31 research outputs found

    Cancer cell–derived microparticles bearing P-selectin glycoprotein ligand 1 accelerate thrombus formation in vivo

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    Recent publications have demonstrated the presence of tissue factor (TF)–bearing microparticles (MPs) in the blood of patients suffering from cancer. However, whether these MPs are involved in thrombosis remains unknown. We show that pancreatic and lung cancer cells produce MPs that express active TF and P-selectin glycoprotein ligand 1 (PSGL-1). Cancer cell–derived MPs aggregate platelets via a TF-dependent pathway. In vivo, cancer cell–derived MPs, but not their parent cells, infused into a living mouse accumulate at the site of injury and reduce tail bleeding time and the time to occlusion of venules and arterioles. This thrombotic state is also observed in mice developing tumors. In such mice, the amount of circulating platelet-, endothelial cell–, and cancer cell–derived MPs is increased. Endogenous cancer cell–derived MPs shed from the growing tumor are able to accumulate at the site of injury. Infusion of a blocking P-selectin antibody abolishes the thrombotic state observed after injection of MPs or in mice developing a tumor. Collectively, our results indicate that cancer cell–derived MPs bearing PSGL-1 and TF play a key role in thrombus formation in vivo. Targeting these MPs could be of clinical interest in the prevention of thrombosis and to limit formation of metastasis in cancer patients

    HIV-1 Disease Progression Is Associated with Bile-Salt Stimulated Lipase (BSSL) Gene Polymorphism

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    Background: DC-SIGN expressed by dendritic cells captures HIV-1 resulting in trans-infection of CD4+ T-lymphocytes. However, BSSL (bile-salt stimulated lipase) binding to DC-SIGN interferes with HIV-1 capture. DC-SIGN binding properties of BSSL associate with the polymorphic repeated motif of BSSL exon 11. Furthermore, BSSL binds to HIV-1 co-receptor CXCR4. We hypothesized that BSSL modulates HIV-1 disease progression and emergence of CXCR4 using HIV-1 (X4) variants. Results: The relation between BSSL genotype and HIV-1 disease progression and emergence of X4 variants was studied using Kaplan Meier and multivariate Cox proportional hazard analysis in a cohort of HIV-1 infected men having sex with men (n = 334, with n = 130 seroconverters). We analyzed the association of BSSL genotype with set-point viral load and CD4 cell count, both pre-infection and post-infection at viral set-point. The number of repeats in BSSL exon 11 were highly variable ranging from 10 to 18 in seropositive individuals and from 5-17 in HRSN with 16 repeats being dominant (>80% carry at least one allele with 16 repeats). We defined 16 to 18 repeats as high (H) and less than 16 repeats as low (L) repeat numbers. Homozygosity for the high (H) repeat number BSSL genotype (HH) correlated with high CD4 cell numbers prior to infection (p = 0.007). In HIV-1 patients, delayed disease progression was linked to the HH BSSL genotype (RH = 0.462 CI = 0.282-0.757, p = 0.002) as was delayed emergence of X4 variants (RH = 0.525, 95% CI = 0.290-0.953, p = 0.034). The LH BSSL genotype, previously found to be associated with enhanced DC-SIGN binding of human milk, was identified to correlate with accelerated disease progression in our cohort of HIV-1 infected MSM (RH = 0.517, 95% CI = 0.328-0.818, p = 0.005). Conclusion: We identify BSSL as a marker for HIV-1 disease progression and emergence of X4 variants. Additionally, we identified a relation between BSSL genotype and CD4 cell counts prior to infectio

    Decreased pancreatic acinar cell number in type 1 diabetes

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    A polyamine metabolon involving aminopropyl transferase complexes in Arabidopsis

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    The conversion of putrescine to spermidine in the biosynthetic pathway of plant polyamines is catalyzed by two closely related spermidine synthases, SPDS1 and SPDS2, in Arabidopsis. In the yeast two-hybrid system, SPDS2 was found to interact with SPDS1 and a novel protein, SPMS (spermine synthase), which is homologous with SPDS2 and SPDS1. SPMS interacts with both SPDS1 and SPDS2 in yeast and in vitro. Unlike SPDS1 and SPDS2, SPMS failed to suppress the speDelta3 deficiency of spermidine synthase in yeast. However, SPMS was able to complement the speDelta4 spermine deficiency in yeast, indicating that SPMS is a novel spermine synthase. The SPDS and SPMS proteins showed no homodimerization but formed heterodimers in vitro. Pairwise coexpression of hemagglutinin- and c-Myc epitope-labeled proteins in Arabidopsis cells confirmed the existence of coimmunoprecipitating SPDS1-SPDS2 and SDPS2-SPMS heterodimers in vivo. The epitope-labeled SPDS and SPMS proteins copurified with protein complexes ranging in size from 650 to 750 kD. Our data demonstrate the existence of a metabolon involving at least the last two steps of polyamine biosynthesis in Arabidopsis

    A polyamine metabolon involving aminopropyl transferase complexes in Arabidopsis

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    The conversion of putrescine to spermidine in the biosynthetic pathway of plant polyamines is catalyzed by two closely related spermidine synthases, SPDS1 and SPDS2, in Arabidopsis. In the yeast two-hybrid system, SPDS2 was found to interact with SPDS1 and a novel protein, SPMS (spermine synthase), which is homologous with SPDS2 and SPDS1. SPMS interacts with both SPDS1 and SPDS2 in yeast and in vitro. Unlike SPDS1 and SPDS2, SPMS failed to suppress the speDelta3 deficiency of spermidine synthase in yeast. However, SPMS was able to complement the speDelta4 spermine deficiency in yeast, indicating that SPMS is a novel spermine synthase. The SPDS and SPMS proteins showed no homodimerization but formed heterodimers in vitro. Pairwise coexpression of hemagglutinin- and c-Myc epitope-labeled proteins in Arabidopsis cells confirmed the existence of coimmunoprecipitating SPDS1-SPDS2 and SDPS2-SPMS heterodimers in vivo. The epitope-labeled SPDS and SPMS proteins copurified with protein complexes ranging in size from 650 to 750 kD. Our data demonstrate the existence of a metabolon involving at least the last two steps of polyamine biosynthesis in Arabidopsis

    Rapid identification of Arabidopsis insertion mutants by non- radioactive detection of T-DNA tagged genes

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    To assist in the analysis of plant gene functions we have generated a new Arabidopsis insertion mutant collection of 90 000 lines that carry the T-DNA of Agrobacterium gene fusion vector pPCV6NFHyg. Segregation analysis indicates that the average frequency of insertion sites is 1.29 per line, predicting about 116 100 independent tagged loci in the collection. The average T-DNA copy number estimated by Southern DNA hybridization is 2.4, as over 50% of the insertion loci contain tandem T-DNA copies. The collection is pooled in two arrays providing 40 PCR templates, each containing DNA from either 4000 or 5000 individual plants. A rapid and sensitive PCR technique using high-quality template DNA accelerates the identification of T-DNA tagged genes without DNA hybridization. The PCR screening is performed by agarose gel electrophoresis followed by isolation and direct sequencing of DNA fragments of amplified T-DNA insert junctions. To estimate the mutation recovery rate, 39 700 lines have been screened for T-DNA tags in 154 genes yielding 87 confirmed mutations in 73 target genes. Screening the whole collection with both T-DNA border primers requires 170 PCR reactions that are expected to detect a mutation in a gene with at least twofold redundancy and an estimated probability of 77%. Using this technique, an M (2) family segregating a characterized gene mutation can be identified within 4 weeks