862 research outputs found


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    We revisit the classical approach of comoving coordinates in relativistic hydrodynamics and we give a constructive proof for their global existence under suitable conditions which is proper for stochastic quantization. We show that it is possible to assign stochastic kinematics for the free relativistic spinless particle as a Markov diffusion globally defined on M4{\sf M}^4. Then introducing dynamics by means of a stochastic variational principle with Einstein's action, we are lead to positive-energy solutions of Klein-Gordon equation. The procedure exhibits relativistic covariance properties.Comment: 31 pages + 1 figure available upon request; Plain REVTe

    A note on free time evolution of the quantum wave function and optimal transportation

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    It is shown that, in the absence of nodes and under regularity assumptions, a solution in a finite interval of time of the free Schroedinger equation solves a minimization problem which is a stochastic generalization of the classical optimal transportation problem with quadratic cost.Comment: 14 page

    Occurrence of Gastroliths in _Baurusuchus_ (Baurusuchidae, Mesoeucrocodylia) from Adamantina Formation, Bauru Basin

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    The fossil record of Baurusuchidae Mesoeucrocodylia in the General Salgado county and its surroundings is one of the best regarding preservation, completeness and articulation of skull and skeleton remains, including specimens that shown even the most delicate bone structures and cartilaginous tissues. 

One of them, UFRJ DG 288-R, has preserved its skull and about 80% of its skeleton. During the removal of the rock matrix, on what should be the specimen’s abdominal region, together with fragments of gastralia were observed some small well-polished weathered angulous to subrounded clasts, presumed to be gastroliths. 

These xenoliths occur in a restrict cluster, where at least four peeble-sized stones are visible in the surface of the specimen. The texture and fabrics of these rock fragments differs from the surrounding matrix, presenting darker purplish tones. In thin section, one of the fragments revealed isotropic texture, with opaque minerals in abundance, of euhedric to subhedric habits. The mineralogical composition presents mainly clay minerals as weathering products; biotite and chlorite are common, being the last the result of hidratation of the first. Although highly altered, the low quartz content, small-sized and well-formed crystals suggests maphic composition in volcanic context, possibly representing a basalt fragment. 

In extant Crocodyliformes, the occurrence of gastroliths is commonly associated with food processing in the stomach, diving ballast, hunger stress and/or supplementary mineral ingestion. 

As baurusuchids are characterized as medium to large size fully terrestrial predator/scavengers, based on skeletal data, the ballast function of gasthroliths is excluded in this case. As mentioned above, extant crocodyliforms such as _Caiman_ and _Crocodylus_ ingest stones when under stressful conditions of lack of food, water or when in high population density. Osteoderms are one of the primary sources for calcium and a reservoir for the homeostasis. The hunger stress can be observed in the osteoderms histological cuts as an abnormal concentration of osteoclasts at its inner region overwhelming the presence of osteoblasts and consuming the osteocytes. The preservation of osteoderms associated with gasthroliths may reveal if the stone ingestion in baurusuchids is a normal or driven by hunger behavior. 

The paleoenvironmental conditions dominating the Adamantina Formation during the Late Cretaceous are considered mainly arid, marked with strong seasonality, alternating long droughts and short rainy periods, associated with flashflood events. The stressful condition created during the dry season would cause famine and mass mortality, thus forcing animals to endure or escape. The baurusuchids underwent the dry seasons through behavorial responses of self burial and probably stone ingestion, although natural bahavior cannot be eliminated as a cause. 

Financial support provided by Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq, grant no 305780/2006–9), Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) and Instituto Virtual de Paleontologia/ Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (IVP/FAPERJ, grant no E–26/152.541/2006).

    El puente de la barqueta

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    Se realiza un estudio que abarca la construcción y puesta en obra del puente de La Barqueta, una de las infraestructuras construidas en Sevilla con motivo de la celebración de la Exposición Universal de 1992

    First record of the crabs Pirimela denticulata (Montagu, 1808) and Xaiva biguttata (Risso, 1816) (Crustacea: Decapoda) from the Azores.

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    The crabs Pirimela denticulata (Montagu, 1808) and Xaiva biguttata (Risso, 1816) identified in stomach contents of striped red mullet, Mullus surmuletus (Linnaeus, 1758) are recorded for the first time in Azorean waters, extending their known distribution range. A total of 59 individuals of P. denticulata and 12 of X. biguttata were identified in 22 and 10 mullets, respectively

    On the stochastic mechanics of the free relativistic particle

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    Given a positive energy solution of the Klein-Gordon equation, the motion of the free, spinless, relativistic particle is described in a fixed Lorentz frame by a Markov diffusion process with non-constant diffusion coefficient. Proper time is an increasing stochastic process and we derive a probabilistic generalization of the equation (dτ)2=1c2dXνdXν(d\tau)^2=-\frac{1}{c^2}dX_{\nu}dX_{\nu}. A random time-change transformation provides the bridge between the tt and the τ\tau domain. In the τ\tau domain, we obtain an \M^4-valued Markov process with singular and constant diffusion coefficient. The square modulus of the Klein-Gordon solution is an invariant, non integrable density for this Markov process. It satisfies a relativistically covariant continuity equation

    How Strongly Do Oysters Stick?

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    Biological adhesives are a type of interfacial material that has incredible potential to generate new biomimetic compounds that can replace current strong, but toxic, adhesives. Therefore, a study of the chemical composition and mechanical properties of those bio-adhesives is necessary. However, in the case of oysters, despite known chemical characterization of the adult’s adhesive, there are almost no studies on its mechanical properties. Furthermore, there is no available information on the adhesive properties of spat (oysters in their larvae state). Herein, we present the first mechanical characterization of the spat adhesive, measuring its adhesion strength by hydrodynamic determination using a water jet. This study suggests that the adhesion strength of spat could be as high as 70 Pascals, but is highly dependent on experimental conditions. For instance, it was found that the adhesion strength increases on hydrophobic substrates with low surface energy, and that is also dependent on the environmental conditions, like the moisture level. Nevertheless, no relationship between the area of the larvae and its adhesion strength was found. Therefore, it can be proposed that a possible strong hydrophobic interaction adhesive-surface, or an enhancement of the adhesive production over low energy substrates is required for adhesive bonding. This would direct future studies on the search of the adhesion mechanism of this species and increase the biological knowledge about oyster larvae

    Sistema automático para inspecção visual de defeitos em tecidos

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    Pretende-se com esta comunicação apresentar o trabalho desenvolvido no âmbito da Campanha Têxtil do IDICT, onde se aplicaram algoritmos de processamento de imagem à inspecção de defeitos em tecidos. Devido à complexidade do problema em estudo foi necessário construir um sistema de iluminação estruturada para garantir luminosidade constante no tecido a inspeccionar. Um sistema de captura e processamento de imagens a cores foi desenvolvido, para o sistema operativo Windows 98, tendo por base a placa de aquisição Matrox Meteor II e o software Microsoft Visual C++. Após a conversão de imagens a cores em níveis de cinzento foram desenvolvidos algoritmos de binarização, baseados em análise estatística e morfologia matemática. Os algoritmos desenvolvidos abrangem os seguintes defeitos em tecidos: falta de fio, fio grosso, fio duplo, borboto, mancha e nódoa. Para cada tecido a inspecionar é necessário um período de treino do sistema de forma a identificar os parâmetros estatísticos que o caracterizam, média e desvio padrão dos níveis de cinzento. O sistema inspecciona de forma automática os defeitos descritos em tecidos penteados de uma só cor, tendo sido obtidos resultados bastante satisfatórios para o número de tecidos disponibilisados pelas empresas da região

    Dietas da abrótea (Phycis phycis) e do congro (Conger conger) dos Açores durante a primavera de 1996 e 1997

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    The forkbeard, Phycis phycis, and conger eel, Conger conger, are two coastal species, with a wide bathymetric and geographical distribution. The longline fleet of the Azores catches these two important commercial species. Few studies on their diet composition were found in literature. Data were collected during the demersal cruise surveys that took place aboard the R/V “Arquipélago” during the spring of 1996 and 1997. Stomachs of 53 forkbeards and 95 conger eels were examined to define their diets. Both species fed primarily on fishes, mainly on two benthopelagic species (Capros aper and Macroramphosus scolopax). However, the relative importance of fish was higher for conger eel than for forkbeard, which fed secondarily on decapods. Prey composition of the diet did not vary between sexes, predator size or areas. However, some differences were found on diet composition between depth strata. Prey composition indicates that both predators have the ability to feed near the bottom on benthic prey or in the water column on benthopelagic species

    Time-Sensitive Networking to Improve the Performance of Distributed Functional Safety Systems Implemented over Wi-Fi

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    Industry 4.0 has significantly improved the industrial manufacturing scenario in recent years. The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) enables the creation of globally interconnected smart factories, where constituent elements seamlessly exchange information. Industry 5.0 has further complemented these achievements, as it focuses on a human-centric approach where humans become part of this network of things, leading to a robust human–machine interaction. In this distributed, dynamic, and highly interconnected environment, functional safety is essential for adequately protecting people and machinery. The increasing availability of wireless networks makes it possible to implement distributed and flexible functional safety systems. However, such networks are known for introducing unwanted delays that can lead to safety performance degradation due to their inherent uncertainty. In this context, the Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) standards present an attractive prospect for enhancing and ensuring acceptable behaviors. The research presented in this paper deals with the introduction of TSN to implement functional safety protocols for wireless networks. Among the available solutions, we selected Wi-Fi since it is a widespread network, often considered and deployed for industrial applications. The introduction of a reference functional safety protocol is detailed, along with an analysis of how TSN can enhance its behavior by evaluating relevant performance indexes. The evaluation pertains to a standard case study of an industrial warehouse, tested through practical simulations. The results demonstrate that TSN provides notable advantages, but it requires meticulous coordination with the Wi-Fi MAC layer protocol to guarantee improved performance