815 research outputs found

    ADAM17 is essential for ectodomain shedding of the EGF-receptor ligand amphiregulin.

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    The epidermal growth factor (EGF)-receptor ligand amphiregulin (AREG) is a potent growth factor implicated in proliferative skin diseases and in primary and metastatic epithelial cancers. AREG, synthesized as a propeptide, requires conversion to an active peptide by metalloproteases by a process known as ectodomain shedding. Although (ADAM17) a disintegrin and metalloprotease 17 is a key sheddase of AREG, ADAM8-, ADAM15-, and batimastat (broad metalloprotease inhibitor)-sensitive metalloproteases have also been implicated in AREG shedding. In the present study, using a curly bare (Rhbdf2cub ) mouse model that shows loss-of-hair, enlarged sebaceous gland, and rapid cutaneous wound-healing phenotypes mediated by enhanced Areg mRNA and protein levels, we sought to identify the principal ectodomain sheddase of AREG. To this end, we generated Rhbdf2cub mice lacking ADAM17 specifically in the skin and examined the above phenotypes of Rhbdf2cub mice. We find that ADAM17 deficiency in the skin of Rhbdf2cub mice restores a full hair coat, prevents sebaceous gland enlargement, and impairs the rapid wound-healing phenotype observed in Rhbdf2cub mice. Furthermore, in vitro, stimulated shedding of AREG is abolished in Rhbdf2cub mouse embryonic keratinocytes lacking ADAM17. Thus, our data support previous findings demonstrating that ADAM17 is the major ectodomain sheddase of AREG. FEBS Open Bio 2018; 8(4):702-710

    Spontaneous Posterior Segment Vascular Disease Phenotype of a Mouse Model, rnv3, Is Dependent on the Crb1rd8 Allele.

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    Purpose: To determine the molecular basis of lesion development in a murine model of spontaneous retinal vascularization, rnv3 (retinal vascularization 3, aka JR5558). Methods: Disease progression of rnv3 was examined in longitudinal studies by clinical evaluation, electroretinography (ERG) and light microscopy analyses. The chromosomal position for the recessive rnv3 mutation was determined by DNA pooling and genome-wide linkage analysis. The causative mutation was discovered by comparison of whole exome sequences of rnv3 mutant and wild-type (WT) controls. In order to confirm the causative mutation, transcription activator-like effector nuclease (TALEN)-mediated oligonucleotide directed repair (ODR) was utilized to correct the mutant allele. Phenotypic correction was assessed by fundus imaging and optical coherence tomography of live mice. Results: rnv3 exhibits early-onset, multifocal depigmented retinal lesions observable by fundus examination starting at 18 days of age. The retinal lesions are associated with fluorescein leakage around 25 days of age, with peak leakage at about 4 weeks of age. ERG responses deteriorate as rnv3 mutants age, concomitant with progressive photoreceptor disruption and loss that is observable by histology. Genetic analysis localized rnv3 to mouse chromosome (Chr) 1. By high throughput sequencing of a whole exome capture library of a rnv3/rnv3 mutant and subsequent sequence analysis, a single base deletion (del) in the Crb1 [crumbs family member 1] gene, which was previously reported to cause retinal degeneration 8, was identified. The TALEN-mediated ODR rescued the posterior segment vascularization phenotype; heterozygous Crb1rd8+em1Boc/Crb1rd8 and homozygous Crb1rd8+em1Boc/Crb1rd8+em1Boc mice showed a normal retinal phenotype. Additionally, six novel disruptions of Crb1 that were generated through aberrant non-homologous end joining induced by TALEN exhibited variable levels of vascularization, suggesting allelic effects. Conclusions: The rnv3 model and the models of six novel disruptions of Crb1 are all reliable, novel mouse models for the study of both early and late events associated with posterior segment vascularization and can also be used to test the effects of pharmacological targets for treating human ocular vascular disorders. Further study of these models may provide a greater understanding about how different Crb1 alleles result in aberrant angiogenesis

    Inactive rhomboid proteins RHBDF1 and RHBDF2 (iRhoms): a decade of research in murine models.

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    Rhomboid proteases, first discovered in Drosophila, are intramembrane serine proteases. Members of the rhomboid protein family that are catalytically deficient are known as inactive rhomboids (iRhoms). iRhoms have been implicated in wound healing, cancer, and neurological disorders such as Alzheimer\u27s and Parkinson\u27s diseases, inflammation, and skin diseases. The past decade of mouse research has shed new light on two key protein domains of iRhoms-the cytosolic N-terminal domain and the transmembrane dormant peptidase domain-suggesting new ways to target multiple intracellular signaling pathways. This review focuses on recent advances in uncovering the unique functions of iRhom protein domains in normal growth and development, growth factor signaling, and inflammation, with a perspective on future therapeutic opportunities

    Role of MicroRNA in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Clinical Evidence and the Development of Preclinical Animal Models.

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    The dysregulation of microRNA (miRNA) is implicated in cancer, inflammation, cardiovascular disorders, drug resistance, and aging. While most researchers study miRNA\u27s role as a biomarker, for example, to distinguish between various sub-forms or stages of a given disease of interest, research is also ongoing to utilize these small nucleic acids as therapeutics. An example of a common pleiotropic disease that could benefit from miRNA-based therapeutics is inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), which is characterized by chronic inflammation of the small and large intestines. Due to complex interactions between multiple factors in the etiology of IBD, development of therapies that effectively maintain remission for this disease is a significant challenge. In this review, we discuss the role of dysregulated miRNA expression in the context of clinical ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn\u27s disease (CD)-the two main forms of IBD-and the various preclinical mouse models of IBD utilized to validate the therapeutic potential of targeting these miRNA. Additionally, we highlight advances in the development of genetically engineered animal models that recapitulate clinical miRNA expression and provide powerful preclinical models to assess the diagnostic and therapeutic promise of miRNA in IBD

    RHBDF2-regulated growth factor signaling in a rare human disease tylosis with esophageal cancer: What can we learn from murine models?

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    Tylosis with esophageal cancer syndrome (TOC) is a rare autosomal dominant proliferative skin disease caused by missense mutations in the rhomboid 5 homolog 2 (RHBDF2) gene. TOC is characterized by thickening of the skin in the palms and feet and is strongly linked with the development of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Murine models of human diseases have been valuable tools for investigating the underlying genetic and molecular mechanisms of a broad range of diseases. Although current mouse models do not fully recapitulate all aspects of human TOC, and the molecular mechanisms underlying TOC are still emerging, the available mouse models exhibit several key aspects of the disease, including a proliferative skin phenotype, a rapid wound healing phenotype, susceptibility to epithelial cancer, and aberrant epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) signaling. Furthermore, we and other investigators have used these models to generate new insights into the causes and progression of TOC, including findings suggesting a tissue-specific role of the RHBDF2-EGFR pathway, rather than a role of the immune system, in mediating TOC; and indicating that amphiregulin, an EGFR ligand, is a functional driver of the disease. This review highlights the mouse models of TOC available to researchers for use in investigating the disease mechanisms and possible therapies, and the significance of genetic modifiers of the disease identified in these models in delineating the underlying molecular mechanisms

    Towards large scale automated cage monitoring - Diurnal rhythm and impact of interventions on in-cage activity of C57BL/6J mice recorded 24/7 with a non-disrupting capacitive-based technique.

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Automated recording of laboratory animal\u27s home cage behavior is receiving increasing attention since such non-intruding surveillance will aid in the unbiased understanding of animal cage behavior potentially improving animal experimental reproducibility. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Here we investigate activity of group held female C57BL/6J mice (mus musculus) housed in standard Individually Ventilated Cages across three test-sites: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR, Rome, Italy), The Jackson Laboratory (JAX, Bar Harbor, USA) and Karolinska Insititutet (KI, Stockholm, Sweden). Additionally, comparison of female and male C57BL/6J mice was done at KI. Activity was recorded using a capacitive-based sensor placed non-intrusively on the cage rack under the home cage collecting activity data every 250 msec, 24/7. The data collection was analyzed using non-parametric analysis of variance for longitudinal data comparing sites, weekdays and sex. RESULTS: The system detected an increase in activity preceding and peaking around lights-on followed by a decrease to a rest pattern. At lights off, activity increased substantially displaying a distinct temporal variation across this period. We also documented impact on mouse activity that standard animal handling procedures have, e.g. cage-changes, and show that such procedures are stressors impacting in-cage activity. These key observations replicated across the three test-sites, however, it is also clear that, apparently minor local environmental differences generate significant behavioral variances between the sites and within sites across weeks. Comparison of gender revealed differences in activity in the response to cage-change lasting for days in male but not female mice; and apparently also impacting the response to other events such as lights-on in males. Females but not males showed a larger tendency for week-to-week variance in activity possibly reflecting estrous cycling. CONCLUSIONS: These data demonstrate that home cage monitoring is scalable and run in real time, providing complementary information for animal welfare measures, experimental design and phenotype characterization

    Detection of CRISPR-mediated genome modifications through altered methylation patterns of CpG islands.

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    BACKGROUND: The development and application of CRISPR technologies for the modification of the genome are rapidly expanding. Advances in the field describe new CRISPR components that are strategically engineered to improve the precision and reliability of CRISPR editing within the genome sequence. Genome modification using induced genome breaks that are targeted and mediated by CRISPR components leverage cellular mechanisms for repair like homology directed repair (HDR) to incorporate genomic edits with increased precision. RESULTS: In this report, we describe the gain of methylation at typically hypomethylated CpG island (CGI) locations affected by the CRISPR-mediated incorporation of donor DNA using HDR mechanisms. With characterization of CpG methylation patterns using whole genome bisulfite sequencing, these CGI methylation disruptions trace the insertion of the donor DNA during the genomic edit. These insertions mediated by homology-directed recombination disrupt the generational methylation pattern stability of the edited CGI within the cells and their cellular lineage within the animal strain, persisting across generations. Our approach describes a statistically based workflow for indicating locations of modified CGIs and provides a mechanism for evaluating the directed modification of the methylome of the affected CGI at the CpG-level. CONCLUSIONS: With advances in genome modification technology comes the need to detect the level and persistence of methylation change that modifications to the genomic sequence impose upon the collaterally edited methylome. Any modification of the methylome of somatic or germline cells could have implications for gene regulation mechanisms governed by the methylation patterns of CGI regions in the application of therapeutic edits of more sensitively regulated genomic regions. The method described here locates the directed modification of the mouse epigenome that persists over generations. While this observance would require supporting molecular observations such as direct sequence changes or gene expression changes, the observation of epigenetic modification provides an indicator that intentionally directed genomic edits can lead to collateral, unintentional epigenomic changes post modification with generational persistence

    Modular symbols in Iwasawa theory

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    This survey paper is focused on a connection between the geometry of GLd\mathrm{GL}_d and the arithmetic of GLd1\mathrm{GL}_{d-1} over global fields, for integers d2d \ge 2. For d=2d = 2 over Q\mathbb{Q}, there is an explicit conjecture of the third author relating the geometry of modular curves and the arithmetic of cyclotomic fields, and it is proven in many instances by the work of the first two authors. The paper is divided into three parts: in the first, we explain the conjecture of the third author and the main result of the first two authors on it. In the second, we explain an analogous conjecture and result for d=2d = 2 over Fq(t)\mathbb{F}_q(t). In the third, we pose questions for general dd over the rationals, imaginary quadratic fields, and global function fields.Comment: 43 page

    Phase diagram and critical properties in the Polyakov--Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model

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    We investigate the phase diagram of the so-called Polyakov--Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model at finite temperature and nonzero chemical potential with three quark flavours. Chiral and deconfinement phase transitions are discussed, and the relevant order-like parameters are analyzed. The results are compared with simple thermodynamic expectations and lattice data. A special attention is payed to the critical end point: as the strength of the flavour-mixing interaction becomes weaker, the critical end point moves to low temperatures and can even disappear.Comment: Talk given at the 9th International Conference on Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum - QCHS IX, Madrid, Spain, 30 August - September 201