29 research outputs found

    Daily-life tele-monitoring of motor performance in stroke survivors

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    The objective of the EU project INTERACTION is to develop an unobtrusive and modular sensing system for objective monitoring of daily-life motor performance of stroke survivors. This will enable clinical professionals to advise their patients about their continued daily-life activity profile and home training, and evaluate and optimize rehabilitation programs.A modular textile-integrated sensing system was developed and performance and capacity measures were proposed and clinically tested in stroke subject.Telemonitoring facilities were developed and tested. In the last stage of the project, the system will be tested during daily-life

    Cellulite and extracorporeal Shockwave therapy (CelluShock-2009) - a Randomized Trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cellulite is a widespread problem involving females' buttocks and thighs based on the female specific anatomy. Given the higher number of fat cells stored in female fatty tissue in contrast to males, and the aging process of connective tissue leads to an imbalance between lipogenesis and lipolysis with subsequent large fat cells bulging the skin. In addition, microcirculatory changes have been suggested, however remain largely unknown in a controlled clinical setting. We hypothesize that the combination of extracorporeal shockwave and a daily gluteal muscle strength program is superior to the gluteal muscle strength program alone in cellulite.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>Study design: Randomized-controlled trial. IRB approval was granted at Hannover Medical School, Germany on May 22, 2009. For allocation of participants, a 1:1 ratio randomization was performed using opaque envelopes for the concealment of allocation. Reporting: according to CONSORT 2010. Eligible patients were females aged 18 or over and 65 or younger with cellulite with documented cellulite 1°-4° according to the Nürnberger score. Exclusion criteria were suspected or evident pregnancy, no cellulite, no informed consent or age under 18 years or above 65 years. Patients were recruited by advertisements in local regional newspapers and via the Internet. Analysis: Intention-to-treat. Outcome parameters: a) Photonumeric severity scale, b) Nürnberger Score, c) circumference measurements, d) capillary blood flow, e) tissue oxygen saturation, f) postcapillary venous blood flow. Intervention group: Six sessions of extracorporeal focused shock wave for six sessions (2000 impulses, 0,25 mJ/m2 every 1-2 weeks) at both gluteal and thigh regions plus a specific gluteal strength exercise training. Control group: Six sessions of sham extracorporeal focused shock wave for six sessions (2000 impulses, 0,01 mJ/m2 every 1-2 weeks) at both gluteal and thigh regions plus a specific gluteal strength exercise training. Follow-up: 12 weeks. Blinding was achieved for all participants enrolled in the trial, the photograph taking the digital images for the primary outcome measure, the two assessors of the outcome measures, all additional health care providers and for the analyst from the biometrical department. Only one researcher (BJ) was aware of the group assignment performing the randomisation and the extracorporeal shock wave therapy.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>This randomised-controlled trial will provide much needed evidence on the clinical effectiveness of focused extracorporal shock wave therapy as an adjunct to gluteal strength training in females suffering cellulite.</p> <p>ClinicalTrials.gov identifier</p> <p>NCT00947414</p

    Workplace Learning in Dual Higher Professional Education

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    Workplace learning is considered an effective strategy for the development of vocation, career and professional identity. Dual training programs, in which learning at a vocational school and learning at work in a company are combined, are seen as strong carriers for skill formation processes. In this study we explore workplace learning in dual training programs in Dutch higher professional education. To gain an understanding of these learning environments and processes, a qualitative multiple case study was conducted in seven sectors. The findings show substantial differences in learning environments between and within sectors. However, cooperation between school and practice is minimal in all of the cases. Although students develop personal and job-related competencies that are useful for daily work routines, they acquire hardly any profound theoretical knowledge at the workplace. School fails to direct workplace learning. Given the considerable share of workplace learning in dual training programs, and the demands to higher professional education graduates in terms of being able to solve complex problems and develop new knowledge during their career as reflective practitioners, it is important that these shortcomings are resolved. More promising alternatives for workplace learning environments and questions for further research to improve workplace learning in higher professional education are discussed

    The Virtual-Spine Platform—Acquiring, visualizing, and analyzing individual sitting behavior

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    Back pain is a serious medical problem especially for those people sitting over long periods during their daily work. Here we present a system to help users monitoring and examining their sitting behavior. The Virtual-Spine Platform (VSP) is an integrated system consisting of a real-time body position monitoring module and a data visualization module to provide individualized, immediate, and accurate sitting behavior support. It provides a comprehensive spine movement analysis as well as accumulated data visualization to demonstrate behavior patterns within a certain period. The two modules are discussed in detail focusing on the design of the VSP system with adequate capacity for continuous monitoring and a web-based interactive data analysis method to visualize and compare the sitting behavior of different persons. The data was collected in an experiment with a small group of subjects. Using this method, the behavior of five subjects was evaluated over a working day, enabling inferences and suggestions for sitting improvements. The results from the accumulated data module were used to elucidate the basic function of body position recognition of the VSP. Finally, an expert user study was conducted to evaluate VSP and support future developments

    The influence of Added Mass on Optimal Step Length in Running

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    Purpose: To examine the influence of induced changes in the morphology of the leg by adding mass on the optimal step length (OSL) in experienced runners to get more insight into parameters that influence preferred step length (PSL) and OSL. Methods: Thirteen experienced male runners (mean age 26.9 ± 6.1 y, height 183.7 ± 7.1 cm, mass 71.8 ± 5.9 kg) ran on a treadmill in 3 different conditions: unloaded (UL), loaded with 2 kg mass at the ankles (MA), and loaded with 2 kg mass at the hips (MH) at 7 different step lengths (SLs). SL deviations were expressed as deviations in relative leg length (%LL) from the individual PSL: 0%LL, ±5%LL, ±10%LL, and ±15%LL. Trials lasted 8 min, and 8 min of rest was given between trials. Oxygen uptake (V̇O2) was expressed as a fraction of V̇O2 at PSL + 0%LL in the unloaded condition (%V̇O2). The %SL with the lowest value of %V̇O2 was considered the OSL for this group of participants. Results: OSL at the UL condition was 6% shorter than PSL. The MA condition resulted in a 7%LL larger OSL than at UL and MH (P < .05). Conlusions: The mass distribution of the leg is a determinant of the OSL. As a consequence of the added mass to the ankles, OSL was 7%LL longer. Morphological characteristics of the leg might therefore play an important role in determining the runner’s individual optimal SL

    Nieuwe concepten voor het vormgeven van werkplekleren

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    Hoewel werkplekleren als essentieel onderdeel van beroepsopleidende leertrajecten wordt beschouwd, blijkt uit onderzoek dat er veel aan te merken is op de effectiviteit van werkplekleren. Onderzoek tot nu toe gaat uitgebreid in op de gebreken in de samenwerking school-praktijk, maar genereert nog geen empirische aanwijzingen over hoe werkplekleren in de beroepsopleiding beter kan worden vormgegeven. De onderzoekstraditie rond werkplekleren in het beroepsonderwijs mist node ontwerponderzoek. Dit was Ă©Ă©n van de doelen van het doorbraakproject werkplekleren in het mbo. EĂ©n van de studies binnen dit project was een onderzoek naar de meerwaarde van een leerafdeling in de zorg. Dit betreft een innovatieve stagevorm, waarbij een afdeling in een zorginstelling wordt gerund door een team van mbo- en hbo-studenten, met gediplomeerde werkbegeleiders als achterwacht. Aan de hand van deze studie naar de leerafdeling wordt in dit artikel besproken hoe school en praktijk het werkplekleren samen kunnen optimaliseren en welke effecten hiermee in het geval van de leerafdeling worden bereikt

    A Functional PCA Model for the Study of Time Series of Pressure Maps

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    [EN] Principal component analysis and functional regression are combined in a model to analyze a time series of pressure maps. The model is tested measuring the pressures over a chair seat while a subject performs a combination of simple movements. A sampling rate of 3 Hz is adequate for applying the model in sitting postures. The model is able to detect patterns of movement over time, although more variables are necessary if the movements produce similar pressure distributions.The research described in this paper arises from a Spanish research project called INREDIS (INterfaces for RElations between Environment and people with DISabilities) [http:// www.inredis.es]. INREDIS is led by Technosite and funded by CDTI (Industrial Technology Development Centre), under the CENIT (National Strategic Technical Research Consortia) Programme, in the framework of the Spanish government’s INGENIO 2010 initiative. The opinions expressed in this paper are those of the authors and are not necessarily those of the INREDIS project partners or of the CDTI.Chicote Gónzalez, JC.; Durá-Gil, JV.; Belda Lois, JM.; Poveda Puente, R. (2013). A Functional PCA Model for the Study of Time Series of Pressure Maps. Journal of Applied Biomechanics. 29(2):135-140. doi:10.1123/jab.29.2.13513514029