201 research outputs found

    Necesidades de asesoramiento o ayuda de expertos demandadas por el profesorado de educación infantil, primaria y secundaria

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    This study seeks to find out the advice or consulting needs that preschool, elementary and secondary teachers of our country demand of professional consultants concerning their job as teachers so that information serve as a point of reference for the adoption of appropriate measures to satisfy those needs, favouring the quality of education provided by our educational system. Data are based on a nationwide sample of 1464 teachers and have been analyzed at a global level and according to gender, professional seniority and the educational level where they teach. Results refer to several teaching situations and their implications for the education quality are analyzed.El presente trabajo está dirigido a conocer las necesidades de asesoramiento o ayuda que el profesorado de infantil, primaria y secundaria de nuestro país demanda de profesionales expertos en relación con su trabajo como profesor al objeto de que esta información sirva de referencia en la toma de medidas adecuadas en orden a satisfacer esas necesidades en pro de la calidad de la educación proporcionada por nuestro sistema educativo. Los datos están basados sobre una muestra de 1464 profesores de ámbito nacional y se ha analizado a nivel global y en función del género, de la antigüedad profesional y de la etapa educativa en la que ejercen su docencia. Los resultados hacen referencia a diversas situaciones docentes y sus implicaciones en la calidad educativa han sido analizadas

    Neuropsychological Rehabilitation in Pediatric Oncology: comparison of neuropsychological profiles after intervention

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    Presentamos el caso de una adolescente diagnosticada en 2001 con un linfoma de Burkitt no-Hodgkin cuando tenía 14 años (etapa 4, CNS afectado). El tratamiento incluyó quimioterapia sistémica intratecal y radioterapia holocraneal (24Gy). En los estudios de imagen se aprecian cambios de señal en sustancia blanca frontal relacionados con la terapéutica. Participantes y Métodos: La paciente fue evaluada con nuestro protocolo de evaluación neuropsicológica que abarca múltiples funciones cognitivas, así como una evaluación psicopatológica. En septiembre de 2003 presenta un deterioro cognitivo generalizado. La rehabilitación se basó en su perfil neuropsicológico, edad, expectativas e intereses del paciente. La intervención específica en habilidades académicas se decidió debido a su retraso con sus compañeros. La intervención se ha llevado a cabo durante 10 meses, 2 horas / semana e incluye: técnicas y hábitos de estudio, capacitación habilidades académicas (aritmética, lectura, ejercicios de comprensión y escritura), atención y memoria. Los resultados de la evaluación neuropsicológica 2004 revelaron cambios significativos, entre 1 y 2 desviaciones estándar, en las áreas de intervención. Además se obtuvieron mejorías entre 12 y 19 puntos en los coeficientes intelectuales. Conclusiones: La rehabilitación en oncología pediátrica implica un apoyo a largo plazo para nuestros pacientes. Además de la mejora de los recursos ambientales (escuela, familia, servicios sociales...), queremos desarrollar intervenciones individualizadas que nos permite paliar / compensar las secuelas cáncer y su tratamiento. Estos primeros resultados ofrecen mejoras significativas y cuantificables en las áreas de intervención y son un primer indicador de la validez de nuestro trabajo.We present the case of an adolescent diagnosed in 2001 with a Non-Hodgkin Burkitt's lymphoma when she was 14 (stage 4, CNS affected). Treatment included systemic and intrathecal chemotherapy and holocranial radiotherapy (24Gy). Imaging studies revealed signal changes in frontal white matter related with therapeutics. Participants and Methods : The patient was assessed with our neuropsychological assessment protocol composed of multiple cognitive functioning as well as a psychopathological evaluation. In September 2003 she presented a generalized cognitive deterioration. Rehabilitation was based on her neuropsychological profile, age, expectations and interests of the patient. Specific intervention in academic abilities was decided because of her delay with peers. The intervention has been carried out for 10 months, 2 hours/week and included: techniques and studying habits, academic abilities training (arithmetic, reading comprehension and writing), attention and memory exercises. Results : Results of 2004 neuropsychological assessment revealed significant changes, between 1 and 2 standard deviations, in the intervention areas. Moreover we obtained 12 to 19 points improvement in IQ. Conclusions : Rehabilitation in pediatric oncology implies long-term support for our patients. Besides of improving environmental resources (school, family, social services...), we want to develop individualized interventions that allows us to palliate/compensate cancer and treatment sequelae. These first results offer significant and quantitative improvements in the intervention areas and are the first to point out the validity of our work

    Actigraphic Sleep and Dietary Macronutrient Intake in Children Aged 6-9 Years Old: A Pilot Study

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    The objective of this study was to examine the relationship between different sleep parameters and energy and macronutrient intake in school-aged children. A total of 203 children 6 to 9 years of age participated in this cross-sectional study. Anthropometric measurements were taken first. Diet was assessed with 3-day food logs and sleep was measured with a questionnaire on sleep quality and a wrist actigraph worn for at least 7 days. A decrease of 165.45 kcal was observed per each additional hour of sleep during the week (β (95% CI) = −165.45 (−274.01, −56.88); p = 0.003). This relationship was also observed for fat (β (95% CI) = −11.14 (−18.44, −3.84); p = 0.003) and protein (β (95% CI) = −13.27 (−22.52, −4.02); p = 0.005). An increase in weekend sleep efficiencies for those under the recommended threshold of 85% also had a similar association with energy (β (95% CI) = −847.43 (−1566.77, 128.09); p = 0.021) and carbohydrate (β (95% CI) = −83.96 (−161.76, −6.15); p = 0.035)) intake. An increase in habitual sleep variability was related with a slight increase in protein intake (β (95% CI) = 0.32 (0.031, 0.62); p = 0.031). Children who slept less had a higher energy intake, especially from fat and protein and those who presented inefficient sleep had a higher carbohydrate intake. Strategies to enhance sleep quality and quantity combined with dietary recommendations could help to improve energy and macronutrient intake levels in children

    Evaluación y rehabilitación neuropsicológica en oncología pediátrica.

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    Objetivo. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo el estudio de los efectos neuropsicológicos a largo plazo del cáncer infantil y sus tratamientos así como plantear propuestas para la rehabilitación cognitiva. Método. El método ha consistido en una revisión sistemática de los resultados en la literatura científica acerca de los efectos de la quimioterapia y la radioterapia sobre el SNC y en las funciones cognitivas y conductuales detectados a través de estudios de neuroimagen como calcificaciones y cambios en la sustancia blanca. Presentamos, además, el protocolo de evaluación neuropsicológica ejemplificado con un diagnóstico frecuente que presenta deterioro generalizado. Proponemos un programa de rehabilitación neuropsicológica basado en el Attention Process Training (APT) de Mateer y Sohlberg. Resultado. La radioterapia craneal y el metotrexato producen alteraciones generalizadas que se reflejan en déficit neuropsicológicos: CI, atención, memoria, habilidades académicas y motoras. Conclusiones. El avance en los tratamientos ha supuesto la disminución del número e intensidad de las secuelas. No obstante, sigue siendo frecuente que en los tumores del SNC y en las leucemias aparezcan alteraciones cognitivas y conductuales. La evaluación neuropsicológica continua y los modelos de sustancia blanca nos ayudan a entender estos efectos a largo plazo. Asimismo, esta evaluación es fundamental para diagnosticar los déficit evitando falsas atribuciones y expectativas inadecuadas. Destacamos la necesidad de una unidad de seguimiento y del trabajo interdisciplinario para promover la calidad de vida de los niños con cáncer

    Impact of biological agents on postsurgical complications in inflammatory bowel disease: A multicentre study of Geteccu

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    Background: The impact of biologics on the risk of postoperative complications (PC) in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is still an ongoing debate. This lack of evidence is more relevant for ustekinumab and vedolizumab. Aims: To evaluate the impact of biologics on the risk of PC. Methods: A retrospective study was performed in 37 centres. Patients treated with biologics within 12 weeks before surgery were considered “exposed”. The impact of the exposure on the risk of 30-day PC and the risk of infections was assessed by logistic regression and propensity score-matched analysis. Results: A total of 1535 surgeries were performed on 1370 patients. Of them, 711 surgeries were conducted in the exposed cohort (584 anti-TNF, 58 vedolizumab and 69 ustekinumab). In the multivariate analysis, male gender (OR: 1.5; 95% CI: 1.2–2.0), urgent surgery (OR: 1.6; 95% CI: 1.2–2.2), laparotomy approach (OR: 1.5; 95% CI: 1.1–1.9) and severe anaemia (OR: 1.8; 95% CI: 1.3–2.6) had higher risk of PC, while academic hospitals had significantly lower risk. Exposure to biologics (either anti-TNF, vedolizumab or ustekinumab) did not increase the risk of PC (OR: 1.2; 95% CI: 0.97–1.58), although it could be a risk factor for postoperative infections (OR 1.5; 95% CI: 1.03–2.27). Conclusions: Preoperative administration of biologics does not seem to be a risk factor for overall PC, although it may be so for postoperative infections

    Regulation of cell death receptor S-nitrosylation and apoptotic signaling by Sorafenib in hepatoblastoma cells

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    Nitric oxide (NO) plays a relevant role during cell death regulation in tumor cells. The overexpression of nitric oxide synthase type III (NOS-3) induces oxidative and nitrosative stress, p53 and cell death receptor expression and apoptosis in hepatoblastoma cells. S-nitrosylation of cell death receptor modulates apoptosis. Sorafenib is the unique recommended molecular-targeted drug for the treatment of patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma. The present study was addressed to elucidate the potential role of NO during Sorafenib-induced cell death in HepG2 cells. We determined the intra- and extracellular NO concentration, cell death receptor expression and their S-nitrosylation modifications, and apoptotic signaling in Sorafenib-treated HepG2 cells. The effect of NO donors on above parameters has also been determined. Sorafenib induced apoptosis in HepG2 cells. However, low concentration of the drug (10nM) increased cell death receptor expression, as well as caspase-8 and -9 activation, but without activation of downstream apoptotic markers. In contrast, Sorafenib (10 µM) reduced upstream apoptotic parameters but increased caspase-3 activation and DNA fragmentation in HepG2 cells. The shift of cell death signaling pathway was associated with a reduction of S-nitrosylation of cell death receptors in Sorafenib-treated cells. The administration of NO donors increased S-nitrosylation of cell death receptors and overall induction of cell death markers in control and Sorafenib-treated cells. In conclusion, Sorafenib induced alteration of cell death receptor S-nitrosylation status which may have a relevant repercussion on cell death signaling in hepatoblastoma cells.Instituto de Salud Carlos III PI13/00021Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad BFU2012-32056Consejería de Economía, Innovación, Ciencia y Empleo, Junta de Andalucía BIO-0216Consejería de Economía, Innovación, Ciencia y Empleo, Junta de Andalucía CTS-6264Consejería de Salud, Junta de Andalucía PI13/ 0002

    Propuesta de un sistema espacialmente explícito para evaluar el peligro de incendios

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    Los incendios forestales suponen un factor muy destacado en la transformación ambiental de buena parte de los ecosistemas terrestres. Tienen impactos globales, afectando a la superficie forestal y a las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, y efectos locales, relacionados con la degradación de suelos, erosión, modificación de la dinámica de la vegetación y pérdida de recursos y de vidas humanas. La prevención de incendios resulta cada vez más crítica, para paliar los efectos negativos de los mismos. Se presentan en este trabajo las variables de entrada y el esquema de integración para estimar el peligro de ocurrencia de incendios que se desarrolló en el marco del proyecto Firemap. Se generó información de diversas fuentes, que hacen referencia a variables socio-económicas, así como al estado de los combustibles y las características del territorio, utilizando sistemas de información geográfica (SIG) e imágenes de satélite. Todas las variables se cartografiaron a una resolución espacial de un 1 km2 y se integraron en un servidor web, que estuvo operativo para su evaluación durante el verano de 2007. Se presenta la comparación entre la variación temporal de los índices generados y la ocurrencia observada en la Comunidad de Madrid, una de las regiones del estudio.Forest fires are a major factor of environmental transformation in several ecosystems. Fires have global impacts, affecting forested areas and having an important impact in greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, fires have local impacts, associated to soil degradation, soil erosion, vegetation dynamics, and lost of lives and properties. Fire prevention is critical to reduce the negative impacts of fire. This paper presents the input variables and the integration scheme developed within the Firemap project (funded under the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology) to map wildland fire occurrence probability. The project first generated fire risk variables related to several factors of fire ignition or propagation. They were generated from a wide variety of sources using geographic information systems and remote sensing technologies. All variables were mapped at 1 sq km spatial resolution, and were integrated into single indices. The risk system included the development of a dedicated web-mapping server to facilitate the access to the end-users. This service was tested in the summer of 2007 for semi-operational use. The paper presents the first validation results of the danger index, by comparing temporal trends of the different danger components to the fire occurrence in the Madrid region, one of the test sites

    Clinical experience with integrase inhibitors in HIV-2-infected individuals in Spain.

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    Background: HIV-2 is a neglected virus despite estimates of 1–2 million people being infected worldwide. The virus is naturally resistant to some antiretrovirals used to treat HIV-1 and therapeutic options are limited for patients with HIV-2. Methods: In this retrospective observational study, we analysed all HIV-2-infected individuals treated with inte- grase strand transfer inhibitors (INSTIs) recorded in the Spanish HIV-2 cohort. Demographics, treatment modal- ities, laboratory values, quantitative HIV-2 RNA and CD4 counts as well as drug resistance were analysed. Results: From a total of 354 HIV-2-infected patients recruited by the Spanish HIV-2 cohort as of December 2017, INSTIs had been given to 44, in 18 as first-line therapy and in 26 after failing other antiretroviral regimens. After a median follow-up of 13 months of INSTI-based therapy, undetectable viraemia for HIV-2 was achieved in 89% of treatment-naive and in 65.4% of treatment-experienced patients. In parallel, CD4 gains were 82 and 126cells/mm3, respectively. Treatment failure occurred in 15 patients, 2 being treatment-naive and 13 treatment-experienced. INSTI resistance changes were recognized in 12 patients: N155H (5), Q148H/R (3), Y143C/G (3) and R263K (1). Conclusions: Combinations based on INSTIs are effective and safe treatment options for HIV-2-infected individ- uals. However, resistance mutations to INSTIs are selected frequently in failing patients, reducing the already limited treatment options