2,641 research outputs found

    Health promotion as a subject of the educational curriculum in the Catalan context

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    OBJETIVO. Comprender la manera en que se ha integrado la salud en el currículum educativo catalán y si ésta ha sido reconocida como una competencia más, contribuyendo con ello al logro de los objetivos de la nueva política europea para la promoción de la salud y el bienestar, denominada “Salud 2020”. Reflexionar acerca del papel pedagógico del profesional de enfermería y proponer alternativas de mejora a la situación actual. MATERIALES Y MÉTODO. Se llevó a cabo un ejercicio interpretativo intencional y contextual articulándose el proceso en varias etapas: delimitación de las áreas de conocimiento curriculares a analizar en las etapas de escolarización obligatoria, redactado de los resultados y análisis de los datos surgidos. Como método analítico se utilizó el denominado análisis de contenido. RESULTADOS. En la etapa de Primaria se observan competencias relacionadas con la salud en los ámbitos de conocimiento del medio; educación física; educación en valores y ámbito digital. En la etapa de Secundaria se observan competencias relacionadas con la salud en los ámbitos cientificotecnológico; social; educación física; cultura y valores; ámbito digital. CONCLUSIONES. la promoción de la salud no se proyecta como una materia más en la que se imparten contenidos de salud, sino como un conjunto de contenidos incluidos transversalmente en algunas de las áreas de conocimiento, lo que supondría una barrera para el conveniente desarrollo de los contenidos de salud. Se propone una nueva materia de promoción de salud, con contenidos adaptados a cada etapa educativa. El profesional de enfermería se erige como idóneo para adquirir la responsabilidad y liderazgo y poner en marcha dicha materiaOBJECTIVE. Understand how health has been integrated into the Catalan educational curriculum and whether it has been recognised as an additional competence, thereby contributing to the achievement of the objectives of the new European policy for the promotion of health and well-being, called "Health 2020". To reflect on the pedagogical role of the nursing professional and to propose alternatives for improvement to the current situation. MATERIALS AND METHODS. An intentional and contextual interpretative process was carried out, articulating the process in several stages: delimitation of the areas of curricular knowledge to be analyzed in the stages of compulsory schooling, writing up the results and data analysis. Content analysis was used as the analytical method. RESULTS. In the Primary Education stage, health-related competencies are observed in the fields of environmental knowledge, physical education, education in moral values and the digital field. At the Secondary level, competencies related to health are observed in the scientific-technological, social, physical education, culture and moral values and digital fields. CONCLUSIONS. Health promotion is not projected as just another subject in which health content is taught, but as a set of contents included transversally in some of the areas of knowledge, which would represent a barrier to the convenient development of health content. A new health promotion subject is proposed, with content adapted to each stage of education. The nursing professional becomes the most suitable choice to acquire responsibility and leadership and to implement this subjec

    Delphi Study about the educational skills by the School Nursing Professional

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    Objetivo: definir al profesional de Enfermería promotor de salud en el entorno escolar (PEPSEE), así como su perfil competencial pedagógico: actitudes, habilidades y conocimientos necesarios para llevar a cabo una acción de calidad y efectiva en dicho entorno. Método: se planteó una investigación de tipo cualitativa, de corte interpretativo y diseño mixto. En la recogida de datos se combinó la revisión documental con el método Delphi como técnica basada en cuestionarios a expertos, cuyo desarrollo quedó establecido en tres rondas. Hubo diferentes momentos de análisis en función de la tipología de los cuestionarios que se aplicaron, combinándose el análisis de contenido con el análisis estadístico descriptivo. Por último, se efectuó un proceso de relación y comparación de los datos obtenidos, procediendo al redactado de los resultados. Resultados: se extrajeron 11 rasgos definitorios para el PEPSEE delimitados en tres categorías: rol educador, visión integral del educando y enfoque integrador de la acción, y 81 elementos competenciales delimitados en nueve categorías: conocimiento base para la enseñanza de salud en la escuela, competencia interpersonal y de trabajo en equipo, habilidades de mediación pedagógica de salud, comunicación educativa, actitud docente competente, valores profesionales inherentes a la dimensión ética, investigación pedagógica en promoción de salud, competencia digital e innovación pedagógica, coordinación y liderazgo educativo. Conclusiones: el profesional de Enfermería promotor de salud en el entorno escolar es un profesional con identidad propia que debe ser reconocido social y profesionalmente como garante de una formación en salud de calidad

    The experience of preparing a closing session

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    This short article explains the development of a closing project developed with students of English as a foreign language. The project emerged with the idea of innovating in the classroom and trying to make links with their reality which could help developed a more meaningful process. Students involved study English for different reasons but most of them do it as a complementary activity for their job or study. They attend classes on the weekends so this project was enhanced also with the intention to break the old scheme of the foreign language as an additional but unconnected activity. The cooperative work and the motivation arisen from this task were some of the more valuable results

    A Role for Gut Microbiome Fermentative Pathways in Fatty Liver Disease Progression

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    Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a multifactorial disease in which environmental and genetic factors are involved. Although the molecular mechanisms involved in NAFLD onset and progression are not completely understood, the gut microbiome (GM) is thought to play a key role in the process, influencing multiple physiological functions. GM alterations in diversity and composition directly impact disease states with an inflammatory course, such as non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). However, how the GM influences liver disease susceptibility is largely unknown. Similarly, the impact of strategies targeting the GM for the treatment of NASH remains to be evaluated. This review provides a broad insight into the role of gut microbiota in NASH pathogenesis, as a diagnostic tool, and as a therapeutic target in this liver disease. We highlight the idea that the balance in metabolic fermentations can be key in maintaining liver homeostasis. We propose that an overabundance of alcohol-fermentation pathways in the GM may outcompete healthier, acid-producing members of the microbiota. In this way, GM ecology may precipitate a self-sustaining vicious cycle, boosting liver disease progression.Funding: This work was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (grant BFU2017-86378-P) (to FdlC), Fondo Investigaciones Sanitarias (PI18/01304) (to JC), Gilead Fellowship programme 2018 (to JC)

    New Insights into the Concept of Ilmenite as an Indicator for Diamond Exploration, Based on Kimberlite Petrographic Analysis

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    This study presents results of the initial phase of the research project, "Kimberlites associated to the Lucapa structure, Angola (Africa)", within the framework of a multilateral agreement between the Faculty of Geology Universitat de Barcelona, the Empresa Nacional de Diamantes de Angola and the Agostinho Neto University (LuandaAngola)

    Promoting higher added value to a finfish species rejected to sea

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    332 páginas.-- José Ramón Fuertes ... et al.This project aimed to the development of the research and the technology necessary to promote higher added value to fishing activity. This is to be achieved by obtaining profit from a finfish species (“Rockcod”, Patagonotothen spp.) not known to consumers and currently discarded by the EU fishing fleet operating in the South West Atlantic, in order to supply the EU seafood industry with a good quality raw material for human food manufacturing. Use of this species, caught as a by-catch in the existing fisheries targeting hakes and cephalopods, should also increase the profitability of the fleet, contribute to maintaining employment and help to counterbalance the negative effects of fishing activity and discards in the ecosystem. The main scientific-technological objectives and expected achievements were the following: - Description of the fisheries - Improved knowledge of the biology of the species - Biomass assessment - Estimation of catches and discards - Analysis of the spatial and temporal distribution of the resource. Fishery forecasting and testing - Sensorial, Microbiological, Nutritional and Biochemical Evaluation of Rock cod - Development of the technical modifications on board commercial vessels - Development of new processed products from frozen Rock codContract number Q5CR-2002-71709Peer reviewe

    Study of extraordinary transmission in a circular waveguide system

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    Extraordinary transmission through periodic distributions of sub-wavelength holes made in opaque screens has been demonstrated and exhaustively studied along the last decade. More recently, extraordinary transmission has also been predicted and experimentally observed through electrically small diaphragms located inside hollow pipe waveguides. This last phenomenon cannot be explained in terms of surface waves excited along the periodic system (the so-called surface plasmon polaritons). Transverse resonances can be invoked, however, as a sound explanation for extraordinary transmission in this kind of systems. In this paper, a simple waveguide system, exhibiting exactly the same behavior previously observed in periodic 2-D arrays of holes, is analyzed in depth. Analogies and differences with the periodic case are discussed. The theoretical and experimental results reported in this paper provide strong evidence in favor of the point of view emphasizing the concept of impedance matching versus surface wave excitation. The role of material losses is discussed as an important practical issue limiting the maximum achievable subwavelength transmission level. Most of our conclusions can be applied to both periodic arrays of holes and diaphragms in closed waveguides.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TEC2007-65376, CSD2008-00066Junta de Andalucía TIC-459

    Experimental verification of extraordinary transmission without surface plasmons

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    This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics.This letter provides an experimental demonstration of extraordinary transmission in a closed waveguide system loaded with an electrically small diaphragm. This is a situation where the standard surface plasmon polariton SPP theory does not apply. The theoretical explanation is then based on the concept of impedance matching. This concept has previously been applied by some of the authors to account for enhanced transmission in situations where surface plasmon theory can be used: periodic arrays of small holes or slits in flat metal screens. The experiment in this letter supports the impedance matching model, valid for when SPPs are present or not. © 2009 American Institute of PhysicsThe authors would like to acknowledge the support of this research by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and European Union Feder Funds Grant Nos. TEC2007-65376 and Consolider Ingenio 2010 CSD2008- 00066 and by the Spanish Junta de Andalucía Project No. TIC-25