428 research outputs found

    Comment on "Dynamic Opinion Model and Invasion Percolation"

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    In J. Shao et al., PRL 103, 108701 (2009) the authors claim that a model with majority rule coarsening exhibits in d=2 a percolation transition in the universality class of invasion percolation with trapping. In the present comment we give compelling evidence, including high statistics simulations on much larger lattices, that this is not correct. and that the model is trivially in the ordinary percolation universality class.Comment: 1 pag

    Survey of intestinal parasites of Neogobius bathybius in south-western coasts of the Caspian Sea

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    Neogobius bathybious fish were caught in south-western coastal waters of the Caspian Sea, from Anzali to Zibakenar, by bottom trawl. Fish specimens numbering 97 were examined for intestinal parasites and prevalence, intensity and dominance were calculated for each kind of parasites. Four different parasites were isolated from the fish including Dichelyne minutes which with %85.56 prevalence and %65.76 intensity was the most important infecting parasite. Corynosoma strumosum showed %51.54, Anisakis sp. %12.37 and Eustrogylides excises %1.03 prevalence as the other isolated parasites in fish

    The determinant factors underlying habitat selectivity and preference for Black fish Capoeta capoeta gracilis (Keyserling 1891) in Siyahrud River (a tributary of Sefidrud River basin)

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    Understanding habitat requirements of aquatic organisms is key factor for sustainable exploitation and biodiversity conservation of riverine ecosystems. The habitat preference in fish has extremely important for the management of fish populations. The habitat requirements of Black fish (Capoeta capoeta gracilis) in Siyahrud River -tributaries of the Sefidrud River in Caspian basin- were studied in 13 stations along the river during October to November 2013. Hydrological characteristics of the river including water velocity, depth and width, slope, altitude, type of substrate materials, and plant coverage were recorded for each station. Ranges of habitat use and habitat selectivity with regard to the availability of habitat units for different variables were measured using HABSEL software. Despite significant correlation between the water velocity and depth, results from multiple regressions showed preference for the depth range of 17 to 38 cm. The results showed that behavioral preference in C. capoeta gracilis for the velocity was between 0.44 and 0.56 m/s. Also, specimens tended to be present in cobble stone substrate. Therefore, the anthropogenic activities over the Siyahrod River changing the river width, depth, substrate and the flow rate may affect the presence and distribution of C. capoeta gracilis in the mentioned river

    Habitat suitability index of Barbus cyri (Heckel, 1843) in Tootkabon River, the South Caspian Sea basin, Iran

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    Knowledge of habitat requirements of aquatic animals plays an important role in fisheries and protection programs of aquatic ecosystems. Hence, this study was conducted to investigate the suitability indexes of habitat use and habitat suitability index (HSI) of Barbus cyri in its distribution range in Tootkabon River. A number of environmental variables, including elevation, water depth, river width, river slope, velocity, substrate type, and average diameter of bed stone, riparian vegetation type and the relative abundance of B. cyri at 13 stations and three replications from the downstream to upstream were examined during November 2013. The results showed that B. cyri mostly selects upper stretches of the river with higher velocity, middle depth, lower width and bed rock substrate i.e.bed with boulder cover and grasslands and also its residential area is of riparian type compared with the available ranges. Habitat selectivity index for B. cyri showed that the elevation is 130-220 m, water depth 18-75 cm, channel width less than 12 m, channel slope 0.5-2.3%, water velocity less than 0.8 m.s-1, bed rock substrate, average diameter of bed stone larger 15-50cm. Presence of these conditions with HSI of 0.798 indicates that Tootkabon River is an excellent habitat for B. cyri

    Determining the relationship between depression and brain waves in depressed subjects using Pearson correlation and regression

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    Background and aims: The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between brain waves and Beck Depression Inventory(BDI) score in clinical cases with depression. Methods: In this study, EEG was taken using neurofeedback device at the point F4 of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) of the brain of 60 depressed patients referred to psychiatric clinic. At the same time, Beck Depression Inventory was performed to assess the severity of depression. With the condition of artifact lower than 50, fourty one EEG related to the 41 subjects were remained after eliminating artifact. Results: The findings of this study confirm the mean decrease in alpha and theta waves and increase beta wave in the brain waves of depressed patients. Comprehensive analysis of the data with a multi-regression indicates a predictable BDI score at F4, based on two variables (mean beta and mean alpha) which reflects the depression increase by increased mean beta and decreased mean alpha according to the following equation: Depression based on Beck at F4 point is equal to: Beck’s depression score= mean beta (0.532)+mean Alpha (0.412). Conclusion: Due to rapid growth of the elderly population in the country as well as Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province, considering the needs of this age group is an important necessity

    The determinant factors underlying habitat selectivity and preference for Black fish Capoeta capoeta gracilis (Keyserling 1891) in Siyahrud River (a tributary of Sefidrud River basin)

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    Understanding habitat requirements of aquatic organisms is key factor for sustainable exploitation and biodiversity conservation of riverine ecosystems. The habitat preference in fish has extremely important for the management of fish populations. The habitat requirements of Black fish (Capoeta capoeta gracilis) in Siyahrud River -tributaries of the Sefidrud River in Caspian basin- were studied in 13 stations along the river during October to November 2013. Hydrological characteristics of the river including water velocity, depth and width, slope, altitude, type of substrate materials, and plant coverage were recorded for each station. Ranges of habitat use and habitat selectivity with regard to the availability of habitat units for different variables were measured using HABSEL software. Despite significant correlation between the water velocity and depth, results from multiple regressions showed preference for the depth range of 17 to 38 cm. The results showed that behavioral preference in C. capoeta gracilis for the velocity was between 0.44 and 0.56 m/s. Also, specimens tended to be present in cobble stone substrate. Therefore, the anthropogenic activities over the Siyahrod River changing the river width, depth, substrate and the flow rate may affect the presence and distribution of C. capoeta gracilis in the mentioned river

    First record of Ebria tripartita (Schumann) Lemmermann, 1899 from south of the Caspian Sea

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    Ebria tripartita (Schumann) Lemmermann, 1899, a non-photosynthetic flagellate algae was identified from the southern coast of the Caspian Sea in December 2012. Water temperature at the sampling time was 10 ºC The average concentration of nitrate, phosphate and silicate were 0.7, 0.1 and 1.8 mg.l -1 respectively at the time when species was observed. Total observed phytoplankton cells was 3 × 106 cells.l -1, of which E. tripartita constitute 2×10 3 cells.l -1 representing only 0.75% of phytoplankton community

    On the functional limitation in below elbow amputation men using Mechanical and Myoelectric prosthesis via TAPES questionnaire

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    It is well established that the Myoelecterical prosthesis must also be effective, smart, light, strong and high permanence, compared to those of Mechanical prosthesis. It is time consuming and expensive that has ultimately led to significant increases in the price of Myoelecterical prosthesis. Therefore, considering the high cost of these prostheses should be decrease the functional limitation, hence assessment the functional limitations between two groups must be clear and explicit. Therefore this study was conducted in this regard. In this descriptive cross-sectional analytical study, to groups compared to each other from quality of life, participants was two groups of 20 below elbow amputation veterans that use from Mechanical or Myoelectrical prosthesis that refer to central technical orthopedic Kosar. For gathering the data we use TPEAS questionnaire. This questionnaire evaluates participants from 3 items: psychosocial adaptation, functional limitation and satisfaction of life. For data analysis use to t independent and ANOVA test. This research showed that there are significant differences between two groups from functional limitation. The findings identified that the Myoelecterical groups have lower functional limitation in compare to Mechanical group. So that the hypothesis of this research in terms of lower functional limitation in the Myoelecterical group was accepted. Keivani Hafshejani mA, Sattari Naeini M, Langari A. On the functional limitation in below elbow amputation men using Mechanical and Myoelectric prosthesis via TAPES questionnaire. Life Sci J 2012;9(4):5579-5582] (ISSN: 1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 82

    Effect of different oxygen levels on growth performance, stress response and oxygen consumption in two weight groups of great sturgeon Huso huso

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    In the present study, different oxygen levels were examined in two weight groups of great sturgeon Huso huso including small size (with initial weight 280.9 ± 49.2 g) and large size (with initial weight 1217.9 ± 138.1 g). The fish were kept in hypoxia (2-3 mg/l), normoxia (5-6 mg/l) and hyperoxia (9-10 mg/l) conditions for 8 weeks and then were individually placed in the tanks with oxygen level of 6 mg/l to levels causing sedate fish and subsequently dissolved oxygen level in water was measured every 30 minutes. No significant effects on blood cortisol and glucose levels were observed after 8 weeks (P>0.05), but there were significant differences in cortisol concentrations between treatments (P0.05) in large size. There were no significant differences in oxygen consumption among treatments (P>0.05). Results revealed that dissolved oxygen had a significant effect on growth of H. huso and also a low level of oxygen accompanied by reduction in feed intake resulted in lower growth and changes in stress response
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