95 research outputs found
Geographic context configuration in fusion algorithms for maritime surveillance
Proceedings of: 17th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION 2014): Salamanca, Spain 7-10 July 2014.Real fusion system applications can be required to operate on wide areas for long periods of time. Adaptation is a basic capability under these circumstances. This paper presents a maritime surveillance platform designed to be flexible and robust. It features online configuration capabilities allowing to: (a) change the applied algorithms, (b) modify the operating parameters of the running algorithms, (c) tune the characterization of the available sensors. These configurations can be applied to limited spatial regions and time spans. This allows to use powerful or more specific configurations for localized scenarios (risks, clutter, alarms), or account for exceptional situations that can affect sensors, such as weather anomalies.This work was funded by contract between DEIMOS SPACE, S.L.U. and Universidad Carlos III, by Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under grants TEC2012- 37832-C02-01, TEC2011-28626-C02-02, and by Madrid Region Gov., grant CAM CONTEXTS (S2009/TIC-1485).Publicad
Dietary pesticide chlorpyrifos-methyl affects arachidonic acid metabolism including phospholipid remodeling in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)
The pesticide chlorpyrifos-methyl (CLP-m) has been identified in plant ingredients intended for aquaculture feed production. To investigate systemic effects of CLP-m with emphasis on lipid metabolism, post-smolt Atlantic salmon were fed in duplicate (n = 2) either diets with no CLP-m (Control) or CLP-m at different concentrations (0.1, 1.0 or 8.0 mg kg(-1)) for a total of 67 days (Low, Medium, High). Fish in all groups almost doubled their weight during the feeding trial from 262 +/- 26 g (mean +/- SD) to 465 +/- 64 g (overall mean), with no significant effects on any growth parameters. There was a significant dose-dependent inhibition of plasma cholinesterase activity (BuChE) after 67 days. The CLP-m biotransformation metabolite, TCP was detected in liver and bile, with low levels of the parent compound in the organs. Spleen somatic index decreased significantly with increasing dietary CLP-m intake. Hematocrit (%) decreased linearly with increasing dietary exposure to CLP-m after 30 days of exposure, but this decrease was less at 67 days of exposure. A significantly reduced content of arachidonic acid (ARA 20:4n - 6), accompanied by a significantly increased content of the saturated fatty acid, palmitic acid (PA 16:0), was observed in liver phospholipids (PLs) with increasing dietary content of CLP-m. Major effects were seen on the PL classes in liver which showed a significantly decreased absolute content, possibly indicating inhibition of PL remodeling pathways or other membrane perturbation effects from CLP-m exposure. In conclusion, this study shows that the pesticide CLP-m is a relatively potent toxicant in Atlantic salmon, especially affecting liver PLs and ARA metabolism
Modelling of corrosion-induced cover cracking in reinforced concrete by an embedded cohesive crack finite element
Corrosion of a reinforcement bar leads to expansive pressure on the surrounding concrete that provokes internal cracking and, eventually, spalling and delamination. Here, an embedded cohesive crack 2D finite element is applied for simulating the cracking process. In addition, four simplified analytical models are introduced for comparative purposes.
Under some assumptions about rust properties, corrosion rate, and particularly, the accommodation of oxide products within the open cracks generated in the process, the proposed FE model is able to estimate time to surface cracking quite accurately. Moreover, emerging cracking patterns are in reasonably good agreement with expectations.
As a practical case, a prototype application of the model to an actual bridge deck is reported
Revista de Vertebrados de la Estación Biológica de Doñana
Relación longitud-peso y condición del Barbo de Sclater (Barbus barbus sclateri G.), en el río Guadiato, Córdoba, España.Estudio biométrico y biológico de la tortuga mora (Testudo graeca) en la Reserva Biológica de Doñana, HuelvaEtograma del lagarto de Tenerife, Gallotia galloti galloti (Sauria-LacertidaeOrganización temporal en las comunidadesde avesAlimentación y relaciones tróficas entre los paseriformes en paso otoñal por una localidad de Andalucía centralVariación anual de régimen alimenticio y densidad de población de dos estrigiformes:sus causaslas Adeidas en la cuenca del Duero.Niveles de contaminantes organoclorados y metales pesados en huevos de aves de las Marismas del Guadalquivir, 1975Alimentación primaveral de la garcilla bueyera.la reproducción de un ave parásita: el tordomirlo (Molothrus bonariensis) en los llanos de Apure (Venezuela)Estructuras de sexos y edades en una poblaciónde conejos (Oryctolagus cunicuLus l.) de Andalucía OccidentaParámetros de gregarismo del gamo (Dama dama) en el Coto de Doñana.Primeros datos sobre la distribución de Cobitis calderoni Bacescu, 1961 (pisces, cobitidae) en la Península IbéricaSobre la existencia de Telestes soufia Risso, 1826 y Leuciscus leuciscus L. 1758 en España.La distrtibución de Hemidactylus turciscus en la provincia de Córdoba.Predación de Vipera latastei sobre Mustela nivalis.Sobre las poblaciones de Podarcis en el macizo del GuadarramaDatos sobre la reproducción de Lacerta vivipara en la cordillera CantábricaCasos de melanismo en Natrix natrix y Malpolon monspessulanusMedidas máximas para Coluber hippocrepis LUna nueva población de Lacerta sicula rafinesque para el norte de España.Captura de la barnacla carinegra, Branta bernicla en la costa mediterránea Europea.Datos sobre la dieta frugívora del mirlo (Turdus merula) en dos localidades del sur de EspañaLa ocupación de nidos de Hirundo daurica.La invasión de Hirunda daurica Temm. en la Península IbéricaHíbridos de anátidas en las marismas del GuadalquiviDatos sobre la reproducción de Alouatta seniculus en los Llanos de VenezuelaPeer reviewe
The pharmaceutical solvent N-methyl-2-pyrollidone (NMP) attenuates inflammation through Krüppel-like factor 2 activation to reduce atherogenesis.
N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) is a versatile water-miscible polar aprotic solvent. It is used as a drug solubilizer and penetration enhancer in human and animal, yet its bioactivity properties remain elusive. Here, we report that NMP is a bioactive anti-inflammatory compound well tolerated in vivo, that shows efficacy in reducing disease in a mouse model of atherosclerosis. Mechanistically, NMP increases the expression of the transcription factor Kruppel-like factor 2 (KLF2). Monocytes and endothelial cells treated with NMP express increased levels of KLF2, produce less pro-inflammatory cytokines and adhesion molecules. We found that NMP attenuates monocyte adhesion to endothelial cells inflamed with tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) by reducing expression of adhesion molecules. We further show using KLF2 shRNA that the inhibitory effect of NMP on endothelial inflammation and subsequent monocyte adhesion is KLF2 dependent. Enhancing KLF2 expression and activity improves endothelial function, controls multiple genes critical for inflammation, and prevents atherosclerosis. Our findings demonstrate a consistent effect of NMP upon KLF2 activation and inflammation, biological processes central to atherogenesis. Our data suggest that inclusion of bioactive solvent NMP in pharmaceutical compositions to treat inflammatory disorders might be beneficial and safe, in particular to treat diseases of the vascular system, such as atherosclerosis
Revista de Vertebrados de la Estación Biológica de Doñana
La reproducción de Hyla meridionalis en el suroeste de EspañaAlimentación y relaciones tróficas entre larvas de Triturus marmoratus, T. alpestris y T. helveticus (Amphibia: CaudataOrganization of behaviour in isolated lizards (Gallotia galloti galloti) as revealed by multivariate analyseComposición y estructura de las comunidades de aves a lo largo de un gradiente altitudinal en tres medios arbustivos del macizo de Ayllón(Sistema Central)La comunidad de aves de un acebuchar del sur de España durante el periodo invernal y de cria.Alimentación del buho chico (Asio otus) en la isla de Tenerife y análisis comparativo con la dieta de Tyto albaAlimentación del zorzal charlo (Turdus viscivoros) en la sierra de Cazorla, SE de España.La migración en España del verderón común (Carduelis chloris, L.) según los resultados de anillamientoIdentificación de los principales quirópteros ibéricos a partir de sus dientes aislados. Valor sistemático de los caracteres morfológicos y métricos dentariosRitmo de actividad en Gazella dorcasSobre la sistemática y biología de Eliomys quercinus en la Cordillera Cantábrica.Primeras citas de Barbus microcephalus Almaça, 1967 (Ostariophysi: Cyprinidae) en EspañaSobre la presencia de Lampetra planeri BLOCH, 1784 en España.Sobre el status taxonómico del género Valencia Myers, 1928 en el suroeste de IberiaNuevas localidades de Chondrostroma polypis Steindachner, 1865 (Ostariophysi, Cyprinidae) en España.Sobre la distribución Gobio gobio (L., 1758)(OSTAOPHYSI, CIPRINIDAE) en EspañaNotas sobre la alimentación de larvas de anfibios: 2. Salamandra salamandra de CazorlaNuevos datos sobre la permanencia de caracteres larvarios en individuos adultos de una población de tritón pirenaico (Euproctus asper) en el valle de AránLa variación del diseño natural como método de reconocimiento individual en Triturus boscaiPresencia de Triturus boscai en la provincia de Córdoba.Datos sobre la alimentación de Athene cunicularia en la Reserva de fauna altoandina de Ulla-Ulla, Bolivia.Falco peregrinus cassini en BoliviaAlgunos datos sobre quirópteros de Galicia.Notas sobre la alimentación de la nutria (Lutra lutra) en el embalse de Matavacas, HuelvaPeer reviewe
Actualización de la Guía Española de la EPOC (GesEPOC): comorbilidades, automanejo y cuidados paliativos
[EN]: The current health care models described in GesEPOC indicate the best way to make a correct diagnosis, the categorization of patients, the appropriate selection of the therapeutic strategy and the management and prevention of exacerbations. In addition, COPD involves several aspects that are crucial in an integrated approach to the health care of these patients. The evaluation of comorbidities in COPD patients represents a healthcare challenge. As part of a comprehensive assessment, the presence of comorbidities related to the clinical presentation, to some diagnostic technique or to some COPD-related treatments should be studied. Likewise, interventions on healthy lifestyle habits, adherence to complex treatments, developing skills to recognize the signs and symptoms of exacerbation, knowing what to do to prevent them and treat them within the framework of a self-management plan are also necessary. Finally, palliative care is one of the pillars in the comprehensive treatment of the COPD patient, seeking to prevent or treat the symptoms of a disease, the side effects of treatment, and the physical, psychological and social problems of patients and their caregivers. Therefore, the main objective of this palliative care is not to prolong life expectancy, but to improve its quality. This chapter of GesEPOC 2021 presents an update on the most important comorbidities, self-management strategies, and palliative care in COPD, and includes a recommendation on the use of opioids for the treatment of refractory dyspnea in COPD.[ES]: Los modelos de atención sanitaria actuales descritos en GesEPOC indican la mejor manera de hacer un diagnóstico correcto, la categorización de los pacientes, la adecuada selección de la estrategia terapéutica y el manejo y la prevención de las agudizaciones. Además, en la EPOC concurren diversos aspectos que resultan cruciales en una aproximación integrada de la atención sanitaria a estos pacientes. La evaluación de las comorbilidades en el paciente con EPOC representa un reto asistencial. Dentro de una valoración integral debe estudiarse la presencia de comorbilidades que tengan relación con la presentación clínica, con alguna técnica diagnóstica o con algunos tratamientos relacionados con la EPOC. Asimismo, son necesarias intervenciones en hábitos de vida saludables, la adhesión a tratamientos complejos, desarrollar capacidades para poder reconocer los signos y síntomas de la exacerbación, saber qué hacer para prevenirlos y tratarlos enmarcados en un plan de automanejo. Finalmente, los cuidados paliativos constituyen uno de los pilares en el tratamiento integral del paciente con EPOC, con los que se buscan prevenir o tratar los síntomas de una enfermedad, los efectos secundarios del tratamiento, y los problemas físicos, psicológicos y sociales de los pacientes y sus cuidadores. Por tanto, el objetivo principal de estos cuidados paliativos no es prolongar la esperanza de vida, sino mejorar su calidad. En este capítulo de GesEPOC 2021 se presenta una actualización sobre las comorbilidades más importantes, las estrategias de automanejo y los cuidados paliativos en la EPOC, y se incluye una recomendación sobre el uso de opiáceos para el tratamiento de la disnea refractaria en la EPOC.Peer reviewe
Exchange of nutrients and oxygen across the sediment-water interface below a Sparus aurata marine fish farm in the north-western Mediterranean Sea
Purpose: This study analyzes the effects of aquaculture activities in open seawater in the north-western coastal waters of the Mediterranean Sea. It is the first of its kind to be based on benthic flux data gathered in situ below fish farms for this particular area. Materials and methods: Samples were collected on four sampling campaigns over a 1-year cycle under a Sparus aurata fish farm facility where benthic fluxes were measured in situ using light and dark benthic chambers. Bottom water and sediment samples were also collected. Data were compared to those for a nearby control station. Results and discussion: Significant differences were found (ANOVA, p < 0. 05) between concentrations of organic matter (OM), total phosphorus and redox potentials in sediments located under the cages and those of the control station. The consumption of dissolved oxygen (DO) by sediment and positive ammonium (NH4 +) fluxes was stimulated by OM content, with correlations of r = -0. 60 (p < 0. 01) and r = 0. 70 (p < 0. 01), respectively. The OM content of sediments was found to be consistently higher under the cages than at the control station, with the highest value (1. 8 ± 0. 7 %) under the cages observed during the early summer; values of DO and NH4 + fluxes were -64 ± 17 and 12. 7 ± 1. 0 mmol m-2 day-1, respectively. PO4 3- fluxes were consistently higher in the fish farm sediments (between 0. 58 and 0. 98 mmol m-2 day-1) than those observed at the control station. Nitrate (NO3 -) fluxes were found to be consistently negative due to denitrification occurring in the sediments and were related to the concentration of NO3 - in bottom waters (r = 0. 92, p < 0. 01). Si fluxes were shown to be associated with water temperature (r = 0. 59, p < 0. 05). Conclusions: The results imply that sediments located below cages accumulate organic matter originating from aquaculture activities, especially during summer months when this activity increases. Sediments undergo biogeochemical changes that mainly affect fluxes of DO, NH4 + and soluble reactive phosphorus, although these do not seem to have a significant impact on the quality of the water column due to the hydrodynamic characteristics of the area. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.We would like to thank the Caja del Mediterraneo for a predoctoral fellowship fund for this research and Antonio Asuncion Acuigroup Maremar manager for the facilities and support in conducting the study. The translation of this paper was funded by the Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain. We are grateful for the valuable comments of the anonymous reviewers on previous versions of the manuscript.Morata Higón, T.; Sospedra, J.; Falco Giaccaglia, SL.; Rodilla Alama, M. (2012). Exchange of nutrients and oxygen across the sediment-water interface below a Sparus aurata marine fish farm in the north-western Mediterranean Sea. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 12(10):1623-1632. doi:10.1007/s11368-012-0581-2S162316321210APHA, AWWA, and WEF (2005) Standard methods for the examination of water wastewater, 21st edn. American Public Health Association, WashingtonAksu M, Kocatas A (2007) Environmental effects of the three fish farms in Izmir Bay (Aegean Sea-Turkey) on water column and sediment. Rapport du 38e Congrés de la Commission Internationale Pour L’exploration Scientifique de la Mer Méditerranée 38, 414Aminot A, Chaussepied M (1983) Manuel des analyses chimiques en milieu marin. Centre National pour l’Explotation des Oceans, BrestArocena R, Conde D (1999) Sedimento. Métodos en ecología de aguas continentales. 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The signatures of Anthropocene defaunation: cascading effects of the seed dispersal collapse
Anthropogenic activity is driving population declines and extinctions of large-bodied, fruit-eating animals worldwide. Loss of these frugivores is expected to trigger negative cascading effects on plant populations if remnant species fail to replace the seed dispersal services provided by the extinct frugivores. A collapse of seed dispersal may not only affect plant demography (i.e., lack of recruitment), but should also supress gene flow via seed dispersal. Yet little empirical data still exist demonstrating the genetic consequences of defaunation for animal-dispersed plant species. Here, we first document a significant reduction of seed dispersal distances along a gradient of human-driven defaunation, with increasing loss of large- and medium-bodied frugivores. We then show that local plant neighbourhoods have higher genetic similarity and smaller effective population sizes when large seed dispersers become extinct (i.e., only small frugivores remain) or are even partially downgraded (i.e., medium-sized frugivores providing less efficient seed dispersal). Our results demonstrate that preservation of large frugivores is crucial to maintain functional seed dispersal services and their associated genetic imprints, a central conservation target. Early signals of reduced dispersal distances that accompany the Anthropogenic defaunation forecast multiple, cascading effects on plant populations
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