1,129 research outputs found

    A comunicação na sala de aula de matemática: um projecto colaborativo com três professoras do ensino básico

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    Tese de doutoramento em Educação (Didáctica da Matemática), apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2007Esta investigação visa estudar a comunicação na sala de aula de matemática e, de forma particular, o papel do professor e as dificuldades que enfrenta. Porque o professor é a chave de todo o processo de mudança, propus a três professoras do ensino básico a realização de um projecto colaborativo de investigação sobre a prática. Este estudo encontra um suporte teórico em duas áreas distintas: a comunicação na sala de aula de matemática e a colaboração. Na primeira procuro caracterizar a comunicação na sala de aula de Matemática, prestando uma especial atenção aos diferentes padrões de interacção presentes, à construção de uma comunidade matemática e ao papel do professor. Na segunda área, para além da distinção entre diferentes tipos de colaboração, atribuo uma especial atenção à colaboração como oportunidade de investigação e à prática colaborativa com todas as dificuldades e tensões associadas.A metodologia adoptada neste estudo insere-se no paradigma interpretativo estruturando-se em três estudos de caso que correspondem a cada uma das professoras que compõem o projecto de investigação colaborativa. Os três estudos de caso basearam-se essencialmente na análise de aulas, nas reuniões de trabalho do projecto colaborativo, durante um ano lectivo e meio, e ainda nas duas entrevistas semi-estruturadas realizadas a cada professora, no início e no final do projecto.Com esta investigação foi possível identificar concepções e práticas das professoras relativamente à comunicação na sala de aula. Permitiu ainda encontrar factores que influenciam o modo como as professoras vêem aí o seu papel assim como as potencialidades da colaboração para proporcionar a evolução dessas práticas. O projecto de investigação colaborativa que sustentou este estudo, revelou-se importante como lugar de entreajuda, reflexão e investigação sobre a complexidade das práticas de comunicação. Posso ainda concluir que só a partir da tomada de consciência do que caracteriza a prática de comunicação de um professor, na diversidade da sua experiência pessoal e profissional, é que se torna possível identificar as dificuldades e encontrar formas de as superar.The aim of the research project presented is to study communication in the Mathematics classroom, with a particular emphasis on the teacher's role and its difficulties. As teachers play a keyrole in every educational change, my starting point was a proposal made to three elementarymathematics teachers for joining a collaborative research project on communicative practices.The theoretical framework for this research project develops two distinct areas: communicationin the mathematics classroom and collaboration. In the former I characterise the theme, with a specialfocus on the diversity of interaction patterns involved, the building of a mathematical community andthe teacher's role in the whole process. In the latter, besides drawing a distinction between differentcollaboration styles, I discuss collaboration as an opportunity for research, as well as collaborativepractices, their tensions and problems.From a methodological point of view this study follows the interpretative paradigm. It isstructured around three case-studies, one on each of the three teachers involved in the collaborativeresearch project. All of them are based on analysis of a number of class transcripts, minutes of theproject meetings for one year and a half, and two semi-structured interviews which took place, in eachcase, at the initial and final stage of the project.The research project made it possible to identify what teachers' conceptions and practices withrespect to communication in the classroom are, which elements influence how teachers regardthemselves there and the potentiality collaboration has for improving such practices. The collaborativeresearch project with the teachers became a relevant instance for confronting practices, researchingabout their complexity, innovation and self support. The study highlights that only by becoming aware ofwhat characterises teachers' communication practices, in the diversity and uniqueness of their ownpersonal and professional experience, it is possible to identify sources of difficulties and forms to get around them

    Innovative business models

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    One of the biggest challenges media businesses are facing is the redefinition of distribution and consumption patterns, shifting from traditional channels such as print, real time radio and TV to online, including digital formats like on-demand videos and podcasts. This digital revolution demands media workers and managers to consider a change from the former one-size-fits-all business model to a panoply of tailor-made models.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    AI and journalism, robot journalism and algorithms

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    Automated journalism is also known as algorithmic journalism or robot journalism and consists of news articles generated by computer programmes. Through artificial intelligence (AI) software, stories are produced automatically by computers rather than human reporters. These programmes interpret, organise, and present data in human-readable ways. The process involves an algorithm that scans large amounts of data, selects from an assortment of preprogrammed article structures, orders key points, and inserts details such as names, places, amounts, rankings, statistics, and other figures. The output can also be customized to fit a certain voice, tone, or style. Until now, despite it being a growing trend, not that many media outlets worldwide have used automated journalism on a large scale. Pioneer adopters include The Associated Press, Forbes, ProPublica, and The Los Angeles Times. Early implementations were mainly used for stories based on statistics and numerical figures. Common topics include sports recaps32, weather, financial reports, real estate analysis, and earnings reviews.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Expressões de microagressões dirigidas a mulheres no contexto do sistema de saúde: uma abordagem baseada em incidentes críticos

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    Purpose. Patients belonging to social minorities can be exposed to various forms of discrimination in the healthcare context. Previous research in this domain has overlooked expressions of microaggressions against women and the role of intersectional identities. This study aims to uncover the themes that underly the experience of microaggressions by diverse women in Portugal. Methods. Using an interview model based on the Critical Incident Technique (Flanagan, 1954) 17 women were interviewed about their microaggression experiences in the healthcare setting. Among those with an intersectional identity, social minority membership was also based on ethnicity, LGB sexual orientation and functional diversity. Results. A total of 17 microaggressive themes were retrieved, five of which were found to be related to microaggressions towards women in general and a total of seven were unique for women with specific intersectional identities. Another four themes reflected providers’ general attitudes towards patients without being related to gender or any intersectional minority group, and one theme described systemic microaggressions. Conclusion. Some of the retrieved themes reflect microaggressions that women seem to experience in their everyday life but that are exacerbated by the health provider-patient power disparity. Some themes appear to be specific to the healthcare context and related to providers’ lack of patient-centeredness.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    What kinds of microaggressions do women experience in the health care setting? Examining typologies, context and intersectional identities

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    Microaggressions are everyday verbal and non-verbal indignities, promoted intentionally or by well-intentioned people towards minority and disadvantaged individuals or groups. Microaggressions are often unconscious, socially normalized and naturalized. This qualitative study intended to examine and understand microaggressions lived by women with different intersectional identities (women of Color, immigrant women, straight women, LGBTQ+ women, functionally diverse women) in the Portuguese healthcare context. Semi-structured interviews were conducted using the Critical Incident Technique. Seventeen self-identified female feminists, activists and/or that were involved with NGOs and organizations actively committed to social causes participated. Content and thematic analysis were used in order to recognize the different microaggressive forms (microinsults, microinvalidations, microassaults) and manifestations (verbal, nonverbal/behavioral, environmental) committed in the healthcare context. The results are discussed in light of diversity training opportunities to raise awareness about subtle forms of discrimination among health care practitioners.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Abrupt field-induced transition triggered by magnetocaloric effect in phase-separated manganites

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    The occurrence at low temperatures of an ultrasharp field-induced transition in phase separated manganites is analyzed. Experimental results show that magnetization and specific heat step-like transitions below 5 K are correlated with an abrupt change of the sample temperature, which happens at a certain critical field. This temperature rise, a magnetocaloric effect, is interpreted as produced by the released energy at the transition point, and is the key to understand the existence of the abrupt field-induced transition. A qualitative analysis of the results suggests the existence of a critical growing rate of the ferromagnetic phase, beyond which an avalanche effect is triggered.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures included. Acepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Recycling of Reinforced Glass Fibers Waste: Current Status

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    UID/00667/2020In this paper, a review of the current status and future perspectives for reinforced glass fiber waste is undertaken, as well as an evaluation of the management hierarchy for these end-of-life materials. Waste levels are expected to increase in the coming years, but an improvement of collection routes is still necessary. The recycling processes for these materials are presented. The associated advantages and disadvantages, as well as the corresponding mechanical characteristics, are described. Although mechanical shredding is currently the most used process, there is a potential for thermal processes to be more competitive than others due to the fiber quality after the recycling process. However, the energy requirements of each of the processes are not yet well explained, which compromises the determination of the economic value of the recycled fibers when included in other products, as well as the process feasibility. Nevertheless, the work of some authors that successfully integrated recycled glass fibers into other elements with increased mechanical properties is evaluated. Future recommendations for the recycling of glass fiber and its commercialization are made.publishersversionpublishe