126 research outputs found

    Angular dependence of magnetoresistivity in c-oriented MgB2 thin film

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    The anisotropy of MgB2 is still under debate: its value, strongly dependent on the sample and on the measuring method, ranges between 1.2 and 13. In this work we present our results on a MgB2 c-oriented superconducting thin film. To evaluate the anisotropy, we followed two different approaches. Firstly, magnetoresistivity was measured as a function of temperature at selected magnetic fields applied both parallel and perpendicular to the c-axis; secondly, we measured magnetoresistivity at selected temperatures and magnetic fields, varying the angle q between the magnetic field and the c-axis. The anisotropy estimated from the ratio between the upper critical fields parallel and perpendicular to the c-axis and the one obtained in the framework of the scaling approach within the anisotropic Ginzburg-Landau theory are different but show a similar trend in the temperature dependence. The obtained results are compared and discussed in the light of the two-band nature of MgB2. A comparison between critical fields in thin films and single crystal is also performed.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, European Physical Journal B in pres

    Tc=21K in epitaxial FeSe0.5Te0.5 thin films with biaxial compressive strain

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    High purity epitaxial FeSe0.5Te0.5 thin films with different thickness were grown by Pulsed Laser Ablation on different substrates. By varying the film thickness, Tc up to 21K were observed, significantly larger than the bulk value. Structural analyses indicated that the a axis changes significantly with the film thickness and is linearly related to the Tc. The latter result indicates the important role of the compressive strain in enhancing Tc. Tc is also related to both the Fe-(Se,Te) bond length and angle, suggesting the possibility of further enhancement

    Thermoelectric behavior of Ruddlesden-Popper series iridates

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    The goal of this work is studying the evolution of thermoelectric transport across the members of the Ruddlesden-Popper series iridates Srn+1IrnO3n+1, where a metal-insulator transition driven by bandwidth change occurs, from the strongly insulating Sr2IrO4 to the metallic non Fermi liquid behavior of SrIrO3. Sr2IrO4 (n=1), Sr3Ir2O7 (n=2) and SrIrO3 (n=inf.) polycrystals are synthesized at high pressure and characterized by structural, magnetic, electric and thermoelectric transport analyses. We find a complex thermoelectric phenomenology in the three compounds. Thermal diffusion of charge carriers accounts for the Seebeck behavior of Sr2IrO4, whereas additional drag mechanisms come into play in determining the Seebeck temperature dependence of Sr3Ir2O7 and SrIrO3. These findings reveal close relationship between magnetic, electronic and thermoelectric properties, strong coupling of charge carriers with phonons and spin fluctuations as well as relevance of multiband description in these compounds.Comment: main paper + supplementary informatio

    Magnetic glassy phase in FeSeTe single crystals

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    The evolution of the magnetic order in FeSeTe crystals as a function of Se content was investigated by means of ac/dc magnetometry and muon-spin spectroscopy. Experimental results and self-consistent DFT calculations both indicate that muons are implanted in vacant iron-excess sites, where they probe a local field mainly of dipolar origin, resulting from an antiferromagnetic (AFM) bicollinear arrangement of iron spins. This long-range AFM phase disorders progressively with increasing Se content. At the same time all the tested samples manifest a marked glassy character that vanishes for high Se contents. The presence of local electronic/compositional inhomogeneities most likely favours the growth of clusters whose magnetic moment "freezes" at low temperature. This glassy magnetic phase justifies both the coherent muon precession seen at short times in the asymmetry data, as well as the glassy behaviour evidenced by both dc and ac magnetometry.Comment: Approved for publication in J. Phys.: Condens. Matte

    Crossover between magnetism and superconductivity in low H-doped LaFeAsO

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    By a systematic study of the hydrogen-doped LaFeAsO system by means of dc resistivity, dc magnetometry, and muon-spin spectroscopy we addressed the question of universality of the phase diagram of rare-earth-1111 pnictides. In many respects, the behaviour of LaFeAsO_(1-x)H_(x) resembles that of its widely studied F-doped counterpart, with H^- realizing a similar (or better) electron-doping in the LaO planes. In a x = 0.01 sample we found a long-range SDW order with T_n = 119 K, while at x = 0.05 the SDW establishes only at 38 K and, below T_c = 10 K, it coexists at a nanoscopic scale with bulk superconductivity. Unlike the abrupt M-SC transition found in the parent La-1111 compound, the presence a crossover region makes the H-doped system qualitatively similar to other Sm-, Ce-, or Nd-1111 families.Comment: to appear in Journal of Physics: Condensed Matte
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