139 research outputs found

    Spin-polarized Tunneling in Hybrid Metal-Semiconductor Magnetic Tunnel Junctions

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    We demonstrate efficient spin-polarized tunneling between a ferromagnetic metal and a ferromagnetic semiconductor with highly mismatched conductivities. This is indicated by a large tunneling magnetoresistance (up to 30%) at low temperatures in epitaxial magnetic tunnel junctions composed of a ferromagnetic metal (MnAs) and a ferromagnetic semiconductor (GaMnAs) separated by a nonmagnetic semiconductor (AlAs). Analysis of the current-voltage characteristics yields detailed information about the asymmetric tunnel barrier. The low temperature conductance-voltage characteristics show a zero bias anomaly and a V^1/2 dependence of the conductance, indicating a correlation gap in the density of states of GaMnAs. These experiments suggest that MnAs/AlAs heterostructures offer well characterized tunnel junctions for high efficiency spin injection into GaAs.Comment: 14 pages, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Coercive Field and Magnetization Deficit in Ga(1-x)Mn(x)As Epilayers

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    We have studied the field dependence of the magnetization in epilayers of the diluted magnetic semiconductor Ga(1-x)Mn(x)As for 0.0135 < x < 0.083. Measurements of the low temperature magnetization in fields up to 3 T show a significant deficit in the total moment below that expected for full saturation of all the Mn spins. These results suggest that the spin state of the non-ferromagnetic Mn spins is energetically well separated from the ferromagnetism of the bulk of the spins. We have also studied the coercive field (Hc) as a function of temperature and Mn concentration, finding that Hc decreases with increasing Mn concentration as predicted theoretically.Comment: 15 total pages -- 5 text, 1 table, 4 figues. Accepted for publication in MMM 2002 conference proceedings (APL

    Non-Drude Optical Conductivity of (III,Mn)V Ferromagnetic Semiconductors

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    We present a numerical model study of the zero-temperature infrared optical properties of (III,Mn)V diluted magnetic semiconductors. Our calculations demonstrate the importance of treating disorder and interaction effects simultaneously in modelling these materials. We find that the conductivity has no clear Drude peak, that it has a broadened inter-band peak near 220 meV, and that oscillator weight is shifted to higher frequencies by stronger disorder. These results are in good qualitative agreement with recent thin film absorption measurements. We use our numerical findings to discuss the use of f-sum rules evaluated by integrating optical absorption data for accurate carrier-density estimates.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Electronic and magnetic properties of GaMnAs: Annealing effects

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    The effect of short-time and long-time annealing at 250C on the conductivity, hole density, and Curie temperature of GaMnAs single layers and GaMnAs/InGaMnAs heterostructures is studied by in-situ conductivity measurements as well as Raman and SQUID measurements before and after annealing. Whereas the conductivity monotonously increases with increasing annealing time, the hole density and the Curie temperature show a saturation after annealing for 30 minutes. The incorporation of thin InGaMnAs layers drastically enhances the Curie temperature of the GaMnAs layers.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Physica

    Above-Room-Temperature Ferromagnetism in GaSb/Mn Digital Alloys

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    Digital alloys of GaSb/Mn have been fabricated by molecular beam epitaxy. Transmission electron micrographs showed good crystal quality with individual Mn-containing layers well resolved; no evidence of 3D MnSb precipitates was seen in as-grown samples. All samples studied exhibited ferromagnetism with temperature dependent hysteresis loops in the magnetization accompanied by metallic p-type conductivity with a strong anomalous Hall effect (AHE) up to 400 K (limited by the experimental setup). The anomalous Hall effect shows hysteresis loops at low temperatures and above room temperature very similar to those seen in the magnetization. The strong AHE with hysteresis indicates that the holes interact with the Mn spins above room temperature. All samples are metallic, which is important for spintronics applications. * To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected]

    Global versus Local Ferromagnetism in a Model for Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors Studied with Monte Carlo Techniques

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    A model recently introduced for diluted magnetic semiconductors by Berciu and Bhatt (PRL 87, 107203 (2001)) is studied with a Monte Carlo technique, and the results are compared to Hartree-Fock calculations. For doping rates close to the experimentally observed metal-insulator transition, a picture dominated by ferromagnetic droplets formed below a T* scale emerges. The moments of these droplets align as the temperature is lowered below a critical value Tc<T*. Our Monte Carlo investigations provide critical temperatures considerably smaller than Hartree-Fock predictions. Disorder does not seem to enhance ferromagnetism substantially. The inhomogeneous droplet state should be strongly susceptible to changes in doping and external fields.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Capping-induced suppression of annealing in Ga(1-x)Mn(x)As epilayers

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    We have studied the effects of capping ferromagnetic Ga(1-x)Mn(x)As epilayers with a thin layer of undoped GaAs, and we find that even a few monolayers of GaAs have a significant effect on the ferromagnetic properties. In particular, the presence of a capping layer only 10 monolayers thick completely suppresses the enhancement of the ferromagnetism associated with low temperature annealing. This result, which demonstrates that the surface of a Ga(1-x)Mn(x)As epilayer strongly affects the defect structure, has important implications for the incorporation of Ga(1-x)Mn(x)As into device heterostructures.Comment: 13 pages with figures attatche

    Saturated Ferromagnetism and Magnetization Deficit in Optimally Annealed (Ga,Mn)As Epilayers

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    We examine the Mn concentration dependence of the electronic and magnetic properties of optimally annealed Ga1-xMnxAs epilayers for 1.35% < x < 8.3%. The Curie temperature (Tc), conductivity, and exchange energy increase with Mn concentration up to x ~ 0.05, but are almost constant for larger x, with Tc ~ 110 K. The ferromagnetic moment per Mn ion decreases monotonically with increasing x, implying that an increasing fraction of the Mn spins do not participate in the ferromagnetism. By contrast, the derived domain wall thickness, an important parameter for device design, remains surprisingly constant.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, submitted for Rapid Communication in Phys Rev

    Annealing-Dependent Magnetic Depth Profile in Ga[1-x]Mn[x]As

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    We have studied the depth-dependent magnetic and structural properties of as-grown and optimally annealed Ga[1-x]Mn[x]As films using polarized neutron reflectometry. In addition to increasing total magnetization, the annealing process was observed to produce a significantly more homogeneous distribution of the magnetization. This difference in the films is attributed to the redistribution of Mn at interstitial sites during the annealing process. Also, we have seen evidence of significant magnetization depletion at the surface of both as-grown and annealed films.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Noncollinear Ferromagnetism in (III,Mn)V Semiconductors

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    We investigate the stability of the collinear ferromagnetic state in kinetic exchange models for (III,Mn)V semiconductors with randomly distributed Mn ions >. Our results suggest that {\em noncollinear ferromagnetism} is commom to these semiconductor systems. The instability of the collinear state is due to long-ranged fluctuations invloving a large fraction of the localized magnetic moments. We address conditions that favor the occurrence of noncollinear groundstates and discuss unusual behavior that we predict for the temperature and field dependence of its saturation magnetization.Comment: 5 pages, one figure included, presentation of technical aspects simplified, version to appear in Phys. Rev. Let
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