161 research outputs found

    Brain activation during dichoptic presentation of optic flow stimuli

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    The processing of optic flow fields in motion-sensitive areas in human visual cortex was studied with BOLD (blood oxygen level dependent) contrast in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Subjects binocularly viewed optic flow fields in plane (monoptic) or in stereo depth (dichoptic) with various degrees of disparity and increasing radial speed. By varying the directional properties of the stimuli (expansion, spiral motion, random), we explored whether the BOLD effect reflected neuronal responses to these different forms of optic flow. The results suggest that BOLD contrast as assessed by fMRI methods reflects the neural processing of optic flow information in motion-sensitive cortical areas. Furthermore, small but replicable disparity-selective responses were found in parts of Brodmann's area 19

    Utilization of morphological and AFLP molecular markers in the identification of native and cultivated germplasm of Elymus scabrifolius (Poaceae)

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    Elymus scabrifolius es una gramínea perenne nativa de Sudamérica con gran potencial como recurso forrajero para ambientes con limitantes edáficas. En el presente trabajo se analizó la utilización de caracteres morfológicos y marcadores moleculares AFLP para la identificación genotípica de seis accesiones, un cultivar comercial y siete híbridos artificiales de esta especie. Ambos tipos de marcadores permitieron diferenciar a los materiales analizados en los respectivos dendrogramas, aunque las relaciones entre materiales variaron según el tipo de marcador. El Análisis de Componentes Principales permitió identificar las variables más relevantes para la diferenciación morfológica. Los híbridos se diferenciaron morfológicamente de ambos parentales, excepto un híbrido que se agrupó con su material paterno. Aunque en el análisis de los marcadores AFLP los híbridos se agruparon con uno de sus parentales, se pudo corroborar su origen híbrido mediante el registro de bandas paternas y polimórficas entre parentales. Se concluye que las metodologías empleadas para caracterizar los materiales analizados de E. scabrifolius serían de gran utilidad para el manejo eficiente de colecciones de germoplasma como así también para su utilización en programas de mejoramiento genético.Elymus scabrifolius is a South American perennial grass exhibiting great potential as a forage resource, especially for environments with edaphic limitations. In the present work we use morphological traits and AFLP molecular markers to genotypically identify six E. scabrifolius accessions, one commercial cultivar and seven artificial hybrids of this species. Both types of marker systems resulted in an accurate differentiation of the interrogated E. scabrifolius germplasm in the dendrograms. Moreover, relationships between the tested germplasm tend to vary according to the type of marker system used. Principal Component Analysis was used to identify the traits that best described the morphological variation. The morphological study revealed that almost all hybrids were different from their parents, with exception of one hybrid that was clustered with their own male parent. In the AFLP marker analysis, all the hybrids were clustered with one of their own parents. However, hybrid origin of those individuals was verified by the presence of paternal bands and polymorphic bands. In conclusion, the use of different methodologies to characterize and analyze E. scabrifolius materials has the potential to become of great benefit for the efficient management of germplasm collections and also for their utilization in breeding programs.Fil: Tomas, Pablo A.. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Cátedra de Mejoramiento Vegetal y Animal.Fil: Gottlieb, Alexandra M.. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Ecología, Genética y Evolución.Fil: Schrauf, Gustavo E.. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de AgronomíaFil: Poggio, Lidia. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Ecología, Genética y Evolución

    Decay Rate Distributions of Disordered Slabs and Application to Random Lasers

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    We compute the distribution of the decay rates (also referred to as residues) of the eigenstates of a disordered slab from a numerical model. From the results of the numerical simulations, we are able to find simple analytical formulae that describe those results well. This is possible for samples both in the diffusive and in the localised regime. As example of a possible application, we investigate the lasing threshold of random lasers.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figure

    Utilización de marcadores morfológicos y moleculares AFLP en la identificación de germoplasma nativo y cultivado de Elymus scabrifolius (Poaceae)

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    Elymus scabrifolius is a South American perennial grass exhibiting great potential as a forage resource, especially for environments with edaphic limitations. In the present work we use morphological traits and AFLP molecular markers to genotypically identify six E. scabrifolius accessions, one commercial cultivar and seven artificial hybrids of this species. Both types of marker systems resulted in an accurate differentiation of the interrogated E. scabrifolius germplasm in the dendrograms. Moreover, relationships between the tested germplasm tend to vary according to the type of marker system used. Principal Component Analysis was used to identify the traits that best described the morphological variation. The morphological study revealed that almost all hybrids were different from their parents, with exception of one hybrid that was clustered with their own male parent. In the AFLP marker analysis, all the hybrids were clustered with one of their own parents. However, hybrid origin of those individuals was verified by the presence of paternal bands and polymorphic bands. In conclusion, the use of different methodologies to characterize and analyze E. scabrifolius materials has the potential to become of great benefit for the efficient management of germplasm collections and also for their utilization in breeding programs.Elymus scabrifolius es una gramínea perenne nativa de Sudamérica con gran potencial como recurso forrajero para ambientes con limitantes edáficas. En el presente trabajo se analizó la utilización de caracteres morfológicos y marcadores moleculares AFLP para la identificación genotípica de seis accesiones, un cultivar comercial y siete híbridos artificiales de esta especie. Ambos tipos de marcadores permitieron diferenciar a los materiales analizados en los respectivos dendrogramas, aunque las relaciones entre materiales variaron según el tipo de marcador. El Análisis de Componentes Principales permitió identificar las variables más relevantes para la diferenciación morfológica. Los híbridos se diferenciaron morfológicamente de ambos parentales, excepto un híbrido que se agrupó con su material paterno. Aunque en el análisis de los marcadores AFLP los híbridos se agruparon con uno de sus parentales, se pudo corroborar su origen híbrido mediante el registro de bandas paternas y polimórficas entre parentales. Se concluye que las metodologías empleadas para caracterizar los materiales analizados de E. scabrifolius serían de gran utilidad para el manejo eficiente de colecciones de germoplasma como así también para su utilización en programas de mejoramiento genético

    LXR\u3csup\u3eTM\u3c/sup\u3e White Clover: Development of Transgenic White Clover (\u3cem\u3eTrifolium Repens\u3c/em\u3e) with Delayed Leaf Senescence

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    Leaf senescence is a type of programmed cell death characterized by loss of chlorophyll, lipids, protein, and RNA. Cytokinins are a class of plant hormones that play roles in many aspects of plant growth and development, including leaf senescence, apical dominance, the formation and activity of shoot meristems, nutrient mobilization, seed germination, and pathogen responses. They also appear to mediate a number of light- regulated processes, such as de-etiolation and chloroplast differentiation. It is known that the concentrations of endogenous cytokinins decline in plant tissues as senescence progresses. This observation provides the opportunity to manipulate the senescence program in transgenic plants to enhance biomass and seed production, through the regulated expression of cytokinin biosynthesis genes

    Positivity of the English language

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    Over the last million years, human language has emerged and evolved as a fundamental instrument of social communication and semiotic representation. People use language in part to convey emotional information, leading to the central and contingent questions: (1) What is the emotional spectrum of natural language? and (2) Are natural languages neutrally, positively, or negatively biased? Here, we report that the human-perceived positivity of over 10,000 of the most frequently used English words exhibits a clear positive bias. More deeply, we characterize and quantify distributions of word positivity for four large and distinct corpora, demonstrating that their form is broadly invariant with respect to frequency of word use.Comment: Manuscript: 9 pages, 3 tables, 5 figures; Supplementary Information: 12 pages, 3 tables, 8 figure

    The Use of the Cancellation Technique to Quantify the Hermann Grid Illusion

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    When observers view a grid of mid-gray lines superimposed on a black background, they report seeing illusory dark gray smudges at the grid intersections, an effect known as the Hermann grid illusion. The strength of the illusion is often measured using the cancellation technique: A white disk is placed over one of these intersections and the luminance of the disk is reduced until the disk disappears. Its luminance at this point, i.e., the disk's detection threshold, is taken to be a measure of the strength of the illusion. Our experiments showed that some distortions of the Hermann grid, which were sufficient to completely disrupt the illusion, did not reduce the disk's detection threshold. This showed that the cancellation technique is not a valid method for measuring the strength of the Hermann grid illusion. Those studies that attempted to use this technique inadvertently studied a different effect known as the blanking phenomenon. We conclude by presenting an explanation for the latter effect

    Isolation and Characterisation of Genes Encoding Ice Recrystallisation Inhibition Proteins (IRIPs) in the Cryophilic Antarctic Hair-Grass (\u3ci\u3eDeschampsia Antarctica\u3c/i\u3e) and the Temperate Perennial Ryegrass (\u3ci\u3eLolium Perenne\u3c/i\u3e)

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    Antarctic hairgrass (D. antarctica Desv.), the only grass species indigenous to Antarctica, has a well developed tolerance of freezing, strongly induced by cold-acclimation. In response to low temperatures D. antarctica exhibits recrystallisation inhibition (RI) activity, localised to the apoplasm, that prevents further growth of ice crystals following freezing

    The PAMPA datasets: A metagenomic survey of microbial communities in Argentinean pampean soils

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    Background: Soil is among the most diverse and complex environments in the world. Soil microorganisms play an essential role in biogeochemical cycles and affect plant growth and crop production. However, our knowledge of the relationship between species-assemblies and soil ecosystem processes is still very limited. The aim of this study was to generate a comprehensive metagenomic survey to evaluate the effect of high-input agricultural practices on soil microbial communities. Results: We collected soil samples from three different areas in the Argentinean Pampean region under three different types of land uses and two soil sources (bulk and rhizospheric). We extracted total DNA from all samples and also synthetized cDNA from rhizospheric samples. Using 454-FLX technology, we generated 112 16S ribosomal DNA and 14 16S ribosomal RNA amplicon libraries totaling 1.3 M reads and 36 shotgun metagenome libraries totaling 17.8 million reads (7.7 GB). Our preliminary results suggested that water availability could be the primary driver that defined microbial assemblages over land use and soil source. However, when water was not a limiting resource (annual precipitation >800 mm) land use was a primary driver. Conclusion: This was the first metagenomic study of soil conducted in Argentina and our datasets are among the few large soil datasets publicly available. The detailed analysis of these data will provide a step forward in our understanding of how soil microbiomes respond to high-input agricultural systems, and they will serve as a useful comparison with other soil metagenomic studies worldwide.Instituto de Biotecnologia y Biologia Molecula