2,334 research outputs found

    Quantum Energy Teleportation with a Linear Harmonic Chain

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    A protocol of quantum energy teleportation is proposed for a one-dimensional harmonic chain. A coherent-state POVM measurement is performed to coupled oscillators of the chain in the ground state accompanied by energy infusion to the system. This measurement consumes a part of ground state entanglement. Depending on the measurement result, a displacement operation is performed on a distant oscillator accompanied by energy extraction from the zero-point fluctuation of the oscillator. We find that the amount of consumed entanglement is bounded from below by a positive value that is proportional to the amount of teleported energy.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figures, analysis for non-critical case is added, accepted for publication in PR

    Quark Droplets in the NJL Mean Field

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    We study the conditions for the existence of stable quark matter in the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio mean field at zero temperature and discuss its interpretation.Comment: 6 pages, LaTeX, 4 eps-figures included, to appear in the Proc. of the workshop 'QCD at Finite Baryon Density', Bielefeld, April 27-30, 199

    Stability of color-flavor locked strangelets

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    The stability of color-flavor locked (CFL) strangelets is studied in the three-flavor Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model. We consider all quark flavors to be massless, for simplicity. By making use of the multiple reflection expansion, we explicitly take into account finite size effects and formulate the thermodynamic potential for CFL strangelets. We find that the CFL gap could be large enough so that the energy per baryon number of CFL strangelets is greatly affected. In addition, if the quark-quark coupling constant is larger than a certain critical value, there is a possibility of finding absolutely stable CFL strangelets.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Is the standard Higgs scalar elementary?

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    In the standard electroweak model, the measured top quark mass requires a sizeable Yukawa coupling to the fundamental scalar. This large coupling alone might induce a dynamical breaking of the electroweak symmetry as well as non-perturbative effects. If such is the case, even a standard Higgs scalar as light as 80 GeV should have a non-negligible ttˉt \bar{t} component induced by the top condensate.Comment: 8 pages, Latex fil

    Postmodern String Theory: Stochastic Formulation

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    In this paper we study the dynamics of a statistical ensemble of strings, building on a recently proposed gauge theory of the string geodesic field. We show that this stochastic approach is equivalent to the Carath\'eodory formulation of the Nambu-Goto action, supplemented by an averaging procedure over the family of classical string world-sheets which are solutions of the equation of motion. In this new framework, the string geodesic field is reinterpreted as the Gibbs current density associated with the string statistical ensemble. Next, we show that the classical field equations derived from the string gauge action, can be obtained as the semi-classical limit of the string functional wave equation. For closed strings, the wave equation itself is completely analogous to the Wheeler-DeWitt equation used in quantum cosmology. Thus, in the string case, the wave function has support on the space of all possible spatial loop configurations. Finally, we show that the string distribution induces a multi-phase, or {\it cellular} structure on the spacetime manifold characterized by domains with a purely Riemannian geometry separated by domain walls over which there exists a predominantly Weyl geometry.Comment: 24pages, ReVTe

    The back reaction and the effective Einstein's equation for the Universe with ideal fluid cosmological perturbations

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    We investigate the back reaction of cosmological perturbations on the evolution of the Universe using the renormalization group method. Starting from the second order perturbed Einstein's equation, we renormalize a scale factor of the Universe and derive the evolution equation for the effective scale factor which includes back reaction due to inhomogeneities of the Universe. The resulting equation has the same form as the standard Friedman-Robertson-Walker equation with the effective energy density and pressure which represent the back reaction effect.Comment: 16 pages, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Z Boson Propagator Correction in Technicolor Theories with ETC Effects Included

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    We calculate the Z boson propagator correction, as described by the S parameter, in technicolor theories with extended technicolor interactions included. Our method is to solve the Bethe-Salpeter equation for the requisite current-current correlation functions. Our results suggest that the inclusion of extended technicolor interactions has a relatively small effect on S.Comment: 15pages, 8 figure

    Comment on ``Relativistic kinetic equations for electromagnetic, scalar and pseudoscalar interactions''

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    It is found that the extra quantum constraints to the spinor components of the equal-time Wigner function given in a recent paper by Zhuang and Heinz should vanish identically. We point out here the origin of the error and give an interpretation of the result. However, the principal idea of obtaining a complete equal-time transport theory by energy averaging the covariant theory remains valid. The classical transport equation for the spin density is also found to be incorrect. We give here the correct form of that equation and discuss briefly its structure.Comment: 5 pages LaTe

    Vector field theories in cosmology

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    Recently proposed theories based on the cosmic presence of a vectorial field are compared and contrasted. In particular the so called Einstein aether theory is discussed in parallel with a recent proposal of a strained space-time theory (Cosmic Defect theory). We show that the latter fits reasonably well the cosmic observed data with only one, or at most two, adjustable parameters, whilst other vector theories use much more. The Newtonian limits are also compared. Finally we show that the CD theory may be considered as a special case of the aether theories, corresponding to a more compact and consistent paradigm.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figure, to appear on Phys. Rev.
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