91 research outputs found

    Interdisciplinary Orthodontic and Cosmetic Dentistry Approach Three Case Report

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    Ortodontska terapija ne može uvijek potpuno zadovoljiti sve estetske i funkcionalne zahtjeve. U takvim slučajevima interdisciplinarnom suradnjom postižu se bolji rezultati, na zadovoljstvo pacijenta i terapeuta. U radu su prikazana tri pacijenta, različitih dentofacijalnih anomalija, dobi i spola, nakon zavrÅ”ene ortodontske terapije, u kojih nije bilo moguće potpuno estetski i funkcionalno zadovoljiti sve zahtjeve struke bez pomoći estetske stomatologije. Iako smo u sva tri slučaja mogli odabrati protetsku sanaciju ( npr. estetska keramička krunica), odlučili smo se za rekonstrukciju zubne krune kompozitnim materijalom (koronoplastiku), kojom smo postignuli zadovoljavajuće rezultate. 1. slučaj: u 19- godiÅ”nje djevojke, nakon zavrÅ”ene ortodontske terapije progenije, promjena boje i veličine gornjega srediÅ”njeg inciziva, uzrokovana endodontskim liječenjem i neadekvatnim kompozitnim ispunom, predstavljala je estetsko na ruženje. Rekonstrukcijom krune zuba kompozitnim materijalom dobiveni su zadovoljavajući rezultati. 2. slučaj: 18. godiÅ”nja djevojka s dijagnozom hipodoncije gornjega lateralnog inciziva desno i s rudimentarnom formom istoga zuba s lijeve strane ortodontski je sanirana ekstrakcijom rudimentarnog zuba s lijeve strane, te zatvaranjem prostora mezijalizacijom kanina na mjesto gornjega lateralnog inciziva, obostrano. Korekturnim prebruÅ”avanjem kanina u inciziv nisu dobiveni zadovoljavajući rezultati, zbog čega je provedena koronoplastika. 3. slučaj: ortodontska terapija 20 - godiÅ”njeg mladića s dijagnozom pokrovnog zagriza i nesrazmjerom u Å”irinama kruna frontalnih zuba gornje i donje čeljusti. Nakon zavrÅ”ene ortodontske terapije, zaostale dijasteme između prednjih gornjih zuba, kojima je uzrok manja veličina gornjih u odnosu prema donjim incizivima, rijeÅ”ena je rekonstrukcija zubne krune svih četiriju gornjih inciziva kompozitnim materijalom. Estetska sastavnica postala je primarnim čimbenikom u psihologiji dobroga izgleda, pogotovo u mladih pacijenata, kao i jedna od glavnih zadaća ortodoncije i estetske, rekonstruktivne stomatologije. Suvremeni materijali za ispune, koji se rabe pri rekonstrukciji zubne krune u slučajevima sličnim navedenima, danas omogućuju da se postignu vrhunski rezultati i u estetskom i u funkcionalnom smislu.Orthodontic therapy is not always able to completely meet all osmetic and functional requirements. In such cases, better results are achieved by an interdisciplinary approach, to the satisfaction of both the patient and the therapist. Presentation is made of three patients differing according to their dentofacial anomalies, age and sex, in whom professionally stated socmetic and functional requirements could not have been fully met by orthodontic therapy alone, without the aid of cosmetic dentistry. Although prosthetic treatment (e.g., cosmetic ceramic crown) could have been chosen in all three cases, it was decided to perform dental crown reconstruction with composite material (coronoplasty), which produced satisfactory results. Case 1: In a 19-year-old girl, discoloration and size variation of the upper central incisor, caused by endodontic therapy and inappropriate composite filling, remained upon completion of the orthodontic treatment for prognathism, presenting as a cosmetic defect. Satisfactory results were obtained by dental crown reconstruction with composite material. Case 2: An 18-year-old girl with a diagnosis of upper lateral incisor hypodontia on the right and rudimentary form of its counterpart underwent orthodontic treatment with rudimentary tooth extraction on the left an space closure by canine mesialization to the site of the upper leteral incisor bilaterally. As corrective canine regrinding to an incisor failed to produce satisfactory results, coronoplasty was performed. Case 3: A 20-year-old man with a diagnosis of overbite and disproportial crown width of mandibular and maxillary front teeth undeerwent orthodontic treatment, which resulted in residual diastema between the upper front teeth due to the smaller size of the upper relative to lower incisors. Dental crown reconstruction with composite material was performed in all four upper incisors. The cosmetic component has become a major factor in the psyhology of good appearance,especially in the young, and one of the main tasks of orthodontics and cosmetic reconstructive dentistry. The filling materials currently used on dental crown reconstruction, in cases such as those described , have allowed for excellent results to be achieved in both cosmetic and functional terms

    Studies in the Propiothiolactone Series. III. Preparation of L-a-Acylamino-B-Propiothiolactones via Carbodiimide Method

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    N-(p-Toluenesulfonyl)- and N-benzyloxycarbonyl-L-cysteine were converted to the corresponding propiothiolactones by cyclization with diisopropyl- and dicyclohexylcarbodiimide in dioxane at room temperature. The propiothiolactones were condensed with esters of amino acids to the following protected dipeptides: bis-(N-p-toluenesulfonyl) - L - cystinyl- di-B-alanine diethyl ester, bis-(N-p-toluenesulfonyl)-L-cystinyl-diglycine dimethyl ester and bis-(N -benzy loxycar bony 1)-L-cystiny 1-diglycine dime thy 1 ester

    Synthesis and Resolution of 1-Phenyl-I-o-chlorophenyl- 3-dimethylamino-propanol-(I)

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    Racemic 1-pheny 1-1-o:-chloropheny 1-3-dimethy lamino-propanol-( 1) was obtained from 1-o-chlorophenyl-3-dimethylamino-propanone-( 1) hydrochloride via Grignard reaction. The corresponding (+) and (-)-amino alcohols were obtained by fractional crystallization of the diastereoisomeric tartrates

    Studies in the Propiothiolactone Series. II.* Preparation of DL-α-Succinimido- and L-α-(p-Toluenesulfonamido)-β-propiothiolactone

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    The compounds mentioned in the title were prepared via debenzylation and subsequent cyclization of α-succinimido- and α-(p-toluenesulfonamido)-β-benzylthiopropionyl chlorides with aluminum bromide in benzene at room temperature

    Određivanje izloženosti olovu i kadmiju putem zraka i hrane u stanovnika Zagreba

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    Exposure to lead and cadmium was monitored in a group of 17 non-smoking women in Zagreb. The monitoring included measurement of the intake of the two metals via air and the diet during a period of seven days. Duplicate daily diets and air filter samples were collected for analysis of lead and cadmium. To check the intake of lead and cadmium with the daily diet, faeces were collected and analysed. The mean gastrointestinal absorption was estimated to be 4.9 Āµg/day for lead and 0.75 Āµg/day for cadmium. These values were derived from faecal data which were assumed to be more reliable. The daily absorption through inhalation estimated on the basis of air analysis was 2.7 Āµg for lead and 0.03 Āµg for cadmium.Izloženost olovu i kadmiju mjerena je na skupini od 17 žena nepuÅ”ačica u Zagrebu. Praćenje je uključivalo određivanje unosa ovih elemenata putem zraka i dnevne prehrane. Primijenjena je metoda ā€ždvostrukih obrokaā€œ i osobni sakupljači čestica zraka, uzastopce tijekom sedam dana. Kao kontrola unosa ovih elemenata putem hrane poslužilo je sakupljanje i analiza fekalija. Dobiveni rezultati upućuju na to da su vrijednosti dobivene iz fekalija pouzdanije te su one uzete za procjenu apsorpcije. Gastrointestinalna apsorpcija olova procijenjena je na vrijednost od 4,9 Āµg/dan, a kadmija na 0,75 Āµg/dan. Dnevno apsorbirana doze određena iz koncentracije elemenata u zraku daje vrijednost od 2,7 Āµg/dan za olovo, a 0,03 Āµg/dan za kadmij

    A case of occupational nitrobenzene poisoning

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    Prikazano je profesionalno otrovanje nitrobenzcnom izazvana povećanom ekspozicijom parama zagrijanog nitrobenzena, Opisana je klinička i laboratorijska slika otrovanja i analiziran je uzrok otrovanja s obzirom na tehnoloÅ”ki proces.A case of occupational poisoning .in a worker exposed to the vapour of heated nitrobenzene is presented. Clinical and Iaboratory findings are analysed, and the cause of poisoning as regards the technological process is discussed

    Toxic methemoglobinemia in the manufacture of aniline dyes

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    Prikazana je toksična methernoglobinemija u proizvodnji anilinskih boja u jednom poduzeću kemijske industrije u Zagrebu. Analiza tehnoloÅ”kog procesa pokazala je, da je za konverziju hemoglobina u methemoglobin odgovorna vjerojatno boja: naphtol-blau schwarz 1OB s obzirom da ta boja sadrži anilin i p-nitroanIin, t. j. supstancije s izraženim methemoglobinskim efektom. Prodiskutirani su ostali simptomi otrovanja i laboratorijski nalazi i uspoređeni su s Iiteraturnim podacima o intoksikaciji amino i nitro derivatima benzena.Two cases of toxic methemoglohinemia in a chemical plant in Zagreb are reported. The analysis of the technological process has shown that the conversion from hemoglobin into methemoglobin was likely to be due to naphtol-blau schwarz 10B, a dye containing aniline and p-nitroaniline, i. e. the substances with a pronounced methemoglobin-forming effect. The symptoms of poisoning and laboratory findings are discussed and compared with literature data on intoxication due to amino and nitro benzene derivatives
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