29 research outputs found

    Efeitos da quitosana no desenvolvimento in vitro de videiras cv. merlot e no crescimento micelial do fungo elsinoe ampelina.

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    Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, avaliar o efeito da quitosana no desenvolvimento in vitro de plântulas de videira cv. Merlot e sua atividade antifúngica sobre Elsinoe ampelina. No primeiro experimento, explantes da cultivar Merlot foram transferidos para meio de cultura DSD1, acrescido das concentrações 0; 25; 50,100; 150 e 200 mg L-1 de quitosana. Após 90 dias de cultivo in vitro, as plântulas foram avaliadas quanto ao número de raízes e de folhas, porcentagem de enraizamento e brotação, comprimento de raízes e de parte aérea, massa fresca da planta. No segundo experimento, incorporou-se às concentrações 0, 60, 120, 180, 240 e 300 mg L-1 de quitosana ao meio BDA, onde inoculou-se o fungo. Posteriormente, avaliou-se o crescimento micelial aos 6 e 9 dias de incubação a 25º C no escuro. No primeiro experimento para as variáveis comprimento médio da parte aérea, massa fresca da planta inteira, porcentagem de enraizamento e porcentagem de estacas brotadas houve decréscimo linear em função das concentrações de quitosana. No segundo experimento, houve efeito linear negativo em função das concentrações crescentes de quitosana, sendo que a inibição do crescimento micelial foi de 81,7%, demonstrando o grande potencial do uso de quitosana no controle da antracnose da videira

    Consumer education on green banking for sustainable environment: A study on retail banking customers in Kerala

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    It is a well known fact that the banking sector forms the backbone of any country with significant contribution towards GDP. However the banking sector is facing a plethora of challenges on its course of development. The rising awareness on climate concern with environmental regulations coming into the light, the Paris Agreement urging institutions to make the economic transition toward sustainability are the major constraints faced by the banking sector today. It chooses to sort out and study the opportunities in a changing retail banking environment, investigating what green banking products’ customers anticipate from their bank and how the introduction of green banking product might affect customer loyalty. 200 individuals were engaged in the study and their responses were analysed through the development of a customer loyalty framework from the literature gathered. The results showed a positive attitude by customers towards green banking products while also not indicating a clear preference or desirability for a specific product. In addition to this, this study found a positive relationship between the introduction of green banking products and increased customer loyalty. The study came to the conclusion that green banking products suggestively have an advantageous position in the evolving financial sector

    Scientific Evaluation of Anti-Analgesic and Anti-Inflammatory Efficacy of a Siddha Drug, Sivathai Chooranam

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    Siddha medicine offers an unceasing development in medical practice for a number of metabolic diseases and lifestyle disorders. The present study was to evaluate the anti analgesic and anti-inflammatory potential of Sivathai chooranam. The animals were divided into 5 groups of 6 animals each {control, standard – Indomethacin (5mg/kg, i.p), sivathai chooranam 0.108mg/kg(po), Sivathai chooranam 0.44 mg/kg(po) and Sivathai chooranam 2.7mg/kg(po). The analgesic activity of the extracts was evaluated using acetic acid induced writhing method and in vitro anti-inflammatory activity was evaluated using HRBC membrane stabilization assay and egg albumin denaturation assay. In acetic acid induced writhing model of analgesia, the number of writhes (in 30 minutes) was highest in control group (49.5±1.707) and lowest in Indomethacin group (26.25±0.629). Analgesic activity in sivathai chooranam at 2.7mg/kg concentration has registered lowest number of writhes (26.25±0.629) compared other drug concentrations tested and it was statistically significant as compared to control group. The concentration of 250µg/ml of Sivathai chooranam has exhibited a maximum percentage of haemolysis (88.24±0.73%) and albumin (protein) denaturation (84.51±0.66%) while the same concentration of standard drug of hydrocortisone represented the haemolysis was 88.94 ± 1.27% and Diclofenac sodium showed the 89.18±0.76 % of protein denaturation. The results of the work indicate that the Siddha medicine, Sivathai chooranam has possessed remarkable anti analgesic and anti inflammatory potential and can be applied as alternative in the treatment of painful conditions and inflammatory complications

    Mycodegradation of low-density polyethylene by Cladosporium sphaerospermum, isolated from platisphere

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    Abstract Plastic accumulation is a severe threat to the environment due to its resistivity to thermal, mechanical and biological processes. In recent years, microbial degradation of plastic waste disposal is of interest because of its eco-friendly nature. In this study, a total of 33 fungi were isolated from the plastisphere and out of which 28 fungal species showed halo zone of clearance in agarized LDPE media. The fungus showing highest zone of clearance was further used to evaluate its degradation potential. Based on morphological and molecular technique, the fungus was identified as Cladosporium sphaerospermum. The biodegradation of LDPE by C. sphaerospermum was evaluated by various methods. The exposure of LDPE with C. sphaerospermum resulted in weight loss (15.23%) in seven days, higher reduction rate (0.0224/day) and lower half-life (30.93 days). FTIR analysis showed changes in functional group and increased carbonyl index in LDPE treated with C. sphaerospermum. SEMimages evidenced the formation of pits, surface aberrations and grooves on the LDPE film treated with the fungus whereas the untreated control LDPE film showed no change. AFM analysis confirmed the surface changes and roughness in fungus treated LDPE film. This might be due to the extracellular lignolytic enzymes secreted by C. sphaerospermum grown on LDPE. The degradation of polyethylene by Short chain alkanes such as dodecane, hexasiloxane and silane were identified in the extract of fungus incubated with LDPE film through GC–MS analysis which might be due to the degradation of LDPE film by C. sphaerospermum. This was the first report on the LDPE degradation by C. sphaerospermum in very short duration which enables green scavenging of plastic wastes

    Cu-chitosan nanoparticle boost defense responses and plant growth in maize (Zea mays L.)

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    Abstract In agriculture, search for biopolymer derived materials are in high demand to replace the synthetic agrochemicals. In the present investigation, the efficacy of Cu-chitosan nanoparticles (NPs) to boost defense responses against Curvularia leaf spot (CLS) disease of maize and plant growth promotry activity were evaluated. Cu-chitosan NPs treated plants showed significant defense response through higher activities of antioxidant (superoxide dismutase and peroxidase) and defense enzymes (polyphenol oxidase and phenylalanine ammonia-lyase). Significant control of CLS disease of maize was recorded at 0.04 to 0.16% of Cu-chitosan NPs treatments in pot and 0.12 to 0.16% of NPs treatments in field condition. Further, NPs treatments exhibited growth promotry effect in terms of plant height, stem diameter, root length, root number and chlorophyll content in pot experiments. In field experiment, plant height, ear length, ear weight/plot, grain yield/plot and 100 grain weight were enhanced in NPs treatments. Disease control and enhancement of plant growth was further enlightened through Cu release profile of Cu-chitosan NPs. This is an important development in agriculture nanomaterial research where biodegradable Cu-chitosan NPs are better compatible with biological control as NPs “mimic” the natural elicitation of the plant defense and antioxidant system for disease protection and sustainable growth