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    Psychological well-being is the condition of an individual who can accept everything within himself so that his life has purpose and meaning. One of the factors that can support psychological well-being is a sense of humor because a person will be able to view every negative event more positively. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of sense of humor on psychological well-being in final year students. This study used a correlational quantitative approach. The data collection method used accidental sampling. The subjects of this study were 201 final year students from various universities in Indonesia from semester 7 and above. The measuring instruments used were Ryff's Psychological Well-Being Scale (RPWBS) for psychological well-being variables and Multidimensional Sense of Humor (MSHS) for sense of humor variables. The results showed a significant value of p = 0.000 <0.05 with a contribution value of 50.0% in the sense of humor variable to the psychological well-being variable. So it is found that the hypothesis is accepted in the sense that there is an influence between sense of humor on the psychological well-being of final year students

    Three-dimensional simulations of non-stationary accretion by remnant black holes of compact object mergers

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    (abridged) Three-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations with an Eulerian PPM code are presented for the time-dependent evolution of accretion tori around nonrotating and rotating stellar-mass black holes (BHs), using a pseudo-Newtonian gravitational potential to approximate the effects of general relativity. The initial configurations are assumed to be remnants of binary neutron star (NS) or NS+BH mergers and consist of a 4 solar mass BH with varied spin, girded by a torus with a mass between 0.01 and 0.2 solar masses. The evolution of tori without and with physical shear viscosity is simulated, using a realistic equation of state and following the energy loss and lepton number change due to neutrino emission by a neutrino-trapping scheme. The time-dependent efficiency of converting rest-mass energy to neutrinos is found to reach 10 percent, the efficiency of converting neutrino energy into a pair-photon fireball by neutrino annihilation can reach several percent. The rate of the latter process declines with time much less steeply than the total neutrino luminosity, because the ongoing protonization of the torus ensures a rather stable product of neutrino and antineutrino luminosities. The neutrino emission increases steeply with higher viscosity, larger torus mass, and larger BH spin in corotation with the torus. For rotation rates as expected for post-merger BHs (a > 0.5) and reasonable values of the alpha viscosity (alpha ~ 0.1), the considered tori release sufficient energy in neutrinos to account for the energetics of the well-localized short gamma-ray bursts recently detected by Hete and Swift, if collimation is invoked as predicted by hydrodynamic jet simulations.Comment: 23 pages, 15 figures (high resolution available upon request), accepted by Astron. Astrophys. Significantly shortened with respect to first versio

    Efektifitas Pemberian Terapi Ultrasound Dan Transcutaneus Electrical Nerve Stimulation Dengan Ultrasound Dan Mobilisasi Saraf Terhadap Pengurangan Nyeri Pada Pasien Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

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    Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) merupakan suatu kumpulan gejala akibat kompresi pada nervus medianus di dalam terowongan karpal pada pergelangan tangan, tepatnya di bawah fleksor retinakulum. Gejala yang dikeluhkan adalah nyeri yang digambarkan seperti terbakar dan kesemutan (tingling) di daerah yang dipersarafi nervus medianus, yaitu ibu jari, jari telunjuk dan jari tengah sisi palmar. CTS mengakibatkan jaringan di pergelangan tangan meradang, hal ini dapat mempengaruhi saraf di pergelangan tangan dan menyebabkan nyeri. Pemberian terapi untuk pasien CTS yang dipilih yaitu US dan TENS dengan US dan mobilisasi saraf. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keefektifan antara pemberian terapi US dan TENS dengan US dan mobilisasi saraf terhadap pengurangan nyeri pada pasien CTS. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode quasi exsperimental design, double blind dengan pendekatan pre test and post test two groups design. Jumlah sampel pada penelitian ini 10, cara pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Dari 3 metode purposive sampling, yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini yaitu judgment sampling. Teknik judgment sampling dilakukan ketika seorang peneliti memilih anggota-anggota sampel untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan beberapa kriteria. Data yang diperoleh tidak berdistribusi normal, uji statistik menggunakan uji Wilcoxon untuk hipotesis 1 dan 2. Uji Mann Whitney untuk hipotesis 3. Pada hipotesis 1 dan 2 diperoleh nilai p: 0,042 atau nilai p < 0,05 sehingga Ha diterima yang berarti ada pengaruh pemberian terapi US dan TENS maupun US dan Mobilisasi saraf terhadap pengurangan nyeri CTS. Pada hipotesis 3, diperoleh nilai p : 0,015 atau nilai p < 0.05 sehingga Ha diterima yang berarti ada perbedaan signifikan pemberian US dan TENS dengan US dan Mobilisasi Saraf terhadap pengurangan nyeri CTS. Semoga penelitian ini dapat berlanjut dan dapat berguna bagi peneliti, tenaga medis ataupun masyarakat umum

    Pemodelan Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Tingkat Kriminalitas di Jawa Timur dengan Analisis Regresi Spasial

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    Setiap penduduk mempunyai resiko menjadi korban tindak kriminalitas. Semakin besar resiko yang dimiliki masyarakat menggambarkan semakin tidak amannya suatu daerah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh model yang menjelas-kan hubungan antara tingkat kriminalitas atau resiko penduduk menjadi korban tindak krimina-litas (crime rate) terhadap faktor-faktor yang mem-pengaruhinya di Jawa Timur. Ada dua matriks pembobot yang digunakan yaitu queen contiguiy dan customize, yang masing-masing menghasilkan model Spatial Error Model (SEM) dan Spatial Autoregres-sive (SAR). Berdasarkan metodel SEM, ada 2 varia-bel yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap tingkat kriminalitas, yaitu variabel kepadatan penduduk yang berpengaruh positif dan persentase penduduk miskin yang berpengaruh negatif. Sedangkan dengan menggunakan metode SAR, ada 3 variabel yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap tingkat kriminalitas di Jawa Timur yaitu kepadatan pendu-duk dan Indeks gini yang berpengaruh positif serta PDRB perkapita yang berpengaruh negati

    Basic Training of Student’s Outdoor Club Increases Muscle Mass after Five Weeks of Exercise in Males

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       Background:  Aerobic and anaerobic exercises, may lead to increase muscle mass. The aim of this study was to determine the change in muscle mass during basic training of students’ outdoor club.Methods: This was an observational analytic study to college students who joined basic training of students’ outdoor club for 19 weeks. Subjects consisted of 17 male and 15 female students, measured  five times consecutively by using Body Fat/Hydration monitor scale, with Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis principle. Data collection was performed five times,  from February to July 2012 in Bandung. Statistical analysis was processed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA).Results: The result in males showed the mean 43.35±3.15 on the initial measurement. The muscle mass further increased significantly after five, ten, fifteen, and nineteen weeks of exercise (43.73±3.18 (p0.05); 38.08±1.67 (p>0.05) ; 38.23±1.52 (p>0.05) ; 38.61±1.52 (p<0.05) vs 37.77±2.00) respectively.Conclusion: Basic training of student’s outdoor club increases muscle mass significantly after five weeks of exercise in males, but not in femalesKeywords: Basic training, Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis, hypertrophy, muscle mass, students outdoor clubDOI: 10.15850/amj.v2n1.445

    Implementasi Prinsip Mengenal Nasabah sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang

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    Prinsip mengenal nasabah bagi Lembaga Keuangan Non Bank merupakan sebagai salah satu upaya untuk menanggulangi tindak kejahatan pencucian uang (money laundering). Penerapan prinsip mengenal nasabah dapat dilihat melalui penerapan kebijakan penerimaan nasabah, penerapan kebijakan dan prosedur dalam mengidentifikasi nasabah, penerapan kebijakan dan prosedur pemantauan terhadap rekening dan transaksi nasabah, penerapan kebijakan dan prosedur manajemen risiko yang berkaitan dengan prinsip mengenal nasabah. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif. Pendekatan masalah yang digunakan adalah pendekatan Undang-Undang dan pendekatan konseptual. Sumber bahan hukum menggunakan bahan hukum primer dan bahan hukum sekunder. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa di dalam pelaksanaannya prosedur identifikasi nasabah dalam rangka penerapan prinsip mengenal nasabah tidak hanya secara prosedur pada umumnya dalam&nbsp; Peraturan&nbsp; Bank Indonesia Nomor 3/ 10/ PBI/2001 tetapi juga harus bisa menggali lebih dalam tentang nasabah itu sendiri, karena kecanggihan teknologi saat ini juga menunjang terjadinya tindak pidana pencucian uang dengan berbagai macam bentuk, sehingga bank juga harus bisa menganalisa lebih detail tentang karakteristik nasabah demi mengantisipasi atau mencegah munculnya celah yang bisa mengakibatkan terjadinya tindak pidana pencucian uang


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    ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menilai pengaruh turnover intention, organization commitment dan locus of control terhadap dysfunctional audit behaviour. Berdasarkan metode sensus, penelitian ini menggunakan sampel sebanyak 64 responden yang berprofesi sebagai auditor yang bekerja di Badan Pengawasan Keuangan dan Pembangunan (BPKP) Perwakilan Aceh. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan data primer yang diperoleh melalui kuesioner. Data analisis menggunakan analisis regresi berganda dengan pengolahan data menggunakan SPSS versi 22.Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa turnover intention tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap dysfunctional audit behaviour. Sedangkan organization commitment dan locus of control mempunyai pengaruh signifikan terhadap dysfunctional audit behaviour.Kata kunci: keinginan berpindah, komitmen organisasi, lokus kendali diri, penyimpangan perilaku dalam audi

    Feasibility Study of Solar Power Massive Usage in Indonesia: Yield versus Cost-Effective

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    The aim of this study is to analyze the cost production of solar power utilization comparing with its annual yield especially in Indonesia. Solar cell module employed is poly-crystalline silicone with Peak Power 20 Wp, Power Current (Imp) 1.17 A and Power Voltage (Vmp) 17.1 V. To obtain the maximum power of the sun, the module is static fixed in 10-20 N adjusting to the equator line. The measurement is conducted in Timah Manufacture Polytechnic which is situated in 1020' S and 1060 E. The output is observed by multimeter data logger for every hour average. The cable employed between solar module and the multimeter and the battery is NYA Eterna 2.5 mm2 450/750 V with SNI number 04-2698 SPLN 42, the long is 40 meter and have resistance about 0.6-0.7 W. The measurement output indicates that the maximum solar power is at 11.00 to 14.00 WIB. In these times, the current output is more than Imp of the Module. By calculating the average of energy received in a day, the energy received is 65%-75% of Imp. Therefore by mathematically calculation, the annual yield of current is about 4,982.68 Ampere and in 25 years will be around 124,566.90 Ampere. According to PLN statistic report in 2008, the average cost production in 2007 is Rp.706.62/KWH and the cost production of the solar energy is about Rp.440.819/KWH. This calculation is included the investment, overhead and 10% of inflation /year. By comparing to the regional minimum revenue (UMR) per month in 2008, the cost of investment for the solar power usage is about 6-7 times. Although break-even-point will be occurs in 10 years, the affordability of Indonesian for massive usage of solar power is still too hard and need funded by government and others funding groups.  Keywords: Solar Cell, Cost-Effective, Poly-Crystalline-Silicone, Annual Yiel

    Scrap Rubber and Asphalt for Ballast Layer Improvement

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    The use of scrap rubber from waste motorcycle tire and asphalt materials is expected to improve the quality of the ballast structure. The objective of this paper is to analyze the characteristics of ballast mixture with additional scrap rubber (uniformed size 3/8†and graded size No.4, 3/8", 1/2", 3/4", 1") and asphalt materials through compressive strength test by Micro-Computer Universal Testing Machine (UTM). The samples are made in a ballast box with a size of 40 cm x 20 cm x 30 cm. The parameters of this research are the vertical deformation, the aggregate abrasion, and the elastic modulus of the ballast layer. It could be concluded that asphalt 2% able to improve the stiffness of the ballast layer so it could minimize the vertical deformation and increase the ability to retain the loads up to 28%. Moreover, the use of scrap rubber materials, especially with various sizes between No.4, 3/8", 1/2", 3/4", 1" combined with 2% asphalt could reduce the ballast abrasion up to 57%. However, the use of scrap rubber material could reduce the stiffness of the ballast layer which leads to a decrease in the elastic modulus ranging from 50% to 60%. While on the other hand, asphalt material could improve the stiffness of the ballast layer so that the elastic modulus could be increased up to 21%
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