385 research outputs found

    Diagnostic imaging techniques of the respiratory tract of sheep

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    Diagnostic imaging techniques are very useful non-invasive methods to obtain medical images for the diagnosis of respiratory diseases in sheep. The use of ultrasound and thermographic cameras must be enhanced at farm level with the objective of assisting in the diagnosis of major respiratory diseases present in sheep farms. X-ray and, particularly, computed tomography are very interesting tools to facilitate the understanding of the main pathological processes in sheep, especially at the respiratory level. This article shows more than 40 images of thermograms, X-ray, ultrasonography and computed tomography of the most significant respiratory diseases in sheep

    Enhancing dna immunization by targeting asfv antigens to sla-ii bearing cells

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    One of the main criticisms to DNA vaccines is the poor immunogenicity that they confer on occasions, at least in large animals. Confirming this theory, immunization with plasmid DNA encoding two African swine fever virus genes in frame (pCMV-PQ), failed in inducing detectable immune responses in pigs, while it was successful in mice. Aiming to improve the immune responses induced in swine, a new plasmid was constructed, encoding the viral genes fused in frame with a single chain variable fragment of an antibody specific for a swine leukocyte antigen II (pCMV-APCH1PQ). Our results clearly demonstrate that targeting antigens to antigen professional cells exponentially enhanced the immune response induced in pigs, albeit that the DNA vaccine was not able to confer protection against lethal viral challenge. Indeed, a viremia exacerbation was observed in each of the pigs that received the pCMV-APCH1PQ plasmid, this correlating with the presence of non-neutralizing antibodies and antigen-specific SLA II-restricted T-cells. The implications of our discoveries for the development of future vaccines against African swine fever virus and other swine pathogens are discussed.Fil: Argilaguet, J. M.. No especifíca;Fil: Pérez Martín, E.. No especifíca;Fil: Gallardo, C.. No especifíca;Fil: Salguero, F. J.. No especifíca;Fil: Borrego, B.. No especifíca;Fil: Lacasta, A.. No especifíca;Fil: Accensi, F.. No especifíca;Fil: Díaz, I.. No especifíca;Fil: Nofrarías, M.. No especifíca;Fil: Pujols, J.. No especifíca;Fil: Blanco, E.. No especifíca;Fil: Pérez Filgueira, Daniel Mariano. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Escribano, José M.. No especifíca;Fil: Rodríguez, F.. No especifíca

    Growth performance and clinicopathological analyses in lambs repetitively inoculated with aluminum-hydroxide containing vaccines or aluminum-hydroxide only

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    Aluminum (Al) hydroxide is an effective adjuvant used in sheep vaccines. However, Al-adjuvants have been implicated as potential contributors to a severe wasting syndrome in sheep— the so-called ovine autoimmune-inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA syndrome). This work aimed to characterize the effects of the repetitive injection of Al-hydroxide containing products in lambs. Four flocks (Flocks 1–4; n = 21 each) kept under different conditions were studied. Three groups of seven lambs (Vaccine, Adjuvant-only, and Control) were established in each flock. Mild differences in average daily gain and fattening index were observed, indicating a reduced growth performance in Vaccine groups, likely related to short-term episodes of pyrexia and decreased daily intake. Clinical and hematological parameters remained within normal limits. Histology showed no significant differences between groups, although there was a tendency to present a higher frequency of hyperchromatic, shrunken neurons in the lumbar spinal cord in the Adjuvant-only group. Although Al-hydroxide was linked to granulomas at the injection site and behavioral changes in sheep, the results of the present experimental work indicate that injected Al-hydroxide is not enough to fully reproduce the wasting presentation of the ASIA syndrome. Other factors such as sex, breed, age, production system, diet or climate conditions could play a role

    Granulomas Following Subcutaneous Injection With Aluminum Adjuvant-Containing Products in Sheep

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    The use of vaccines including aluminum (Al)–based adjuvants is widespread among small ruminants and other animals. They are associated with the appearance of transient injection site nodules corresponding to granulomas. This study aims to characterize the morphology of these granulomas, to understand the role of the Al adjuvant in their genesis, and to establish the presence of the metal in regional lymph nodes. A total of 84 male neutered lambs were selected and divided into 3 treatment groups of 28 animals each: (1) vaccine (containing Al-based adjuvant), (2) adjuvant-only, and (3) control. A total of 19 subcutaneous injections were performed in a time frame of 15 months. Granulomas and regional lymph nodes were evaluated by clinicopathological means. All of the vaccine and 92.3% of the adjuvant-only lambs presented injection-site granulomas; the granulomas were more numerous in the group administered the vaccine. Bacterial culture in granulomas was always negative. Histologically, granulomas in the vaccine group presented a higher degree of severity. Al was specifically identified by lumogallion staining in granulomas and lymph nodes. Al median content was significantly higher (P <.001) in the lymph nodes of the vaccine group (82.65 µg/g) compared with both adjuvant-only (2.53 µg/g) and control groups (0.96 µg/g). Scanning transmission electron microscopy demonstrated aggregates of Al within macrophages in vaccine and adjuvant-only groups. In these two groups, Al-based adjuvants induce persistent, sterile, subcutaneous granulomas with macrophage-driven translocation of Al to regional lymph nodes. Local translocation of Al may induce further accumulation in distant tissues and be related to the appearance of systemic signs

    DNA Vaccination Partially Protects against African Swine Fever Virus Lethal Challenge in the Absence of Antibodies

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    The lack of available vaccines against African swine fever virus (ASFV) means that the evaluation of new immunization strategies is required. Here we show that fusion of the extracellular domain of the ASFV Hemagglutinin (sHA) to p54 and p30, two immunodominant structural viral antigens, exponentially improved both the humoral and the cellular responses induced in pigs after DNA immunization. However, immunization with the resulting plasmid (pCMV-sHAPQ) did not confer protection against lethal challenge with the virulent E75 ASFV-strain. Due to the fact that CD8+ T-cell responses are emerging as key components for ASFV protection, we designed a new plasmid construct, pCMV-UbsHAPQ, encoding the three viral determinants above mentioned (sHA, p54 and p30) fused to ubiquitin, aiming to improve Class I antigen presentation and to enhance the CTL responses induced. As expected, immunization with pCMV-UbsHAPQ induced specific T-cell responses in the absence of antibodies and, more important, protected a proportion of immunized-pigs from lethal challenge with ASFV. In contrast with control pigs, survivor animals showed a peak of CD8+ T-cells at day 3 post-infection, coinciding with the absence of viremia at this time point. Finally, an in silico prediction of CTL peptides has allowed the identification of two SLA I-restricted 9-mer peptides within the hemagglutinin of the virus, capable of in vitro stimulating the specific secretion of IFNÎł when using PBMCs from survivor pigs. Our results confirm the relevance of T-cell responses in protection against ASF and open new expectations for the future development of more efficient recombinant vaccines against this disease

    No evidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection in wild mink (Mustela lutreola and neogale vison) from northern Spain during the first two years of pandemic

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    The impact of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic on wildlife is largely unevaluated, and extended surveillance of animal species is needed to reach a consensus on the role of animals in the emergence and maintenance of SARS-CoV-2. This infection has been detected in farmed and domestic animals and wild animals, mainly in captivity. The interactions or shared resources with wildlife could represent a potential transmission pathway for the SARS-CoV-2 spill over to other wild species and could lead to health consequences or the establishment of new reservoirs in susceptible hosts. This study evaluated the presence of SARS-CoV-2 in European mink (Mustela lutreola) and American mink (Neogale vison) in Spain by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using the receptor binding domain (RBD) of Spike antigen in serum samples and/or by RT-qPCR assays in oropharyngeal and rectal swabs. From January 2020 to February 2022, a total of 162 animals (127 European mink and 35 American mink) with no evidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection were included in the study. Antibodies against the SARS-CoV-2 were not found in the serum samples analysed (n = 126), nor was the virus amplified by RT-qPCR (n = 160 swabs). Our results suggest that the potential role of wild mink and the European mink bred in captivity and released to the wild as dispersers of SARS-CoV-2 is so far low. However, wildlife surveillance for early detection of human and animal risks should be continued. In this sense, epidemiological monitoring measures, including serology and molecular analysis, are necessary

    Luodaksemme töitä : työn diskurssien rakentuminen europuolueiden vaaliohjelmissa

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    Tutkielman aiheena ovat europuolueiden näkemykset työstä. Tutkimus kohdistuu kolmen europuolueen, Euroopan kansanpuolue (EPP), Euroopan sosiaalidemokraatit (PES) ja liberaalipuolue (ALDE-puolue), tapaan rakentaa työn diskursseja. Diskurssien rakentumista tarkastellaan europuolueiden vuoden 2014 eurovaaleja varten laatimissa vaaliohjelmissa. Tutkielmassa käytetään diskurssien tarkasteluun kansainvälisen politiikan feminististä teoriaa ja erityisesti feministisen tutkimuksen dikotomioiden analyysiä. Dikotomiat ovat feministisen tutkimuksen käyttämä käsite vastinpareille. Dikotomioita ovat esimerkiksi maskuliininen ja feminiininen, julkinen ja yksityinen sekä rationaalinen ja irrationaalinen. Julkinen ja rationaalinen ovat maskuliinisia käsitteitä, yksityinen ja irrationaalinen feminiinejä käsitteitä. Lisäksi tutkielmassa tarkastellaan sitä, mikä vaaliohjelmissa nähdään ongelmaksi ja mikä esitetään toiseudeksi. Tutkimusmenetelmänä tutkielmassa käytetään diskurssianalyysiä. Keskeisinä tutkimustuloksina tutkielmassa havaitaan se, että 1) europuolueiden työhön liittyviä käsitteitä on mahdollista jakaa maskuliinisiin ja feminiineihin, 2) puolueilla on erilaisia painotuksia maskuliinisen ja feminiinisen akselilla, 3) EPP ja ALDE-puolue maskuliinisista painotuksistaan johtuen pystyivät paremmin osallistumaan vuoden 2014 eurovaalien keskusteluun siitä, miten työpaikkoja luodaan, 4) ongelman esityksien tarkastelussa havaitaan, että EPP ja ALDE-puolue edistävät samoja tavoitteita eli työpaikkojen luontia eri tavoin kuin PES, 5) europuolueet nojautuvat toiseuden retoriikkaan määritellessään itseään ja 6) maskuliininen näkemys työstä tuottaa todellisuutta, jossa maskuliinisuus korostuu: rationaalisuus, kilpailukykyisyys ja objektiivisuus. Tällä on ainakin kaksi ulottuvuutta: a) työssä - työpaikalla, työelämässä ja työuralla - korostuu maskuliinisuus ja b) työstä puhuttaessa korostuu työn julkinen tuottava puoli. Tutkielman tulosten perusteella on mahdollista päätellä, että kansainvälisen politiikan feministinen teoria ja diskurssianalyysi sopivat europuolueiden vaaliohjelmien tarkasteluun ja voivat tarjota uusia näkökulmia siihen, millaisia diskursseja puolueet materiaalissaan tuottavat. Tulevan tarkastelun kohteena voisivat olla esimerkiksi muidenkin europuolueiden käsitykset työstä, kansallisten puolueiden käsitykset työstä, eri puolueiden käsitykset muista politiikan aloista: ulkopolitiikasta, sosiaali- ja terveyspolitiikasta tai tietystä politiikkaohjelmasta. Päätelmänä esitetään myös, politiikan tutkimus tuo esille asioita, joita on hyvä ottaa huomioon politiikan teossa

    New insights in ovien Asia Syndrome: Clinicopathological changes in experimentally induced animals

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    Trabajo presentado en el 10th International Congress on Autoimmunity, celebrado en Leipzig (Alemania), del 6 al 10 de abril de 2016Ovine Autoimmune/inflammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants (ASIA syndrome) is a disease linked to the repetitive stimulation of the immune system by vaccines, especially those containing aluminium as adjuvant. The syndrome includes two clinical distinct phases: Acute, with severe neurological symptoms and chronic, with extreme cachexia leading to death. An experimental reproduction of the syndrome (286 dpi to 1 December 2015) is currently being performed in 84 three months old (at the beginning of the experiment) male sheep, that are divided into 3 groups (n=28), a: commercial vaccines containing aluminium adjuvant; b: aluminium adjuvant alone and c: PBS. Group “a” is being repetitively inoculated with commercial vaccines and group “b” receives the adjuvant alone in with the same amount/dose of Al3+. So far, a total of 13 inoculations have been applied and a total of 32.05 mg of Al3+ inoculated in groups “a” and “b”. Periodic complete clinic examination of all animals is being carried out. A cohort (n=7 lambs of each group) is being studied for behavior and social relationship by using 24 h recordings and open field and t-maze tests. Clinical studies do not show any significant difference among groups. However, a tendency in decreasing body weight is already observed in lambs from group a. In addition, lambs from group a and b show discrete behavioral changes, as compulsive wool biting and generalized restlessness. The experiment will be maintained for at least another 6 months and it will be completed with furthers clinic and behavioral tests and postmortem studies.Peer reviewe
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