia. Este estudio constituye el primer relevamiento de marcadores de resistencia en aislamientos clínicos de enterobacterias en Cochabamba, Bolivia; de este modo se contribuye al conocimiento regional de la situación epidemiológica, la cual presenta un escenario similar al observado en el resto de Latinoamérica.A molecular survey was conducted in Cochabamba, Bolivia, to characterize the mechanism involved in the resistance to clinically relevant antibiotics. Extended Spectrum β-lactamase encoding genes and plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance (PMQR) markers were investigated in a total of 101 oxyimino-cephalosporin-resistant enterobacteria recovered from different health centers during four months (2012?2013). CTX-M enzymes were detected in all isolates, being the CTX-M-1 group the most prevalent (88.1%). The presence of blaOXA-1 was detected in 76.4% of these isolates. A high quinolone resistance rate was observed among the included isolates. The aac(6′)-Ib-cr gene was the most frequent PMQR identified (83.0%). Furthermore, 6 isolates harbored the qnrB gene. Interestingly, qepA1 (6) and oqxAB (1), were detected in 7 Escherichia coli, being the latter the first to be reported in Bolivia. This study constitutes the first molecular survey on resistance markers in clinical enterobacterial isolates in Cochabamba, Bolivia, contributing to the regional knowledge of the epidemiological situation. The molecular epidemiology observed herein resembles the scene reported in South America.Fil: Saba Villarroel, Paola M.. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica; ArgentinaFil: Gutkind, Gabriel Osvaldo. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Di Conza, José Alejandro. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Bioquímica y Ciencias Biológicas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Radice, Marcela Alejandra. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin
About the Dirac Equation with a potential
An elementary treatment of the Dirac Equation in the presence of a
three-dimensional spherically symmetric -potential is
presented. We show how to handle the matching conditions in the configuration
space, and discuss the occurrence of supercritical effects.Comment: 8 pages, 1 postscript figure, Latex, Revise
Expresión de las moléculas del Complejo Mayor de Histocompatibilidad clase II y moléculas co-estimuladoras en carcinomas orales in vitro
El descubrimiento de que el epitelio escamoso estratificado que
cubre la mucosa oral podia expresar moleculas del Complejo
Mayor de Histocompatibilidad clase II en varias condiciones
patologicas de tipo inflamatorio abrio la posibilidad de que los
queratinocitos orales sean celulas inmunologicamente activas,
las cuales pueden funcionar con .celulas presentadoras de
antigenos'ñ. Para una efectiva activacion de los linfocitos T,
las celulas presentadoras de antigenos requieren, ademas de
la expresion de moleculas del Complejo Mayor de Histocompatibilidad
clase II, senales co-estimuladoras. El proposito del
presente estudio fue determinar la expresion de moleculas del
Complejo Mayor de Histocompatibilidad clase II y las moleculas
co-estimuladoras CD40, CD80 y CD86 en queratinocitos bucales
normales y derivados de carcinomas de celulas escamosas. Usando
citometria de flujo en queratinocitos cultivados de mucosa
oral sana y siete lineas celulares derivadas de carcinomas orales,
fue confirmado que los queratinocitos expresan moleculas del
Complejo Mayor de Histocompatibilidad clase II despues de
estimulacion con IFN'Á in vitro. Todas las lineas celulares expresaron
constitutivamente CD40, por el contrario, CD80 y CD86
universalmente fueron negativos. La ausencia de estas ultimas
moleculas pudiera ser la causa por la cual los carcinomas orales
escapan de la vigilancia inmunologica y pueden crecer, invadir
y hacer metastasis pese al sistema inmunologico.Recognition in the 1980Es that keratinocytes can express class II
molecules of the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) first
raised the possibility that these cells might have an immunological
function, and may even act as antigen presenting cells (APC).
For effective T lymphocyte activation, APC require, in addition
to MHC II, appropriate costimulatory signals. The aim of this
study was to determine the expression of MHC class II and the
co-stimulatory molecules CD40, CD80 and CD86 in keratinocytes
derived from healthy oral mucosa and oral carcinomas.
Using flow cytometry, it was confirmed that oral keratinocytes
.switch on'ñ expression of MHC class II molecules after stimulation
with IFN'Á in vitro. All keratinocyte lines expressed CD40
constitutively; by contrast, CD80 and CD86 were universally
absent. Loss of CD80 and CD86 may be one means whereby
tumours escape immunological surveillance.
Cortisol en saliva como indicador de estrés en porcino
The first aim of the present study was to evaluate the measure ‘salivary cortisol’ as a non invasive Animal Welfare indicator for fattening pigs. The second objective was to assess the effect of a commercial farm routine procedure (weighing) in the HPA axis activation. The effect of the breading line (breeding line A and B), the sex, the date and hour of the sampling, and the different flooring systems used in the housing were taken into account. Two types of partly-slatted housing were used, continuous concrete floor and concrete slat (CC) and continuous solid floor of concreted recovered with epoxy resin and metallic slat (RM). Firstly, salivary control samples were taken in 1 pig per pen on three different days during fattening (morning and afternoon) for a total of 96 samples. Secondly, another salivary cortisol sample was taken after weighing each pig, 0h, 1h and 2h after weighing (stressful situation) near the end of fattening, in 3 pigs per pen, for a total of 144 samples. There were no differences in baseline cortisol levels for pigs on either flooring but, after the weighing, the cortisol level of the animals housed in the RM flooring were significantly lower (p<0,01) than the cortisol level of the animals housed in the CC flooring, and showed a normal decreasing tendency whereas the level of cortisol of animals housed in the CC flooring showed a rising tendencyEl primer objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la medida ‘cortisol en saliva’ como un indicador no invasivo del nivel de Bienestar Animal en cerdos en cebo. El segundo objetivo fue evaluar el efecto que un procedimiento rutinario, al que los animales se ven sometidos en condiciones comerciales, como es el pesaje, tiene en la activación del eje hipotálamo-pituitaria-adrenal (HPA). Se tuvieron en cuenta los posibles efectos del tipo genético (línea comercial A y B), el sexo, la fecha y la hora de toma de muestras, y el tipo de suelo en el que se alojaron los animales. Se usaron dos tipos de suelo, el primero constaba de zona continua de hormigón y slats de hormigón (CC) y el segundo de zona continua de hormigón recubierta de resina epoxi y slats metálicos (MS). En primer lugar, se tomaron muestras control de saliva, de un cerdo de cada box de las 4 salas, durante la mañana y la tarde, en 3 días no consecutivos, con un total de 96 muestras. En segundo lugar se tomaron muestras de saliva inmediatamente después del pesaje, a la hora y a las 2 horas, con un total de 144 muestras. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en el nivel de cortisol basal; en cambio, después del pesaje, el nivel de cortisol fue significativamente menor en los animales alojados en suelo RM (p<0,01) que en los animales alojados en suelo CC. El nivel de cortisol tras el pesaje en los animales alojados en suelo RM mostró una tendencia normal decreciente con el paso de las horas, mientras que, el nivel de cortisol aumentó con el paso de las horas para los animales alojados en suelo CC
Canta y no llores, corazón (o el precio de una honra) (Juan Pérez Berrocal, 1925, Chile)
This article deals with the rescue and restoration process of Juan Pérez Berrocal's Canta y no llores, corazón (o el precio de una honra) (Chile, 1925, 50 min, 35mm, silent, b/w) that was carried aout by the Cinemateca Nacional de Chile between 2014 and 2015.Keywords: restoration, Canta y no llores, corazón (o el precio de una honra), Juan Pérez Berrocal, Chile.___________________ Resumen: Este texto aborda el proceso de rescate y restauración del melodrama Canta y no llores, corazón (o el precio de una honra) (Chile, 1925, 50 min, 35mm, silente, b/n), de Juan Pérez Berrocal, realizado por la Cineteca Nacional de Chile entre los años 2014 y 2015Palabras clave: restauración, Canta y no llores, corazón (o el precio de una honra), Juan Pérez Berrocal, Chile.__________________Resumo: Este texto trata da recuperação e restauração do filme Canta y no llores, corazón (o el precio de una honra) (Chile, 1925, 50 min, 35mm, silente, b/n) de Juan Perez Berrocal, conduzida pela Cinemateca Nacional de Chile entre 2014 e 2015.Palavras-chave: restauração, Canta y no llores, corazón (o el precio de una honra), Juan Pérez Berrocal, Chile.____________________Fecha de recepción: 5 de noviembre de 2015Fecha de aceptación: 6 de diciembre de 2015Este texto aborda el proceso de rescate y restauración del melodrama Canta y no llores, corazón (o el precio de una honra) (Chile, 1925, 50 min, 35mm, silente, b/n), de Juan Pérez Berrocal, realizado por la Cineteca Nacional de Chile entre los años 2014 y 2015Palabras clave: restauración, Canta y no llores, corazón (o el precio de una honra), Juan Pérez Berrocal, Chile.__________________ Abstract: This article deals with the rescue and restoration process of Juan Pérez Berrocal's Canta y no llores, corazón (o el precio de una honra) (Chile, 1925, 50 min, 35mm, silent, b/w) that was carried aout by the Cinemateca Nacional de Chile between 2014 and 2015.Keywords: restoration, Canta y no llores, corazón (o el precio de una honra), Juan Pérez Berrocal, Chile.___________________ Resumo: Este texto trata da recuperação e restauração do filme Canta y no llores, corazón (o el precio de una honra) (Chile, 1925, 50 min, 35mm, silente, b/n) de Juan Perez Berrocal, conduzida pela Cinemateca Nacional de Chile entre 2014 e 2015.Palavras-chave: restauração, Canta y no llores, corazón (o el precio de una honra), Juan Pérez Berrocal, Chile.____________________Fecha de recepción: 5 de noviembre de 2015Fecha de aceptación: 6 de diciembre de 201
Same-Gender Sex in the United States: Impact of T-Acasi on Prevalence Estimates
Well-conducted telephone surveys provide an economical means of estimating the prevalence of sexual and reproductive behaviors in a population. There is, however, a nontrivial potential for bias since respondents must report sensitive information to a human interviewer. The National STD and Behavior Measurement Experiment (NSBME) evaluates a new survey technology—telephone audio computer-assisted self-interviewing (T-ACASI)—that eliminates this requirement. The NSBME embedded a randomized experiment in a survey of probability samples of 1,543 U.S. and 744 Baltimore adults ages 18 to 45. Compared with NSBME respondents interviewed by human interviewers, respondents interviewed by T-ACASI were 1.5 to 1.6 times more likely to report same-gender sexual attraction, experience, and genital contact. The impact of T-ACASI was more pronounced (odds ratio = 2.5) for residents of locales that have historically been less tolerant of same-gender sexual behaviors and for respondents in households with children (odds ratio = 3.0)
Climate change impact on thermal comfort in Mexico City housing
This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from WEENTECH via the DOI in this record4th International Conference on Energy, Environment and Economics (ICEEE2019), 20-22 August 2019, Edinburgh, ScotlandA two storey terraced house was modelled in ESP-r with a simple window opening control strategy to represent typical dwellings found in Mexico City and the adjoining municipalities. Future weather data was generated for years in this century based on morphing methods developed from the literature and by the authors and a TMY weather file developed from historical data between 1975 to 1989 by WhiteBox Technologies. The population in the region under consideration is a little over 20 million which represents 16% of Mexico’s population. The present day climate is such that air conditioning is rarely used in single family housing. The main cooling strategy in the hottest months (Mid February to mid June) is window opening. This was modelled considering that if the interior temperature was at or above 18°C and the exterior air temperature was below the interior air temperature then windows would be open. The air flow was modelled using the flow network model within ESP-r. It was found that in the latter part of the present century, this strategy would become increasingly ineffective. This is likely to lead to a considerable increase in installed air conditioning in single family dwellings and a consequent increase in electricity demand and consumption leading to a need for substantial investments in electricity transmission and distribution systems in the region to bring in power from distant sources.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)CONACYT-SENER-Sustentabilidad Energética fund Mexic
Conocimiento y actitud del odontólogo frente al manejo del tabaquismo: estudio comparativo entre España, Italia y Venezuela
espanolIntroduccion: El Odontologo es capaz de ejercer un gran impacto en el tabaquismo a traves de su contacto con los pacientes y la deteccion precoz de lesiones bucales. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el conocimiento y la actitud de los odontologos frente al tabaquismo en tres paises distintos. Materiales y metodos: Se realizo una encuesta a 293 odontologos, 93 de ellos localizados en Caracas (OV), 90 con practica odontologica en Madrid (OE) y 110 en Milan (OI). Resultados: 46 OE y 22 OI indicaron ser fumadores, mientras que tan solo 10 OV admitieron ser fumadores. 80 (86,02%) OV, 66 (73,33%) OE y todos los OI refirieron registrar en la historia datos relacionados con tabaquismo en la primera consulta del paciente. La mayoria motiva a sus pacientes a dejar de fumar, sin embargo, 72,04% (67) OV, 55,55% (50) OE y 100% OI no recomiendan ninguna terapia de apoyo. Solo 7 odontologos (2,38%) (2 OV y 5 OE) reconocieron el medicamento Bupropion pero ningun odontologo lo ha indicado. Finalmente, 137 odontologos han diagnosticado cancer bucal, de los cuales 108 eran OI. Conclusiones: Los odontologos, independientemente del pais, tienen actitudes positivas para participar en el control del tabaquismo, pero no manejan la informacion relacionada ni ejercen un rol activo en la cesacion. Probablemente esta situacion se deba a la falta de entrenamiento durante sus estudios de pre y/o postgrado lo cual amerita una revision de los planes curriculares de Odontologia a nivel mundial. EnglishIntroduction: Health care professionals have an important role in tobacco control. Dentists are capable of having a great impact in smoking cessation due to their regular contact with patients and the rapid detection of oral signs produced by smoking. Unfortunately, there are few dentists actively involved in smoking control. The aim of this study was to investigate various aspects of dentists' beliefs and practices with respect to smoking cessation. Materials & Methods: A questionnaire about smoking cessation was filled in person by 293 dentists. 93 dentists were from Caracas-Venezuela (VD), 90 were from Madrid-Spain (SD) and 110 from Milan-Italy (ID). Results: 46 SD and 22 ID were smokers. Only 10 VD admitted to smoke. 80 (86.02%) VD, 66 (73.33%) SD and 100% of ID said that they recorded smoking status during the first consultation. However, none routinely update their records on smoking status. The majority of respondents encourage their patients to stop smoking, though, 72.04% (67) VD, 55.55% (50) SD and 100% ID do not recommend or prescribe any cessation therapy. Just 7 (2.38%) of all dentists had heard about the use of Bupropion, however, they had never indicated. Finally, 137 dentists (108 ID) have diagnosed oral cancer in their patients. Conclusions: Dentists have positive attitudes to being involved in smoking cessation interventions, but they do not manage all the information related to it. It is probably due to a lack of training or education during their undergraduate and postgraduate studies. Further studies should evaluate inclusion of smoking cessation instruction in Venezuelan, Spanish and Italian dentistry curriculum
Short communication: Response of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) to mirror images
The response of cultured rainbow trout to their mirrored image was investigated. Thirty fish were placed individually in two novel aquariums consecutively for 10 min each. Walls in one aquarium were covered with mirrors on all four sides, whereas the walls of the other aquarium were non-transparent black. Because all four walls were covered with mirrors, the mirrored image of the fish was reproduced multiple times such that ‘a group’ of fish was created surrounding the individual. Half of the fish started in the aquarium with the mirrors, whereas the other half started in the mirrorless aquarium. Fish swim faster in the aquarium with mirrors than in the mirrorless aquarium (2.95 vs. 2.40 cm/s; p < 0.01), indicating a positive behavioural response towards their mirrored images. Fish did not show aggressive interactions towards their mirrored images. Being confronted with ‘a group’ of fish and not just one ‘opponent’ may have inhibited aggressive behavior, or individuals may not have considered the images to be fellow individuals. Fish that swam faster in the mirrorless aquarium also did so in the aquarium with mirrors (r = 0.73; p < 0.0001), indicating a persistent behavioural coping response (boldness) in response to the two novel environments. Mirrors may be used to influence social behaviour of fish in aquaculture; further research is needed to investigate the influence of mirror placement in tanks of group housed trout on growth and behaviour
Building extended resolvent of heat operator via twisting transformations
Twisting transformations for the heat operator are introduced. They are used,
at the same time, to superimpose a` la Darboux N solitons to a generic smooth,
decaying at infinity, potential and to generate the corresponding Jost
solutions. These twisting operators are also used to study the existence of the
related extended resolvent. Existence and uniqueness of the extended resolvent
in the case of solitons with N "ingoing" rays and one "outgoing" ray is
studied in details.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure
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