973 research outputs found

    Serum anti‐mĂŒllerian hormone levels and risk of premature ovarian insufficiency in female childhood cancer survivors: Systematic review and network meta‐analysis

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    Background: Female childhood cancer survivors (CCS) might have impaired ovarian reserves, especially after alkylating agents or radiotherapy. The purpose of this systematic review and network meta‐analysis is to evaluate the role of serum anti‐MĂŒllerian hormone (AMH) for ovarian reserve screening and the risk of premature ovarian insufficiency (POI) according to the subtype of childhood cancer. (2) Methods: PRISMA‐NMA guidelines were followed. We carried out a network meta‐analysis based on a random effects model for mixed multiple treatment comparisons to rank childhood cancers effects on fertility by surface under the cumulative ranking curve (SUCRA). Studies were selected only if they had an age‐matched control group. Quality assessment was performed using Newcastle–Ottawa Scale. The co‐primary outcomes were mean AMH levels and the incidence of POI. (3) Results: A total of 8 studies (1303 participants) were included. Women treated for a neuroblastoma during infancy were more likely to be ranked first for impaired AMH levels (SUCRA = 65.4%), followed by mixed CCS (SUCRA = 29.6%). The greatest rates of POI were found in neuroblastoma survivors (SUCRA = 42.5%), followed by acute lymphoid leukemia (SUCRA = 26.3%) or any other neoplasia (SUCR A= 20.5%). (4) Conclusions: AMH represents a trustworthy approach for ovarian reserve screening. Direct and indirect comparisons found no differences in mean AMH levels and POI risk between subtypes of CCS and healthy controls. SUCRA analysis showed that female neuroblastoma survivors were more at risk for reduced serum AMH levels and increased risk of POI

    Carbonic anhydrase activation is associated with worsened pathological remodeling in human ischemic diabetic cardiomyopathy.

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    BACKGROUND: Diabetes mellitus (DM) has multifactorial detrimental effects on myocardial tissue. Recently, carbonic anhydrases (CAs) have been shown to play a major role in diabetic microangiopathy but their role in the diabetic cardiomyopathy is still unknown. METHODS AND RESULTS: We obtained left ventricular samples from patients with DM type 2 (DM-T2) and nondiabetic (NDM) patients with postinfarct heart failure who were undergoing surgical coronary revascularization. Myocardial levels of CA-I and CA-II were 6- and 11-fold higher, respectively, in DM-T2 versus NDM patients. Elevated CA-I expression was mainly localized in the cardiac interstitium and endothelial cells. CA-I induced by high glucose levels hampers endothelial cell permeability and determines endothelial cell apoptosis in vitro. Accordingly, capillary density was significantly lower in the DM-T2 myocardial samples (mean±SE=2152±146 versus 4545±211/mm(2)). On the other hand, CA-II was mainly upregulated in cardiomyocytes. The latter was associated with sodium-hydrogen exchanger-1 hyperphosphorylation, exaggerated myocyte hypertrophy (cross-sectional area 565±34 versus 412±27 Όm(2)), and apoptotic death (830±54 versus 470±34 per 10(6) myocytes) in DM-T2 versus NDM patients. CA-II is activated by high glucose levels and directly induces cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and death in vitro, which are prevented by sodium-hydrogen exchanger-1 inhibition. CA-II was shown to be a direct target for repression by microRNA-23b, which was downregulated in myocardial samples from DM-T2 patients. MicroRNA-23b is regulated by p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase, and it modulates high-glucose CA-II-dependent effects on cardiomyocyte survival in vitro. CONCLUSIONS: Myocardial CA activation is significantly elevated in human diabetic ischemic cardiomyopathy. These data may open new avenues for targeted treatment of diabetic heart failure

    Effects of balloon injury on neointimal hyperplasia in steptozotocin-induced diabetes and in hyperinsulinemic nondiabetic pancreatic islet-transplanted rats.

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    BACKGROUND: The mechanisms of increased neointimal hyperplasia after coronary interventions in diabetic patients are still unknown. METHODS AND RESULTS: Glucose and insulin effects on in vitro vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) proliferation and migration were assessed. The effect of balloon injury on neointimal hyperplasia was studied in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats with or without adjunct insulin therapy. To study the effect of balloon injury in nondiabetic rats with hyperinsulinemia, pancreatic islets were transplanted under the kidney capsule in normal rats. Glucose did not increase VSMC proliferation and migration in vitro. In contrast, insulin induced a significant increase in VSMC proliferation and migration in cell cultures. Furthermore, in VSMC culture, insulin increased MAPK activation. A reduction in neointimal hyperplasia was consistently documented after vascular injury in hyperglycemic streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Insulin therapy significantly increased neointimal hyperplasia in these rats. This effect of hyperinsulinemia was totally abolished by transfection on the arterial wall of the N17H-ras-negative mutant gene. Finally, after experimental balloon angioplasty in hyperinsulinemic nondiabetic islet-transplanted rats, a significant increase in neointimal hyperplasia was observed. CONCLUSIONS: In rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes, balloon injury was not associated with an increase in neointimal formation. Exogenous insulin administration in diabetic rats and islet transplantation in nondiabetic rats increased both blood insulin levels and neointimal hyperplasia after balloon injury. Hyperinsulinemia through activation of the ras/MAPK pathway, rather than hyperglycemia per se, seems to be of crucial importance in determining the exaggerated neointimal hyperplasia after balloon angioplasty in diabetic animals

    Migration of a stent from left main and its retrieval from femoral artery: A case report

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    Rationale:Embolization of a deployed stent is a rare complication and its mechanism remains unclear in most cases.Patient concerns:A 52-year-old man underwent coronary angiography for effort angina, revealing an 80% stenosis of the proximal left anterior descending (LAD) involving the distal left main (LM). After luminal sizing with intravascular ultrasound two drug-eluting stents were deployed (5.0 × 12 mm and 3.5 × 15 mm) to cover the LM-LAD lesion. After postdilatation, the proximal stent had disappeared from the LM.Diagnoses:The missing stent was found in the right deep femoral artery.Interventions:A new 5.0 × 15 mm stent was deployed onto the LM-LAD ostium, in overlapping with the previously implanted. Then, the stent migrated to the deep femoral artery was successfully retieved through the contralateral femoral artery.Outcomes:The patient was discharged 2 days later, after an uneventful hospital stay.Lessons:Stent deformation after postdilation is a possible causes of stent migration

    When is a Partner not a Partner? Conceptualisations of 'family' in EU Free Movement Law

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    This paper considers the definitions of spouse, civil partner and partner in European Union (EU) free movement of persons law in order to question the EU's heterocentric approach to defining 'family' in this context. It argues that the term 'spouse' should include same-sex married partners in order to ensure that there is no discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation. It further highlights the problems created by basing free movement rights of civil partners on host state recognition of such partnerships. This approach allows Member States to discriminate on the grounds of sexual orientation and is therefore not compatible with EU equality law in others areas. The position of unmarried or unregistered partners is also considered; in particular, the paper examines the requirement of a duly-attested durable relationship and its impact on same-sex partners wishing to move from one Member State to another. The paper argues that it is time to reconsider the law in this area and bring it in line with the EU's commitment to eliminate discrimination on several grounds, including sexual orientation. © 2011 Taylor and Francis Group, LLC

    Human resource management, Lean processes and outcomes for employees: towards a research agenda

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    Lean management or lean thinking is a process improvement technique that along with Six Sigma is used in an increasing range of workplaces. This special issue focuses on the use of Lean in developed countries. This increased usage reflects a growing propensity for managers to launch initiatives to upgrade the efficiency and productivity of the enterprises that they manage, usually in an attempt to enhance the cost- effectiveness of operations. This special issue of the IJHRM includes eight articles in addition to this one on various aspects of the connections between lean management, human resource management (HRM) and outcomes for employees. The present article reviews the context for the increasing popularity of lean ideas among managers. Drawing on research in a range of countries, the articles in the special issue provide interesting insights into the relationships between process improvement innovations and HRM, as well as raise further important questions for research, which enable us to suggest an agenda for future research. This includes asking: what are the differences in the ways that Lean is implemented, for example the differences that may reflect industry, regional and national variables

    Hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) for ovarian cancer recurrence: systematic review and meta-analysis.

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    Background: Ovarian cancer is the first cause of death among gynecological malignancies with a high incidence of recurrence. Different treatment options are suitable to prolong the survival rate of these patients. Over the last years, one of the most intriguing methods, adopted in different oncologic centers worldwide, is the hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC). Methods: A meta-analysis was performed to value the role of HIPEC for ovarian cancer recurrence. Search strategy was conducted with a combination of the following keywords: "ovarian recurrence, ovarian cancer recurrence, peritoneal cancer recurrence, ovarian recurrence AND HIPEC, secondary cytoreduction HIPEC". Seven studies were selected for analysis. Results: In women with recurrent ovarian cancer (ROC), the use of HIPEC in addition to cytoreductive surgery and chemotherapy significantly improved 1-year overall survival (OS) when compared to protocols without HIPEC (OR 2.42; 95% CI, 1.06-5.56; P=0.04; I2=4%). The improvement in OS was maintained significant also after 2, 3 and 5 years respectively (OR 3.33; 95% CI, 1.81-6.10; P<0.01; I2=0%), (OR 4.22; 95% CI, 2.07-8.60; P<0.01; I2=52%), (OR 5.17; 95% CI, 1.40-19.09; P=0.01; I2=82%). Conclusions: HIPEC seems to have an effective role to prolong survival in patients affected by ROC

    Does the polydimethylsiloxane urethral injection (MacroplastiqueÂź) improve sexual function in women, in fertile age, affected by stress urinary incontinence?

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    Background and Objectives: Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) negatively affects women's quality of life, including sexual function. The aim of the current study was to evaluate the effect of polydimethylsiloxane (Macroplastique(R)) on sexual function in women of fertile age affected by SUI. Materials and Methods: Single-center prospective study. Sexually active women of fertile age with symptoms of pure SUI, which were urodynamically proven, were submitted to intraurethral Macroplastique(R) injection. At 6-months follow-up, their sexual function was evaluated with Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI), while the SUI cure rate was objectively assessed through a negative stress test and subjectively by a Patient Global Impression of Improvement (PGI-I) score < 3. The difference of coital incontinence prevalence was assessed between the baseline and the 6-month follow-up. Peri- and postoperative complications of Macroplastique(R) injection were recorded and classified according to the Clavien-Dindo system. Results: Twenty-one women fulfilled inclusion criteria and were submitted to Macroplastique(R) procedure. The concerning sexual function, desire, satisfaction, and overall FSFI score significantly improved. Since other domains were less impaired at the baseline, we could not assess significant improvement for all of them. We observed a complete regression of coital incontinence (0/21, 0%) in comparison with the baseline (5/21, 23.8%; p = 0.04). The objective SUI cure rate was 76% (16/21), while the subjective SUI cure rate was 80.9% (17/21). One woman developed de novo overactive bladder, and two women developed postoperative voiding dysfunction (self-solved in 24 h). Conclusions: The Macroplastique(R) urethral injection was demonstrated to be safe and effective in improving sexual function in sexually active women of fertile age affected by pure SUI, urodinamically proven at 6-months follow-up

    Brexit and the work-family conflict:a Scottish perspective

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    This paper examines the Scottish Government’s desire to maintain ties with EU law post-Brexit in the context of employment and equality law, particularly those laws which impact on work-family conflict. The paper critically examines whether there is, or could be, a distinctly Scottish perspective in the context of work-family rights post-Brexit. The paper frames the analysis by considering the potentially gendered implications of Brexit in this context. In doing so, it examines this issue from the perspective of traditional heterosexual dual-partnered working family models. It is argued that rights for working fathers will be most vulnerable post-Brexit, with related consequences for working mothers. Consequently, the implications of Brexit in this context are primarily viewed through the lens of working fathers. The paper then critically examines the Scottish Government’s position on EU employment and equality law in the post-Brexit context
