647 research outputs found

    Nicole: suicide and terminal illness

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    Journal ArticleThe terminally ill person who plans suicide poses a clinical dilemma in suicidology. Issues of rational suicide are complicated. Although experts (Battin, 1991; Hoff, 1989; Motto, 1972; Pretzel, 1984; Saunders & Valente, 1988) recognize rational suicide, the prevailing paradigm of suicide prevention rests on an assumption that suicide is an irrational response to a temporary crisis. This bias may interfere with serious responses to terminally ill patients who plan suicide. The purpose of this case is to invite dialogue and thoughtful debate about responses to people who contemplate suicide because of terminal illness

    Physician aid-in-dying and suicide prevention in psychiatry: a moral crisis?

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    Journal ArticleInvoluntary psychiatric commitment for suicide prevention and physician aid-in-dying (PAD) in terminal illness combine to create a moral dilemma. If PAD in terminal illness is permissible, it should also be permissible for some who suffer from non-terminal psychiatric illness: suffering provides much of the justification for PAD, and the suffering in mental illness can be as severe as in physical illness. But involuntary psychiatric commitment to prevent suicide suggests that the suffering of persons with mental illness does not justify ending their own lives, ruling out PAD. Since both practices have compelling underlying justifications, the most reasonable accommodation might seem to be to allow PAD for persons with mental illness whose suffering is severe enough to justify self-killing, but prohibit PAD for persons whose suffering is less severe. This compromise, however, would require the articulation of standards by which persons' mental as well as physical suffering could be evaluated. Doing so would present a serious philosophical challenge

    Two cardiac arrests, one medical team

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    Journal ArticleThe most painful of all medical care decisions concerns life-preserving measures which, because of limited resources, require certain individuals to be excluded in favor of others. How does one weigh the relative rights of individuals to such care? Whenever possible, decisions to withhold lifesaving therapy should be made in advance. but in the absence of a clear expression that lifesaving care should be withheld, the person in charge must assume that care was intended

    Forward Symplectic Integrators and the Long Time Phase Error in Periodic Motions

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    We show that when time-reversible symplectic algorithms are used to solve periodic motions, the energy error after one period is generally two orders higher than that of the algorithm. By use of correctable algorithms, we show that the phase error can also be eliminated two orders higher than that of the integrator. The use of fourth order forward time step integrators can result in sixth order accuracy for the phase error and eighth accuracy in the periodic energy. We study the 1-D harmonic oscillator and the 2-D Kepler problem in great details, and compare the effectiveness of some recent fourth order algorithms.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. E, 29 Page

    Low- and intermediate-temperature ammonia/hydrogen oxidation in a flow reactor: Experiments and a wide-range kinetic modeling

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    Understanding the chemistry behind the oxidation of ammonia/hydrogen mixtures is crucial for ensuring the flexible use of such mixtures in several applications, related to propulsion systems and power generation. In this work, the oxidation of ammonia/hydrogen blends was investigated through an experimental and kinetic-modeling study, where the low- and intermediate-temperature conditions were considered. An experimental campaign was performed in a flow reactor, at stoichiometric conditions and near-atmospheric pressure (126.7 kPa). The mole fraction of fuels, oxidizer and final products was measured. At the same time, a comprehensive kinetic model was set up, following a modular and hierarchical approach, and implementing the recently-available elementary rates. Such a model was used to interpret the experimental results, and to extend the analysis to literature data, covering several oxidation features. The reactivity boost provided by H2 addition was found to be approximately linear with its mole fraction in both flow- and jet-stirred-reactor conditions (except for the smallest H2 amounts in the flow reactor), in contrast with the more-than-linear increase in the laminar flame speed. The key role of HO2 in regulating fuel conversion and autoignition at low temperature was confirmed for binary mixtures, with H2NO being the bottleneck to the low-temperature oxidation of NH3-rich blends. On the other hand, the nitrogen fate was found to be mostly regulated by NHx + NO propagation and termination channels

    Thinking like a consumer: Linking aquatic basal metabolism and consumer dynamics

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    The increasing availability of high-frequency freshwater ecosystem metabolism data provides an opportunity to identify links between metabolic regimes, as gross primary production and ecosystem respiration patterns, and consumer energetics with the potential to improve our current understanding of consumer dynamics (e.g., population dynamics, community structure, trophic interactions). We describe a conceptual framework linking metabolic regimes of flowing waters with consumer community dynamics. We use this framework to identify three emerging research needs: (1) quantifying the linkage of metabolism and consumer production data via food web theory and carbon use efficiencies, (2) evaluating the roles of metabolic dynamics and other environmental regimes (e.g., hydrology, light) in consumer dynamics, and (3) determining the degree to which metabolic regimes influence the evolution of consumer traits and phenology. Addressing these needs will improve the understanding of consumer biomass and production patterns as metabolic regimes can be viewed as an emergent property of food webs

    Oscillatory Behavior in Methane Combustion: Influence of the Operating Parameters

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    The influence of the main process parameters on the oscillatory behavior of methane oxidation was analyzed in conditions relevant for low-temperature combustion processes. The investigation was performed by means of direct comparisons between experimental measurements realized in two jet-stirred flow reactors used at atmospheric pressure. With the operating conditions of the two systems coupled, wide ranges of the inlet temperature (790-1225 K), equivalence ratio (0.5 < Φ < 1.5), methane mole fraction (XCH4 from 0.01 to 0.05), bath gases (i.e., He, N2, CO2, or H2O) and different overall mixture dilution levels were exploited in relation to the identification of oscillatory regimes. Although the reference systems mainly differ in thermal conditions (i.e., heat exchange to the surroundings), temperature measurements suggested that the oscillatory phenomena occurred when the system working temperature accessed a well-identifiable temperature range. Experimental results were simulated by means of a detailed kinetic scheme and commercial codes developed for complex chemistry processes. Simulations were also extended considering systems with different heat losses to the surroundings, thus passing from adiabatic to isothermal systems. Results highlighted the kinetic nature of the dynamic behavior. Because predictions were consistent with experimental tests, further numerical analyses were realized to identify the kinetics responsible for the establishment of oscillatory phenomena. Temperature oscillations were predicted for a significant reactor working temperature range, where oxidation and recombination kinetic routes, involving carbon C1-2 species as well as reactions of the H2/O2 sub-scheme, become competitive, thus boosting limit cycle behaviors. Oscillatory phenomena cease when the system working temperatures exceed characteristic threshold values with the promotion of faster oxidation routes that diminish the inhibiting effects of recombination reactions

    Garden and landscape-scale correlates of moths of differing conservation status: significant effects of urbanization and habitat diversity

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    Moths are abundant and ubiquitous in vegetated terrestrial environments and are pollinators, important herbivores of wild plants, and food for birds, bats and rodents. In recent years, many once abundant and widespread species have shown sharp declines that have been cited by some as indicative of a widespread insect biodiversity crisis. Likely causes of these declines include agricultural intensification, light pollution, climate change, and urbanization; however, the real underlying cause(s) is still open to conjecture. We used data collected from the citizen science Garden Moth Scheme (GMS) to explore the spatial association between the abundance of 195 widespread British species of moth, and garden habitat and landscape features, to see if spatial habitat and landscape associations varied for species of differing conservation status. We found that associations with habitat and landscape composition were species-specific, but that there were consistent trends in species richness and total moth abundance. Gardens with more diverse and extensive microhabitats were associated with higher species richness and moth abundance; gardens near to the coast were associated with higher richness and moth abundance; and gardens in more urbanized locations were associated with lower species richness and moth abundance. The same trends were also found for species classified as increasing, declining and vulnerable under IUCN (World Conservation Union) criteria
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