33 research outputs found

    Wspomagane samobójstwo — problem etyczny i prawny

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    The phenomenon of assisted suicide is even more common. From the legal point of view, assisted suicide andeuthanasia should be distinguished. During assisted suicide, the organization provides only the necessary resources,and the patient himself commits suicide by self-administration of the deadly dose of the substance.Assisted suicide is legal in many countries, and in Switzerland it is also allowed for foreigners. In this paper, wepresent two clinical cases in which Polish patients were willing to undergo such procedure. The aim of this studywas to present legal and ethical problems related to the issue of assisted suicide according to the Polish law.Coraz częściej można się spotkać ze zjawiskiem wspomaganego samobójstwa. Z prawnego punktu widzenia należy rozgraniczyć wspomagane samobójstwo i eutanazję. Podczas wspomaganego samobójstwa, ośrodek medyczny zapewnia jedynie niezbędne środki, a pacjent odbiera sobie życie poprzez samodzielne przyjęcie danej substancji. Wspomagane samobójstwo jest legalne w wielu krajach, a w Szwajcarii jest również dozwolone dla obcokrajowców. W niniejszej pracy prezentujemy dwa przypadki kliniczne, w których pacjenci wyrazili zamiar poddania się takiej procedurze. Celem pracy jest przybliżenie problemów etycznych i prawnych związanych z zagadnieniem wspomaganego samobójstwa na gruncie obowiązujących w Polsce przepisów prawa

    Phenotypic and genetic analysis of cognitive performance in Major Depressive Disorder in the Generation Scotland:Scottish Family Health Study

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    Abstract Lower performances in cognitive ability in individuals with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) have been observed on multiple occasions. Understanding cognitive performance in MDD could provide a wider insight in the aetiology of MDD as a whole. Using a large, well characterised cohort (N = 7012), we tested for: differences in cognitive performance by MDD status and a gene (single SNP or polygenic score) by MDD interaction effect on cognitive performance. Linear regression was used to assess the association between cognitive performance and MDD status in a case-control, single-episode–recurrent MDD and control-recurrent MDD study design. Test scores on verbal declarative memory, executive functioning, vocabulary, and processing speed were examined. Cognitive performance measures showing a significant difference between groups were subsequently analysed for genetic associations. Those with recurrent MDD have lower processing speed versus controls and single-episode MDD (β =  −2.44, p = 3.6 × 10−04; β =  -2.86, p = 1.8 × 10−03, respectively). There were significantly higher vocabulary scores in MDD cases versus controls (β = 0.79, p = 2.0 × 10−06), and for recurrent MDD versus controls (β = 0.95, p  = 5.8 × 10−05). Observed differences could not be linked to significant single-locus associations. Polygenic scores created from a processing speed meta-analysis GWAS explained 1% of variation in processing speed performance in the single-episode versus recurrent MDD study (p = 1.7 × 10−03) and 0.5% of variation in the control versus recurrent MDD study (p = 1.6 × 10−10). Individuals with recurrent MDD showed lower processing speed and executive function while showing higher vocabulary performance. Within MDD, persons with recurrent episodes show lower processing speed and executive function scores relative to individuals experiencing a single episode

    Association of ATP6V1B2 rs1106634 with lifetime risk of depression and hippocampal neurocognitive deficits: possible novel mechanisms in the etiopathology of depression

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    Current understanding and treatment of depression is limited to the monoaminergic theory with little knowledge of the involvement of other cellular processes. Genome-wide association studies, however, implicate several novel single-nucleotide polymorphisms with weak but replicable effects and unclarified mechanisms. We investigated the effect of rs1106634 of the ATPV1B2 gene encoding the vacuolar H+ATPase on lifetime and current depression and the possible mediating role of neuroticism by logistic and linear regression in a white European general sample of 2226 subjects. Association of rs1106634 with performance on frontal (Stockings of Cambridge (SOC)) and hippocampal-dependent (paired associates learning (PAL)) cognitive tasks was investigated in multivariate general linear models in a smaller subsample. The ATP6V1B2 rs1106634 A allele had a significant effect on lifetime but not on current depression. The effect of the A allele on lifetime depression was not mediated by neuroticism. The A allele influenced performance on the PAL but not on the SOC test. We conclude that the effects of variation in the vacuolar ATPase may point to a new molecular mechanism that influences the long-term development of depression. This mechanism may involve dysfunction specifically in hippocampal circuitry and cognitive impairment that characterizes recurrent and chronic depression

    Overview of IFMIF-DONES diagnostics: Requirements and techniques

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    The IFMIF-DONES Facility is a unique first-class scientific infrastructure whose construction is foreseen in Granada, Spain, in the coming years. Strong integration efforts are being made at the current project phase aiming at harmonizing the ongoing design of the different and complex Systems of the facility. The consolidation of the Diagnostics and Instrumentation, transversal across many of them, is a key element of this purpose. A top-down strategy is proposed for a systematic Diagnostics Review and Requirement definition, putting emphasis in the one-of-a-kind instruments necessary by the operational particularities of some of the Systems, as well as to the harsh environment that they shall survive. In addition, other transversal aspects such as the ones related to Safety and Machine Protection and their respective requirements shall be also considered. The goal is therefore to advance further and solidly in the respective designs, identify problems in advance, and steer the Diagnostics development and validation campaigns that will be required. The present work provides an overview of this integration strategy as well as a description of some of the most challenging Diagnostics and Instruments within the facility, including several proposed techniques currently under study

    Impact of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms of Base Excision Repair Genes on DNA Damage and Efficiency of DNA Repair in Recurrent Depression Disorder

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    Elevated level of DNA damage was observed in patients with depression. Furthermore, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of base excision repair (BER) genes may modulate the risk of this disease. Therefore, the aim of this study was to delineate the association between DNA damage, DNA repair, the presence of polymorphic variants of BER genes, and occurrence of depression. The study was conducted on peripheral blood mononuclear cells of 43 patients diagnosed with depression and 59 controls without mental disorders. Comet assay was used to assess endogenous (oxidative) DNA damage and efficiency of DNA damage repair (DRE). TaqMan probes were employed to genotype 12 SNPs of BER genes. Endogenous DNA damage was higher in the patients than in the controls, but none of the SNPs affected its levels. DRE was significantly higher in the controls and was modulated by BER SNPs, particularly by c.977C>G–hOGG1, c.972G>C–MUTYH, c.2285T>C–PARP1, c.580C>T–XRCC1, c.1196A>G–XRCC1, c.444T>G–APEX1, c.-468T>G–APEX1, or c.*50C>T–LIG3. Our study suggests that both oxidative stress and disorders in DNA damage repair mechanisms contribute to elevated levels of DNA lesions observed in depression. Lower DRE can be partly attributed to the presence of specific SNP variants