416 research outputs found

    Currents, Waves and Turbulence Measurement: A view from multiple Industrial-Academic Projects in Tidal Stream Energy

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from IEEE via the DOI in this recordTidal Stream Energy is considered a regular, predictable and dense energy source with potential to make a significant contribution to our future energy needs. Development of the industry, from resource assessment to device design and operation, requires characterisation of the flow environment at a variety of spatial and temporal scales at tidal energy sites. Demand for flow characterisation arises from companies developing, installing and operating tidal turbine prototypes or small arrays in locations from Scotland to France to Canada. Flow characterisation for tidal stream applications relies on the measurement of water velocity at the relevant scales, yet given the non-uniformity of the flow field, no single instrument measures all the necessary data inputs required by the sector. This paper provides an overview of a variety of current, surface wave and turbulence metrics of industrial relevance to tidal stream and discusses methods employed to secure these datasets. The use of variants of acoustic current profilers is presented, which have been utilised and developed on previous and ongoing industrialacademic projects, including ReDAPT (ETI, UK), FloWTurb (EPSRC, UK) and RealTide (EC H2020, EU). These variants feature differing numbers of acoustic transducers and varying geometrical configurations with installations at both seabed locations and atop operating tidal stream energy converters. Ongoing development of advanced sensor configuration is discussed, aiming to achieve resilient, high resolution threedimensional measurement of mean and turbulent flow tailored for tidal energy applications. The paper gives practitioners and researchers an overview of tidal stream flow characterisation and practical lessons learnt.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)European Union Horizon 202


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    This study evaluated implications of increased bollworm problems in a 20-county area of the Texas High Plains relative to cotton yields and economic impact. Results did not indicate a serious effect of bollworms upon lint yield when insecticides were used for control. However, estimated annual reduction in farmer profit due to the bollworm for 1979-81 was over $30 million. Yields were estimated to decline about 300,000 bales without insecticide use and about 30,000 bales with insecticide use. This decline suggests potentially serious implications for the comparative economic position of cotton in this region if insecticide resistance were to develop among insect pests.Crop Production/Industries,

    An evaluation of two decades of aerosol optical depth retrievals from MODIS over Australia

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    We present an evaluation of Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) retrievals from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) over Australia covering the period 2001–2020. We focus on retrievals from the Deep Blue (DB) and Multi-Angle Implementation of Atmospheric Correction (MAIAC) algorithms, showing how these compare to one another in time and space. We further employ speciated AOD estimates from Copernicus Atmospheric Monitoring Service (CAMS) reanalyses to help diagnose aerosol types and hence sources. Considering Australia as a whole, monthly mean AODs show similar temporal behaviour, with a well-defined seasonal peak in the Austral summer. However, excepting periods of intense biomass burning activity, MAIAC values are systematically higher than their DB counterparts by, on average, 50%. Decomposing into seasonal maps, the patterns of behaviour show distinct differences, with DB showing a larger dynamic range in AOD, with markedly higher AODs (ΔAOD∌0.1) in northern and southeastern regions during Austral winter and summer. This is counter-balanced by typically smaller DB values across the Australian interior. Site level comparisons with all available level 2 AOD data from Australian Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) sites operational during the study period show that MAIAC tends to marginally outperform DB in terms of correlation (RMAIAC = 0.71, RDB = 0.65) and root-mean-square error (RMSEMAIAC = 0.065, RMSEDB = 0.072). To probe this behaviour further, we classify the sites according to the predominant surface type within a 25 km radius. This analysis shows that MAIAC’s advantage is retained across all surface types for R and all but one for RMSE. For this surface type (Bare, comprising just 1.2% of Australia) the performance of both algorithms is relatively poor, (RMAIAC = 0.403, RDB = 0.332)

    Immunophenotypic analysis of cell cycle status in acute myeloid leukaemia: relationship to cytogenetics, genotype and clinical outcome

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    Cell cycle status may play an important role in directing patient therapy. We therefore determined the cell cycle status of leukaemic cells by immunophenotypic analysis of bone marrow trephine biopsies from 181 patients with acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) and correlated the results with biological features and clinical outcome. There was considerable heterogeneity between patients. The presenting white cell count significantly correlated with the proportion of non-quiescent cells (P < 0·0001), of cycling cells beyond G1 (P < 0·0001) and the speed of cycling (P < 0·0001). Profiles in acute promyelocytic leukaemia (APL) differed from non-APL and were consistent with more differentiated cells with reduced proliferative potential, but no significant differences were observed between non-APL cytogenetic risk groups. NPM1 mutations but not FLT3 internal tandem duplication (FLT3ITD ) were significantly associated with a higher proportion of cells beyond G1 (P = 0·002) and faster speed of cycling (P = 0·003). Resistance to standard cytosine arabinoside and daunorubicin induction chemotherapy was significantly related to a slower speed of cycling (P = 0·0002), as was a higher relapse rate (P = 0·05), but not with the proportion of non-quiescent cells or actively cycling cells. These results show a link between the cycling speed of AML cells and the response to chemotherapy, and help to identify a group with a very poor prognosis

    Scotland:All Change?

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    Ethnicity and the Writing of Medieval Scottish history

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    Historians have long tended to define medieval Scottish society in terms of interactions between ethnic groups. This approach was developed over the course of the long nineteenth century, a formative period for the study of medieval Scotland. At that time, many scholars based their analysis upon scientific principles, long since debunked, which held that medieval 'peoples' could only be understood in terms of 'full ethnic packages'. This approach was combined with a positivist historical narrative that defined Germanic Anglo-Saxons and Normans as the harbingers of advances of Civilisation. While the prejudices of that era have largely faded away, the modern discipline still relies all too often on a dualistic ethnic framework. This is particularly evident in a structure of periodisation that draws a clear line between the 'Celtic' eleventh century and the 'Norman' twelfth. Furthermore, dualistic oppositions based on ethnicity continue, particularly in discussions of the law, kingship, lordship and religion

    Australian Education Joins the OECD : Federalism, Regionalization, and the Role of Education in a Time of Transition

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    This chapter argues that Australian interactions with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in the field of education in the mid- to late-1970s pointed in two separate but not yet incompatible directions—one equity-oriented and the other more in line with the standardization and accountability regime typically identified with the OECD’s current policies—both of which favored a shift of authority toward the national level in educational policy-making. In the process, the chapter highlights the importance of considering movements between different spatial levels of analysis when tracing the ability of international organizations to get their ideas and visions “out of house.” The chapter first outlines the international and domestic contexts for Australia’s early involvement in the OECD, followed by a discussion of the negotiations of state and federal interests on the Australian Commonwealth Department of Education’s advisory committee on OECD matters. This discussion, in turn, frames the last three analytical sections of the chapter, on interactions between the OECD and the Australian education authorities at different levels on initiatives negotiating both the location of authority between these levels and the role of education at a time when the relation between its social and economic potential was up for revision.Non peer reviewe

    Lunar Flashlight: Illuminating the Lunar South Pole

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    Recent reflectance data from LRO instruments suggest water ice and other volatiles may be present on the surface in lunar permanentlyshadowed regions, though the detection is not yet definitive. Understanding the composition, quantity, distribution, and form of water and other volatiles associated with lunar permanently shadowed regions (PSRs) is identified as a NASA Strategic Knowledge Gap (SKG) for Human Exploration. These polar volatile deposits are also scientifically interesting, having the potential to reveal important information about the delivery of water to the Earth- Moon system
