93 research outputs found

    Available techniques in hadoop small file issue

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    Hadoop is an optimal solution for big data processing and storing since being released in the late of 2006, hadoop data processing stands on master-slaves manner [1] that’s splits the large file job into several small files in order to process them separately, this technique was adopted instead of pushing one large file into a costly super machine to insights some useful information. Hadoop runs very good with large file of big data, but when it comes to big data in small files it could facing some problems in performance, processing slow down, data access delay, high latency and up to a completely cluster shutting down [2]. In this paper we will high light on one of hadoop’s limitations, that’s affects the data processing performance, one of these limits called “big data in small files” accrued when a massive number of small files pushed into a hadoop cluster which will rides the cluster to shut down totally. This paper also high light on some native and proposed solutions for big data in small files, how do they work to reduce the negative effects on hadoop cluster, and add extra performance on storing and accessing mechanism

    The Impact of Total Quality Management Implementation on Employees’ Service Recovery Performance in Five-Star Hotels in Jordan

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    The aim of this paper is to examine the impact of total quality management (TQM) implementations on employees’ service recovery performance in five-star hotels in Jordan. TQM implementations and service recovery performance have received significant attention in previous research. However, the impact of TQM on service recovery performance has remained unexplored research area. A 67-item questionnaire, measuring TQM implementations and service recovery, was distributed to 400 employees in 12 five-star hotels in Jordan with a 63.5 response rate. Principle Component Analysis was utilized to determine the factor structure for both TQM and service recovery and Regression Analysis to determine the impact of TQM implementations on service recovery performance. The result revealed that the TQM implementations in five-star hotels in Jordan was  implemented effectively and thus, have a positive impact on employees’ service recovery performance. This result is attributed to be unique and this is due to the fact that previous studies have focused on manufacturing sector not on hotel sector in measuring either TQM implementations or service recovery performance. This paper suggests replicating the study in additional settings to determine if similar results will be obtained outside five-star-hotels in Jordan. Many of the previous studies on TQM and service recovery performance have been conducted in the context of western economies and very little research has been done in the Middle East in general and Jordan in particular. As such, there is a need to examine, from the employees’ perspective, the levels of implementing TQM that are being encouraged in the hospitality industry and it is effect on service recovery performance among employees towards their both employers and customers. The present paper contributes to filling the gap in the literature by measuring the TQM implementations and service recovery as a whole in a new context. Keywords: Total Quality Management (TQM), Service Failure, Service Recovery Performance, Hotels, Jordan

    The impact of internal service quality on job satisfaction in the hotel industry

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    Service quality is a key factor for success in any hotel. Many researchers have conducted studies on service quality, but only a few studies have been conducted on internal service quality (ISQ) in general, and in the hotel industry in particular. Since there is no general agreement among researchers on the measurement of ISQ, many studies have used SERVQUAL instrument to measure the employees’ perceptions of ISQ. The purpose of this study is to explore the influence of ISQ on employee’s job satisfaction in five-star hotels in Jordan. The current study was carried out by measuring the data gathered through a seven-point Likert scale. The quantitative survey method was applied, and therefore the SERVQUAL instrument was used to measure ISQ, and the Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS) was used to measure job satisfaction. Data obtained from a sample of 238 respondents drawn from 14 five-star hotels in Jordan were analysed with the SPSS software based on descriptive statistics. The study’s findings indicated that the ISQ of five-star hotels in Jordan has a significantly positive influence on an employee’s job satisfaction. These findings support the hypothesis that there is a positive relationship between ISQ in the hotel industry and industry employees’ job satisfaction.Keywords: hotels, internal service quality, job satisfactio

    Genotype and Haplotype Analysis of ABCB1 at 1236, 2677 and 3435 among Jordanian Population

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    Purpose: To determine the frequencies of important allelic variants and their haplotype frequencies of the gene among Jordanian population and to compare findings with those reported for other ethnic groups.Methods: Genotyping of ABCB1 (C1236T, G2677T/A and C3435T) was carried out on unrelated healthy Jordanian subjects. Different allelic variants were determined using polymerase chain reactionrestriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP). The haplotype frequencies of these three SNPs were analyzed and compared them with those of other reported populations. Haplotype frequencies were calculated using Golden Helix Tree software and Linkage disequilibrium was represented by D”.Results: ABCB1 C3435T allele frequencies for C allele and T allele were 0.57 and 0.43, respectively. For ABCB1 G2677T/A the allele frequencies for G allele, T allele, and A allele were 0.65, 0.32 and 0.0, respectively. As for ABCB C1236T, its allele frequencies were 0.65 for C allele and 0.35 for T allele. C1236T, G2677T/A, and C3435T SNPs were expected to be structured in 8 different haplotypes with GC- C (37.6.0 %), T-T-T (18.6 %), G-C-T (14.3 %) and T-T-C (12 %) that were most prominent. The haplotype frequency distribution of our study group was found to be significantly different from those of Chinese, Indian, Japanese, African and Caucasian (p < 0.0001) and resemble Ashkenazi Jewish and Slovenian populations (p > 0.05).Conclusion: In addition to earlier studies, the findings of the current study provide evidence that suggest the use of genetic polymorphisms of ABCB1 SNPs as markers for ethnicity and ancestral origin. The analysis of haplotype and genotype can be useful in identifying the relation between ABCB1 polymorphism, disease susceptibility and drug disposition.Keywords: Genotype, Allele, MDR1, ABCB1, Polymorphism, Haplotype frequencie

    Understanding the Impact of Empowerment on Employees Innovation Performance: Evidence from the Jordanian Hotel Industry

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    This research aimed to measure the impact of empowerment on employees’ innovation performance at five-star hotels in Jordan. The research applied the two main perspectives of empowerment (i.e., structural empowerment and psychological empowerment). A 35-item questionnaire, measuring empowerment and innovation performance, was distributed to 400 employees working in 12 five-star hotels in Jordan with a 63.5 response rate. Principle component analysis was utilized to determine the factor structure for both empowerment and innovation performance and regression analysis to determine the impact of empowerment on innovation performance. The results reveal that both forms of empowerment have a positive and significant impact on innovation performance. However, structural empowerment has a stronger impact on innovation performance than psychological empowerment. The results also show that integrating the two perspectives of empowerment together has clearly a higher level of impact on innovation performance than structural and psychological empowerment does when both taken separately. This research provides new insights into the existing literature, implications and directions for future research. Keywords: employee empowerment, structural / psychological empowerment, innovation performance, hotels, and Jordan DOI: 10.7176/JTHS/44-02 Publication date:October 31st 201

    Food Safety Training: A Study of Food Handlers Working in Hotels in the North of Jordan

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    In spite of decenniums of advancement, a numerous foodborne outbreaks continue to occur each year; these were mostly happening due to malpractices of employees working in foodservices. This study aims to investigate the role of food safety training in improving food handlers' practices through the application of Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAP) model. Primary data were collected using a self-completed questionnaires that were collected from 100 Food and Beverage (F&B) employees working in hotels at the north of Jordan. Findings confirmed the role of food safety training in increasing F&B employees’ knowledge which positively correlates with their food handling practices. Furthermore, this study explored work environment elements affecting the transformation of learned knowledge into proper food handling practices; these include management motivation, availability of necessary resources and facilities and reinforcement programs. The study contributed to knowledge by employing the aforementioned variables to produce an adapted version of the KAP model

    Interconnect Testing for 3D Stacked Memories

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    Three-dimensional stacked ICs (3D-SICs) technology based on Through-Silicon Vias (TSVs) provides numerous advantages as com- pared to traditional 2D-ICs. TSVs are holes going vertically through the chip silicon substrate filled with a conducting material. A potential application is a 3D-SIC where one or more memory dies are stacked on a logic die; thereby increasing the memory density, enhancing its throughput, and reducing its latency and power consumption as compared to planar ICs. However, testing the TSV interconnects between the memory and logic die is challenging, as both memory dies and logic dies might come from different manufacturers. Currently, extended versions of two 2D standards might be applicable to test these interconnects. The first (Boundary Scan Based) method extends JTAG in which Boundary Scan Cells (BSCs) are placed on both TSVs ends providing full TSV controllability and observability to the TSVs. The second (Logic Based) method that can be applied is an extended form of the IEEE 1581 standard. In this standard, interconnects are tested by bypassing the memory. In the test mode, memory outputs are a direct logic function of the inputs. Both methods, however, result in extra area overhead, inflexible, and fail to address dynamic and time-critical faults (at speed testing). In addition, memory vendors have been reluctant to put JTAG or additional DfT structures on their memory devices. In our Memory Based Interconnect Testing (MBIT) approach, we perform a post-bond memory based test where we test the interconnects by converting the developed test patterns to memory read and write operations. This method results in (1) zero area overhead, (2) the ability to detect both static fault and dynamic faults, (3) at speed testing, and (4) flexibility in applying the test patterns, as this can be executed by the CPU on the logic die.Computer EndineeringElectrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Scienc

    Validation and Application of a Microscopic Chemical Imaging System for PM Source Apportionment

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    Many urban and industrial areas suffer from high levels of coarse particulate matter (PM10) and fine particulate matter (PM2.5). In order to evaluate the health impacts of particulate matter and develop effective pollutant abatement strategies, one needs to know the source contributions to the observed concentrations. The most common approach involves the collection of ambient air samples on filters, laboratory analysis to quantify the chemical composition (e.g., IC, AA, XRF, automated colorimetry, thermal/optical reflectance for OC/EC, and GC/MS for PAHs), and application of receptor modeling methods such as the chemical mass balance (CMB) receptor model and positive matrix factorization (PMF) to determine the source contributions. This approach is expensive and time consuming. An alternative method for physically characterizing and apportioning the sources of ambient PM is the application of microscopic chemical imaging (MCI) to identify and apportion the sources of the ambient particulates. The MCI method involves measuring individual particle fluorescence coupled with morphological data to develop unique source profiles that form the basis of a source identification library. Ambient filter samples are then analyzed using the MCI method and the source attribution is based on the individual particle analysis coupled with identification using the source library. Using the MCI approach, the apportionment of ambient PM to specific sources can be performed in an inexpensive, affordable way and in near real-time, affording results that will provide valuable information to help policy makers and regulators take the necessary steps to abate such pollution and protect human health. In this dissertation a validation and application of the relatively inexpensive, near-real time MCI method for PM source apportionment is described

    Electronic Crimes and Jurisdiction

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    انتشرت في الآونة الأخيرة الجرائم الإلكترونية بشكل كبير جدًا، مما استدعى ضرورة وجود التشريعات التي تستطيع مكافحتها والوقوف في وجهها، وأكثر ما يواجه القضاء خلال عملية الملاحقة موضوع الاختصاص، إذ إن هذه الجرائم من الجرائم العابرة للحدود التي تُرتكب في فضاء إلكتروني، الأمر الذي يتم استغلاله من قبل مرتكبي هذا النوع من الجرائم للإفلات من العقاب. وقد قام المشرع في كل من دولة قطر والمملكة الأردنية الهاشمية وإنجلترا بوضع تشريعات معاصرة  لضمان عدم إفلات هؤلاء المجرمين من العقاب، وبالرغم من ذلك فإن هذه التشريعات لا زالت بحاجة لمزيد من التعديل والتصويب. وقد قامت هذه الدراسة بإجراء مقارنة بين هذه التشريعات وتحليل موقف كل منها، فيما يتعلق بموضوع الاختصاص في الجرائم الإلكترونية، كما قامت بوضع التوصيات الملائمة، سواء من الناحية الوطنية أو من الناحية الدولية. وفي النهاية، رأت الدراسة أن وجود محكمة دولية للجرائم الإلكترونية – خاصة الخطيرة منها – أصبح ضرورة ملحة وأمرًا لا مفر منه، للحفاظ على أمن المجتمع الدولي، واقترحت الدراسة تنظيمًا خاصًا بهذه المحكمة.Since cybercrime has recently become widespread, the need for necessary legislations to combat it has become an imperative issue. Cybercrimes are cross-border crimes committed in the cyberspace and this is the first obstacle that faces the judicial bodies. However, perpetrators exploit it to avoid punishment. Legislators in the State of Qatar, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, and England have enacted contemporary legislations to ensure the punishment of cybercriminals. Such legislations still require further amendments and revisions. This study makes a comparison between these legislations, analyzes their respective positions with regard to the jurisdiction in cybercrime, and provides appropriate recommendations at the national and international levels. Finally, this study found that the existence of an international tribunal for cybercrime has become an urgent necessity to maintain the security of the international community. In addition, it proposes the structure of this tribunal