664 research outputs found

    Efeito do probiótico na evolução da inflamação granulomatosa e hematologia de tilápias do Nilo, Oreochromis niloticus.

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    A atividade probiótica de um suplemento comercial composto de três microorganismos, (3x108 UFC), Saccharomyces cerevisiae (2x108 UFC) e Aspergillus oryzae (4x106 UFC), foi avaliada através da inclusão de níveis do suplemento na dieta alimentar de tilápias do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus).Organizado por: Sílvio Ricardo Maurano; AQUACIÊNCIA 2012

    Solos da Ilha Uruá - Baixo Tocantins.

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    Outcomes and organ dysfunctions of critically ill patients with systemic lupus erythematosus and other systemic rheumatic diseases

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    Our objective was to compare the pattern of organ dysfunctions and outcomes of critically ill patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) with patients with other systemic rheumatic diseases (SRD). We studied 116 critically ill SRD patients, 59 SLE and 57 other-SRD patients. The SLE group was younger and included more women. Respiratory failure (61%) and shock (39%) were the most common causes of ICU admission for other-SRD and SLE groups, respectively. ICU length-of-stay was similar for the two groups. The 60-day survival adjusted for the groups’ baseline imbalances was not different (P = 0.792). Total SOFA scores were equal for the two groups at admission and during ICU stay, although respiratory function was worse in the other-SRD group at admission and renal and hematological functions were worse in the SLE group at admission. The incidence of severe respiratory dysfunction (respiratory SOFA >2) at admission was higher in the other-SRD group, whereas severe hematological dysfunction (hematological SOFA >2) during ICU stay was higher in the SLE group. SLE patients were younger and displayed a decreased incidence of respiratory failure compared to patients with other-SRDs. However, the incidences of renal and hematological failure and the presence of shock at admission were higher in the SLE group. The 60-day survival rates were similar

    Total leukocyte counts methods in fish, Oreochromis niloticus

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    Haematological investigation is animportant part of disease diagnosis. The techniquesused for mammals are generally applicable forfishes with slight modification. The presence ofnucleated erythrocytes and thrombocytes in fishmay cause some confusion in the identification ofblood cells, mainly in total leukocytes count. Thiswork evaluated two different methods (direct andindirect) of leukocytes counting. Specimens oftilapia were divided randomly into four groups of 48fish each. Each group was further randomized intothree replicate experiments of 16 fish per replicatein 40 L aquarium and maintained for 10 days. Counting of leukocytes in peripheral blood wasdetermined in six fishes per group at the times: 0,3, 7 and 10 days. The direct method in Neubauerchamber showed a large dispersion of data inregard to the average, the opposite was observedin indirect method determined in blood smears thatshowed more homogeneity among groups. Due tothis factor the indirect method can be consideredmore accurate than the direct method for countingleukocytes in fishes.O estudo da hematologia é consideradouma importante ferramenta para o processode diagnóstico de doenças. As técnicas usadas emmamíferos são amplamente aplicadas em peixes,no entanto com algumas modificações. A presençade eritrócitos nucleados e trombócitos em peixespode causar dificuldade na identificação das célulassangüíneas, principalmente na contagem deleucócitos totais. A presente pesquisa foi realizadacom o objetivo de avaliar duas metodologias (diretae indireta) de quantificação de leucócitos. Espécimesde tilápia foram divididos ao acaso em quatrogrupos de 48 peixes cada. Cada grupo foi divididoem três réplicas experimentais com 16 animais porréplica em aquários de 40 L e mantidos por 10 dias.A quantificação dos leucócitos foi determinada em6 animais por grupo nos tempos: 0, 3, 7 e 10 dias. Ametodologia direta em câmara de Neubauer apresentougrande oscilação dos dados com relação àmédia, o oposto tendo sido observado na metodologiaindireta realizada em extensões sanguíneas,que apresentou maior homogeneidade entre osgrupos. Devido a este fator a metodologia indiretapode ser considerada mais confiável que a metodologiadireta para quantificação de leucócitos empeixes

    An integrated magneto-optic modulator for cryogenic applications

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    Superconducting circuits can operate at higher energy efficiencies than their room-temperature counterparts and have the potential to enable large-scale control and readout of quantum computers. However, the required interface with room-temperature electronics creates difficulties in scaling up such cryogenic systems. One option is to use optical fibres as a medium in conjunction with fast optical modulators that can be efficiently driven by electrical signals at low temperatures. However, as superconducting circuits are current operated with low impedances, they interface poorly with conventional electro-optical modulators. Here we report an integrated current-driven modulator that is based on the magneto-optic effect and can operate at temperatures as low as 4 K. The device combines a magneto-optic garnet crystal with a silicon waveguide resonator and integrates an electromagnet to modulate the refractive index of the garnet. The modulator offers data rates of up to 2 Gbps with an energy consumption below 4 pJ per bit of transferred information, which could be reduced to less than 50 fJ per bit by replacing dissipative electrodes with superconductors and optimizing the geometric parameters