252 research outputs found

    Enduring Neurobehavioral Effects of Early Life Trauma Mediated Through Learning and Corticosterone Suppression

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    Early life trauma alters later life emotions, including fear. To better understand mediating mechanisms, we subjected pups to either predictable or unpredictable trauma, in the form of paired or unpaired odor-0.5 mA shock conditioning which, during a sensitive period, produces an odor preference and no learning respectively. Fear conditioning and its neural correlates were then assessed after the sensitive period at postnatal day (PN)13 or in adulthood, ages when amygdala-dependent fear occurs. Our results revealed that paired odor-shock conditioning starting during the sensitive period (PN8–12) blocked fear conditioning in older infants (PN13) and pups continued to express olfactory bulb-dependent odor preference learning. This PN13 fear learning inhibition was also associated with suppression of shock-induced corticosterone, although the age appropriate amygdala-dependent fear learning was reinstated with systemic corticosterone (3 mg/kg) during conditioning. On the other hand, sensitive period odor-shock conditioning did not prevent adult fear conditioning, although freezing, amygdala and hippocampal 2-DG uptake and corticosterone levels were attenuated compared to adult conditioning without infant conditioning. Normal levels of freezing, amygdala and hippocampal 2-DG uptake were induced with systemic corticosterone (5 mg/kg) during adult conditioning. These results suggest that the contingency of early life trauma mediates at least some effects of early life stress through learning and suppression of corticosterone levels. However, developmental differences between infants and adults are expressed with PN13 infants' learning consistent with the original learned preference, while adult conditioning overrides the original learned preference with attenuated amygdala-dependent fear learning

    Role of small Rhizaria and diatoms in the pelagic silica production of the Sourther Ocean

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    We examined biogenic silica production and elementary composition (biogenic Si, particulate organic carbon and particulate organic nitrogen) of Rhizaria and diatoms in the upper 200 m along a transect in the Southwest Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean during austral summer (January–February 2019). From incubations using the 32Si radioisotope, silicic acid uptake rates were measured at 15 stations distributed in the Polar Front Zone, the Southern Antarctic Circumpolar Current and the Ross Sea Gyre. Rhizaria cells are heavily silicified (up to 7.6 nmol Si cell−1), displaying higher biogenic Si content than similar size specimens found in other areas of the global ocean, suggesting a higher degree of silicification of these organisms in the silicic acid rich Southern Ocean. Despite their high biogenic Si and carbon content, the Si/C molar ratio (average of 0.05 ± 0.03) is quite low compared to that of diatoms and relatively constant regardless of the environmental conditions. The direct measurements of Rhizaria's biogenic Si production (0.8–36.8 μmol Si m−2 d−1) are of the same order of magnitude than previous indirect estimations, confirming the importance of the Southern Ocean for the global Rhizaria silica production. However, diatoms largely dominated the biogenic Si standing stock and production of the euphotic layer, with low rhizarians' abundances and biogenic Si production (no more than 1%). In this manuscript, we discuss the Antarctic paradox of Rhizaria, that is, the potential high accumulation rates of biogenic Si due to Rhizaria in siliceous sediments despite their low production rates in surface waters.Versión del editor3,38

    Aberrant survival of hippocampal Cajal-Retzius cells leads to memory deficits, gamma rhythmopathies and susceptibility to seizures in adult mice

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    Cajal-Retzius cells (CRs) are transient neurons, disappearing almost completely in the postnatal neocortex by programmed cell death (PCD), with a percentage surviving up to adulthood in the hippocampus. Here, we evaluate CR’s role in the establishment of adult neuronal and cognitive function using a mouse model preventing Bax-dependent PCD. CRs abnormal survival resulted in impairment of hippocampus-dependent memory, associated in vivo with attenuated theta oscillations and enhanced gamma activity in the dorsal CA1. At the cellular level, we observed transient changes in the number of NPY cells and altered CA1 pyramidal cell spine density. At the synaptic level, these changes translated into enhanced inhibitory currents in hippocampal pyramidal cells. Finally, adult mutants displayed an increased susceptibility to lethal tonic-clonic seizures in a kainate model of epilepsy. Our data reveal that aberrant survival of a small proportion of postnatal hippocampal CRs results in cognitive deficits and epilepsy-prone phenotypes in adulthood.We thank Dr. P. Billuart for critical reading of the manuscript and suggestions during the course of the study, the NeuroImag platform at the IPNP and SFR Necker Imaging and histology platforms at the Imagine Institute for help with acquisition, the animal house facility (LEAT) and Animalliance for animal care. We are grateful to N. Ramezanidoraki and P. Billuart for initiating the first MEA experiment as well as members of the Pierani’s lab for technical support and helpful discussions.We thank Ann Kennedy for mouse profile (Zenodo, 2020) doi:10.5281/zenodo.3925921and for the mouse scheme in Fig. 3a, French Ministry of Research (BioSPc Doctoral school) (M.R.), Fondation pour la recherche médicale, FDT20201201037 (M.R.), Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) (A.P.), Agence Nationale de la Recherche, ANR-15-CE16-0003-01, ANR-19-CE16-0017-03 and ANR20-CE16-0001-01 (A.P.), Fondation pour la recherche médicale, Équipe FRM DEQ20130326521 and EQU201903007836) (A.P.), Agence Nationale de la Recherche under “Investissements d’avenir” program, ANR10-IAHU-01) (Imagine Institute), Fondation pour la recherche médicale (F.O.), AGEMED-INSERM (F.O.), NRJ for Neuroscience (F.O.), European Research Council (Consolidator grant #683154) (N. Rouach), European Research Council (Starting Grant #678250) (N. Rebola), Agence Nationale de la Recherche ANR-21-CE16-0020 and ANR-20-CE16-0009 (N. Rebola), and ANR-21-NEU2-0007-01 Eranet-Neuron ROSSINI project (A.P. and L.M.d.l.P.)

    Between-group competition elicits within-group cooperation in children

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    Aggressive interactions between groups are frequent in human societies and can bear significant fitness costs and benefits (e.g. death or access to resources). During between-group competitive interactions, more cohesive groups (i.e. groups formed by individuals who cooperate in group defence) should out-perform less cohesive groups, other factors being equal (e.g. group size). The cost/benefit of between-group competition are thought to have driven correlated evolution of traits that favour between-group aggression and within-group cooperation (e.g. parochial altruism). Our aim was to analyse whether the proximate relationship between between-group competition and within-group cooperation is found in 3–10 years old children and the developmental trajectory of such a relationship. We used a large cohort of children (n = 120) and tested whether simulated between-group competition increased within-group cooperation (i.e. how much of a resource children were giving to their group companions) in two experiments. We found greater within-group cooperation when groups of four children were competing with other groups then in the control condition (no between-group competition). Within-group cooperation increased with age. Our study suggests that parochial altruism and in-group/out-group biases emerge early during the course of human development

    Short-Term Enrichment Makes Male Rats More Attractive, More Defensive and Alters Hypothalamic Neurons

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    Innate behaviors are shaped by contingencies built during evolutionary history. On the other hand, environmental stimuli play a significant role in shaping behavior. In particular, a short period of environmental enrichment can enhance cognitive behavior, modify effects of stress on learned behaviors and induce brain plasticity. It is unclear if modulation by environment can extend to innate behaviors which are preserved by intense selection pressure. In the present report we investigate this issue by studying effects of relatively short (14-days) environmental enrichment on two prominent innate behaviors in rats, avoidance of predator odors and ability of males to attract mates. We show that enrichment has strong effects on both the innate behaviors: a) enriched males were more avoidant of a predator odor than non-enriched controls, and had a greater rise in corticosterone levels in response to the odor; and b) had higher testosterone levels and were more attractive to females. Additionally, we demonstrate decrease in dendritic length of neurons of ventrolateral nucleus of hypothalamus, important for reproductive mate-choice and increase in the same in dorsomedial nucleus, important for defensive behavior. Thus, behavioral and hormonal observations provide evidence that a short period of environmental manipulation can alter innate behaviors, providing a good example of gene-environment interaction

    Analysis of two methods of isometric muscle contractions during the anti-G straining maneuver

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    This study investigated the difference in Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) and Cardiac Output (CO) between two methods of isometric muscle contractions during the Anti-G Straining Maneuver (AGSM). 12 subjects (ages 18 to 38 yrs, height 176.8 +/- 7.4 cm, body mass 78.8 +/- 15.6 kg, percent body fat 14.3 +/- 6.6%) participated in the study. The study was a one-way within-subject design with test conditions counterbalanced. Two methods of isometric muscle contractions lasting 30 seconds each were assessed; an isometric push contraction and an isometric muscle tensing contraction. The dependent parameters were MAP and CO. The average MAP during the push contraction was 123 mmHg, SD +/- 11 and for tense was 118 mmHg, SD +/- 8. CO was 7.6 L/min, SD +/- 1.6 for push and 7.9 L/min, SD +/- 2.0 for tense method. Dependent t-tests revealed t(11) = 1.517, p = 0.157 for MAP and t(11) = 0.875, p = 0.400 for CO. This study demonstrated that the two methods of isometric muscle contractions were not statistically different with regards to MAP and CO. Therefore, both forms of isometric contractions may be potentially useful when performing the muscle contraction portion of the AGSM

    Nest Making and Oxytocin Comparably Promote Wound Healing in Isolation Reared Rats

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    Background: Environmental enrichment (EE) fosters attachment behavior through its effect on brain oxytocin levels in the hippocampus and other brain regions, which in turn modulate the hypothalamic-pituitary axis (HPA). Social isolation and other stressors negatively impact physical healing through their effect on the HPA. Therefore, we reasoned that: 1) provision of a rat EE (nest building with Nestlets®) would improve wound healing in rats undergoing stress due to isolation rearing and 2) that oxytocin would have a similar beneficial effect on wound healing. Methodology/Principal Findings: In the first two experiments, we provided isolation reared rats with either EE or oxytocin and compared their wound healing to group reared rats and isolation reared rats that did not receive Nestlets or oxytocin. In the third experiment, we examined the effect of Nestlets on open field locomotion and immediate early gene (IEG) expression. We found that isolation reared rats treated with Nestlets a) healed significantly better than without Nestlets, 2) healed at a similar rate to rats treated with oxytocin, 3) had decreased hyperactivity in the open field test, and 4) had normalized IEG expression in brain hippocampus. Conclusions/Significance: This study shows that when an EE strategy or oxytocin is given to isolation reared rats, the peripheral stress response, as measured by burn injury healing, is decreased. The findings indicate an association between the effect of nest making on wound healing and administration of the pro-bonding hormone oxytocin. Further elucidation of this animal model should lead to improved understanding of how EE strategies can ameliorate poor wound healing and other symptoms that result from isolation stress